Black Curiosity - Censored!

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Black Curiosity - Censored! Page 20

by Melissa Dubban

  She pulled into the cul-de-sac and Francis stepped out so that Brian could climb out of the back seat of the two-seater. Brian walked around the car and gave her a kiss on the lips. Strangely, he seemed to be turning into a much better kisser than when they first started dating. Maybe it was like when somebody lost their vision, their hearing improved. While denying the eighteen year old year sex, his other sexual parts like his tongue were getting better? The thought amused her while their tongues intertwined.

  Crystal looked up at the Stanwick house and made a small gesture as she saw a brunette woman in a white robe peaking through the blinds. “Hey, she’s watching us,” she told him.

  Brian pulled back and glanced at the window, “Who? Mrs. Stanwick? I don’t see her.” The window went dark and he looked back at his girlfriend.

  “She was there. Listen, I had fun tonight. I’m glad you were such a well behaved boy. Tomorrow I want you to do what we talked about. Don’t get caught though.”

  “I won’t. Love you,” he spurted out. The look on his face told Crystal that he didn’t mean to say it but it was out nonetheless.

  “Call me tomorrow,” was all she could say.

  He walked up the front steps and waved to her and Francis. Just as he shut the door Francis began kissing her and fondling her. His big hands moved over the blonde stripper’s body and made her pussy tingle in excitement. “Hey baby, let’s go one more time tonight without that white boy around. I want to enjoy you all by myself.”

  Crystal looked up at the window where she saw Ben’s wife standing before. Even though it was dark, she could see the white robe dimly lit behind the open blinds. Yes, she was watching them kiss and the young woman made sure that Carol got an eyeful as she and Francis embraced deeply.

  Pulling strings

  “Wow, ten times?” Crystal feigned her surprise. The truth was that she had already gotten a call with all the details from her friend Maurice already, just as she had the other days. “This guy seems like an incredible lover.”

  “He is amazing. I’m sorry to be so detailed but I can’t tell anyone else about this affair. I mean, my own family can’t know and my friends would never understand.”

  “What about your friend, Carol? She lives across the street from you, right? You didn’t tell her?”

  “Oh, I told her I was seeing someone but didn’t tell her anything about him, you know, being a Negro. She and her husband are very much against interracial relationships. Her husband Ben hates black people.”

  It amazed Crystal that Alice still used that term. She would be sure to tell Maurice who would no doubt redouble his efforts to fuck this woman into oblivion and keep their relationship exactly where it needed to stay: physical. She decided to play to Alice’s hang-ups, “Well, that doesn’t mean she feels the same way. You’d be surprised how many white women have fantasized about being with a black man.”

  “Well not her. Carol’s husband would be wearing a white hood if he lived in the South.”

  “Maybe she likes black men but hides it from her husband because of what a big asshole he is. You never know. ”

  “Maybe. I don’t know, Crystal. I think for now I’ll just keep it a secret.”

  As it turned out Carol Stanwick was definitely into black men. Or at least into watching black men. For the past two weeks Brian had spied on Carol’s internet activity. Each time the woman went out to the gym, the teenage boy would sneak into the Stanwick house and check on the internet activity. He reported back to Crystal about Mrs. Stanwick’s viewing pleasure, and how she had even joined an interracial website and placed an order for a black dildo and interracial DVDs. A week later Brian said that he found the DVDs under her bed and they were all unwrapped. The dildo was hidden in her drawer and a bottle of lube was kept right next to it.

  It was perfect. Not only had they managed to get Ben’s wife easily hooked on interracial porn but it only reinforced with Brian that women preferred well hung black men over little dicked white boys. Crystal made sure that she and Brian talked about Carol’s fantasies when she was jacking him off.

  Alice paused for a moment on the phone, “Oh, I don’t know if I want people to know. I doubt this is a permanent thing. I mean, Maurice seems like he is just interested in a physical relationship.”

  “Would that be so bad?” Crystal countered. “Ten toe curling orgasms in one night –that is five times better than your ex-husband from what you told me. I’d say keep having fun.”

  “You’re right. I mean, I’m a grown woman. I don’t need to answer to anybody.”

  “There you go.”

  “Besides, he is leaving for two weeks to South Carolina to spend time with his family. Who knows how he’ll feel when he comes back.”

  “Thanks, Crystal. And thanks for being my confidante.”

  “Oh please, it’s my pleasure. Call me anytime. I like the juicy details. I certainly don’t get anything hot like that from Brian.”

  “Oh, don’t say that about my poor son!” Alice scolded her mildly, “He’s still young. You just need to teach him and, and, and I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. I don’t want to know what you two are doing.”

  No, you certainly don’t, she smiled evilly.

  After hanging up the phone, Crystal walked back inside the living room and sat down next to Sarah Kinsley. Brian’s sister looked at her curiously, “Wow, you were on the phone with my mom for awhile. Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine. She was just asking me for my advice on what to bring you and Brian back,” Crystal actually had told the truth; since Alice had taken off for the bed-and-breakfast with Maurice she felt guilty about coming back empty handed. She called her own house expecting to talk to Sarah and was surprised that her son’s girlfriend was over. Crystal was waiting for Brian to come back from school and she decided to show up a little early.

