Reborn- Journeyman

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Reborn- Journeyman Page 16

by Luka Petrov

  We fell through an atmosphere of sorts for what must have felt like for hours. A force pulled my body, yet I did not know where this gravitational pull was coming from. We finally landed on solid ground, making an impact with a soft thud. “Where are we?” I asked. Hoping this time Yves did have an answer. I glanced over to her noticing where we were. Dark ominous clouds filled around us. They were dark and wove in and out of us as we stood there in grayish surroundings of clouds that stuck around us as if we're immersed in a thick soup.

  Yves finally answered, “I don’t have a clue,” she replied, still taking in her surroundings. “But, do you feel that?”

  “Feel what?” Agnes asked.

  “Feel that nothingness. I feel empty, indifferent about anything and everything. It’s like nothing matters. It’s both freeing yet disheartening at the same time. It’s like I don’t care about anything. I don’t care if I live or die, if you two live or die. I just don’t care. I don’t love you nor hate you. I feel nothing for you,” Yves explained.

  Agnes replied, “Strange. I feel the same way. I could go either way if we complete this challenge or not. I mean, why should I. Why should it matter if we are able to do whatever we are supposed to do here? Nothing matters anymore.”

  I was taken aback at what was coming out of these two’s mouths, yet I felt it too. However, I realized that this is part of the challenge. This was why many did not complete the three trials. Everyone who had made it to this point got stuck here and in this place. I tried to keep my wits about me. Focusing on completing this trial and becoming the greatest mage of all time had to consume my brain the entire time, or I would be subjected to the indifference state of mind Agnes and Yves were both feelings. “Hey guys, I remember what this place is from one of the books that I read at the bookstore I worked at before I started at Draererth,” I started.

  “Go on,” Yves said. “I mean, does it matter where we are?”

  “Well, it does. The no emotion you feel, that’s intentional. It’s meant to come over you to numb the pain. If you are going to overcome it, you must think of something that you are truly passionate about. It’s the only way you will get through it. That will help you deal with your pain. Not the numbness that this place wants you to feel,” I explained.

  “Really?” Yves asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. I could tell that my explanation bothered her. “Since you seem to know so much, then where are we?”

  “We are not in the realm of the undead. That would be far too easy of a challenge,” I explained. I did not want to utter the words of where we were. I did not want to come to the realization to myself, let alone have the others come to the same realization. It was a notion for too harsh to bear in one’s conscience, but I needed them to know the gravity of the situation. I muttered, “We are in the Abyss.”

  “The Abyss!” Yves shouted. “What? How are we going to cope with being in the Abyss?” she asked.

  Agnes was far too gone and too susceptible to the energies of the Abyss, “Eh! There’s no point in getting worked up. There’s no point anything. Who cares about any of this?” Agnes said as she shrugged her shoulders.

  I continued, “Being here is like being in a dark hallway that never ends. And each step we take the next is only a deeper and darker step than the last.” Deep down, I felt lost and scared. I knew I had to keep my goal directly in the forefront of my mind in order to stop this downward spiral of emotional emptiness, but I was having an internal battle.

  “How are we going to find the lost soul?” Yves asked, again tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. I secretly enjoyed the fact that she did not know everything this time. I was certain she loved being a know-it-all and seeing how she did not know what the Abyss was about to put a smile on my face.

  “Let’s go this way,” I shouted, pointing toward an area of nothingness, only low hanging dark clouds. The rest of the two followed. I was fortunate enough to have my sense of magic ability and something was pulling me in the direction I suggested. It was dark, so dark I could not even make out where exactly I was pointing. All I knew was that my senses told me to go in the direction I showed. I cast Mage Light, and it fluttered above us, illuminating a path only in the slightest.

  “Gees, it is so dark here, your Mage Light is barely a spark in this dark place,” Yves said.

  “Yeah, it is really dim, isn’t it? I guess this is what we will have to use,” I replied as we embarked on our journey. I was really disappointed in the Mage Light it was barely lighting our way.

  We marched and marched for what felt like days. That is the problem with the Abyss. The minutes feel like hours and the hours feel like days. While we were marching on Agnes broke the silence when she said, “Hey guys, I’m starting to feel more like myself. I feel more in tune with whom I truly am.”

  “Oh?” I pried. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, since we had been walking, I felt a deep connection to both of you,” Agnes explained.

  “That seems odd, given the state you were in earlier,” Yves chimed in.

  To me it made sense. This march was a watershed moment for each of us. As we were faced to fight through the nothingness in our minds, our minds began to reveal our real essence. During our walk, I was forced to face my inner demons and turmoil I had suppressed all of this time. The fact that I was a nobody before I reincarnated in this world and the terrifying fact, I still am a nobody even given the biggest advantage. I still did not amount to much, and that was a hard pill to swallow. As I see it, if I do not become something great, someone everyone looked up to then my life will be a failure and my soul would be a failure, and everything that I was or would become would be a failure. That was the fear that set in during this hike, for me at least.

