Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 18

by Patricia Halladay

  “HOLY FUCK THAT WAS EPIC!” Tank yells with eyes burning bright as the sun. He looks like he just watched the best movie ever made. “When’s the next one?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I just laugh. Go figure he would like this; Tania’s going to have some fun tonight in bed. The other three look like they are going to puke and want to be at least 150 kilometers away from me. The feeling of freedom and justice is short lived though, as all of a sudden a guard comes rushing through the door.

  “Alpha Nimue, the Northern Lake pack is attacking. They just crossed our border.” Yep it's Monday alright.

  Chapter 15

  ~ Nimue ~

  As if on cue, the alarms starts going off and the ground starts to shake about every 45 seconds. I am getting a mind-link from one person each time, with a number, names, and safe location. My clan is being evacuated and quickly. I have no worries about the other Leaders as they are not here yet and when I get out of the clan house, I see Tenelle and other Messengers flying overhead. They have sacks with them. It’s probably letters to stop the others from coming, many of them were to arrive later tonight.

  Draven stops by my side long enough to tell me he is going to the recently brought in babies and children, he then shifts into Thrash, his bear. These children have no families, they are some of the survivors from recently attacked packs. They were able to be saved by other pack members when they escaped the destruction.

  I start mind-links to all our Elite guards to get a number of wolves coming in, and to give instructions. “Nick, how many have passed by you? Stay hidden, when the last of them go past stay behind enough that you can take out some from the back. That goes for all of you. Be ready too for them to come back at you when trying to escape.”

  “Alpha there is about 113 in the group and according to the spell Tania placed, they are all WILLING enemies. Many of us have already gotten adjusted for their retreat and are still in hiding. We will keep our guns and claws at the ready.” Nick sends back. Something doesn’t feel right, as the other Leaders aren’t here, but then again we held a private meeting in a secure location about the changes. I check in with others and get positions and numbers from them also. The female gargoyle that gave me blood, lands beside me and gives me what information she could gather.

  “There are another 30 wolves that stayed behind at their camp. I already contacted the security group from the conference, and they said they will handle them. The rest are moving through the tree line and not coming out into the open as they move this way. Making it harder for us fliers to take them out, but Simon said he would handle things while they stay in the trees, Ram’s with him. But I am unsure of how much a little boy can do with a grounder. He might need assistance.” She says.

  “Don’t worry about that little boy too much, he’s the god Dionysus, and he can handle himself. Especially if he has a ride to help him do more damage.” I say and she starts to snicker. She starts to beat her massive wings hard and lifts herself up into the air. She quickly finds a strong air current and uses it to circle the clearing and living dens. I watch as others get into position and ready themselves for the fight to come. I can feel the electricity building in the air as we wait, something still feels off, and that’s when my phone rings.


  “Thank you for making things easier for me, although it’s not too smart to have both Alpha King Brody and Pride Leader Kenneth there. Both their territories are being taken now, and in the end I won’t need you to win. Although having you as my mate would have made things a lot easier than they already are.” Alpha Eric says with a dark laugh.

  “Eric, I would never take a useless, small, cocked man like you as a mate. Even if the goddess paired us together. You really thought my cousin and brother would still be here with those lovely sirens going off? Thank you for having your pack at our border way too early, we were able to put safety measures in place to get them home as soon as the alarms went off. If you honestly thought we would make this easy for you, that makes you a bigger fucktard then uncle. Oh, speaking of which, both your Beta and Uncle Tit are dead by the way. You should watch the videos of your pack dying, it’s such a shame you wasted so many good warriors. Brody and Kenneth are protecting their territories and killing your men quickly. I do enjoy watching my girlfriend use her cheetah to run your fighters to death, and Morgana is amazing at popping their heads off their shoulders too.” I say while one of Brody’s soldiers holds a tablet in front of me. A split screen with two videos of the Northern Lake pack’s warriors. One of Tiger Lily Pride and the other in the Northern Star pack, and all of them dying quickly. Rachel and Morgana are fighting well and taking down warriors fast.

