Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 1

by Patricia Halladay


  Children of the Gods: Book 1

  Patricia L. Halladay

  Copyright © 2021 Patricia Halladay

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN-13: 9781234567890

  ISBN-10: 1477123456

  Cover design by: Fantasia Cover Designs

  To All the Strong People out there,

  Take no prisoners and never appologize for being you. You're leading the way. Just remember, pebbles not breadcrumbs!


  Title Page




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  About The Author


  “But why do I have to shuck the peas??”

  “Because you are the fastest and they won’t be wasted in a food fight, before they are even cooked.” Mom said, smiling. She’s right, at least 80% of the peas would be thrown out because they became ammunition in a food fight if it were anyone else.

  “You have 4 hours to get them done sweetheart, or they won’t be cooked in time for dinner. Thank you, Sweets!!” Mom said as she walks out of the breakfast nook that is just off the left side of the kitchen. The pack house isn’t like many others, it is a single level above ground and 3 levels below ground. It’s more like a giant den with multiple rooms and halls. The Alpha and Luna’s, Beta’s, Gamma’s, and Warrior head’s offices are all on the main floor. Also on this level are the conference center, where all official and unofficial meetings held, and of course the library and kitchen.

  “Well, you better get at it!” Amara, my wolf laughs, sending me the image of her rolling on ground laughing. Stupid wolf, she is such a smart ass at times. Amara has been with me since I was born. I know it is not possible right? Not normally because normal werewolves don’t get their wolf until they shift at the age of 16. But my wolf came to me extremely early and since then she has been a constant voice of both reason and mischief in my life.

  “Gee, thanks!” note sarcasm and rolling my eyes.

  “Well, we could review all the high rank officials! To help past time, also because we need to know them for the meeting set in 2 months with the royal family. “Amara suggests now that she was done laughing her tail off.

  So, we start going through the very long list of 700 colonies worldwide. “Which do you want to start with?” I ask Amara.

  “Let's start with the Chimaera (ghost shark) group, they are the smallest worldwide.” She replies.

  “Okay, well there is the shiver off the coast of Peru, and of course there is the 3 shivers off the Australian coast. The Peruvian shiver is called the Silent Tides and their Patriarch male is Hugh, and his matriarch is Sasha.” I start off the long list that could take up the 4 hours of work, but it is helping to set a nice rhythm.

  “Ok and the other three are?” Amara asks.

  “There is the Northern Tsunami shiver, their leaders are Malcolm and Rhea. Then there is Rising Tide, which is Hugh’s brother, Kale and Samantha. And last there is Swaying Waters' shiver and their leader is Seth, and he hasn’t found his mate yet as he just took over from his father Matthew and Mother Kristen.” I reply.

  “Nicely done, that is right! Now on to the next one!”

  Suddenly there is blood curdling screams erupting throughout the pack house. “Rogues!!” screams Cathy. I drop the pea pod I am working on and take off running through the house and out the front door to my parents. Leading me straight into a massive fight with blood lusting rogues.

  “Keep running Nimue!! We need to help your parents fight!” Amara urges as I bolt to my left towards my dad’s wolf Jake who is taking on a rogue the same size.

  It is unusual for a rogue to be as big as an Alpha, but then again, the difference between a rogue and a bloodlust rogue is their state of mind. A rogue is usually a pack-less animal caused by either their pack being destroyed; the death of their mate; or they left for personal reasons (usually issues within the pack). They are able to join a pack if the pack is willing to accept them; if they find their mate or second chance mate and join their pack. A bloodlust rogue though is insane and kills for the pure joy of causing harm and destruction. They can never be saved and the only way to stop them is to kill them. The best way to tell them apart is a rogue smell of dirt, like they haven’t showered in years and a bloodlust rogues smells of death.

  As I slam into the rogue, I smell it... Death! I shift into Amara immediately and give her complete control. Dad is struggling and not getting up. The smell of blood is overwhelming and no doubt the Vampire clan to the south of our pack, can probably smell it without the wind to carry the scent. There is a sudden stop in motion.

  “Amara!! What are you doing? Keep fighting!!” I yell frantically.

  “Nimue, your mom.” she whimpers. Then I see what she is looking at. My mom is struggling to crawl to my dad, away from a rogue stalking towards her. A howl filled with pain, hate and rage erupts from my chest as I take a defensive stance in front of my parents. We are now encircled by rogues and they all smell of death. “It’s impossible for this many bloodlust rogues to be in the same place. This isn’t normal.” I say to Amara. The rogues have stopped coming closer and the smug look they once had has been replaced by sheer horror. Amara and I have become of one mind and have shifted into our full Lycan form. We are now completely one being, who my mom named Nimara. Digging my claws into the ground to coat them with silver, I finally stand up right.

