Reborn- Journeyman

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Reborn- Journeyman Page 19

by Luka Petrov

  Yves commanded as I arose, “All right, let’s get going. We don’t have a moment to waste.” These two were like the yin and yang of teammates. One was sweeter than could be, and the other, a know-it-all brat who was my competition for being the greatest mage of all time. “I also propose that we travel near Gilmore on our way to Santa Rocha. It will give us an idea of what is going on over there. We must be careful not to get too close, however, since we are wanted fugitives,” Yves belted out another order. It compelled me to respond aye aye, captain, but I refrained. The last thing that I needed to do was rock the boat within my own team. The opposing team was enough to deal with.

  I gathered my items and put my sack on my back. All three of us headed back toward Gilmore to scout the status of that situation. The hike was long as we were headed from East, deep inside the Enchanted Forest over to the West were Gilmore was, just south from where Draererth used to be.

  We hiked for what felt like hours. The plan was to come right up on the edge of Gilmore and then to continue on to the port city of Santa Rocha. As we marched, I could barely put one foot in front of the other. I had been so worn out ever since I fled Gilmore. My mana had been depleted repeatedly, and it was taxing on my system.

  As we got closer to Gilmore, I could see the destruction and despair that ravaged my hometown. Black smoke billowed at various parts throughout the village. We slowly moved closer, careful not to step in any traps set by bounty hunters. We moved cautiously through the brush, moving branches from our path and examining every step we took, looking for triggers of traps.

  We made it finally close enough to Gilmore, but far enough away that the Gilmore army and Lord Abraxas' minions did not notice us. What we saw was devastating. We saw legions of armies corralling villagers, some resisted their commands and were whipped.

  “Oh, dear!” Agnes shouted. “Ed, do you think your family is all right?” she asked.

  “I am uncertain,” I responded. “However, I am sure they would do nothing that would make them stand out. They are smart like that. They know when to resist and when not to, and clearly, this is a time not to resist,” I explained, thinking admirably of my dad and how he helped us escape that one night.

  The army of Lord Abraxas surrounded the border of Gilmore, soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder at attention. The situation appeared to be dire, and it made it all the more important to get the magi staff and then take on the Demon Lord and save Gilmore once and for all.

  We watched the village a little longer. Then I saw King Harold riding his horse. Only this time, he was pale white, and his eyes looked dead inside. He wore a crown of thorns on his head. Instead of leading his villagers, he commanded the army of Lord Abraxas. Even though we were a good distance from him, I could hear what he demanded of the Demon Lord’s minions. He shouted to the uniformed soldiers, “Men! Lash anyone who does not obey. We must question each of the villagers to find the whereabouts of Edward MacAra. Anyone who knows anything is required by royal decree to state what they know.”

  Yves whispered, “Hear that?” she asked.

  “Loud and clear,” I replied. “We got to get going, we don’t have much time now.”

  We took the same trail we were on back the way we came, careful to not trigger any traps as we made our way to the main path we would take to Santa Rocha.

  We did our hike to Santa Rocha in silence. It overcame me with the turmoil I witnessed the villagers of Gilmore endure and at my expense. Deep inside of my soul, guilt overtook me. I could not get the pain and anguish on the faces of the villagers made to stand in groups while they awaited questioning from King Harold and other high-ranking members of Lord Abraxas’ army. It was painful to even think all of that was done because of me. A side of myself that I do not allow to surface that often was this part. The part that cared deeply for others. I often stifled this part and tried to mask it with my achievements. In this world, my achievements were the spells I could accomplish. With this spell book, I was not able to master many of these spells, and therefore, for the first time I was feeling like a failure.

  I did not feel like a failure when we lost to Balfomeir; we were simply outclassed. However, learning spells were my specialty and for some reason, I was unable to master these spells. Many times, they resulted in a cloud of smoke, and a cloud of smoke was not going to subdue a Demon Lord.

  We made it to the port city of Santa Rocha. The salty breeze filled the air as we descended onto Santa Rocha.

  Santa Rocha was a port city, set right next to the ocean. I knew this city for its trade, however; we needed it because it was the closest port to the deserted island, we were traveling to of Barnard Island, the location of the Cursed Castle.

  The three of us wandered around the tables and booths set up by the merchants to hock their wares gained by their mercantile vessels from strange and unknown lands.

  As we perused the thousands of rows in the square next to the port, we saw wild and inserting things.

  I saw a bird in a cage with a lizard head, cat-like legs that were furry and this creature had four, and wings with the large red plus. I asked the shopkeeper what type of animal it was. She replied, “It’s an Orthosarian, one of the oldest creatures from the island of Mayhem. They are known for their jewelry and fashion they use these feathers in...”

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  “You want it?” The shopkeeper asked.

  “Oh no, I was only curious,” I responded.

  We traveled a little further and Agnes asked, “What type of poster is that?”

  “I don’t have a clue. Yves, do you know?” I asked.

  “Uh, yeah. It’s smoke powder,” she said.

  “Of course, you know,” I retired.

  “It’s a magical substance used in battles and duels. I don’t think we should get any because I’m not sure how to use it. I would be more comfortable getting a sword, spear, or bow,” she explained.