  “It’s weird that you talk to my mom more than I do lately,” Sarah commented, cutting her cuticles back before painting her nails.

  “Oh I don’t think it’s weird. I’ve been dating your brother for nine months now.”

  “Well, that’s weird all by itself. I still don’t know what you see in my brother. He’s such a twerp.”

  If you only knew, she thought better of vocalizing the thought. “So what were you saying about the neighbors?”

  Sarah frowned at the ‘peachy pink’ shade she had selected for her nail polish but applied it anyway. “Oh, the Stanwicks – you know he ones who live across the street? – they are going on vacation for about a week and I have to take care of their cat. And water the plants. And blah blah blah. It’s stupid but it their gonna pay me and it only takes a few minutes.”

  “I thought you got an allowance from your dad?”

  “Yeah, but he’s been cutting back on it lately. Apparently he thinks me and Brian spend too much money. He was bitching about it for the last month. But whatever…”

  “Your brother mentioned something about a big fight over his credit card bill.”

  “Well, his bill was supposedly waaaay bigger than mine, but I need more money than he does for make-up and clothes. So, house-sitting will be fine with me.”

  Interesting, Crystal considered the implications of Brian’s sister being over at the house. Sarah was never really part of her plan, but it would be a clever way to find out if anything else incriminating on either Ben or Carol without ever broaching the subject. All she had to do was get the girl to find Carol’s porn stash and it would set things in motion.

  “Well, at least you get a change of scenery. Their house looks so nice – is it nice inside?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I mean I grew up with their daughter Jennifer; she’s away at college now. We used to get in so much trouble torturing that miserable cat of theirs.”

  “What is Jennifer’s dad like?” Crystal fished for information.

  “Mr. Stanwick is kind of an ass. He was always creeping me out, staring at me when I was wearing my bathing suit. Rumors
were that he had some affair with a girl at the country club.”

  Crystal had to be careful, but she also had always wanted to know what had been said about Ben. “You don’t say…”

  Sarah continued, “Yeah. The girl was supposed to be only a few years older than Jennifer and me. Can you say ‘EWWW’? I mean, what would a girl be thinking getting involved with somebody like Ben Stanwick anyway?”

  “I don’t know,” the blonde lied again.

  “So anyhow that’s what a friend of mine told me. I don’t know if any of it is true but Mr. Stanwick was definitely into younger women. Jennifer and I used to find his dirty magazines all the time and they were called things like Barely Legal or Just Eighteen or stuff like that.” Sarah finished one hand and then started on the other.

  “Sounds like a fun time. You and Jenny that is.”

  Sarah looked up in surprise, her smile told everything. “No! No, we didn’t do anything. We just-” The lie was terrible but she couldn’t stop it. Crystal pressed a little.

  “Oh, so Jenny is ugly?”

  “No! She’s beautiful. It’s just that we never-”

  Crystal waved her had dismissively, “It’s okay. I was just wishing I had an attractive girl to live next door to when I was growing up. But going back to your story…”

  Sarah was wide mouthed and silent. Crystal had all but admitted she was attracted to women and it caught her off guard. Still shocked, she stammered. “So you are into.. Uhm… You know? You like-?”

  “Girls? Yes. My first time having sex was with a girl! Haven’t you? I mean with Jennifer or somebody else?”

  Sarah couldn’t get the moment out of her mind. That kiss. Jenny’s lips. Her hands. It was a long pause that admitted everything.

  “Sorry,” she stopped Sarah from having to come up with an answer. “Anyway, you were saying before? Did Jennifer’s mom know about any of this?”

  Crystal meant for Sarah to elaborate on the affair, but Sarah was still talking about the porn magazines, her mind clearly on the afternoon she shared with Jennifer kissing and fondling. “Oh yeah, she was always yelling at him and throwing them away in the trash. That’s where we found a bunch of them. Jenny’s mom is a major prude.”

  “I don’t know, Sarah,” Crystal sat back on the sofa. “Women like that usually have their deep dark secrets. You never know what you’ll find under their bed…” Or on their computer, she felt like adding, but then decided against it. She knew perfectly well that Carol had a deep curiosity about black men, but finding that perfect balance of hints to leave for Brian’s sister was crucial; nothing could be initiated by Crystal.

  You never know what you’ll find under their bed… Brian’s girlfriend had planted a seed that would grow in ways she could not have ever imagined at the time. While Sarah was naturally a nosy person, those words rattled around in her mind when she house-sat for the Stanwicks that first day. The discovery of Carol’s interracial porn led to the sex parties that ‘blacked’ Tiffany and Sarah both. And that party left evidence that Carol the housewife found. It was only by fate that the middle-aged woman would be so overcome by perverse desire that she would do anything she could to have the black men Sarah had found.