  “That’s impossible! We will win and you will beg for me to take you as my mate, or your death is next!” He seethes, just as I see him, and his remaining pack members come out of the trees. Alpha Eric looks angry, he’s now getting to watch the videos of his men dying. Snapping the tablet in half, he signals for his wolves to keep advancing, that is until some start to fall and scream from pain. Vines and silver spikes have started to appear, and I see a “super cute'' little boy on a grounder’s back, and the smile he has is anything but sweet. The two of them are staying in the trees, and as a spike takes a wolf down, a vine comes out to drag him back. The grounder then rips the wolf apart. I am noticing more nymphs and grounders working together from the tree line, doing the same as Dionysus and Ram. The sun is blocked again and the shadows from the sky are moving fast. As fast as one passes overhead, a Northern Lake wolf goes down with an arrow or spear through its skull. The gargoyles are only taking kill shots, to conserve ammunition and still do the most damage.

  Alpha Eric is looking enraged as he’s losing more and more of his men. With a sudden howl, they all charge. I told my warriors to stay put, let them expend the energy and get tired faster from having to cover the distance. Good thing too, when some make it to our fighters, they are easily taken down. Others though have realized they have nothing left and go bloodlust. Making them stronger and harder to kill. Our fighters are working together and taking them down slowly, but we are still making head way. A bloodlust pack member is circling me, and I still have not shifted, I don’t need to yet. As the wolf lunges, I drop to my knees and rake my claws deep into his body as he soars over me, going down from his throat to his groin. He’s trying to get up, but I am quick to turn and slam my claws into the base of his skull and spine, killing him.

  I hear a loud roar and look over to see Draven’s bear, Thrash, outside of the building with the little ones in it. He’s getting bombarded by wolves. They aren’t making it far though, because as he takes one or two out with a slash of his huge paw, one is taken down by a blade. Natalie’s helping and working her best skill, hand to hand combat. She moves with lightning speed and accuracy. She helps keep them pushed back far enough that grounders and fliers are also able to strike. Guess they have gotten ideas from Tanner, because many are now picking up the attacking army to rip them in half or taking them up a couple hundred feet and letting them go. Remember wolves don’t land on their feet and apparently they don’t bounce either. Seeing he is ok and has things under control, I start moving again just to be brought to a sudden stop.

  A sharp pain in my chest brings me to my knees. The pain is so bad, that I am crying, when I turn my head to find the guys, I see Eric has hit Onyx. I am quick to my feet and shift as I slam into Eric’s ribs, earning a sufficient crunch from them all breaking. As he goes rolling a few feet away, I shift back and move to check on Onyx. He has a large wound in his chest, it’s near his heart. I can feel his pulse slowing and blood is pooling under him. Eric drove his claws through Onyx’s chest and out his back.

  “Shit, Onyx you are going to be ok! Please don’t leave us! Our pups need all of their daddies.” I say panicking, my training has completely left my brain. Bronx and Scott are both quick to us and Bronx starts to work on Onyx. His breathing is slowing fast, too fast.

  “Nimue, don’t stop
fighting for our pups. I will always be with them and you.” Onyx says as his heartbeat stops, and Bronx starts CPR. I hear Eric start laughing and then says….

  “Your stupid cat is next. Now that the useless flower patch is dead, I am going to enjoy killing each of you and claiming your clan.” He sneers.

  “Scott stay with Onyx and Bronx. DO NOT LEAVE THEM! I will handle him.” I say getting to my feet and covered in Onyx’s blood. I move forward and dodging Eric’s attacks, as I lead him further away from the guys. They need to be safe and if I have Eric busy, Bronx can save Onyx.

  “Mommy, to save our daddies, it’s time to complete the bond.” a small whisper comes on a light breeze.

  “How? Other than saying it to Amara I don’t know how. I can’t lose any more of you. I would rather die.” I tell the sweet voice.