  “I see,” I responded. “Well, let’s see how much it will be to charter a vessel to the island, and if we have any spare coin, we can get a weapon or two. That way we wouldn’t have to run out of mana all the time,” I explained. Both Agnes and Yves nodded at my suggestion.

  We passed by tables and tables of fresh produce and farmers running their own stocks of tables. It appeared to be in a system of a loose feudal system. Being how Gilmore did not have a feudal system, and other than until now I had only read about the feudal system, it was fascinating to experience. Comprehending that the farmer gave most of what they made for each sale to their feudal lord was a system that I would have a difficult time dealing with. At least that was what I recognized from my World History class in my previous life. Each farmer had a sign for which territory they sold for.

  We made our way down to the dock to look for a vessel to charter. Yves saw a vessel that was tied to the dock and approached the ship’s captain. I could overhear Yves’ asking how much to charter his vessel. “Sir, how much for you to sail us to Barnard Island? I believe it is fifty kilometers, round trip?”

  “Little lasses, that is a difficult voyage at the moment. How long would you be will we waited before returning?” The captain asked.

  “An hour or two,” she responded.

  “Sorry lass, that type of trip today would be five hundred quid, as I would have to bump a fishing trip to squeeze you guys in,” the ship captain answered.

  “Well, thanks for the information,” Yves stated before returning to Agnes and me.

  “This will be more difficult than I thought, she said. We have nowhere near five hundred quid,” she added to both Agnes and me. “Let me go and ask that ship’s captain over there,” Yves said as she once again left Agnes and me at the dock.

  “Excuse me, how much to have you drop us off and pick us up at Barnard Island,” Yves asked as I was still in earshot.

  “How long will you be at your destination?” The ship captain asked.

  “Around an hour or two,” Yves responded.

The ship captain responded, “Today, and it will cost you 800 quid.”

  “Well, that’s a lot of money!”

  “Yes dear, it is. In order for me to take you guys, I would need to cancel the entire afternoon.”

  “Well, thanks for your time.” Yves returned to us at the dock.

  “And?” I asked, already aware of the answer.

  “That getting us a ride over to Barnard Island is going to be near impossible. Why does this have to be more difficult than battling a homunculus?” Yves asked the sky appearing to be at the end of her rope.

  “I definitely understand your frustration,” Agnes empathized.

  Yves continued, “This is more difficult than I expected. That last vessel was booked the entire afternoon unless we paid and absorbent price to charter it. We have very little Silver on us, and we have to make it last.”

  “What do you propose?” I asked.

  Just then a voice came from over my shoulder. The voice said,” hey, you guys need a boat?”

  Agnes, with downs of excitement, said, “Yes! We need a boat!”

  Well, I have a boat that I can offer you guys this afternoon. Where you guys headed?” The man asked. When I turned around, I saw he wore a black cat in the shape of a captain’s hat key had a scarf, a red scarf tied around his waist his shirt was white and ruffled and he had on a black jacket over his white ruffled shirt. His black pants were tucked neatly into his socks, and he had on black shoes. When he smiled, I could see three gold teeth sticking out. He had actually a lot of gold on, he had on gold chains several gold rings and a gold bracelet.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “My name is Captain Jack Reid, I’m the captain of the ship over it there, her name is Bonney Pollywog. She’s a fine vessel, she sails all around the world. I heard where you guys wanted to go, and we’re actually heading up that way. We could drop you off and then pick you guys up on our way back. How does that sound?”

  Agnes responded with excitement, “That sounds fantastic!”

  I was much more suspicious of this man, this seemed to be a little too coincidental for my liking. However, at this point, I had no choice but to go along with the offer that this dark stranger presented us. “How much is it going to cost us?” I asked.

  “Since it is on her way and we only have to make a stop to drop you off. How does two silver sound?”

  “That’s a price I can’t refuse,” I responded. In my mind, I knew this offer was too good to be true. This deal will probably be the end of us.

  Agnes turned and whispered, “Wow! Ed! This is such a good fortune we ran into this kind man. He was right on his way over to Barnard Island and is only charging us two silver!”

  I did not want to ruin Agnes' optimism; however, this was clearly a trap.

  We followed Captain Reid up to his vessel, the Bonney polliwog. At the dock, a group of men met us. Captain Reid announced to you them sailors who lined up to greet him, "Men! We will do these two a favor, and we will drop them off at Barnard Island. We will continue on her way to Midnight Island, and then on my way back we will stop and pick them up.”

  The sailors said in unison, “Aye aye, captain.”

  The crew prepared for us to set sail. One of the lower-ranking shipmates took his post up in the crow’s nest? He would be there for up to six hours shift from what I read about pirate ships. I expect that would be grueling and boring. As he would only watch the waves of the ocean looking for threats among the whitecaps.

  Other sailors took their post by various ropes and sales. People who were on the dock untied us and the captain commanded that we start pulling away from the dock. We were underway, and several of the lower ranking members of the crew began swapping the decks. As they conditioned the wood, I watched what they were cleaning; they were wiping off dried blood or vomit, probably from last night celebrations.

