Home > Other > PREGNANT BY MY MOTHER’S RAPIST 2 > Page 17

by Niki Jilvontae

  I smiled back and leaned over to kiss him just as my phone went off. I picked it up and read the reply text from Rah that said she couldn’t go because she was at the doctor. I didn’t tell Ricardo that she couldn’t go though, I just texted her back that I would get up with her after I finished before I snuggled up on Ricardo’s arm and rode the rest of the way home wrapped up in his love as he talked about our future together.

  By the time, we pulled up in the yard, I was happy again but still focused on my plan. I helped Ricardo carry Asha and her things into the house before I kissed her and whispered into her ear how much I loved her. She cooed and smiled as I song the lullaby song, then fell asleep smiling with my finger in her hand. I had to wait a few seconds to pry her little hand away as she moaned and cooed in her sleep. She was so beautiful and innocent sleeping all peacefully, I didn’t want to leave her. I knew that I had to though, so after a few minutes I pulled my finger away and dashed to the door before she woke up on my ass. Ricardo was out on the porch smoking a black when I came out the door and he quickly ashed that bitch before he wrapped me in his arms.

  “You know how much I love you woman?” He asked as I nodded my head yes and he said that I couldn’t possibly know.

  I told him that I loved him just as much before we kissed then I slowly pulled away from him so that I could leave. I knew that if I stayed there in his arms any longer I would never have the courage to leave. He knew that too, so he told me to go and hurry back as I walked off the porch and to the car. I jumped in and crunk up before I looked at my man. He had a fake smile on his face and tears in his eyes as he waved goodbye.

  “Bye baby, I’ll be back soon. I love you Mr. Stick The Tip In.” I said as I chuckled and got Ricardo to laugh.

  I could still see his bright ass smile as I pulled out the yard and headed to my truth. I rode and thought about what I would find when I got there as Kendrick Lamar blast through my speakers. I pulled up in front of the big blue house Mama Betsy lived in at a little after one. Two cars were in the driveway in front of me and kids played on bikes and scooters in the yard. I admired how normal everything looked as I got out of my car and walked up on to the porch. The kids all spoke to me and asked me my name as I stood at the door and knocked. I knocked two times as I answered a dozen question, growing more and more impatient by the second. By the time this tall dark skinned girl with bright red hair came to the door, I was irritated and just ready for answers.

  “Uhh excuse me, is Mama Betsy here?” I asked her with a little sass in my voice as she caught an attitude of her own.

  She rolled her neck and her eyes at the same down time before she sucked her teeth at me.

  “Mama Betsy? Girl, you must not be from around here. My grandma been dead for over ten years and shit.” The girls said as I felt my heart fall because I knew I would never get to hear her truth. ```

  I figured I could get some version of the truth though after I realized the girl had called her grandma. I figured she must have been the grand daughter who was living with Mama Betsy when Kenan was there. She was more of a reliable source with personal info on the bastard, so I knew I had to sway her. That’s why I quickly fixed my attitude and altered my approach to appease the hood rat. I smiled at her crispy ass with the fakest grin I could muster as she did the same thing. I could see that hoe would be a hard nut to crack from that, but I wasn’t about to give up.

  “Oh I’m so sorry, I had no idea she had passed. Please accept my condolences and I apologize for coming by here. I know you don’t know me but my name is Kaniyah Wright. My mother’s name is Spicy and well, she is related to someone who lived in this house.” I said as that sparked the hoe’s interest and she asked me who. “Kenan.” I said and I watched as her eyes got bigger than saucers and I knew I had the right plug.

  The expression on her face told me she had a lot to say on the matter and I wanted to hear it all. That’s why I asked her if I could come in to ask her a few question and she happily obliged. She opened the storm door and I walked past her into the living room as she yelled to her kids. I walked around the living room with antique furniture that had to be Mama Betsy’s, and glared at all of the pictures on the wall. There was a lot of kids, some of the girl who opened the door, and one of Kenan as a boy.

