Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 53

by Sierra Sparks

  I start laughing and Oliver joins me.

  Scarlet stops eating and narrows her eyes at us, “What?”

  “Nothing. We were talking about our dad. He called and Oliver was letting me know. No big deal.”

  “Thank goodness. I was worried I had some subconscious desire for your dad.” She says it so casually that Oliver and I do a spit take. I’m straight shocked for a few seconds, but Scarlet starts laughing then Oliver and I join in. When our laughter dies down, we all take a deep breath. “Sorry about that. That was really weird of me to say.”

  “No, don’t apologize. We needed that laugh.” We really did. Even though Oliver and I decided to ignore our problems, it’s easier said than done.

  “Is everything okay?” Scarlet looks worried, putting her pizza down with wider eyes.

  However, I’m not ready to let her know everything, and I know Oliver feels the same way. She’d be out the door if we told her. I want to leave half the time, and it’s my life. Oliver takes his turn to talk,

  “Yeah, yeah. Our dad just had some business to talk about with us, and it kind of took us out of our relaxed state.” Damn straight. I am no longer relaxed. “But we’re fine now. I told him we’re taking a little vacation, and we’ll take care of everything when we get back.”

  Scarlet looks down, her good mood gone.

  Oliver rests his hand on her arm, “Is everything okay with you?”

  “I’m not taking you guys away from your work or anything, right? I don’t want to be a bother…” She sounds so guilty. It was our suggestion, and there’s nothing for her to feel bad about.

  Oliver does his best to reassure her, “You are not a bother. We want to be here with you.” I rub her back as Oliver continues, “Let’s forget business and finish this pizza.”

  Scarlet agrees, and we drop the conversation. We eat and talk about nothing too heavy. Scarlet says a few things about her time living in the city.

  “Portland was a cool place to live. While I was taking classes at Northwest, I worked as a barista at some hipster art café, which was neat because local artists could have their pieces hung inside.”

  “Did you ever have anything you painted displayed there?” I beam at her.

  She blushes and looks into her lap, “I didn’t.”

  “Why not?” my eyes grow wide.

  She shrugs, “I didn’t think I was good enough to have my paintings there for other people to see. I was afraid they’d hate them.”

  Oliver chimes in, “I’m sure that wouldn’t happen. You have passion, and that would have shown through your art. People would have loved you.”

  Scarlet merely smiles but doesn’t say more.

  I clear my throat, attempting to change the subject, “What else did you do while you were there?”

  She perks up a little bit, “I also tried to be a part-time dog walker in between classes or days off I had!”

  I tilt my head, “Part-time dog walker?”

  “Yeah! Whatever days and times I was available I’d be scheduled to go to clients’ homes and take their dogs on walks or hikes. And these are people who are wealthy and don’t have the time to dedicate to their pets, which is kind of sad if you think about it, but it was a lot of fun for me,” she speaks with such fervor and enthusiasm.

  Oliver crosses his arms, “Seems like you were busy, attending school and working multiple jobs. What did you do for fun otherwise?”

  “I didn’t get out much in the city… Maybe that’ll change when I get back…” Scarlet gets a far-off look on her face again. I don’t want her to think about leaving yet. I try and do another quick topic change,

  “You guys never finished the house tour. Would you like to see the downstairs?” I turn to Oliver and he gives a nod of solidarity.

  “What’s down there?” Scarlet shifts, so she’s standing a little straighter.

  “Why don’t you come down and see?” I motion for her to follow us, and we go to the door in the corner by the game room entrance. I turn on the light by the door so the staircase is illuminated, but once we reach the bottom, the room is still pretty dark. I wait a few seconds to add suspense. “Are you ready?”

  I can feel Scarlet laughing against me. “Isn’t it just a basement?”

  “Oh, it’s more than that.” I switch on the light, and the basement is illuminated. I hear Scarlet gasp behind me.

  “Oh, my god,” she whispers. She pushes passed Oliver and me to get further into the room. “Are you guys for real?”

  “Yeah,” Oliver answers and shrugs. We follow Scarlet deeper into the room.