  “Mommy, you have always known how to do it. Just like before connect with your heart, but not just yours, connect to our daddy’s too. They need to all connect with you to become one. Do it before it’s too late for Daddy Onyx! Quick Mommy do it now!” She screams as Eric’s wolf slams into me, he has gone bloodlust. I am only half shifted into Amara and I may have waited too long. As Eric’s wolf clamps down on my shoulder and throws me into a tree. With a sickening crunch my ribs break, and my head snaps back and slams into a rock when I hit the ground. Blackness starts to overcome me; I hear Scott scream my name. “Stay there, it will be alright. I love you.” I say and then it's all black.

  “Well, it’s about time I actually got to meet you face to face! You know for a human, you are damn short!” Amara says slightly laugh. She stands a good 6 feet tall, and her fur is actually white, not silver. The mark of our clan is the only fur that is a different color, and it is not black, but blue. Midnight blue.

  “Shut up horny ass wolf!” I laugh when she just smiles. “Amara, it’s time. We need to bond to save Onyx, Bronx, and Scott. I am not sure how to get connect to them too though.”

  “Open your mind, even to Onyx. He will hear you, do it quickly though, he doesn’t have much time before Hades must come for him! The clan is having a hard time keeping Eric from the guys now that he has knocked you out.” She says. I close my eyes and the link opens. I don’t just connect to my mates; I go further than that. I go to the whole clan.

  “Now say it and keep saying it.” Amara says and I do.

  “We are of one heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.” I say.

  “Again” Amara says, I can feel a pull bringing her into me.

  “We are of one heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.” I repeat it again like she said.

  “Again” The pull is stronger and sends waves of energy into every living thing around me.

  “We are of one heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.” I say a third time, but now I can hear the clan, we are no longer separate voices, we are one. I feel power flow throughout my body, my broken ribs heal instantly, along with the gash to my head and shoulder. The link closes down to just Scott, Onyx, Bronx, and me.

  “Say it again with them, and let it flow from you to each of the guys.” Amara’s voice has changed, it sounds like it is no longer in front of me but coming from me.

  “We are of one heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.” I say feeling our mate bond strengthen and there is a bright light that encloses the three guys. I still haven’t opened my eyes yet, but even in the middle of all this fighting, I can see only them. I heard Bronx first …

  “Holy fuck! Onyx! But how?” He says as Onyx starts to get up. The hole in his chest healed, with only a small scar and his body looks stronger. He starts to move and uses the earth to attack other wolves around them marked by Hecate’s spell. I think Scott and Bronx are shell shocked because it takes a good 30 seconds for them to start talking and moving again.

  “Bronx his eyes! Wait your eyes too! Both your eyes are glowing!” Scott says, he jumps to his feet hearing a sudden roar. The guys look over to see one of the gargoyles being attacked by multiple wolves. Scott doesn’t shift instead it’s like a cloak is lifted, taking off at full speed, his human body dissolves away. In its place is a powerful cheetah form, moving quicker than most of the wolves can react, he’s slicing through them with ease. Natalie and a white wolf jump in to help attack the Northern Lake wolves also. Another two white wolves come in and move the injured gargoyle out through the gap Natalie and the wolf created. Almost acting like Medics, doing fielding triage. Where did they come from? When I open my eyes to stand up, I no longer can feel Amara.

  “Have I lost you my old friend?” I say looking at my hands and they easily change back and forth between my lycan and my human. It's not shifting because there is no cracking of bones, but it dissolves away. The same way Scott just went into Dexter.

  “You have bonded completely, like so many of the Great Protectors before you. We cannot gain our true power until we become one with our wolves and lycans. Your powers and gifts have been given to your mates. It’s why Onyx healed and is alive. You’re now a goddess and your mates are immortal to be by your side for eternity.” I look to my left and Dane is sitting there, but he is no longer the black wolf I remember him as, he is white now. “What is your command Goddess?” He asks standing, I start to notice more white wolves in the tree line from all directions. There are hundreds of us.

