Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 18

by Sierra Sparks

  I realize I’m still on the phone with my mom and I need to get off because I don’t want to be having these vivid sexual fantasies while she’s talking my ear off. It’s too Oedipal for my liking.

  “I have to go Mom. I need to talk to the wedding cake people.”

  “Okay,” the way she says it makes me think she knows something is up, but in classic Wynonna Wood fashion, she lets it slide. “Get back to us soon. We don’t want to get off track again. I don’t think your sister could handle it.” I’m guessing she wants me to calm down with my overseer duties, but that’s not something I’m going to deal with now. Partially because it’s been a point of tension in our family for a little bit – my need for… control – but also because I need to find out who this woman is.

  “Yeah, Mom. I’ll be back soon.” My voice has a tinge of petulant teenager and that’s embarrassing, but I’ll get over it. I hang up, but keep my feet unmoving. I don’t want to approach this blonde woman just yet. I want to watch her a little longer. Voyeuristic, no? I’m one for watching, it’s just how I am. Ruby seems to have gone away again and this girl is taking care of the final preparations. She is very focused on her work, not yet aware that my eyes are solely on her. The cake has come out magnificently. Sarah will be pleased.

  The baker’s delicate hands add flowers made of frosting. It’s amazing how effortless it seems. I’m not the most creative type and watching people who have such control fascinates me. But this fascination is compounded by the fact the she’s fucking hot. I mean, she isn’t wearing anything that would be considered sexy, but the razor-sharp concentration she has and the contours of her face draw me in. I want to touch her and have those eyes focused on me. Focused on the pleasure I could give her. I don’t even know her and I’m roleplaying sexual fantasies. I get out of my head and return to reality. I should probably find Ruby and give her all the instructions – she’s the one we’ve been consulting with the entire time – but I’m more intrigued by this woman, so she’s the one I’m going to talk to. Maybe something… else will come out of this interaction.

  Chapter Four: Zara

  Ruby showed me to the kitchen and then disappeared. We’ve barely spoken all day, except for the order she’s given me. Not that I’m bitter, I just thought this job would be a little more… collaborative. I’m left to finish decorating the cake which is a task I’m all too happy to do. Decorating is fun for me and I’ve already gotten a considerable amount done back at Ruby’s kitchen. My main focus is to do my absolute best – it’s what I go for every day, but it’s especially important right now. Today is on a trial basis and if I do well, I get the job. The test she gave me when we first met wasn’t too hard. I just had to make a layered cake which was no big thing for me. All the preparation I had done the night before was for naught. Maybe I’ll be able to whip out some of the ideas I dreamed up another day. After the layered cake, she had me make a tester cake for this wedding she was hired to work. She loved my work, but wanted to see how I would fare at an actual wedding and that is where we are today. I ended up making the cake for the reception by myself. I don’t know if that’s weird or not. Questioning her methods seems like a bad idea because this my first job opportunity, so I just do whatever she asks.

  Right now, I’m adding the final decorations to the cake. The topper is already resting on the cake and I’m adding the final flowers to each layer. The bride – Sarah I think – is really into a floral theme. When I met her, she explained her grand vision and I did my best to incorporate her particular style into the final product. The husband-to-be didn’t have too much to say – which was unfortunate because my idea was to turn their two styles into flavors and then find just the right balance. I was thinking that could the specialty of Ruby’s business. I haven’t pitched the idea yet because I’m waiting to see if she wants to actually hire me. However, my big idea ended up not working because the groom ended up being quite the uncooperative fellow – but that’s neither here nor there. What matters is the cake we baked is really nice. I took the flowers Sarah is going to have in her wedding bouquet, focusing on the hibiscus, and featured them in the design. I’d never incorporated floral scents into cake batter and I have to say, I’ve even impressed myself. For the frosting, I made a soft watercolor inspired pattern for the tiers, the colors pale and soft, and, currently, I’m adding flowers using a piping bag. I take a few steps back to see how it looks so far when I feel someone behind me. I’m used to having people watch me when I’m cake crafting, but this particular gaze feels rather intense. I turn around and there is a man. I move back a little to create space between us. It’s in part because his presence has surprised me, but also because he is a very sexy man. A man who makes my body feel things after looking at him for only a few seconds. But now is a rather unfortunate time for tingly sensations. I want to squirm, but that’d be weird with him looking right at my face. He’s a bit taller than me, my head just stopping above around his shoulder. My eyes keep moving from looking directly into his to looking at the rest of his body. I’m all nervous and antsy and I don’t like it. Everything about him seems so… dark. He hair, his eyes, his demeanor. It’s like there’s something he’s trying to hide. The way he’s looking at me makes me want to hide because he’s looking at me like he wants to do things… Naughty things… to my body. Things I might let him do. But it’s probably in my head. I mean, what would a walking sex pot want with me. Nothing, right?