  She sits on one of the upholstered seats. “But where did you get the seats?” The seats are always a focal point. They never cease to amaze people.

  “There was an old theatre that sold them to us pretty cheap. We wanted the room to feel like an actual movie theatre. We might have gone a little overboard,” Oliver said, leaning against the wall gazing along with her. This was the last room in the house we prepared. Oliver and I had always wanted something like this, a theatre in our house. “There’s a projector on the ceiling. We can play DVDs, VHS, Blu-ray, stream from the Internet, whatever you fancy.” Oliver and I are still standing, watching Scarlet marvel at our mini-home theatre.

  “Well, I think later tonight we should watch something, but right now I’d like to go outside,” she shoots us a sly smile. Outside, eh? We are in the middle of nature, so it’d probably be a good idea to take advantage of it.

  “Outside?” Oliver’s gears are turning. It’s pretty late at night, but I know he doesn’t want to outright say no to what Scarlet wants.

  Scarlet has gotten up and headed towards the stairs. “Yeah, where the snow is. Isn’t that why we came up here? To play in the snow?”

  The sheer look of horror on Oliver’s face is hilarious. We haven’t played in the snow since our pre-teen years.

  “Don’t you guys want to come play with me?” she bites her lip, and it’s evident Scarlet’s toying with us and doing such a damn good job.

  Oliver and I look at each other and nod, confirming we’re on the same page. We’re both not too far behind chasing after Scarlet as she bolts up the stairs. We catch up when she stops by the front door. Her hand is on the handle like she’s about to open it. Oliver immediately calls out to her,

  “Wait! You can’t go out like that. It’s too cold.”

  Scarlet relaxes her shoulders and appears to take Oliver’s advice but then she does a quick turnaround and throws open the door. Cold air slaps us all in the face. Scarlet shuts the door and laughs, “I think you may’ve been right…”

  Oliver shakes his head, even though he’s amused.

  Shivering, Scarlet asks, “Do you have some warm clothes I can borrow?” Luckily, we do. We all go upstairs to put on jackets, hats, scarves, basically anything to keep us warm. Once we’re all suited up, we go outside, and the onslaught of cold is less harsh. Scarlet steps out into the snow while Oliver and I stand on the porch.

  “What are we supposed to do?” Oliver asks with a shrug of his shoulders. We’re both at a loss for how to act. I kneel down to feel the snow. I honestly have no idea how to do snow play, either. I stand back up and continue to talk with Oliver when a snowball hits him in the face. A look of surprise is pasted on his face, as if he can’t comprehend what just happened.

  “I thought you guys were going to play with me!” Scarlet is some feet away, holding another snowball. She throws it at me, but I duck and it misses me, hitting the house instead. I stand straight and find Scarlet running towards us, and when she reaches the porch, she shoves a snowball into my face. “Got you. I got both of you.”

  I wipe the snow off, keeping my features immobile. Oliver is watching the two of us, not sure of what I’m about to do. Scarlet picks up on this, and her mood dampens. I take steps towards her and she backs away. We both end up standing in the snow, and I bring my mouth to her ear,

  “It’s on.”

  She looks at me confused,
and then realization crosses her face. She smiles and puts some distance between the two of us. Oliver waltzes over and stands next to me,

  “What are we doing?” Oliver is such an adult sometimes.

  “We’re about to have a snowball fight.” I turn to Oliver and place a hand on his shoulder. “And it’s each man for himself, brother.” I scoot away from Oliver, leaving him to fend for himself. I form a snowball and try to find cover. An icy snowball hits my back, but I’m too slow and don’t see Scarlet. Oliver had moved from his spot. He must’ve caught on. I wander around the grounds, unable to find either one of them. I hear sounds of movement and go towards it. I’m behind a tree and look around from the trunk.

