Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 10

by Sierra Sparks

  “I think so,” Zane replies, rummaging through his grocery bag. “There was this fancy cupcake stand. The flavors were wild. I got one with a mango base. The baker explained to me how she did it. She put mango puree it – I mean there’s more than that, but it’s fascinating.”

  Zane isn’t much of a cook, so anything to do with extensive cooking catches his interest. Sometimes I’ll cook for him and he watches me with amazement. It’s almost childlike.

  “Anything else?” I ask.

  “Some muffins. Nothing too exciting. What about you?”

  “They had candy apples.” I’m really excited to tell him about the apples and I’m sure it’s showing.

  “Oh my god. I haven’t had those in forever,” Zane grins, resting his head back on the car. “Our teeth are going to be destroyed.”

  I’ve never had this much sugar in my life. I hope it doesn’t affect me too badly. Chloe comes up with more bags than either Zane or I have. She really went all in. She approaches the two of us and excitedly holds up all her bags.

  “Wow. You got a lot of stuff,” I tell her.

  There is no way we’re going to be able eat all of this. It looks like Zane is going to have sweets for days.

  “What did you get?” Zane tries to look inside her bags, but Chloe pulls them away.

  “It’s going to be a surprise. Let’s get to the park.” She climbs into the back of Zane’s black convertible with all of the food and Zane takes us all to a nearby park. It’s a beautiful, sunny day with just a hint of a breeze – perfect for a picnic. When Chloe gets out of the back, she makes sure to grab everything she bought, so we can’t look inside. I grab the blanket we packed to sit on and then follow Zane and Chloe to a prime spot. Chloe picks a spot in the shade of a cherry tree, which has just started to blossom. The pink flowers stand out sharply with the green of the other trees in the park.

  I spread out the blanket we brought. Its Zane’s back up coverlet and its gray like the rest of his house. The three of us climb onto the blanket, relax, and share what’s in our bags. Zane and I get out all we bought. Chloe is elated with the candy apples. She is happy with all we bought and then she brings what she has.

  “So, here’s what I got,” she announces. “I got those Danishes I wanted and then they had these organic juices – I got two jugs. Ooo! Also, they had desert pizza. I’ve never had it before and I’m very excited to eat it. It’s like an apple pie, but it’s a pizza. I can’t describe, you’ll just need to see and eat it.” Chloe opens a pizza box and inside there is what I can describe the same way she did – it’s literally a flat apple pie.

  So, now we have everything out and we all just start eating. It’s literally the sweetest meal I’ve ever eaten and I’m worried that my teeth will just fall out. I feel like a child whose parents who have left for the day. When we’ve finished eating, we all collapse, our stomachs full.

  Chloe remarks on the meal, “That was so much sugar.” She is rubbing her stomach, sighing contentedly. She sits up on her elbows and looks over at the playground. Zane and I sit up and lean against the cherry tree behind us. I follow her gaze and see her watching the kids. They’re all yelling and screaming, basically being a bunch of ragamuffins. It’s cute, though. But Chloe looks enchanted with all of them. Her face is serene and calm as she watches the children run around. This is close to how she looked when she was sleeping on the couch in Zane’s office.

  “Hey, Chloe. See something you like?” She blinks a few times after I ask my question and looks down into her lap before falling back on to the ground, looking up at sky. It’s an obvious deflection.

  “Nothing. I was just… staring off into space.”

  That doesn’t seem to be what’s going on. Her face was wistful, like she wanted something – not like she was ‘just staring off.’ Zane has the same idea I do because he pushes for more answers.

  “Is that it?” Zane says it softly, trying to get Chloe to open up.

  She turns her face towards him and puts her hand on his arm. She takes a few seconds to answer, just looking at her hand as she rubs it along Zane’s arm.

  “There’s more, but I’m… I don’t know. I haven’t really spoke about it with anyone.” She seems a little confused by the last end of her statement like she’s only realized she’s never talked about it. I have no idea what it could be that she’s so afraid to share. I hope it’s not anything too serious. “But I could tell you guys, I guess…” She takes her hand off Zane’s arm and puts it under her head. While talking, she looks up at the sky as if she’s talking to no one in particular.