  “I just wanted to let you know where the cake is supposed to go.” He says words, but my hazy brain is not quite functioning, so I respond with a,

  “Huh?” It sounds like I wasn’t paying attention and also like I’m really dumb, but I can hear him. My brain is just so full of sexy thoughts and I need to not think about… that. But he continues, unperturbed by my apparent lack of wherewithal.

  “The cake is going to go in the large ballroom on the table in the corner. It’s already set-up, you just need to have it out and covered so we can reveal it later.” He takes a step toward me while talking and, for some reason, I freak out and drop the piping bag in my hands. I’m frightened at the prospect of his body so near to mine and not frightened in a horrifying way. More like, I’m not sure how visceral of a reaction I’m going to have and I’m just not quite ready to deal with that because I’m somewhat immature.

  Also, my reaction time is so slow that by the time I realize that I’ve dropped the frosting, this guy has caught it and is holding it in his hands. I want to say thank you, but the words are caught in my throat, stopped by what is a combination of shock and arousal. I bite my lip as I try to think of something to say, but the way his eyes flicker down and look at my mouth makes me internally shiver. Luckily, my body is still frozen by his sudden and sexy appearance, so there is no physical manifestation of my sudden horniness. He waits a few more seconds before realizing I have nothing to say and fills up the silence between us.

  “You should be more careful.” His voice is low and it reverberates through my entire body. I know it’s worded like a suggestion, but there’s an air of authority. I am pushed out of my stasis and I take a deep breath, my shoulders relaxing out of their tight hold. He still maintains an intense gaze concentrated on me. I slowly process what he’s said, but I’m still a little slow on the uptake. So, once again, I respond like I’m a dummy.

  “Careful?” He brings the piping bag closer to my hands, so I take it. Our fingers brush for a second, but the contact is fleeting. I almost grab him, wanting to revel in his touch for just a little bit longer, but I stop myself because it’s too weird.

  “Yeah. We don’t want to make a mess, right?” I shake myself out of this haze and nod. I’m being so stupid! He must think I’m a fucking idiot. I’ve never been this affected by someone and so quickly. I need to snap out of it. A good slap to the face or a bucket of ice might do the trick.

  “Of course. Sorry,” I laugh lightly. It doesn’t feel funny, all these… sensations coursing through me, but I need to lighten the mo
od. My insides are clenched so tight, they could be stuck in knots for days. I can’t stay like this. I roll my shoulders back and keep talking. “I’m just a little nervous. If I do well today, I’m going to get to be Ruby’s assistant full-time.” I think everything is going well – or at least I hope it is. Ruby hasn’t complained – or more like she hasn’t been around much. I guess that means she trusts me – which is a good sign, right?

  “I wouldn’t worry if I were you.” He talks with such an assured air that I can’t help but relax a little. I am still on edge, though. I want to believe it’s the job, but deep down I know it’s because of him. My eyes quickly glance down his figure. His suit is tailored so perfectly that I can see some of the definition of his body and I want to touch him so badly, but that would obviously be a dumb idea. I’m pretty sure he’s a part of the wedding party and it would be… unprofessional to do something like that. I’m at work and I should behave as such. Plus, you can’t go around grabbing people… That’s inappropriate and unethical.


