In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 16 (Premium)

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In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 16 (Premium) Page 1

by Patora Fuyuhara

  Chapter I: The Ruined Nation’s Prince

  “Ah... I wanna eat some sushi...”

  “Sushi?” Yumina raised her head from the book she’d been reading. Seemed like I’d been muttering out loud.

  I was absently browsing the internet on my smartphone when I came across the site of a famous chain sushi restaurant. I was relaxing in the castle, so I’d been taking it pretty easy.

  “What is it, exactly?”

  “Here, take a look.” I held up my smartphone and showed the images to Yumina. The gallery I’d pulled up had various little nigiri pieces on display.

  “That looks nice. What kind of meat is it?”

  “Fish, for the most part. Usually you vinegar some rice and eat the fish on top of it. It’s basically the representative dish of the country I come from. We often treat it as a celebratory kind of meal, it’s pretty good.”

  Hmm... I wonder if Eashen has much in the way of sushi. I haven’t really seen too much in that vein over there. I haven’t even seen any wasabi either. I was under the impression that Eashen was at least on the level of the Edo period, and they should’ve had nigiri in abundance by that point in history...

  Then again... this isn’t exactly the same world or anything, not everything needs to be similar.

  I looked it up online and discovered that nigiri had been invented during the Bunsei era. Those were the years 1818 through 1830... So it was late Edo, for sure.

  Since Eashen was still in the equivalent to the Sengoku period, it made sense that they wouldn’t have nigiri yet. Surely they have fermented zaresushi, though... Or maybe not, it’s not the same world... Culinary progression doesn’t have to be identical.

  I needed to remind myself that Japan’s history wasn’t necessarily Eashen’s future.

  “Oh, huh...?” As I was pondering, my smartphone started vibrating. I was receiving an incoming call. It was Silhouette from the Moon Parlor.

  Don’t tell me...

  “Hey, ‘sup? It’s Touya speaking.”

  “Oh, good! We have a response on our boards. Those mutants are going to show up soon.”

  “When? And how many?”

  “Around six hours from now, I’d wager. There are about a hundred. Most of them seem to be lesser ones, but we picked up three larger readings.”

  Hmm... A hundred Lesser Constructs and three Intermediate Constructs... If we’re using Frame Gears, that’s not much to worry about. But without them, we’d probably need about five times as many of them to stand a chance. Especially with the Intermediates. We’d be screwed without powerful Gollems in that case.

  This was a stroke of good luck. We’d be able to use them for live training practice.

  I had Silhouette mail me their emergence point, then I decided to call up Nia... Before quickly reconsidering that, and calling Est instead. The Red Cats had been practicing with the Frame Units, so they had a decent amount of people ready to fight.

  “How many are you gonna need?”

  “There are only three Intermediates. The rest are Lessers... So only around ten should be enough to fight. The main goal here is to wipe them out, but the live combat experience is also gonna be a plus.”

  I ended the call with Est, then looked upward. Yumina was staring into my eyes.

  “Are there mutants coming?”

  “In the Reverse World, yes. There won’t be many, so I’m using it as a chance to train Nia and the others.”

  “I’ll come with you, then. Better to be safe than sorry.”

  “Sounds good, thanks...” I nodded, and Yumina went off somewhere.

  Probably gonna go grab Lu, or something. Just as I thought that, she came back with Leen and Paula.

  “We want to support them from afar, right? That’s why long-range weapons should be prioritized. I’d have brought Lu, but she’s busy in the kitchen.”

  “This sounds fine to me. I was having a dull day.”

  Paula puffed out her chest as if to reassure me everything was fine. I didn’t exactly know what the little bear was intending to do, though.

  “Kougyoku, you come as well. We’ll want to borrow your birds for surveillance.”

  “Very well.”

  Kougyoku flew from the balcony railing to my shoulder. Kougyoku’s subordinates had been flying around the Reverse World and mapping it, much like they did in the regular world. By tapping into their eyes, I could use [Gate] to go anywhere they’d seen.