  “I know you guys know that I don’t want to work at the firm. But it’s more than that. I know what I want to do with my life and I’m not doing anything… or I’m kind of ignoring it right now. My Dad wants me to be a certain person and it’s just not who am I. I’m not someone who wants to work in a firm. I want… I want to be a wife and mother – it’s a little old-fashioned, but I’ve always wanted children and a family of my own. I want to be a stay at home mom, just like my mom was,” she nervously playing with her fingers as she talks. “I know it might not happen for a while, but it’s where I’d like to end up one day or whatever…”

  Hearing all of this – it takes me a few seconds to fully digest it. Marriage and kids – that’s a lot of information. I mean, I’ve never had a desire to be married or have kids, it’s never been something I’ve thought seriously about. Maybe instead of saying I thought negatively about it, it was more of an indifferent feeling. Some of our friends have kids – Zane and I – but they’re people we rarely see. I don’t even know if I’d be good with children. There’s a high chance they’d hate me – my humor isn’t the nicest and I can be difficult – but if I raised a child of my own, they could potentially be more like me. Another me? What a strange thought. And for Chloe to drop this on my so suddenly – not that I’m faulting her for sharing her life goals – I should be panicking because this is closer than any hypothetical. She’s actually a part of my life and because of this I should be running for the hills because it doesn’t fit into any of the life plans I’ve made for myself, but neither did she, really. None of what is happening here ever came into my head as if it would be a part of my life journey. And that could explain why I feel calm. I’m actually thinking about what’s been said because it sounds appealing. Little children running around and asking me for advice and probably annoying me because kids are annoying, but also adorable. I can’t plan for every eventuality, so maybe when there are surprises like this, I can be happy about them.

  But how would it work? Me being a husband and a father. There’s never been a woman who I’ve wanted a life like this with – except for Chloe, I guess. But we are all together right now and Zane had hinted at more of a short-term thing. I don’t think he would want a future like that, but then would he be okay with the two of us entering into something more? Would Chloe? She didn’t say she wanted to have that family with me. This seems like something she has had on her mind for a while. I remember when she came into Jack’s office, she was hesitant, so his desire of hers has been with her for a while. I’m making quite the leap here in my head that she’d want to have my kids. But I’m kind of afraid to ask because what if she says no? I don’t have a single clue how I’d react. And by god, I’m super sure Jack would not want me impregnating his daughter. He wouldn’t want me to have anything of a sexual or romantic nature to do with his daughter. I’m more than ten years older than her, it would give him a heart attack, probably.

  I finally turn to Zane and he doesn’t look appalled or freaked out, he looks thoughtful. He must really be considering this whole family thing. Could we all do this together? People have all kinds of family arrangements, why wouldn’t ours work? No one has said anything since Chloe has made her admission and I think it’s made her antsy, so she gets up.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom.” She walks away, leaving Zane and me alone to talk about everything.

  Zane spe
aks first, “I was not expecting that.” He doesn’t sound disappointed, though.

  “Do you want to keep going with… what we’ve been doing?” I don’t know a better way to word it. In my mind, I call it our threesome, but I’d like to have a slightly less crass way to say it.

  “I do.” He’s very confident in his reply.

  I’m still a little iffy because I don’t know how we’d do it. I’m someone who likes to have some kind of plan. Maybe the two of us can figure out the logistics of the relationship.

  “I do, too. But I have no idea how we’d even do it.”

  Zane gets into a slightly more intense mode and it seems like he might have some ideas. “Okay, so I was thinking we could all just start out dating. You know, what we’ve doing lately. Go on a few dates and get to know each other better. And maybe when we all get more serious, we can talk about moving in or something?” Zane has really thought about this. He basically wants to treat this relationship like any other relationship. That could work, but there is one more thing.