  In the picture, Kenan couldn’t have been older than 11 and he had this evil ass look on his face. I felt my flesh crawl and that uneasy feeling surge through me again as I stared into his evil eyes. I saw nothing but hurt and pain in those eyes, even though he was just a little boy. That let me know that evil had been embedded in him from the beginning and the only way to free him would be to cut it out. I said that out loud too as I mean mugged his picture and the girl walked up behind me. She agreed that was the only way as I turned around and asked her how she knew.

  “I know because I grew up with the bastard and I know he rotten as hell. Oh, by the way I’m Rochell. Nice to meet you.” She said as I told her that it was nice to meet her too and she led me over to the couch.

  Once we sat down, she filled me in and I sat there with my mouth wide open. “Yeah girl, that bastard always been bad and I don’t mean regular bad either. Kenan killed animals, set the house on fire twice, and even caused a four-car wreck right here on this street. He loved to inflict pain on other people to gain their power, at least that’s what my grandma used to say. I would always ask her why she didn’t get rid of him if she knew he was so evil and she would respond that it was the Christian way. Christian way my ass though, because I would have kicked his devil looking ass out after the first cat got skinned. Grandma didn’t though, not until he did what he did.” Rochell said with tears in her eyes before she quickly looked away.

  She didn’t even have to tell me what that thing he did was after that, because that feeling in my gut told me that I already knew.

  “He raped you didn’t he?” I asked her as she suddenly snapped her head back around to look at me.

  Tears ran down her face like faucets as she shook her head yes and asked me how I knew.

  “I know because I’m one of his victims too. Both me and my mama are. My situation’s way worse than yours though, because that sick bastard is my baby’s father and my father too.” I said and Rochell’s eyes seemed to pop out of her head and she instantly got nervous.

  She jumped up and began to pace as she said no over and over again. I wondered was the hoe losing her mind and if I would have to kill her as I stuck my hand in my purse to ouch my gun while I asked her what was wrong.

  “You being here is what is wrong. He may be following you. You his daughter and you had a baby by him? Damn, the cycle almost complete. You gotta go. I can’t have you here and bringing the heat on me. He might remember me then and find out about my son.” Rochelle slipped up and said as I jumped up and ran over to her.

  I asked her if her son was by Kenan as she covered her ears and tried to drown out the sound of my voice. She was acting like a little as girl as she continued to do that while she hummed and led me to the door. I begged her to tell me if he was her baby daddy and to tell me where Kenan’s sister lived, but she just continued to hum. She finally removed one hand from her ears to open the door once we were there, but she still refused to answer my questions. I was mad as hell when I walked out that bitch, so much so I wanted to whoop her ass. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I walked past her and she looked the other way. She wanted no parts of me or the trouble that was following me and in a way I couldn’t blame her. However, for the sake of my child and for the sake of my future, I still had to try it again. I waited until I had gotten down off the porch before I called out to her.

  “Rochell, just think about how you would feel if you were in my shoes. You’d want help, if not for yourself at least for your child. I guess it doesn’t mean shit to you though because you don’t have any ties to us. Your son does though because my daughter is his little sister. Think about that Rochell and how one day they could be forced to reproduce.” I said and s
he gasped because what I said had struck a nerve.

  I could see it in her face as she cried and held her mouth while she repeatedly said no. I let that shit marinate as I walked to my car and opened my door, then the words I said finally penetrated her heart and she told me what I wanted to know.

  “She lives in Millington, on Navy Road. 4533 to be exact. It’s a huge farm house with 15 or 20 kids that are always outside. Her name is Felicia Downs and that cunt is a real bitch. Be careful out there sister, because those muthafuckas are lunatics.” Rochell said with fear all over her face as she yelled for her kids to come in.

  I watched as they all scurried inside then Rochell turned to look at me once more as I replied.

  “I’ll be safe sis, but know that I’m a lunatic too. Them bitches better be worried about me because I’m out for bloodshed.” I said as I hopped in my car and watched Rochell smile for the first time since I had met her.