  I moved our custom Frame Gears from Babylon’s hangar to my [Storage].

  “Alright, off we go.” I took Yumina, Leen, and Paula across to the Reverse World using my divinity.

  In a flash, we were at the Red Cat fortress hideout. I’d found an artifact in Babylon’s storehouse that strengthened barriers, so I’d applied it here in order to prevent any people from finding them. There was a chance animals and magic beasts would find them though, due to their heightened sense of smell.

  “Ohh, Touya? Boss, it’s Touya!” The ponytailed girl, Euni, spotted us and pranced into the main fortress area.

  Yumina had already been here before, but it was a first for Leen. The fairy quickly started inspecting the surrounding structure. Paula just kind of stayed near Leen, but she was definitely getting a lot of confused attention.

  The Red Cat grunts were staring at her with curiosity blazing in their eyes. They probably thought she was some kind of rare animal... In a sense, that was exactly what she was.

  Paula seemed to be relishing the attention, merrily waving at anyone who decided to look at her.

  “Welcome back! Oh hey, who’s this?” Nia came walking over, but paused when she saw Leen. She tilted her head, causing her twintails to sway. The red crown, Rouge, appeared from behind Nia’s back.

  “I’m Leen. I’m one of Touya’s fiancées, it’s a pleasure.”

  “Oh, one of Touya’s brides-to-be, huh? Heh... Heh...” Nia looked over Leen, then she started staring at Yumina. Then, she turned to me, grinning wildly. “So, Touya... You’re into that kinda thing, huh?”

  “What exactly do you mean by that?”

  I wasn’t going to let her get away with comments like that. What kind of misunderstanding are you having, huh?!

  “Well, you know... That Lu girl the other day was a lot younger than you too, riiight?”

  “Hey! Leen may look young, but she’s actually way older than me! Don’t just go making assum— Augh! Ow! Owowow!”

  “Now now, darling... Please don’t go leaking my personal information like that, okay?” Leen suddenly lashed out and grabbed me by the wrist. Tightly.

  That hurts! Why’s your age such a big deal now, huh?! Damn it, ow! In terms of appearance, Leen certainly didn’t look that far off Yumina and Lu, but I wasn’t exactly fond of Nia implying that I liked them young or anything. That was an irritating misunderstanding on her part.

  “I’m a fairy, sweetheart. We’re a race that live for a very long time.”

  “Oh, I see. I wondered if you were like black, that’s all.”

  “Hm? Are you referring to Elluka’s sister? Norn?” I quickly cut in.

  Hmm... Red and black... If I remember right, Euri said something about them having a rivalry.

  “Hm? You know her? That’s a surprise.”

  “I’ve met her, yeah. She came to my world when she was seeking out her sister. She’s staying in my country’s castle town right now.”

  “What?! How come she gets to go to the other world?! No fair, let me come too!”


  Please shut up... Can Est come save my ass already?

  “...Are you saying somethi
ng idiotic again, Nia? Have I not told you? Think before you open that trap!”

  “O-Ow! Ow! Oof! Owie!”

  Est appeared with impeccable timing and began karate-chopping Nia over the head, over and over again. Her twintails flailed as she was dutifully pummeled.

  “Hey there, Est. How goes the combat prep?”

  “I have the ten people you requested. Nia, myself, and Euni will be accompanying them. Euri and Rouge will be standing by at the base.”

  Est cast a disdainful glance toward Nia, who was rolling around on the floor and quickly rattled off her current plans.

  Paula approached Nia and tilted her head to the side, as if curious about her pain.

  “...What’s with this bear? Is it a Gollem?”

  “This little one is named Paula. She’s... similar to a Gollem, but was made through magic.”

  Paula saluted Nia and readily stood to attention. Nia responded to that by picking up Paula by the leg and inspecting her on all sides. Paula began to wriggle in an attempt to escape her grasp. I could almost hear the little bear yelling “Save me!”