  Oliver and Scarlet are on the ground. It looks like they fell on top of one another. Oliver’s on top of her, and they’re both breathing pretty heavily. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but it looks like Oliver asked Scarlet a question, because she’s nodding. He brings his mouth down on hers, and they’re kissing. Scarlet weaves her fingers into his hair and pulls him into her. While the feeling that was bothering me before isn’t as strong, it’s still there. I suppress it and get ready to launch a snowball. It hits Oliver’s back, and the two of them break apart. They both give me a huge smile.

  We all move out into the open area, and now it’s become a constant barrage of throwing snowballs at one another. This goes on for a while until we’re all exhausted. Scarlet calls for a cease-fire, and we all come together. “I don’t why you were so worried, Oliver. You’re a fine snowballer.”

  “Thanks. I think we should go inside and warm up. Hmm?”

  I agree with Oliver, and the three of us go back into the house. Stripped down to our shirts and underwear, we hang our wet things to dry. I suggest,

  “Why don’t you two go pick a movie and I’ll make some hot chocolate?”

  Oliver nods and takes Scarlet by the hand, and the two of them head to the basement.

  “We’ll pick something good. I promise.” Scarlet makes her declaration with enthusiasm before disappearing behind the door.

  Chapter 12 – Caden

  I go to the fridge and get all the ingredients for hot chocolate. I’ve decided to make it from scratch, so it’ll be extra thick. I melt chocolate then add milk, sugar and cream until it’s perfect. Once I’m done, I grab a wooden tray, place mugs full of steaming what is essentially melted chocolate and head downstairs. As I descend into the basement, I don’t hear any sounds of a movie. I see Oliver and Scarlet sitting and talking.

  “Hey, guys. Hot chocolate’s ready.”

  They jump up and each takes a mug. I place the tray on a table and we all go sit down; Scarlet sits in between the two of us. We all sip our drinks.

  “Oh, my god, Caden! This is so good!” Scarlet has made a bit of a mess on her face but doesn’t seem to care. Truthfully, we’re all being a little messy. Thick hot chocolate can be hard to drink.

  “Thanks, I’m glad you like it.” I’m waiting for either one of them to start the movie, but no one makes any moves. “Did you guys pick something for us to watch?”

  They both stop drinking and give me a funny look. Did I say something wrong? We did say we were going to watch something, right? They look at one another and Scarlet softly says,

  “Let’s drink our hot chocolate for a little bit and then we can watch the movie.”

  They proceed to sip their drinks suspiciously. We get about through half of our hot chocolates when Scarlet suddenly jumps up, “Let’s start the movie!” She takes my mug, and her and Oliver go put them on the table. They stay by the table, whispering. It’s obvious they’re planning something, but I can’t even warrant a guess.

  “Is everything okay, guys?” sweat starts to pool in my palms – from my nerves, not the hot mug.

  Neither one of them makes any immediate comment. Oliver comes back over while Scarlet goes over to the controls for the projector and screen.

  “We were talking about the film we chose. We just want you to like it is all,” Oliver grins. That just makes me more suspicious.

  “You guys aren’t planning something weird, right?”

  “What would you consider weird?” Scarlet is still by the control pad, and Oliver is obviously trying to keep me distracted. I try and look at Scarlet, but Oliver turns my face back to him. I try to avert my eyes to watch Scarlet,

  “You know what I think is weird? We’re brothers. What’s going on? Why are the two of you being so shifty?”

  “No reason. We just-” Before Oliver can finish, it looks like whatever film the two of them chose is starting. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out what’s going on. Scarlet has made her way back to our seats, but now I’ve stood up, flustered.

  “Did you guys really pick a porno?” I know it sounds dumb since Oliver and I sleep with the same women, but this is territory I’ve never breached with him. We’ve never watched pornography together. Scarlet gets up on her knees in the seat and grabs onto my arm to keep me from moving,

  “Come on, Caden. What’s the big deal? It’s just porn. You watch porn, right?” Scarlet softly tugs on my arm. I look around her to Oliver, but he just shrugs. I wonder what she said to convince him to do this. She tugs on my arm tighter, pressing the side of her chest against me, “We don’t have to do anything. Let’s just try watching it for now… Please?”