  Agnes turned and said, “Can you believe we are on a ship and we’re at sea?”

  “No, I can’t believe it. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to sail on a pirate ship!" I responded.

  "Pirate ship?" Agnes asked. "This isn't a pirate ship? Is it?"

  "Well I'm not sure, but it seems to be. I'm a little eerie that they gave a such a low price, and they only approached just after they overheard where we're going. It gives me a slight pause." I responded

  "well, I didn't think much of it. I just knew they would get us to where we needed to go at an affordable price. If we have to handle something, I'm sure we'll be able."

  "I hope you're right."

  Who Agnes replied.

  As we move to the ocean, I felt the breeze on my face, and it was one of the most fabulous feelings I've ever felt. I felt free, yet deep inside I was thinking about the poor villagers Becky Gilmore. In fact, it was all I could think about.

  I was enjoying the waves as they came three were shipped and her shipped lifted and then fell back to the sea level. The day was clear and sunny, with only a light breeze. There was not a cloud in the sky. We were in the middle of the great sea which was very similar to the ocean I was accustomed to in my previous life.

  We were moving at quite a fast speed. These pirates really knew how to set sail. They were tying down sails and releasing and moving others to take full advantage of the wind. We were headed south from Santa Rocha to the Barnard Island. I was keeping close track on the map of the different islets that we passed, ensuring that we were taking the proper route and were not going to a different island where we would be decapitated, and the map stolen.

  I quickly surveyed the ship to understand further how it was run and what the members of the ship actually did. I noticed that there was a pilot who frequently made Dexterity checks, ensuring they were controlling the ship well and that we were on the correct course. Eight men were stationed at the cannons. They were the Cannoneers, on guard in case of an attack. This ship had three cannons on each side and two in the back. This ship also had two spellcasters. They were not wizards, they seemed to get their magic power from a source. They wore red and gold robes with long sleeves. They were both elderly, with long white beards. Overall, this pirate ship was running quite the operation.

  As I was amused by the ship as a tussled and turned on the sea level, the man from the crow's nest shouted, "Ships afoot!" As he shouted that all of the deck Grill got into place. Capt. Reid emerged from his quarters, and an approach the sailors he was getting lined.

  "Men! It appears we have a mercantile vessel around thirty kilometers away from us. we go going to read it."

  I felt the ship turn as we started heading to the small vessel on the horizon. As we got closer to it, I could tell that the ship was much larger. We pulled up right next to the boat, and the Pirates, which I believe in ours. Jumped onto the Mercantile vessel.

  "Ahoy der matey! Luckily for them, they decided to surrender." Captain Reid said.

  I watch the merchants from the ship be escorted from there's over to our ship. And then suddenly I recognize them. They were Emma's parents. I had known that they were merchants and that they were in charge of a vessel that was responsible for several of the trade routes that brought good to Gilmore, but I never thought that we would run into them, not in this instance.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Purcell! I can’t believe it is you. Is Emma with you?” I asked. It appeared that my presence started Mr. and Mrs. Purcell as they jumped when they saw it was me.

  “Edward! Oh, my dear boy! How are you? We haven’t seen you since you left for Draererth. We heard that you were in grave danger,” Mrs. Purcell said in a sweet and reassuring voice. When I remembered what all had happened, I realized that I was putting them in a horrible predicament. Now they knew where I was and if they were questioned then could be tortured if they let on that they knew more. I did not believe that they would turn me in.

  “Great! What are you guys doing on here? I didn't think you guys actually sailed on your ship.” I asked.

  "Well, Edward we managed to escape before Lord Abraxas took o
ver Gilmore. Unfortunately, we were not able to take Emma with us. She was over at her boarding school when the Demon Lord took over Gilmore. We could not get her in time when we fleet in the thick of the night. We hope she is safe. The boarding school that she ended up that was miles and miles away. And is located outside to Gilmore, so we are reckoning that she is safe, "Mrs. Purcell answered.

  "Oh good, I had always wondered what happened to her. I had been hoping she was safe; I had been awfully worried about you guys ever since Lord Abraxas came over to take over Gilmore."

  The five of us watched as the Pirates pillaged Mr. and Mrs. Purcell's mercantile vessel. The Pirates took off the ship armfuls of fine linens and scarves. They were hauling off boxes and boxes of spices, they were able to take several dried fish from the bottom of the hull of their ship.

  Mrs. Purcell directed my attention away from watching the pillaging, back to our conversation. She said, “I feel so bad for that boy.”

  “What boy?” I asked.

  “Your friend. The one who traveled with you. When Lord Abraxas realized that this boy was not you, he stormed Gilmore to find you. The boy said he was you, and that made me so sad knowing that you were now the eternal servant of the Demon Lord. I was so relieved to find out that the boy sacrificed himself for you. So, you could become great!”

  “Walter?” I asked. I was confused as to the new information regarding the status of Gilmore.

  “We know where Walter is?” Agnes asked.

  “He’s with the Demon Lord,” Mrs. Purcell answered.

  “The Demon Lord!” Agnes shouted.


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