Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 50

by Sierra Sparks

“I assure you that you have nothing to worry about, Miss Russell. You can trust the young Blakesley men, and you can trust me as well.”

  Nicholas’ gaze finds mine, and there’s something earnest in them that matches his reassuring tone. I hang up the phone. I guess since I’ve already gotten already and committed to this agreed dinner, I should follow through with it.

  As we drive, Nicholas has left the partition up. I consider knocking on it to ask him what’s going on, but I decide against it. Too awkward. I sit back and look out the window. We’re definitely leaving town, but I can’t tell where to. It doesn’t seem like we’re going to any of the neighboring towns. I’m about to give in and knock on the partition when Nicholas turns the car, and we’re approaching a hangar and airstrip. What is going on?

  Nicholas parks the car and lets me out. I don’t see Oliver or Caden anywhere. “Miss Russell?”

  I turn towards Nicholas. “Yes?”

  “If you’d follow me, Mr. Blakesley and Mr. Blakesley are waiting for you inside.”

  I nod and follow him into the hangar. We step inside and there are various planes and helicopters. Just how rich are these guys? I knew they had money, their family has had it for a while, but this is a whole new level. Nicholas leads me to the twins, who are both on the phone. When they see us, both of them end their calls. Oliver comes over and places a hand on Nicholas’s shoulder,

  “Nicholas. Thank you for bringing Scarlet here safely.”

  “No problem, sir. Is there anything else?”

  Oliver looks at Caden briefly and then says, “No. That should be all. We’ll take care of everything else from this point. If we need anything, we’ll call, but I don’t think we will. Take some time to yourself.” Oliver pats Nicholas’ shoulder before saying goodbye. Neither of the twins says anything to me immediately. They share a small conversation amongst themselves before approaching me. I adjust my dress and make sure my hair is neat. “You look very nice,” Oliver compliments me. I notice Caden sweeping my body with his eyes.

  “Thank you.”

  Oliver places his hand on my upper arm and gives it a little squeeze. “I’m guessing you’re pretty confused.”

  “Is it obvious?”

  He rubs my arm a bit before dropping his hand. “We wanted to surprise you. Right, Caden?”

  I look at Caden and he smiles, “As an added apology. Hopefully, it isn’t too over the top.” Honestly, I feel like what’s about to transpire might be outrageous.

  “Where are we going?”

  Caden and Oliver give each other a mischievous look that makes me think they’re planning something.

  “Have you ever been in a helicopter?”

  I shake my head no.

  “Well, let’s start there.”

  The two of them have me follow behind out onto the airstrip. The pilot’s already inside, helicopter blades turning. Caden motions for me to crouch slightly as we approach the helicopter like they do in the movies. Once we’re inside, Caden places a headset on me. They say a few things, but I ignore it. We ascend to the sky, and the view is amazing. Across the wide spread sunset of rich, purple-tinted blue, we soar; no clouds in sight. I can’t believe that this is happening. We’re flying to a surprise location to have dinner. The Blakesley boys are full of surprises.

  • • •

  We begin descending toward a row of brightly lit skyscrapers, tall in line, highlighting the rich, black sky, which is mirrored in the calm, still water surrounding the city. Before long, I realize we’re touching down in New York City. After we land, there’s another car waiting for us.

  The car winds through the busy streets and drives us to a beautiful building. As we step out of the car, I beam up at the tower looming over us. It’s so high up that I almost stumble from getting dizzy. The glass that wraps around the entire building is clear and sleek, the city’s reflection painted perfectly, and I can’t help but think that every window must have a killer view. We’re escorted to the rooftop where there’s a table set up. Wow. Everything looks so nice. I’m still in disbelief they went this far to apologize. Truthfully, I would’ve been cool with a free dinner at Mike’s; I’m not that hard to impress.

  “You guys are something else. This is amazing.”

  Oliver holds my chair out for me and I sit down. The twins sit in the other seats. There’s already wine on the table – a fine red Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa California - and one of the waiters pours our glasses.

  “We’re glad you like it.”

  Other waiters bring our starter course: a Caesar salad. As I begin to dig in, sticking the prongs of my fork into the crunchy lettuce, Oliver doesn’t hesitate to get down to business.