  “But what about Jack?” I ask. He’s really the biggest hurdle. The three of us could take our time, but there’s that three-month deadline we have to worry about and I’m not sure if I want to be sneaking around behind his back.

  “I don’t have a solution for that. That’s a hard one…”

  I see Chloe coming back, so I tell Zane, “We can talk about this later. Right now, we can see where this goes and hopefully we can come up with a solution later.”

  Zane nods and we wait for Chloe to come back over and continue our day out.

  Chapter Fifteen:


  After our picnic, the three of us go back to Whit’s place. I made a pretty big confession to the two of them and I’ve been wondering ever since if it was a good idea. It was something I’d never really told anyone because I was afraid of being judged. What I want to do with my life is be a wife and mother. I was pretty vague about it, though. What really got to me was the fact the both Whit and Zane didn’t say anything right after, so I ran to the bathroom, just to get away for a couple minutes. It’s not like either of them looker horrified or anything – they actually seemed really deep in thought. The fact that they were thinking about it so deeply made me wonder if they wanted to have a family. From what I’ve gathered about their lifestyles, the two of them are very much bachelors and very invested in their work. And would I even want to have a family with them? How would that work, a family with three heads – two dads and a mom. I guess it’s not too out there. There are all kinds of alternative families and I could easily be a part of one… maybe?

  Anyway… Zane drove us over to Whit’s place and when we got inside, the vibe felt exactly the same as Zane’s house. Unlike Zane, Whit has an apartment. That makes sense, since he likes everything to be functional and a house would be too much space for a guy like that. But the décor was almost identical to Zane’s, just compressed into an apartment. Tons of gray, metal, and glass. Everything very cold and clean. There was nothing warm or welcoming about either place. No one has pictures of their families or even themselves. It’s like a staged apartment or those displays at Ikea. I’m pretty sure Zane picked up on my underhanded comment when I called his house nice. I mean, it is nice, it’s just so impersonal. But I don’t want to ruin the night, so I keep it to myself for now.

  “Are you guys hungry at all? I can whip us up something if you want.” Whit has opened his fridge and at least that’s better than Zane’s. His place is fully stocked with food and then I remember that he was always a bit of a cook. He used to bring stuff he’d make over for my Mom to try. They were always trading recipes and stuff like that. I wish I wasn’t so full from our sweet lunch.

  “I’d love to have you cook for me, but I’m still full of all that sugar,” I tell him. I am never going to eat that much sugar at once again.

  “Another time, then.” Whit closes his fridge, he drops his eyes and I can tell he is disappointed.

  I go to stand next to Zane. I put my hands on one of his shoulders and lean against him. I look at Whit.

  “Why don’t you show us to your bedroom?” I do my best sultry voice, it doesn’t come out that great, though. I add an eyebrow wiggle at the end, but it only makes it worse.

  It’s very obvious Whit’s trying to hold back a laugh and I know he’s good at holding in emotions, so this is all for my benefit. He walks towards Zane and I and then around us.

  “Follow me.”

  We go down a small hallway and enter Whit’s bedroom, the last door. He pushes it open and I throw myself onto his bed. It has a soft black comforter and is covered in various black and white pillows that envelope me. It must be a bitch to get all of them organized in the morning, but I do love it. It’s at least a little piece of him, a piece of variety in an otherwise sterile apartment.

  I sit on the edge and wait for my boys to make a move. Whit walks forward till he is standing right in front of me. My knees are stuck together because a small pull has already begun at my center. My stomach has already started to flutter at the thought of what’s in store. When Whit’s stops in front of me, I’m not sure what to do, but then I realize he’s actually waiting for me to make a move. I bring my hands to the top of his jeans and unbutton them. His bulge is already evident, and I lightly touch it, hearing Whit take a sharp gasp of breath. I continue to softly rub him, moving so I’m on my knees. I’m at a height where I can kiss him, and I do. He tangles his fingers in my hair, pulling on it, causing me to cry out a little. The hair pulling causes me to squeeze his erection a little too hard over his pants and this time Whit makes a sound of pain. I immediately feel bad and I break our kiss to look at him. I drop my hand and put it behind my back.