  However it wasn’t until Sarah confessed to Crystal her lesbian affair with Carol that things fell into place. It was then that she realized that Sarah was the key to making her revenge a reality. With her unwitting help, Crystal would destroy Ben Stanwick and John Kinsley.

  Part VIII - Alice’s Affairs

  Alice’s Alone Time

  The mother of two hadn’t been on a date in twenty years. She and her ex-husband John had met in college and decided to get married when she was pregnant with her daughter Sarah. They had only been dating for six months but it seemed like the right thing to do. Just a month after giving birth to her daughter she was pregnant again with Brian and the young couple was instantly a busy family.

  Irish twins were a handful for the newlyweds and Alice insisted that John get a vasectomy after the second child. They fought about it for over a year and Alice resorted to withholding sex from her husband until he finally gave in. John was stubborn about carrying on his legacy, his family name ‘Kinsley’, and now that all depended on his young son Brian. Up until that time Alice had slept with a total of two men her whole life.

  After the divorce, Alice grew emotionally and physically lonely. And why wouldn’t she? Here she was in her sexual plateau and completely alone, inexperienced, and desirous of a man’s company. Masturbation became the norm for the forty two year old redhead who dreamt of a take-charge type of man. John was really the only man she had ever known carnally other than her first boyfriend in High School, and both of them were unsatisfying lovers.

  The romance books Alice bought became trashier and more explicit; she became learned about words like “cock” and “pussy” and a variety of other sexually explicit subjects. She was still a sucker for a good romantic story, but if it had racy scenes it was that much better.

  Alice reached her breaking point when it came to the dirty movies though. The guilt of what she had done still hung heavily on her conscience and each time she thought about her indiscretions, the stay-at-home-mom experienced contradicting feelings of excitement and self loathing.

  As her son Brian and his girlfriend Crystal grew closer, they spent more time with each other and considerably less time at home. Sarah was always hiding in her room or out with her friends. The children technically lived with her but they had all but left the nest.

  One day Brian left his room unlocked and Alice peered inside to find it filthy as could be. Her intentions were innocent as she picked up all the laundry and trash, but as she moved through the refuse of a nineteen year old’s bedroom Alice found three movies that were obviously pornographic.

  It was embarrassing to find them; she did everything she could to block out of her mind what her son might be doing while watching these films. However it was a distraction to her all day. Alice kept coming back to the room, adjusting the DVDs on the floor, trying to make them look like she never found them. Picking them up again she looked at the back covers and the fleshy unions of men and women doing things she long missed.

  That afternoon Alice gave into temptation and watched all three movies. They were exciting and passionate and wickedly naughty. Blowjobs, pussy licking, anal sex, threesomes; the list went on. Her orgasms seemed endless as each scene compelled her to watch more and more. She wasn’t sure if she would ever have a chance to watch them again and wasn’t sure she wanted to. But on that day Alice had given herself a free pass on her lust. When Sarah came home from school, the redheaded mother snuck the DVDs back into her son’s room and shut the door. The rest of the night she drank heavily, hoping to purge her wrongdoing from her mind.

  Brian never left the door unlocked again. Alice was sure that her son knew she had seen the dirty movies but was convinced that he couldn’t have known she watched them. Little did she know Brian had placed the DVDs in their covers at perfect right angles. It was a rather OCD thing to do, but Brian had gotten into the habit of keeping track of his porn when his sister started snooping in his stuff. He wanted to know when somebody had just moved his things and when they had actually watched them.

  Alice also had no idea that Brian shared his discovery with Crystal who immediately began contemplating how to take advantage of the situation. When Crystal brought over the DVDs for her Alice to watch, there was no indication that the whole thing was a set up. It all seemed like an embarrassing mishap.


  It was late in the evening and the kids were out of the house. Alice went to the living room and grabbed the stack of DVDs she borrowed from Crystal. Earlier in the week she mentioned to her son’s girlfriend that she loved Hugh Jackman and she was kind enough to offer a whole stack of DVDs for her to borrow, including two ‘Huge’ Jackman films.

  Alice refilled her wine glass and noted that Sarah and Brian would both be out until late – anoth
er quiet night. Too quiet. She decided on The Nanny Diaries to watch and brought it back into her dark bedroom. She turned on the TV and player and opened up the case, but when she did the disk fell to the floor. She picked it up and tried to read it by the glow of the television but without her reading glasses she could only make out Diaries of a Housewife on the title. She held it out at length but then decided just to pop it in anyway. Settling back on her bed with her wine she hit PLAY and relaxed.

  What was impossible to read close-up for Alice was certainly clear at a distance. The title Diaries of a Housewife Gone Black spread across the screen and a woman screaming, “Your cock is so much bigger than my fucking husband’s!” played in the background. Crystal had mixed up (or perhaps hidden?) a pornographic movie within another DVD’s case, and one with black men surprisingly! She knew it couldn’t be a mix-up from the store; these weren’t rentals. And heaven forbid if it was Brian’s movie! That thought disturbed her most of all; that it might be her son’s movie and the two of them were watching these filthy things together.


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