  “Kill anything that is marked by magic as an enemy. They have a black glow around them.” I say and take off running. The fighting almost stops, when the sound of hundreds of paws thundering on the earth can be felt and heard. The white wolves charge into the fight without a second thought and many of the Northern Lake pack die with little effort, and it doesn’t matter whether they have gone bloodlust or not. I still haven’t gone into my lycan, I would rather beat the hell out of Eric like this and then finish him.

  As I move through the battlefield, helping even the odds, some warriors step in front of me to fight. I keep moving and lung at the one directly in front. I move quicker than he does and by the time he starts to react, I have landed on his back and wrapped my hands around his head twisting hard. His neck snaps and he collapses. I don’t stop there though; I lift his head and slice through his neck disconnecting it from his body. The two on my left are now being occupied by grounders and casters. The one on my right has already been killed by a protector. I need to help in more ways, and I get an idea from one of Onyx’s moves. I stand and connect to the earth, sending a shock wave of energy out to my clan members and allies. Those that were badly injured are healing more quickly than normal and are back on their feet. The ones still fighting get a sudden burst of power and energy, causing their enemy to back away from them in retreat. They don’t make it far, because if it’s not my clan, it’s the protectors that finish them off.

  I see Eric’s wolves or what is left of them heading back into the tree line. I put my hand up to stop everyone from following. There are murmurs and questions, as to why we don’t follow them. Then deathly screams, bones being broken, and flesh being ripped can be heard. I know the Elite warriors are enjoying their work. The warriors that have minor injuries start to move around and help transport the badly injured to the hospital and the clinic. I watch as Medical staff, casters and nymphs move to help get them placed, and start to work to help them heal quicker.

  As I stand there and survey the grounds just steps away from our homes, I am hit in the gut and slammed into the ground by Eric. Snapping his jaw, he is trying to get to my neck, but I am sinking my claws into his chest to hold him off and then his body goes flying away from me to the left side. Just as suddenly I’m pulled to my feet. Scott smiles and starts to purr when I run my hand down his soft, but very muscular arm. I feel a slight rumble near my feet and when I look, the ground has started to build up on itself. Kind of like Sandman, from Spiderman. Once done, Onyx is standing beside me and he has a stone texture to his skin.

  “Damn, that’s new!” I say and Scott just laughs, while Onyx just looks at me smiling. His eyes glow green, and I check to see that Scott’s a
re glowing yellow. “Where is Bronx?” just as I ask, the sun gets shaded out. To my surprise, Bronx lands just behind me and he has grown about 2 feet taller than he was before and now he has wings. Holy fuck!

  “What the fuck is the wingspan on those puppies? I don’t think the California king is big enough now!” I say causing Bronx to shakes his head and ruffles my hair. Earning him a playful nip from me, as a growl ripples through the air. Eric is still challenging us, even though his pack has been wiped out, he has run out of options. Pacing back and forth, he’s getting anxious, trying to size us up and find weaknesses. He has nothing left; he would rather die fighting than give up.

  This is my fight, and he has caused enough damage. I am Nimara, daughter of Gaia and Chronos. With gaining my full powers, my body feels energized, and connected to the life that surrounds me. It feels amazing to have become complete. Eric stops pacing and his eyes are as big as basketballs, guess he was another one that didn’t do his homework. I don’t give him the chance to recover from his shock and moving fast bringing my fist up under his jaw, snapping his head backwards. I continue my attack and slash his stomach several times as I dart in and out of his target range. X marks the spot. On another pass I go for his heels, severing his Achilles tendon. Trying to take a step, he falls forward to his knees and swings his claws at me when I move past him. I sidestep the swing, and I bring up my claws through the underside of his arm and out the top. He roars with pain and grabs it to hold onto. His right arm is just hanging on by thin strands of shredded muscle and tendons. The bone is shattered too, making it completely useless, and he is losing blood rapidly. Sitting back on his heels, he starts to laugh.


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