  “Scarlet, after calculating the numbers, we can draw up a mutual beneficial contract to transfer ownership of Rachel’s house.”

  Why is it that people know exactly when to talk to you when you have a mouth full of food? I hold my hand over my munching mouth, “Okay.”

  Oliver puts down his utensils and interlaces his fingers in front of him, “We want to make this as seamless and painless for you.”

  I nod my head as I take a sip of my wine.

  “If you agree to work with us and transfer the house deeds, we can probably take care of the closing costs so you won’t have to worry about financial hardship.”

  Talking about giving up Grandma Rachel’s house is proving to be harder than I thought, so I continue to sip my wine until the glass is empty, not a drop of red left. The waiter promptly refills me, the crimson waves crashing around the glass cage. Meanwhile, Oliver’s words start to fade in echo and I can no longer understand his words.

  “Oliver that sounds great for right now,” I say as I take another sip. “Can we talk about this in more detail at a later date?”

  Oliver and Caden exchange glances. Then Oliver nods his head while picking up his utensils to continue eating, “Sure. We can set up another office appointment to further discuss terms of an agreement.”

  Does he always talk so formally when it comes to business? A moment of silence falls on the table as the three of us continue eating.

  “So where did you guys go to school?”

  The clanking of forks breaks the silence, and again, the two of them exchange glances.

  I try to relieve the awkwardness, “Or I guess… how did you get into real estate?”

  Caden clears his throat and resumes finishing up his first course. Oliver takes the rein as usual, “After high school, we took online courses for our real estate licenses through Portland Community College. Once we got certified, we jumped right into business and have been doing well since.”

  I nod, soaking that information in, “I see. How long does that take? To get your license?”

  “Not that long. Plus, we have… connections… that helped expedite the process to get our licenses faster. Our dad really needed us to get started right away-”

  Caden immediately interjects, “What about you, Scarlet? Where did you disappear to?”

  My face flushes with heat as I peer into my near-empty glass, “Promise not to laugh?”

  They must have nodded or something, because I don’t hear any audible answer.

  I take a deep breath then say, “I moved to Portland and did the Painting program at Pacific Northwest College of Art.” I look up at them and see them staring at me.

  “Art, huh?” Oliver arches his eyebrow.

  I gulp down my embarrassment, “Yeah, I’ve always been interested in painting. I wanted to paint and open up my own art gallery, but that’s just a farfetched dream now…”

  Caden flashes me a smile that could go for miles, “I don’t think that’s farfetched at all. If that’s what you wanna do, you should go for it. And when that happens, be sure to invite us so we can see your art.”

  When I look up at Caden, my heart swells with warmth, beating quicker and quicker.

  Oliver smirks at me, “You must be really good with your hands.”

  My eyes fly to meet his,
and my stomach twists. He simply smiles back and takes another bite of his salad.

  After chatting more with the brothers, I come to find that they are actually nice and decent guys. I may’ve been too quick to judge. Even if what Oliver said about their sexual partners arrangement is true, it’s not my place to make them feel ashamed about their sexual preferences. Everyone enjoys different things, and tonight’s shown they can be quite the standup guys.

  As promised, the food is delicious. The main course comes on a smooth white plate topped with a piece of thick filet mignon steak and lobster that have me drooling. The steak cuts like soft butter and instantly melts against my tongue, oozing tasty juices onto my taste buds, and the lobster slides fluidly out of the tail shell, dripping with slippery butter lemon sauce into my mouth. All of this lusciousness is enhanced by the wine that keeps flowing. I drink the most and find myself getting tipsy. My thoughts wander into the scandalous territory I told myself not to go to. Maybe I don’t have the willpower I think I do. Caden’s talking about something, and I start to wonder what the two of them look like shirtless. Their suits are well tailored enough that I have an idea of what kind of bodies they have. I lean back in my chair and place my hand on my leg. I’m getting hot and bothered, digging my nails into my leg.


  Oh crap!

  Caden urges further, “Are you okay?”

  My face flushes red hot again. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about… stuff. My mind sometimes wanders.”