  She smiled as I crunk up and pulled out of her driveway and when I began to pull off she yelled for me to give them hell. That’s exactly what I intended to do too as I drove towards home. I got halfway down Rochell’s street before my phone began to ring in my purse. I pulled it out as I stopped at the red light and saw that it was Rah calling. I quickly answered that bitch and when I did her frantic voice filled my ears.

  “Na Na, where you at? I need you bitch. These hoes up here at the doctor trying to jump me and it’s the same hoes who jumped me the first fucking time. It’s about six of them big bitches this time though and they got bats and shit. Come and help me best friend, I can’t take on all these hoes alone.” Rah said as I told her say less and that I was on my way.

  After that I hung up my phone and punched my car to 80 miles per hour through the street. I was on my way to help my best friend then finally slay my dragon. That’s what I thought anyway; but like always, shit didn’t go as I planned.

  Chapter 11

  I drove towards downtown and Rah in distress, lost in a daze because I had so many thoughts rushing through my mind that I couldn’t concentrate. I was anxious to get close to Kenan’s sister mommy so that I could make him feel my pain. That was my number one mission as I prepared to help my friend when I suddenly remembered she said we were outnumbered. I remembered what she had told me about the first fight she had with the hamburger gang and that along with the fact that she said that there were more than before made me think about some back up. I quickly dialed KJ’s number and put it on speaker as I got off on the Union exit about six blocks away from Rah. KJ answered on the first ring and when he did I quickly told him that I needed his help.

  “Bruh I got some information on Kenan’s sister mommy and I’m going to holler at that bitch. First though I gotta go aid and assist Rah cause them hoes after her again. Meet me downtown at the MedPlex right now and bring Ky and Kam with you. When I get there I’mma get Rah out and lure them hoes to the park on the corner. Y’all post up there and even the odds for us. We’ll handle the rest.” I told my brother and he said that he was on the way.

  When I hung up with KJ I was pulling on Madison and I could see the front door of the clinic. Outside the doors, I saw two fat bitches with big wigs on going live and talking shit. I knew those were two of the hoes waiting on Rah and that there had to be more inside. That’s why I drove around to Jefferson Street and went in through the hospital after I parked. Once inside the hospital I took the long way around to the clinic that was connected to the hospital as I called Rah.

  “Bitch, I’m here and I’m coming through the hospital. What floor you on?” I asked her as I walked to the elevators and waited to see which floor I was pushing.

  When Rah said the fourth floor I quickly pushed the up button and told her to get ready.

  “Okay bitch, this what I need you to do. When your nurse or doctor comes back in tell them that you need their help. Tell them that you have a smart device on your car and that the alarm just went off. Ask for a wheelchair because you’re having pains and have the bitch push you out. I know they won’t deny you cause you high risk, so having the nurse with you will divert those bitches til you get to me. Have them push you to the hospital tunnel and I’ll be waiting right by the elevator. I’m gonna act like I don’t know you at first until we get outside. That’s gonna throw those hoes off if they following y’all and keep the nurse there to intervein. Once we outside and in the car, it’s on. I want them bitches to follow us because I got something waiting on their ass. You just get to me and I will handle the rest.” I told my best friend as she said she was on it then prepared to hang up the phone.

  I heard a nurse come in and call her name just before she hung up. I was on go then as the elevators opened and I stepped out to post up in the hall. I stood there about eight minutes waiting on Rah as I texted back and forth with KJ. Him and my other brothers had just gotten to the park and were waiting on us. I told him that Rah was on the way just as her and a tall dark skinned nurse came down the hall towards me. I texted KJ that we were on the way before I put my phone up and noticed the three bitches who were following them.

  One of the bitches was tall and black, and looked like Ceasar off of Planet of The Apes’ sister, all monkish and hairy, and shit. That bitch had big man hands and feet, and some big ass teeth that looked like she took kids on rides around the zoo for a living. The other two were morbidly obese and short ghetto twins with pop eyes and some big ass mouths. The talked shit under their breath the entire time they walked behind Rah nem to the elevators. I just stood back off to the side like I didn’t know them or what was going on. I asked Rah’s nurse which floor though once we had all gotten onto the elevator, and then I cheerfully pushed it as I positioned myself between Rah and the hoes. They mumbled about how they were going to beat the baby out of her as I stood there stoic and Rah laughed in her chair. The nurse seemed oblivious to what was going on as her dingy ass hummed to herself.