  I don’t want to bail on the two of them. Especially after I was telling myself earlier to make more of an effort to connect with Scarlet. Maybe this will help. I sit back down and Scarlet lets go of my arm. She and Oliver are fixated on the screen. I take a second to look at them, wondering what’s going through their minds. I reluctantly join them in watching what’s on the screen. As I settle in, I realize it’s not too over the top. They’ve chosen something that’s actually not half bad. I shift in my seat as I feel my penis get harder. Neither has made any substantial movement, and I don’t want to be the first one. Soon, I feel a hand on my knee, and it is Scarlet’s. She draws circles on my leg with her middle finger. I look down at her hand and then up at her. I try to say something,

  “Wha-” But she interrupts me,

  “Why don’t you try and relax?” She looks at me like I should know what she’s talking about.

  “I don’t know what that means…” I know I’m a little tense, but I don’t know how Scarlet expects me to deal with it. I think I’m just generally tense, and I’ve learned to live with it. Instead of elaborating immediately, Scarlet takes my hand and places it at the hem of my boxers.

  “What do you think I mean?”

  I’m starting to get an idea. Typically, I would be completely down for this, but the added dimension of the porn has made me gun shy.

  “I don’t know, Scarlet…”

  Scarlet takes her hands off my leg and settles back into her seat. “Do you prefer to watch?” Scarlet doesn’t wait for an answer, and instead slips her hand into her underwear. I can’t see exactly what her fingers are doing, but I know they’re moving back and forth. Scarlet arches her back. “Is this what you like?” Her voice purrs low and sultry.

  “I like a lot of things.”

  Oliver moves over and starts to kiss Scarlet’s neck, the two of them egging me on. Scarlet squirms more in her seat, and I can’t just watch anymore. I nudge Oliver and he moves off of her. Scarlet takes her hand out of her panties and pushes herself back up so she’s sitting straight in her seat. I kneel in front of her and place my hands on her knees to open up her legs. I slowly insert my index finger into her. She reflexively pushes her legs together, but I block it with my body. I lift myself up so that I’m on top of her as I pump my finger in and out of her pussy. I bring my mouth to her ear and whisper,

  “Is this what you like?”

  She nods and I slip another finger inside. She bucks into my body, and I grin from doing a good job.

  “Do you want me to go faster?”


  My sole focus now is getting Scarlet to have her orgasm. Ever
ything fades away as I insert my third finger. I can feel her walls tightening around my fingers. She’s wet and ready, and I want to stick my dick in her. But it’s not the time.

  “Jesus, Scarlet. You’re so wet and hungry.”

  Her breathing picks up; she’s climbing higher and higher. She tightens and then I feel the shudders. Her body rolls against mine. She takes a deep breath, and I withdraw my fingers, placing them at the edge of her mouth,


  She opens her mouth and licks her juices off my digits.

  “How do you taste?” I stare her down, soliciting her answer.

  “Ready for more.”

  I’m about to move forward with more when I hear the doorbell. It immediately takes me out of the moment and I stand up quickly. I look at Oliver with alarm all over my face. Oliver mirrors my fear. None of us is dressed appropriately enough to answer the door. Oliver stands, and we take a few steps away from Scarlet so we can talk.

  “Who do you think it is?” he whispers. Who, indeed. No one ever comes here unexpectedly. We picked this cabin because of how secluded it is.

  “I don’t know. Let me think…” I try to figure out how we should handle this, but the porn is still going on in the background, which is incredibly distracting. “Can someone turn that off?” I snap. I hear the edge in my voice and feel remorse. I don’t want Scarlet to see me like this – Oliver has plenty of times – but we do almost everything together. Scarlet is such a new person in our lives; I don’t want to scare her away this early on. The projector turns off and the lights switch on. Scarlet must’ve taken care of it. When I look at her, though, she’s back in her seat. She looks alarmed.

  I try to talk more calmly this time, “I’ll get the door, you go upstairs with Scarlet and put on some clothes in case you guys need to come to the door.”

  Oliver nods in agreement and then asks, “But what are you going to wear?”


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