  Agnes appeared to have had an even larger breakthrough when she said, “Let me explain. During this march into nothingness, it forced me to confront my deepest fears and innermost demons. What I found was that what I treasure the most are my friends. I believe I uncovered a new special power, and that power is to protect my friends from evil. That is why I always cast shields when we are in battle. I do not always consciously mean to do it, but sometimes I cast one when I do not know what to do. I figured out that deep down all I want to do is protect you guys. That time at Draererth was my happiest time ever, and you two were a part of that. And of course, Cecily and Walter. Gees, I hope they are both all right and that we find them soon.”

  Listening to Agnes state how much she really cared for us started to ease my feelings on the group as well. I had been very focused on finding my way in this world I neglected my relationships with them. To be honest, I did not care much for these guys, but Agnes was showing me that maybe they mattered more to me than I thought they did. However, this was not the time to explore my deep emotions about my other party members, this was the time to find the lost soul, rescue him and get the hell out of here… or rather, Hell.

  Agnes continued, “You know guys, I do not think we are safe in this place. I’m going to cast Force Shield around us.” Agnes cast the barrier around us and when she did that allowed my Mage Light to become brighter fully illuminating our path. Now the lighted up areas seem to go on for several feet around us making it much easier to see.

  We continued on. Just when I thought we were for certain headed in the wrong direction and I was doubting every choice I made down here, I heard a blood-curdling scream filled my eardrums and it seemed to echo all around us even though there was nothing around for the scream to reverberate on. “Did you guys hear that?” I asked.

  “Yes, that sounded horrible!” Yves shouted. “That must be who we are looking for. Let’s move faster toward that sound.” All three of us picked up our speed, and we ran in the scream's direction. The direction of the scream was slight to the East from where we were heading.

  We approached figures. That was all I could make out. As we moved closer, and the figures came into the light that was shining above our heads, the images that I saw were indesc
ribable. What I saw was so horrific I could not put it into words. After Yves saw what was occurring, she said, “We are far too low of a level to even begin to deal with something like this.”

  I knew she was right, but I did not know what we could do to save the lost soul. I saw the lesser-pit fiend ripping the flesh off of the lost soul and eating it. As the flesh was ripped off, bloody gore and entrails were being exposed. The lesser-pit fiend was slowly peeling away the flesh, making the pain worse for the lost soul. The lost soul wailed and cried in pain and agony as its inner body became exposed to the elements. Then the lesser-pit fiend would slowly feast on the newly removed flesh while the lost soul watched in horror. The image burned in my mind and I could not waste another second while I watched this deep, dark inquiry take advantage.

  The lost soul did not know what to do as it watched its flesh being eaten. It appeared it had every moment to escape the wrath of the lesser-pit fiend, but it did not know where to go. The bestial, scaled humanoid, which was twice the size of the lost soul slowly peeled the flesh off of the soul, exposing red tissue. Then the fiend put the piece of flesh that was just extracted from the soul in its venom dripping mouth, its fangs chewing the meat slowly. The fiend had brilliant red skin and on top of its head, two massive horns and it donned two bat-like wings on its back. It had a serpent-like tail it wagged while it feasted. It broke the next part of the skin it was planning on eating by puncturing the flesh with its sharp fangs before taking its hands and peeling away the skin. I became petrified from what I was witnessing. I had never witnessed such grotesque horror in my life. I was beyond words at the horror I saw.

  “Let’s get this over with. With Agnes’ protect evil barrier around us, we actually have a slim chance of getting out of here alive,” Yves suggested as she shot firebolts from her palms. Agnes and I followed suit, casting several fires and lighting bolts. Elemental magic emitting from our palms was a sight to see. The fog clouds illuminated as bolts zapped through a thick, soupy atmosphere. This startled the lesser-pit fiend, and it momentarily stopped pulling away from the flesh from the lost soul.

  The group is too low of a level to fight the Pit Fiend head on. The group went first in the initiative order. With this protection from the evil barrier, the party has a small fighting chance. The group springs into action, firing a fury of magical fire bolts, lightning bolts, energy blasts at the fiend.

  I cast magic missile and aimed all three glowing green darts at the fiend, but the fiend gave me a smirk as it resumed its feast.

  Edward cast magic missile at the Pit Fiend with no effect.

  The fiend then turned after it ate the last bit of flesh that it had just peeled off and attacked me.

  The pit fiend cast holds monster, which rendered me immobile.

  With Intelligence of 22, the Pit Fiend identified the most powerful enemy. Zeroing in on his target, since it was between 30 and 60 feet, the pit fiend incapacitates the most dangerous threat. The Pit Fiend attacked Edward.

  I saw out of the corner of my eye that Agnes and Yves could maneuver behind the Pit Fiend while it was busy with me and ensuring I was not a threat any longer.

  While something distracted the Pit Fiend, the group made a dexterity check to go behind the pit fiend unnoticed.

  The beast turned around and whipped Agnes with its tail. Agnes could take less damage than she normally would have.