  When the elevator beeped and the doors opened on the ground floor I stood in the way so that Rah and the nurse could get out. As I did that the big monkey looking hoe took notice and asked who the fuck I was. I said nothing at first as I stood there and let Rah and the nurse get a head start. I knew that Rah would see my car as soon as she got outside and the nurse would have her in before I got there. That’s all I needed, that little stall; so I hit the button on my keys to unlock and open my doors so that it would be easy for the nurse to get Rah in. Once I saw them walk out of the doors I knew they were only a few steps away, so I finally answered the fugly faced hoe’s question.

  “I’m the bitch that’s about to give yo ugly ass that work so bring your big donkey looking ass on out.” I said as I walked out of the elevator with my hand in my purse between my brass knuckles and my gun. Just like I thought, those bitches followed me out as they continued to talk shit.

  “Oh, this hoe with her huh? Bitch you fina get dragged too.” The big monkey man looking bitch said as the Umpa Lumpa twins chimed in.

  “Yeah she came to get her ass whooped right along with her friend. Ole Captain Save Her ass bitch.” One of the twins said as the other agreed.

  “I know, right. A weak bitch always trying to come save somebody. Hoe who gonna save you when we get on y’all ass? Call TeTe nem Lisha, cause these hoes getting this work today.” The bitch said and I laughed still with my back turned to them.

  Those hoes thought they had me pressed with all that tough ass talk, but all they were doing was making shit harder for themselves. I had been stalked and tortured by a real-life fucking demon, so I knew there was nothing those project hoes could do to me. That’s why I just turned around and smiled at those bad ass hoes, then I turned back around and smiled at the nurse as she walked back into the hospital pushing the wheelchair. As she walked in, I walked out with my brass knuckles already on.

  As soon as I was outside and I could see my car my adrenaline kicked in and I shot off. I waited until one of the twins got enough nerve to catch up with me and attempted to touch my shoulder before
I turned around and hit that hoe with full force. I hit that bitch with the brass knuckles with spikes attached to it which I had on my hand, and knocked a whole chunk of flesh out of her jaw. She screamed and grabbed her face as blood and flesh ran all through her fingers and her friends yelled with her.

  “Ahhh that hoe cut me. She cut me Lisha.” The girl yelled as the monkey ran to her then acted like she was going to lunge at me.

  I stopped right at my door and dared that bitch to do it. She wasn’t as brave as she thought after she looked back at her friend again, then told me that she was going to get us.

  “Well come on then ole tough ass bitch. Let’s see if you bitches about what y’all talking about. She ain’t by herself this time hoe. So come on and get this work.” I yelled as I got into my car and three more bitches pulled up beside me.

  I smirked at them hoes as Rah taunted them from the passenger seat, then I put my car in reverse. Them hoes jumped out cursing at the air and shit as they ran over to check their friend and I told them to come on.

  “Come the fuck on out tough ass bitches. That fat hoe will be aite. She at the hospital ain’t she, so they’ll put her pudding face ass back together. You tough bitches come with me to where 12 can’t see us and live what y’all talking about.” I yelled before I pulled out of the lot, burning rubber in them bitches face.

  When we pulled out Rah looked back and said that the hoes were coming. “They left that fat bitch and now they are piling in that lil ass Nissan like it’s a clown car. I wish you could see it bitch, it’s like we being chased by the ghetto, killer clowns from out of space. Bitch, look in the rearview mirror and tell me this shit don’t look like a scene from a low budget horror movie.” Rah said as she laughed so hard she had to hold her stomach to keep her baby in.

  I laughed too after I looked in the rearview and saw what she saw. The little red Nissan Maximum they were in was behind us in the same lane, but it looked like that hoe was barely moving. All of the weight from them massive hoes had that bitch looking like a bike with training wheels and a fat kid riding it. I thought I would crash I laughed so hard that my eyes watered and I swerved a little.


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