  “What were you thinking about?” Oliver leans back in his seat and picks up his glass of wine with a wicked grin on his face. It’s as if he already knows but wants me to say it. Lying would be smarter, but my tongue is loose with wine so the truth comes out.

  “It’s stupid. I was just wondering what you two looked like shirtless.”

  Surprise flashes across Oliver’s face, but Caden lets out a big laugh. Whoops… Maybe I shouldn’t have told them. Lying really isn’t that hard.

  “Are you being serious?” Oliver puts his glass down, all of a sudden serious. I imagine after what he said to me, thinking about them shirtless wouldn’t be so scandalous to him.

  I look down at my lap, flustered. “Yeah. I- I don’t know. I guess it may’ve been on my mind the past couple days.”

  “This is an ongoing thought?”

  God, this is ridiculous. I’m digging an even bigger hole for myself.

  Oliver’s next statement cuts through my manic thoughts, “If only we knew earlier. We prefer our dessert sober.”

  Sober dessert? What does that even mean? “I don’t understand…”

  Caden gets up and comes behind me then pulls my chair out to lean down and whisper in my ear, “Why don’t you hop up on the table?”

  I turn and look at him. His face is really close to mine. I’m too flustered to question why he’s asking me to sit on the table, so I do it anyway. I still want someone to answer my question. Caden leans against my chair, and we watch as Oliver stands up and comes behind me. His hand rests on my upper arm, and with his thumb, he rubs small circles.

  “We can show you exactly what I’m talking about. Would you like that?”

  I look up at Oliver and then over at Caden. His knuckles have gone white, gripping the edge of my chair. I look into Caden’s eyes as I answer Oliver’s question,


  Caden’s mouth extends into a half smile, and my heart flutters. Oliver positions himself squarely behind me. He unzips my dress and pushes it off my shoulders so it pools at the bottom of my stomach. He then gently presses down on my shoulders so I’m leaning against him. Caden moves to the front of me and kneels. He wraps his hand around my ankle and delicately pushes it, spreading my legs, then runs his hand up my leg until he reaches the hem of my dress.

  “Is this okay?” Caden kisses my knee then looks up at me expectantly. I’m on the edge right now. I’m hyperaware of their hands. I’m not used to having two pairs touching me like this.

  “Yes,” I say breathlessly.

  Caden pushes my dress up and over my butt. Admittedly, my bra and underwear aren’t the sexiest, but it doesn’t matter when Oliver slides my bra off my shoulders and exposes my breasts. He begins massaging them, causing me to lean against him more.

  “Your breasts are magnificent.” He rolls one of my nipples between his thumb and finger. I arch at the sensation. “Do you like that?” Oliver softly kisses my neck, and I tilt my head to give him better access. I feel Caden kiss the inside of my thigh and glance down at him. He rubs his thumb against the fabric of my panties. I jerk, not expecting the jolt of pleasure that surges through me.

  “Shh…” Caden grabs my hips to still me. His fingers find the hem of my underwear, and I lift myself up so he can slide them off. I feel a breeze and instinctively close my legs. “Do you want me to stop?” Caden’s hand hovers above my knees. Oliver also stops rubbing my breasts, waiting for my answer.

  “No, no. Don’t stop. It’s just a bit chilly.”

  “Well, let’s get you warm then.” Caden roughly pushes my knees apart; Oliver holds me to keep me from falling off the table. Caden’s mouth plants down on my folds and I gasp. His tongue slides in and out of me. My stomach twists as I revel in the pleasure. Oliver brings his lips to my ears and whispers,

  “Is Caden doing a good job?”

  I nod, lost in the void.

  “Would you like him to fuck you?”

  I lean my head back, falling onto Oliver’s shoulders. My eyes are closed as I try to keep some semblance of control, but it’s slipping.


  “Would you like me to fuck you?” Oliver’s voice growls in my ear.

  Oh god. I’m getting close. One of my legs is resting on Caden’s shoulder. He starts sucking on my clit, and my legs want to close; everything is so overwhelming. I’m rising closer and closer to finishing, but Caden keeps me from cutting him off. I want my release.

