Nimara: Children of the Gods

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Nimara: Children of the Gods Page 24

by Patricia Halladay

  “Hey lizard breath, what’s wrong?” I say with a puff of heated air swirling around me.

  “There are many stone creatures in the theater, I want to make sure they have permission, but no one will come out to talk to me.” Jax says. He’s still in his dragon so when he speaks, there’s a hiss to his words. He just got his dragon not long ago, so he’s still learning to talk with his tongue and teeth.

  “Ok give me a second, we will fix that.” I say giving him a pat on the leg and he just hums. I mind-link Kai, “Hey babe can you call Emily and your mom and have them fly over really quick? Jax’s just making sure things are ok. He needs to meet them, nothing too big.” Soon I can hear the flapping of wings and claws hitting the ground as Queen Nyssa and Princess Emily land just a few feet behind me. Then I hear a large growl.

  “MINE” Well damn, that’s another one. We should rename the clan to The Love Site, Find your mate here! I turn to a shocked Queen Nyssa and a goofy smiling Princess Emily.

  “Well let me make introductions then, Queen Nyssa and Crown Princess Emily, this is Jax. He’s an Earth dragon. Basically he’s responsible for making earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, rockslides and all that fun stuff. He’s also, from what I gather Emily’s mate! Jax shift down please so she can meet you on her level. Then you can meet her one brother, he’s one of my three mates.” I say and Jax shifts to his still huge human, he hits 7 foot and built like a mountain. With all the wings and the dragon growl, everyone comes out from the house.

  “Jax! Hey man what are you doing here? Wait were you the dragon keeping them in the theater?” Scott says giving Jax that stupid brotherly handshake-hug thing, then Onyx does too. Jax just looks at them and then asks…

  “Why do you two smell like vegetables and hamburger? Is that pasta I smell too?” I start laughing, and Scott and Onyx just shake their heads.

  “Well, Draven and his mate Tilly adopted 4 little ones, the 2 boys thought it would be a good idea to design a new look for everyone using their dinner. Anyways, Kai, this is Jax, he’s an Earth Dragon, and he is Emily’s mate. Jax, Emily’s kin are gargoyles, Emily and her mom are called fliers, there are some without wings called grounders. They are all pretty cool. You will like having them around.” I say and Kai puts out his hand for a handshake, Jax just looks at him and then pulls him into a hug. I am laughing when Kai’s eyes go huge, and say, “Your family now Kai, like the rest of us. Queen Nyssa just have everyone come out or let Jax fly in to say hi. He protects the sacred spaces of the gods. That’s why he was circling the Great theater. Now that he has met you, everyone’s ok to come and go.”

  “Nimara why are they staying in there? They need to be out in the sky feeling the wind in their wings, the grounders need to run and get dirt in their claws.” Jax says looking worried and upset that his newly found mate is living within the earth.

  “My father betrayed my mom and had an affair, then he kicked us out of our home back East. We’re the Royal Gargoyle family. The others are all of the six clans. That was the biggest and safest place for us to all go, until we get new colonies established.” Emily says looking at Jax with complete awe, probably wondering how an extremely large dragon comes from a 7 foot man.

  “No, not anymore! They will all come to my home in the mountains, they will be safe there. No one will hurt my mate and her kin! NO ONE!” Jax roars already wrapping his arms around Emily protectively, and purrs as she runs her fingers gently up and down his arm.

  “Where is your home? Is it far for us to drive? Or fly?” Emily asks, looking tired at the thought.

  “Maple Mountain is about 10 hours give or take, if he wants you to move there, I can see about getting a plane to take you up. Making it an easier move.” I say wanting this to be a happy ending for them. This was just sheer luck, this is Jax's third yearly check on sacred sights. Otherwise they may have been living there for a while. “What are your thoughts Queen Nyssa?” I ask looking at the Matriarch.

  “I want to retire, giving Emily her role as Queen. I think they should go up to the mountains to live with the dragons. That would be a great and historic alliance. I would like all of us protected and if moving to the mountains to live with the dragons does that. Then so be it. I want to stay here and help with my grandchildren. I imagine Jax has his family up there to help him once they start their family.” Queen Nyssa says stunning Emily at her thoughts. It doesn’t take long, and Emily’s smiling again.

  “Let’s first get you introduced to the clans. Then we can talk with everyone about the move. I think mom’s right, this would be a great alliance for our people and the dragons. What about your family Jax will they be there to help us with our fledglings?” Emily asks. She has this beautiful glow around her, and she hasn’t let go of his hand or arm. The mate bond must already be very strong with them. At the mention of fledglings Jax is smiling and purring.

  “Yes my family all lives in the mountains with me. They will love having friends to fly with. They will love all of you. My brother will like having the grounders, he has no wings, he’s a Water dragon. He’ll have someone on the earth to have fun and hunt with.” Jax says smiling. They all take off, before they go I have a quick conversation with Queen Nyssa to get a Tree house made for her. I will make arrangements for two large carriers to take them up to Maple Mountain if possible. We all head back in and finish dinner. The babies are already done and asleep in their strollers. The mess is cleaned up, and Natalie has grilled cheese sandwiches made for us, since the food fight got a little carried away. I hope my boys are as fun as this when I have boys.