  “I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?” I ask, looking up into his eyes.

  I get a quizzical smirk and I’m not sure what’s going on. I expected some anger or annoyance, but not his typical face of subtle amusement.

  “Are you worried about hurting me?” he asks back.

  I don’t know what to say. I’d never really thought about causing any pain to Whit or Zane. They are the ones who have spanked me, but as I think about it, I’m intrigued by the idea. I could pull their hair or spank them. I take my hand from behind me and as I go back to kiss him, I run my fingers in his short hair. My other hand slides down his chest and I wiggle it into his pants. When my fingers graze the head of his penis, I also pull his hair. He gasps. Pulling his hair makes me feel a little dominate and I kind of like it. I stop pulling because I want to explore this new idea further.

  I get off the bed and tell Zane and Whit to, “Get undressed.”

  They both immediately comply, but I want the aesthetics to be different.

  “Wait!” I say, stopping them. “Stand next to each other and strip slowly.”

  It is tantalizingly fun to watch them strip on my command. Having their fit, muscular bodies slowly revealed is really turning me on. Once they are both completely naked, I circle their bodies and give them each a smack on the behind. It’s not nearly as hard as I would have liked it to be, but it surprises them, so I’m happy about that. I bite my bottom lip, thinking about what I want from them. They’ve both had a chance to watch me and I want to do the same. I take a seat on the edge of the bed, already feeling anxious about making my request.

  “Do you want to ask us to do something?” Zane asks. My anxiety must be visible because he puts on his reassuring voice. I nod.

  “Ask away,” Whit tells me.

  I look down into my lap, giving myself courage and then, look up at the two of them from under my lashes.

  “I want to watch you guys. Is that okay?” My voice is quiet, but even. “I want to watch you both touch yourselves.”

  Neither one answers, and I worry that my request is too weird. Zane glances at Whit and Whit shrugs. He reaches down and slowly grasps his own cock. He pulls it up, stretching it to its full length, and then starts massaging the tip. Zane follows Whit’s example.
He also grabs his own cock and starts to stroke himself gently. They both gaze at me while touching themselves. It makes me feel very desirable. Whit pulls his cock over and over, and I watch him get harder and harder. His gaze is like fire running over my fully clothed body. Zane does the same. He pauses, spits into the palm of his hand and then rubs the moisture the length of his firm shaft. I squirm, my core tightening. My pussy starts to drip. I love watching them touch their long, hard cocks right in front of me. A drop of precum drips from Whit’s dick.

  “Fuck,” I moan, so turned on I can no longer sit still. I clamp my legs together, sudden tingles driving through my clit. I bite on the tip of my thumb to keep from losing all control. I can’t just watch anymore.

  “Stop!” I command them. “Come here.”

  I grab each side of Zane’s face to bring him into a deep kiss. Whit runs his fingers up and down the fabric of my shirt. I slide my tongue into Zane’s mouth and swirl it around, circling the tip of his tongue with mine. I move my hands from his cheeks to the back of his head, threading my fingers into his dark hair. While Zane and I are making out, Whit strokes my back. I feel his fingers go into the collar of my blouse and he pulls to each side, tearing into the fabric. The sudden noise and movement startles me. I stop kissing Zane to turn my head. Whit keeps ripping until the entire back is open. I feel his fingers slide onto my skin. I drop my hands from Zane’s body and let the destroyed blouse fall off my shoulders. Whit unsnaps my bra and he pushes the straps off my shoulders. My bra joins my shirt on the floor.

  I turn my head to my back and then front a few times, asking Whit and Zane, “What now?”

  The two of them look over my head and then I’m suddenly being lifted. Whit has my legs and Zane holds me at the top of my back. They toss me on to the bed, laughing. I scream while I’m in the air, but when my body hits the bunch of pillows, I’m laughing right along with them. They both jump on to the bed next to me scattering pillow onto the carpet.


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