  By luck, everyone made the same except for Agnes. The Pit Fiend used his attack of opportunity to smack his tale at Agnes, Agnes made a dexterity save getting hit for 5 points of damage.

  While the fiend was busy with Agnes, I saw the lost soul curled up and wailing. It did not know what to do without its tormentor.

  Edward led the soul away from the pit fiend.

  It was a very sad sight to see. I showed the lost soul it did not have to endure torture from its Abyssal bully by showing it the way out of the Abyss through a rift that was opened up close by.

  Edward got to the soul and used a full action to dash toward the rift.

  The fiend attacked Yves after it was done with Agnes. The beast was able to poison Yves. The Pit Fiend made an attack of opportunity at Yves, hitting Yves for 9 points of damage.

  Yves was able to make her Constitution save, minimizing the poison damage.

  Yves made a constitution save vs poison, making the save.

  The fiend prepared for a melee attack while Yves was in her poisoned state, but she made a dash for the rift after she saw the lost soul and Edward go through it. Agnes followed Yves.

  Agnes and Yves fled for their lives.

  The pit-fiend let out a huge roar and took flight after them. Moments later, a rift opened, and Agnes and Yves plunged through the rift, just out of the reach of the pit-fiend.

  The battle ended with the group escaping through the rift.

  The battle ended, and the group gained 50xp each.

  I was the first through the rift, followed by Yves and then Agnes. We landed in the dragon graveyard where we were met with the dragon construct.

  The lost soul came with us through the rift. We landed in the graveyard with a thud on the ground. The lost soul could barely speak at the moment because he was gravely damaged. However, he was able to muster, “I am a McAllister, an archmage who was sent to the Abyss to reclaim it for good. I lost my way and became diseased while I was down there. That pit fiend had tortured me for centuries. I owe my life to you for saving me from my eternal torment. I will repay you when the time is right.” All three of us watched as this lost soul spoke, our mouths gapping open from shock. I had no idea who we went down to the Abyss to save, but I was glad that it was another magic user, let alone an archmage. Part of me had wondered if it was Hamon. I had wondered if he made it down to the Abyss and lost his way and was subjected to brutal torture. I was hoping it was him and that at least he was alive, despite being wounded and tormented, but it was not him.

  As we watched this ethereal being speak to us, he disappeared into the magical ether. The dragon construct stood, looming over the lost soul as he disappeared.

  “Great ones, you have completed the three tasks. Congratulations. Out of all of those who have come to this challenge, you three I had the least confidence in. In this one case, I am grateful to be wrong,” The dragon spoke as it fell to the ground, lifeless.

  “Is it dead?” Agnes asked.

  “It appears to be so,” Yves concluded.

  “Yes, it’s dead. And look, there is the map sticking out between its ribs,” I said. I went over between the ribcage of the mighty dragon and pulled out a torn, hand-drawn map. I took a moment to look at it, in case we lost the map, I could remember where we were heading. I noticed several features and a path drawn from the Enchanted Forest to a temple East of the forest.

  “Wow! I cannot believe we succeeded through all of that,” Agnes said. “We really make a great team.”

  “We do,” Yves stated. I sheepishly nodded, not wanting to get mixed up in all the emotion of being a team.

  “We must set up camp and wait until morning before we start our next journey,” I said.

  “Right, let us go find shelter and wait until morning before we head out tomorrow,” Yves confirmed.

  We wandered from the dragon graveyard through the Enchanted Forest and over to where we found a cave on the side of the mountain. The next morning, we would begin bright and early, starting our journey through the Enchanted Forest and heading eastward. We would hike until we reached the temple.

  Before I went to sleep, I practiced some spells from the spell book. Still, not able to perform any of the spells, I became frustrated with myself and self-doubt set in.

  Completing the three trials leveled up the party. Edward, Yves, and Agnes could cast stronger spells and could cast more spells per day.

  They will now embark on their most difficult journey as of yet.

  Chapter Five

  Daylight broke over the horizon and everything seemed to be anew. There was a soft breeze in
the air and I even enjoyed the birds chirping as Yves, Agnes, and I gathered our stuff and we sent out to the temple to collect the Magi Staff. We first had to get there. We would travel in a part of the Enchanted Forest that I have never been to before. As outlined from the map I gained from the dragon construct, the Magi Staff is kept inside the Temple of Terror.

  Thinking of yesterday, I was sure glad to have those three trials behind us and to be moving on to gathering the items necessary to battle and beat Lord Abraxas. We had the spell book and I was still trying to learn the twelve spells necessary to defeat the Demon Lord. We had the map to find the Magi Staff and the magic spell book, and now, all we needed was the Magi Staff. That would enhance my power and give me the best shot at defeating the Demon Lord.

  As planned, the girls were ready, and we started off bright and early on our next quest. I have traveled to a few places before, but this side of the Enchanted Forest was like nothing I had experienced before. It was like a labyrinth of corridors designed at random that made sense to no one. “Hey, guys!” Yves shouted. “I believe we go this way.”


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