  “Yes!” I wouldn’t mind if either one of them fucks me right now. The night has gotten away from me, so I may as well go along with it at this point. It feels so good anyway. Oliver wraps his hand around my neck. He gives a gentle squeeze as Caden flicks my clit with his tongue, causing me to finally have my orgasm. I take a deep breath as I come back down and open my eyes. “Wow…”

  Oliver takes his hand away from my neck and tilts my head up so he can kiss me. It’s hungry and greedy. Caden removes himself from between my legs while Oliver is kissing me. His hand massages my upper thigh as he waits for the kiss to break. Oliver and I part lips and he asks,

  “Do you still want me to fuck you?”

  I inhale sharply. I almost forgot that I said I wanted both of them to have sex with me. I bite my lip, unsure of how to proceed. I remove myself from Oliver’s arms, but Caden is still standing in front on me with his hand on my thigh; I’m face to chest with him. We look at each other, and I get the sense he wants me to let Oliver fuck me. And he wants to watch. Without turning back towards Oliver, I say,

  “Yeah. I still want you to fuck me.” After I say that, I turn to Oliver and find his mischievous smile.

  Caden moves so Oliver can stand in front of me. He pushes my legs apart and steps in between them. I hear Oliver unzip his pants and watch him take his dick out. My eyes go wide at the sheer size of it. I look up at Oliver then turn to Caden, who is now sitting down. He’s also taken his equally enormous dick out. I’ve really gotten myself into something.

  “Are you ready?”

  I look back at Oliver and nod. This is exactly what I wanted. Some of the details are different, but my fantasies are playing themselves out right now.

  “Are you on birth control?”

  I nod again. Oliver positions himself at my entrance and slowly pushes in. I instantly grip his shoulders to steady myself. I’d forgotten how long it’s been since I was last with a man, and my body needs to get re-accustomed to it. When he’s fully inside of me, Oliver stops moving and kisses me again
. It’s quick; his way of telling me he’s about to change the pace. He moves back out at a slow place but reenters with a fast and hard thrust. I let out a small moan and dig my nails deeper into Oliver’s shoulders. He maintains a speedy, vigorous rhythm. The sound of our bodies coming together permeates the space. That, and my cries of pleasure. I turn and see Caden stroking himself and it turns me on even more. He stares at me as his hand furiously pumps his cock. I shift one of my hands to the back of Oliver’s neck, entangling my fingers in his hair. I see Caden’s breathing pick up, making me grip Oliver’s hair tighter.

  My body is getting closer to another release, but I want to see Caden when he comes. I try to hold on, but Oliver twists his hips and I come undone. I close my eyes tightly and shiver as waves of pleasure vibrate out of my body. I fall against Oliver’s chest and feel him shudder out his release. As I relax on his chest, I open my eyes and look over at Caden. It appears I’m too late to watch his face, because he’s zipping up his pants now. I sigh, partially out of disappointment but in part because I’m satiated. Oliver removes himself from me and I make my way back down from the high. At the same time, heat creeps up my neck, and all of sudden I’m starting to feel ashamed.

  “Oh, my god…” I hop off the table and pull my dress down to cover my bare ass and cover up my breasts. My underwear is too far away for easy access. Standing next to one another, watching me, Oliver and Caden can tell I’m about to start spiraling.

  “Are you okay, Scarlet?” Oliver asks without any of his usual manner, maybe actually worried.

  “I’m fine. I just- I’ve never done something like that before, and I didn’t think- I’m not that type of person. I mean, I don’t think I’m that type of person?” I’m so confused. It all felt so amazing, but I’d never thought I would ever go through with something like what I just experienced. This time Caden asks me,

  “Did you enjoy it at least?” Their concern makes me feel more at ease. Maybe they do care. Besides my grandmother, I haven’t felt anyone actively caring about me for the past few years. There were probably people who, if I took the time to talk to them, would’ve shown me how much they cared about me, but I isolated myself to the point that I never got a chance to find out. But coming back to Coldgrove… Chloe was so warm and welcoming even when I had no right to have her still love me like that. Maybe I’m reading too much into the twins’ questions.


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