  “...This thing is really interesting. It’s almost like it’s alive.”

  “Thank you. Paula is the product of two hundred years of modifications.”

  “How long?!” Nia stood frozen in shock, and Paula took the chance to escape from her hands. She then toddled toward Leen and clung to the fairy’s leg for dear life. Seemed like she’d really been afraid.

  I shrugged, then started talking to Est again.

  “We have a good amount of time left before the actual fight, but we should move to the area. You never know just how accurate the emergence reports actually are, so we better not take any chances.”

  I had a reason for wanting to go early. According to the report, they were going to be emerging in a place called the Magitechnocracy of Isengard. More specifically, they’d be coming out near a little town there called Zeen. In terms of map placement, Isengard was around the same location as Lestia in the regular world.

  If the mutants appeared earlier than expected, the people of Zeen would be in great danger.

  While the regular Phrase attacked humans to find the Sovereign Core, the mutants attacked humans for a more sinister purpose. Any human in the path of a Mutated Construct would have their soul consumed, and their bodies would be reborn as crystal skeletons.

  The crystal skeletons were just a byproduct of the process, though. The mutants were gathering human souls to feed the wicked god, which would use the harvested material as an energy source.

  They were basically like worker bees, gathering resources for their needy leader.

  “We’re all here, then!” I turned at the sound of Euni’s voice and saw eight people, including her, standing in a row. With Nia and Est added on, that was a grand total of ten.

  They looked pretty diverse in terms of age and style, the only unifying symbol on them was the red bandana worn on parts of their bodies. I’d seen some of them in the underground hideout back in the capital...

  But there were three who looked completely new to me.

  The first was a man in his thirties. His eyepatch and mustache made him seem like a grizzled combat veteran. The second was a dark-skinned woman in her twenties. She had long black hair. If this was Earth, I would’ve assumed she was from India. The third was a young-looking man who had narrow eyes. He looked like he’d be fast on his feet.

  Before I could do anything, the one-eyed man spoke up.

  “Excuse me, lad. I hear you have magic that can locate anyone or anything in this world. That the case?”

  The man, who I’d initially judged to be a hard-ass, looked at me with a pretty serious gaze. The other two were looking at me curiously as well. I didn’t know what they wanted from me, exactly... but I decided to go along with it.

  “It’s not perfect, but yes. If you want me to find a person, I’m going to need a picture of them. Failing that, access to someone with memories of them. If they’re located within a magic-blocking barrier, then I can’t find them either. But to be honest, barriers aren’t exactly common in this world so I think it should be okay.”

  “...Gotcha. Alright, then. After all this is over, can you look for someone? We’d owe you a great debt.”

  I looked toward Nia and Est, and they lightly nodded at me. Seemed like they knew what was going on.

  “I can do that, yeah. So long as it’s nothing illegal, or shady.”

  “I promise it isn’t. Thank you so much.”

  The three of them looked toward one another and let out a collective sigh of relief before falling back into line. I wondered who it was they were looking for. I quickly tapped into the eyes of Kougyoku’s birds and opened up a [Gate] to a field near the town of Zeen.

  We all moved through the [Gate].

  I looked over the horizon and very faintly saw a collection of buildings. We were actually pretty far from the town itself, so there’d be no issues with going all-out in the fight.

  I opened up [Storage] and pulled out ten Chevaliers, Yumina’s Brunnhilde, and Leen’s Grimgerde. A total of twelve Frame Gears graced the landscape.

  “Ooh! Incredible!”

  Nia and the others excitedly ran toward their mechs.

  ...Y-You guys know you can get them to crouch before entering, right? You’re really just... climbing the sides? Well, it’d be dangerous to make them move now, so whatever...

  I decided to let them practice moving around in the real thing for a while. Every little bit of extra practice would help, in the end.

  “I’m putting you two in charge, okay?”

  “No worries, we can handle them.”

  “That’s simple, darling.”