  We all curl up on the couch and turn on movies, Natalie made sure to make extra sandwiches for me. She said since I am eating for 4, I might need to eat more often. My phone goes off and I am getting annoyed with this, my Uncle and Alpha Nickolas are dead, what’s the problem now?

  “Hello, Nimara speaking. Who’s this and how can I help you?”

  “Hello Nim, it’s Hunt Clan Leader Cris. I was calling to make sure everything was good at your territory.” Cris answers me.

  “Oh Hey Cris, yes everything’s fine from what I can tell. It has been a little too quiet for my liking, that’s because I am used to the shit with my Uncle though. Why? What is going on?” I ask, I hadn’t heard what happened with the wolves left behind.

  “Nothing, I just wanted to make sure. The group of 30 wolves we dealt with during the attack, were actually all tied with silver to trees and they had been beaten badly. We took them to another pack hospital, figured yours would be full. They were part of the group trying to sabotage Timothy and Eric.” Cris says.

  “Oh, if they need somewhere to go, bring them here. We have lots of space. If they want we can help them find family, if they have any still alive and we can help reunite them also.” I offer.

  “Ok, I think a few of the teenagers might be alone. From what they were saying, they are the last of their families and packs. I did let them know that both Timothy and Eric are dead. I even let them see the torture video of your Uncle. They think you’re a total badass.” Cris says laughing.

  “That’s great, they are always welcome here! We are taking over the old pack lands and combining it with the clan territory. I received the paperwork a couple of days ago. Since I am the only living descendant, the land comes back to me, and we are going to start working on demolition and rebuilding it in the next few months. So we have tons of space.” I say, I would love for our clan to be able to help others more.

  “Yea I will let them all know. I think a lot of them will just come there until they find their feet again. A lot of the Hospital staff have been telling them, you are the one to give them that. Even if they don’t join they’re still welcome. I think they want to join anyway, to help give them peace until they find their mates.” Cris says shocking me that other packs think so highly of us.

  “Perfect, they are more than welcome too. I will see you in the next couple of days then?” I ask.

  “Yes once they are all ready to tr
avel I will bring them over. Thanks Nimara, see you soon.” Cris says.

  “Welcome Cris and thank you for the help! It’s always appreciated. See you soon.” I say and hang up my phone.

  A couple of days later Cris, and his clan bring over the wolves from the attack. They are all teenagers and some probably just got their wolf in the last 3 months! This makes me angry to know that my Uncle destroyed their lives to get to me. Too bad I killed him so quickly, being able to torture his ass again would make me feel better. The new members that knew some of these young wolves took them in right away. The ones who have absolutely no one, I pair up with other clan members. One so they have someone to bond with and help keep them going in the right direction, but also so that they have someone to help keep the memories of their families alive.

  Many of the teens, Cris told me showed great potential as warriors. He even told me which ones would be best suited as Elite warriors. That also helped with who I paired them with. A young girl, who just turned 13 years old recently and a boy of 16, both ranked quite high on Cris’s combat skills assessment. So I paired them with Nick and his mate Charlotte, both are Elite warriors. The two kids looked so happy when I told them who and what position Nick and Charlotte had in the clan. They were even more excited when Nick told them they would get the week to get settled and go shopping for clothes and other stuff. Then they would start full training and home schooling since training for Elite warrior is more rigorous than normal guards. The two kids looked so excited for their new start.

  Chapter 21

  ~ Nimara ~

  It has been almost 3 months since everything happened. Halloween’s tonight and the clan is livelier and noisier. A lot of new fledglings have come to the gargoyles that found their mates within our clan, and to the ones that came with their mates originally. I think in total there were 17 new fledglings, 6 girls and 11 boys. I was helping look after them to get the experience needed for my own fledglings. We are not sure who they are going to take after, so I have been spending time divided between Tiger Lily Pride, because Rachel just gave birth to her twin cubs and the female gargoyles here. I divide my time even further, because the flier fledglings and the grounder fledglings couldn’t be more different as babies, then they are as adults. I hope I can handle all three girls, if they take after Kai.

  All three of the guys took to doing Alpha work quickly. Kai said it was a lot less stress, even with impending war than running a kingdom. Less people to worry about I guess. Kai was able to pull some strings and get 3 huge transport planes to take 4 out of the 6 clans, up to Maple Mountain or close to it. The gargoyles made it easier too, they sold off the vehicles, and took only basic supplies. Jax and his family all came down 3 or 4 times for everyone to get acquainted. They all hit it off great, and one of Jax Sisters was mated to one of the clan leader’s sons. The other 2 clans actually were able to establish themselves here in unoccupied territory and another 2 clans have moved into the territories back East. They came across from the UK, with Harold’s stupidity, he opened up huge possibilities with great potential for the gargoyle race.