  Lunging at the biggest rogue, I bury our claws into his skull, and I can feel his brain swishing into small chunks, as my claws slice through it. He never knew what hit him and had no time to react. Pulling out of his head quickly, I have moved onto another two rogues at once. As I jump on the two rogues, I have dug my front claws into the furthest one’s chest and my hind claws have sunk into the first one's spine, severing it at the base of his skull. As I do this another one is coming at me from my right and is about to sink his teeth into my ribs, when a silver spike shots up from the earth and directly into his chest. I look further to my right and see a boy, about 12 years old and his eyes are silver. I nod my thanks to him and continue on with killing these assholes in front of me. As I continue fighting, I am joined by my pack members, and they are digging into rogues as fast as I am. Our pack members are all super protective of each other, so with seeing my parents laying in a pool of blood, it has sent them over the edge, and they are out for death.

  The fight is over quickly, and bodies litter the territory. All of theirs and some of ours. The medics and doctors are attending to our wounded, as I release a deafening roar that shakes the territory. I run to my parents shifting back into my human body and Clara moves aside for me. I start helping to bandage my parents to stop their
bleeding when my dad stops me.

  “Baby girl, stop. It’s too late for us.” My dad says through shallow, ragged breaths.

  “Nimue, we will always love you.” mom is coughing up blood causing her to choke before she continues. “Remember to follow your heart and your instincts will guide you safely.”

  “I can’t lose you!! I need you!! The pack needs you!!” I cry as my dad struggles to breath and is turning blue. I continue to work to stop the bleeding when Amara says something.

  “Nimue, use our blood!! It may help them heal and live!” She panicked at the thought of losing my parents. I slice my palm open with a claw and start applying my blood to their wounds. A cool hand comes to rest on my shoulder. I hear gasps from my pack and freeze instantly, instead of trying to slice my now healed palm again.

  “Nimue, please stop. You’ll hurt yourself. They have lost so much blood; they cannot be saved. It is time for them to come join me.” A tall, beautiful woman, with snow white hair, wearing a white dress says. It is draped over her left shoulder and comes down; it is held around her by a crystal chain belt.

  “Who are you? Why aren’t you healing them?” I scream as tears stream down my cheeks.

  “Nimue!!” Draven scolds me.

  “You will be told everything soon my child, for now though you must let me take them home.” She has a sad smile, as she embraces me. I feel a warmth coming from her, but at the same time I feel nothing but anger and hate towards her. I push away from her, and as if I just put a gun to her head, she looks truly heartbroken at my reaction. Going to my parents one last time, taking their hands in mine to say goodbye as they stop fighting and take their last breath. I release a mournful howl and soon the whole pack joins me, as our Alpha and Luna leave us forever. Falling to my knees crying, the tall woman comes to embrace me again and I don’t react to her.

  “May I have the honor of laying your parents to rest Nimue?” It’s the boy from earlier in the fight, his eyes are no longer silver but a deep forest green.

  “Yes please.” I say, “who are you?”

  “My name is Onyx, I’m an Earth Nymph and that girl wrapped around you is Tilly. She is a Forest Nymph.” That is when I realize I am no longer being held by the woman, but instead by a girl around my age. I return her hug, as the ground starts to shake, the spot that my parents lay raises. It floats off with Onyx following behind. We walk for a while; everyone is following until we make it to a large clearing outside of our territory. It is unclaimed land, just south of the Tiger Lily Pride territory, but it is here that Onyx lays my parents to rest. He creates a cavern and places them inside, then seals it. Only our pack and family will be able to access this place, it is for us to be remembered when we have left this earth.

  Chapter 1

  ~ Nimue ~

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-TAA!! Puppy Power!!”

  “Uh!! I’m up already!” I croaked to my alarm clock hitting the off button. With that it is 5 am and time to get up for training.

  Thump, thump, thump. “Nimue, time to get your ass moving girl!! Breakfast ready in 10 minutes!” Draven yells through my door.

  “Coming!” I throw on my black workout clothes and my hair into a ponytail. I run out my bedroom door and slide down the banister just in time for Draven to turn around to catch me as I come flying off at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Oof! Damn girl you need to give a guy a warning next time! I need to protect the goods!” As he massages himself from my hip colliding with his groin.

  “I am sure the goods are fine! Now what is up for today’s schedule??” I reply back as we walk into the kitchen and I take a seat at the breakfast island. The kitchen is light and open with huge windows looking out to the clan village. I start laughing as an image of Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings comes to mind. It actually is exactly how our community looks, we live in underground dens.

  “Well, we have scent marking to do, training, border patrol, then breakfast and finally off to the conference at Tiger Lily Pride territory.” He hands me a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana slices on it. I eat it quickly; we need to be back and ready to go by 9 am at the latest. Though most of our morning will take until 830.

  “Hey what are we going to be eating??” I ask as I think of another slice of toast with peanut butter and banana would be great, maybe also adding a piece of bacon on there too. Yummy!!