  Yumina and Leen climbed into their own Frame Gears, at which point the silver and black mechs began powering up with a deep rumble.

  “Kougyoku, keep eyes on the skies.”

  “As you command.”

  Now I’ll set up a tent and stuff... A recreational area would be good, given we’ll probably be here for the next ten hours or so. I should set up a dining area, too.

  Ah... I wanna eat some sushi...

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  “Heh, this is more our style!” Nia grinned a satisfied grin, her body brimming with enthusiasm. The ten chevaliers stood before us, painted red with cat markings etched into their shoulders.

  She asked if we could redesign the Frame Gears while we were waiting for the fight to start.

  Given that they were basically for the Red Cats to use, I didn’t exactly mind. But I was amused by how blatant the design ended up being.

  Apparently one of the prospective pilots from the Red Cats had quite the artistic streak, so he readily crafted the design in no time at all. The Frame Gears ended up painting each other using giant brushes I made from scratch... I was a little impressed by how dexterous their movements were.

  I didn’t actually have any paint in my [Storage], so I needed to quickly pop to Babylon for it.

  “They’re really bright red... I guess it makes them easy to identify.”

  Frankly, I was worried it’d conflict with Elze’s Gerhilde, but the red was a bit different. Gerhilde was a clear crimson, while this red wasn’t quite that intense. To be honest, though, it wasn’t exactly like people would get the two confused. A Chevalier was shaped differently, after all.

  I checked the time on my smartphone, and it was already late afternoon. That meant our enemy was set to appear before long...

  “I hope they don’t end up showing up at nightfall...”

  “Don’t the Chevaliers have night-vision, though?” Yumina quickly replied to my muttering. Ever since we fought the Phrase at night that one time, I made sure to install night-vision sensors on all Frame Gears.

  All these Chevaliers had those functions as well, as did the Valkyrie Gears. Even in the darkest of nights, they’d be able to see plain as day.

  “Sure, but those cameras are ultimately pieces of external equipment. They c
an be broken. If that happened, they’d lose their sense of location. I wouldn’t want people crashing into each other. That’s why it’s better in general if they appear while the sun’s up.”

  We still had a bit of time before night, so I was hopeful. But there was also another reason I wanted this dealt with sooner rather than later.

  “We’re not super far from the town. They’ve already noticed we’re here.” The townspeople had been made aware of our arrival a little while ago. From their perspective, we probably looked like a group of suspicious people setting up camp with giant Gollems.

  There was a group of them in the distance, hiding in a rocky area. They’d be impossible to see under regular circumstances, but I had Kougyoku and her many sets of eyes.

  《One went back to the town. It’s likely he’s serving as a messenger.》

  《I doubt they’ll be much of a threat, but keep an eye out for them. We don’t want their guardsmen rushing into the crossfire.》

  《As you command.》

  They’d probably come to see if they could gain information on us. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the town was worried about us being potential invaders. I also had a feeling they wouldn’t accept our explanation at face-value.

  The Magitechnocracy of Isengard was foreign ground as far as my intel was concerned. Given that they had no idea who we were, they could easily mistake us for an enemy invasion force. But we were far away from their capital, so it’d take a long while for their knights to reach us. I was hoping to be done and gone before anyone reached us.

  As the name implied, Isengard was pretty heavily involved with magitechnology. They were also a major military power in the Reverse World. Apparently they even had things like Gollem tanks, and I didn’t really want them bringing those out against us.

  As I pondered the situation, Leen came into the tent holding one of the detector plates.

  “I’ve got a solid reading. They’ll be here in around ten minutes.”

  “Got it.”

  I was relieved to know we’d be able to get it sorted before nightfall. I hooked up my smartphone to the speaker system inside each Chevalier.

  “The mutants are inbound. All hands, prepare for battle. ETA: Ten minutes.”

  The red Chevalier cockpits closed tight, sealing their pilots safely inside. Then, they all began whirring to life.


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