  “Yeah. I was watching you decorate the cake and you seem like a capable lady.” He was watching me? I guess people are generally fascinated by cake decoration. I’d would always watch my Mom and patrons at the Baker’s Corner would come in to see what we’d be putting out for the day. I’m probably getting ahead of myself thinking he was watching me for me. He was just interested in the cake, that’s all. But he did compliment me which is nice. He’s being nice. I move some hair that has fallen into my face behind my ear.

  “Thank you. That’s a really nice thing for you to say.” It’s the first compliment I’ve heard today. Ruby’s been mainly giving me orders when she’s around, but most of the day has been me taking care of things by myself. It’s really a boost to my morale. Especially since he’s a stranger and unprompted compliments from strangers make me feel good.

  “Honestly, don’t worry. Everything will be fine if you take deep breath and do what you’re supposed to.” I nod and take his advice. I really shouldn’t be worrying so much. I know I’m a great baker and Ruby loved the other cakes I’ve made for her. So far, everyone has liked what I’ve made, so I should just calm down and keep doing what I’m doing.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. I look up at him, wondering if there’s anything else he wants to say to me. There’s stuff I want to ask him… to do to me, but that’s a very large leap I’m making in my mind. A small thing I’d like to know is his name. I’m about to muster up the courage to do it when his phone rings.

  “Could you just wait a second?” he asks. I watch as he takes his cell out of his pocket to sees who’s calling. “I have to take this. Good luck with the cake.” And with that he’s gone. I watch him until he leaves the kitchen and then my entire body deflates. I let out a soft, but frustrated sigh. I should have been more forward. I could have at least gotten his name, but I was too busy staring at his perfect face and scrambling for words to not sound like an idiot that I completely missed out on making any kind of connection. And I ended up sounding like an idiot anyway.

  I can’t stay mad at myself for too long, though. I need to finish up this cake. Maybe I’ll see him around later and we can talk or exchange numbers, even. It’s been so long since I’ve even kissed a guy. I deserve to have a little fun… that is if he is interested. He was so magnetic. It would be nice if he liked me, but who knows. He was probably just being friendly. I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I should focus on doing the job I was hired to do. Remember why I came to the city in the first place.

  Chapter Five: Sam

  I spent too much time talking to the baker and my Mom had to call me again. It was an enjoyable conversation – scratch that, it was a fantastic conversation. She was obviously flustered and I’m pretty sure it was my doing. I wanted to keep talking and see if we could move into a more intimate territory. Or that is what I would have done if today was any other day. But I need to focus on Sarah and make sure her wedding goes by smoothly. I didn’t even get the baker’s name. But that’s not the most important thing right now. My thoughts need to stop zigzagging It’s Sarah’s wedding day and I don’t want her having a complete meltdown.

  When I get back to my family, things aren’t as dire as I predicted. They are simply waiting on me. My Mom and I are sitting together, so the two of us have to leave Sarah in the hands of her bridesmaids. I give her one last good luck hug before she marries that snake Neil – not that I call her husband-to-be a snake to her face because that would just ruin the mood.

  My Mom and I take our seats and the wedding finally starts. Everything is going smoothly – as it should – but, in my opinion, the ceremony is dragging on and on and on. Technically, I don’t think it’s any longer than any other wedding I’ve been to, but I truly hate the groom, so that could be a large part of my dismay. Or it is a large part of my dismay. I know he’s the reason I’m extra grumpy today. Neil and I are business rivals, but I’m not so petty that I’d hate him for that simple fact. A lot of the guys I compete with in business don’t get on my last damn nerve, but Neil… Neil is another whole beast. I don’t trust that motherfucker. I want to be happy for Sarah, I really do, but I’m worried that the man she’s marrying is going to hurt her. He has a reputation for being sneaky – and not just in the boardroom.