  “Well, we are having breakfast nachos, pancakes, sausage and the works omelet. Why do you ask? Thinking about lunch already?” Draven replies laughing at me as I drool over the menu. “Okay pup let's get going! The more laps around the clan border, the stronger the scent is the better. Oh, speaking of that, we need to talk to Onyx and Tilly, have them help bring in any Silver Shadow rogues, so that they can join the clan.” Draven mentions while shoveling his peanut butter banana toast into his mouth.

  Draven has been an amazing role model and big brother to me, not an easy task to take on when you're a sixteen-year-old bear shifter. Yet he has handled it in strides and even found his mate, my friend Tilly. Draven is slowly moving into Tilly’s place. I think he is hesitating about it because he doesn’t want me to be alone all the time just yet. It’s always been him and me, no matter what is going on.

  The best way to describe Draven, think Daniel Dae Kim from Hawaii Five-O. Draven, is the reserved type, always observing. Usually, he has completely scoped a place out, marked the best escape route if shit hits the fan, and he has this done before you can find the bathrooms. He is more of a Winnie the Pooh though and loves his honey. He is soft and caring, just don’t piss him off. It’s like getting in between momma and her cubs. Not a suggested idea, and don’t play dead, because you will just end up dead. I saw a hunter do that once. I was hugging myself laughing so hard, but at the same time thinking, how fucking stupid can you be? Let’s just say he went home in a pine box.

  Me on the other hand, I look like a short ass elf! My hair is a long silver-white color, to the middle of my back and straight as a board. I stand a whooping 5’3” (see told you my ass was built too close to the ground) and roughly about 130lbs. My face is round like a chipmunk, with soft small lips and a gentle sloped nose, but it’s my eyes that give my bloodline away. They are ocean blue with silver streaks around the center. All clan members can be identified by their eyes. It doesn’t matter the color; all clan members have silver streaks around the center of their eyes.

  As we walk out the door and past the Memorial Cavern, I sigh as I look at the plaque that sits marking the entrance. It’s been 10 years since my parents died, and on my birthday in two months, it will be 10 years that Draven has been my legal guardian. My parents were smart and had left a will stating what was to happen with me, the pack and all the finances that my family and pack had accumulated over 9 years. I was seven, almost eight the night of the attack.

  My parents were amazing leaders and made sure everyone was treated with respect. Just before my uncle took over, all the money that was in the pack account was divided among the remaining members. Then all the businesses and additional properties my parents owned were given to me. Draven helped me manage the businesses, something an almost 8-year-old would have no idea about and we gave the properties to the pack members who did not want to stay with the pack under my uncle. Our pack went from being roughly 389 people to just under a 100 when my uncle took over. Many also asked our allies if their younger children, who would not become Alpha in their own pack, would like to become their new Alpha. Many said yes, and in doing so the Alpha, Beta and Gamma were in place immediately. In the end there were five new packs created and they have all grown since then.

  “Hey kiddo, you okay?” Draven asked as we got to the end of the driveway.

  “Yeah, just thinking about everything that has happened since mom and dad passed. I miss everyone from the old pack.” I say starting the pace for our rounds.

  “I k
now Nim, but it was for the best. Did you really want to leave them in your Uncle Tit’s hands?” He asked me and I shook my head no while laughing.

  Just like my old pack before, my new clan is a mishmash of different supernatural species. The difference with my new clan is that we are of a strong bloodline of protectors. The Silver Shadow bloodline, our clan is unique because we accept everyone, not just those of Silver Shadow blood. It was created by Gaia, to help protect the Gods while they walked here on earth. To be born with Silver Shadow blood, both parents must be pure bloods, and it is not just limited to lycans and werewolves. Many of the supernatural species have it and each of us is born with a unique ability as well. Mine is minerals and metals. I can collect it from the earth with just a touch and use it as a weapon during a fight. Silver is the one I use the most, I know I shouldn’t be able to touch it right? But I can and the only effect it has on me is a minor rash.

  This is where the new territory comes into play. It has large deposits of both minerals and metals, making for easy access when needed. It’s a large area just south of the Tiger Lily Pride, the exact spot where Onyx laid my parents to rest. The Pride male (like an Alpha) Kenneth convinced the council to give the territory to us two years ago. He extended it for us, taking some of his territory and adding it to the unclaimed land, so that we could grow here and be able to keep everyone safe. It took place while Draven and I were traveling to get official numbers of Silver Shadow born supernatural’s. Since then, our clan numbers have grown, giving us the ability to safeguard against attack from anyone. We also let those who choose not to join, to live just on the outskirts of the territory borders, so that they are able to have help if they ever need it.

  In total there were seven bloodlines long ago, and each served a special purpose. Now though there is only us left, possibly one other. Before the treaty, many supernatural species were hunted and almost wiped out, that included at least five of the bloodlines. The Black Moon clan was the only other clan I know of, and that is assuming. As the last count was 71 in the clan and since then it is unknown how many members are left, because they all scattered into the wind.


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