  I’ve had this conversation with Sarah, but she just says that she knows him better than I do and how can I know what Neil is like because I’ve never seen his gentler side and I can’t control her life and blah blah blah. Not to sound dismissive because what she’s saying is true. I can’t force to not marry someone if she wants to marry that someone even if that certain someone is a manipulative dick. She’s a grown woman and is capable of making her own decisions, even if they are mistakes that could be avoided if she just listens to me. But I’ll take that step back and relax…

  My Mom puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers to me, “You look pretty grumpy mister.” Hm… I thought I was hiding it a lot better. “You should try and mask that resentment for Neil a little better.” My Mom and my sister are well aware how much I hate this guy. At first, I didn’t do much to hide it. But now, I’m doing my best to support her and keep this situation from getting to awkward, but I guess some of it is slipping through the cracks in my demeanor.

  “I’m trying. I want this to be a happy day for Sarah and… I’m trying, okay?” I can tell she’s getting annoyed with me, but we haven’t quite reached the breaking point yet. My Mom takes a lot of my bullshit and spins it into life lessons. It’s one of the reasons why she’s such a great mom.

  “Well you’re not trying hard enough. Just hide all those negative feelings and smile.” She makes a smiling motion with her fingers and I take a deep breath and put on that smile she’s asked for. But I can’t just push those feelings away. If I could, this would have been a non-problem. Neil is a manipulative little fucker and I’m worried Sarah has fallen for his tricks. I know it’s this double-edged sword of wanting to protect my sister, but also patronizing her which makes her feel like I don’t respect her as an autonomous person – Sarah said that’s how I’m making her feel. But there are things I know about Neil that I’m worried about and I highly doubt he’s told her all about his sordid past. I know the wedding day is a bit too late to be dumping all of this on to Sarah, so I’ve kept my mouth shut, but I can’t just not worry. I’m literally incapable of doing that. My family are the people I’m closest to in the world, so I want to do everything in my power to make sure they are having happy lives. Yeah, Sarah is happy right now, but it’s future Sarah I’m worried about.

  But my Mom wants me to fake it till I make it, so, for now, I bury it deep and mask it all with a tight-lipped smile.

  Chapter Six: Zara

  The wedding ceremony ended and the reception is in full swing. I had to get the cake on to the table in the ballroom by myself. I spent some time looking for Ruby – asking almost the entire catering staff – but no one knew where she went and she didn’t make an a
ppearance, so I maneuvered it all alone. There was a moment I thought I was going to drop the cake. Not only did my dreams shatter for a few seconds, but my entire flashed before my eyes. But I got lucky and I got each and every tier safely to their destination. I covered it like requested and then went to wait in the kitchen until the reception. Since I had no idea what to do, I downloaded an eBook on my phone and read. Ruby finally returned right before all the guests came from the ceremony. I wanted to ask her what she’s been doing all day, but, also, I don’t want to be too confrontational. It’s no surprise my passive side won.

  Before we head into the ballroom, the two of us change into nicer dresses, so we don’t stand out too much. Ruby’s outfit is a lot fancier than mine, but I think I look good. It’s a short, loose dress with a Peter Pan collar. I chose a pastel because the watercolors on the cake inspired me. We stand along the wall – not too far from the cake, just in case they need help with it. But the cake-cutting isn’t first on the itinerary, so we wait through the entrées, toasts, and other wedding dos. The toasts are actually quite pleasant to listen to. They’re all nice and sweet, with a few jokes thrown in.

  I see the man from the kitchen walk in with the wedding party, but I didn’t want to interrupt his time with his family or I’m assuming they’re his family because of how close they all seem. He gave a toast which confirmed he was the bride’s brother. He obviously loves her. While they’re eating, Sarah’s mom – and I guess his mom, too – puts her hand on his arm, trying to console him, I think. He does look a little miffed and that’s the other reason why I didn’t immediately go over to him. I didn’t want to step into all of that. There’s some kind of tension, but I can’t tell where it’s aimed at. Or who. But a lot of it is coming from the mystery guy. I wonder why…


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