  As for me, in the same amount of time I have become as big as a freaking house! The girls are growing and talking non-stop. Lottie, Lash and Attie come quite often, they have started the girls training already. Mom, dad and all the other gods and goddesses have been down quite a bit to see me and make sure the pups are good also. I talked to dad about us figuring it would be 15 weeks for a pregnancy, he told us no it would only be 8 or 9 weeks at the most. He said it was because of my bloodline and Kai’s. The pups would develop much faster with having two pure-blood parents from 2 different bloodlines. So anytime now the pups should be here, I hope they give me some warning. I still want to give birth in my lycan form. I promised Amara we would before we bonded. I have someone constantly checking on me, and I know Marie’s planning to come back in a week. A Yeti carries for 9 months like a human, and Mac’s showing all the signs of it being just that, 9 long months.

  “Hey Nim, you ok girlie?” Ram and Natalie call from downstairs.

  “Yep I am up here making the bed, can one of you grab a sheet set for me? The guys keep putting them on the top shelf, so I won’t be able to do it, but I just get someone tall like you two to get them for me.” I say and Natalie just shakes her head, she knows why the guys do it, but she still helps me. As I start to strip the bed I get a sudden pain through my lower back. I go to the bathroom because I feel something leaking. I get into the tub and strip. Natalie goes wide-eyed and realizes I am going into labor.

  “Shit! Ram mind-link the guys, I will get Surrey. She’s having contractions and …” Before she could get the last part out my water broke. Hit with sudden intense pain I get on all 4’s and go into my lycan. What I wasn’t expecting was to hear Amara’s voice.

  “Oh Nim, you kept your promise! Thank you! Let instinct take over you will be fine! Love you girl, I am always with you!” Amara says as another contraction hits hard. The door to the bedroom goes flying open and all I see are wings. Evren must have flown from the training grounds which are in the old pack.

  “Why isn’t she at the pack hospital?” Kai asks while coming in with towels, tons and tons of towels and a medical kit.

  “She isn’t at the pack hospital because we just got here to check on her. She was changing the bedding and contractions started. She came in here and got herself like this, including shifting into her lycan. She promised Amara to birth like this, they don’t allow it at the hospital, because momma here may rip someone apart for touching her pups.” Natalie says sarcastically to Kai, like she can do much to get me to the hospital.

  “What the hell happened to the door? Why the hell isn’t she at the pack hospital?” Both Scott and Onyx ask and look shocked to see that I am in the tub in my lycan giving birth. Neither of them get an answer as Natalie says...

  “I see a head crowning, so who the fuck cares right now, get ready for your first pup!” Natalie says in position at my bottom end and Kai’s looking at her. “I have birthed more babies at home, than most doctors do in their careers. Yeti’s only do home births and I am 3rd oldest, the next one to me is 4 years younger, so guess who delivered my pain in the ass brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins, and no it was not Mac and Rilyn.” She says and then there’s a sudden cry. Our first baby girl is out, she has a shit ton of hair, and it’s all silver!

  “Well that would explain the heart burn you had constantly. Old human wives-tale, heartburn during pregnancy means the baby will be born with lots of hair.” Surrey says walking in and just looks at me. She puts her head to my jaw and rubs down the side of it. She marks herself with my scent, so I don’t attack her if the pups start to cry while she’s checking them. She then comes and takes the baby out of Natalie’s hands. “Well she definitely takes after Scott.” Surrey says.

  “How can you tell?” Scott asks excitedly, Surrey hands him the little silver hair baby.

  “She smells like you, like fresh milk. All cat shifters smell like fresh milk to other species.” Surrey says smiling.

  “What are we going to name her?” Scott asks looking at me with so much pride.

  “Talisa, after the Hellhound of Rebirth.” I mind-link him. He starts to cry from happiness. He hands her to Surrey to check over.

  “Kai, this one’s all you! She’s already in her gargoyle, and she has wings.” Natalie says passing a small black bundle to Kai. You can only tell which one she is, because of her strawberry blonde hair.

  “Oh hey little one! Jessica! Hi, my love, you’re gorgeous like your momma! Both you and Talisa are!” Kai says taking her out to Surrey to be checked, I hear what sounds like soft screeching. Jessica must have a lot to tell her daddies.

  “Oh wow! This is a new one for me!” Natalie says, giving me a slight scare. I whimper softly. “Oh no momma it’s okay, but did you by chance have silver in you when you conceived these three beautiful girls?” I nod and I see why she asked. She hands a dark chocolate brown lyca
n pup to Onyx, and there’s a silver arm guard around her front left paw. Onyx looks at me with so much pride and excitement. I go back in my human form and just lay there for a second, until Ram starts the shower for me. I healed almost instantly with giving birth in my lycan form, but my energy’s completely depleted though.

  “Nimara, she’s a hybrid! She’s a lycan and a nymph! She’s so beautiful!” Onyx says holding Nyssa in his hands. She came out much smaller than the other two girls.

  “Onyx, I am sorry for not giving one of the girls, Tilly’s name. I never thought to ask if you wanted to name one after your sister.” I say sitting still in the tub waiting for help to get up, my legs are jelly.

  “Oh no Nim, it’s ok. You did name one of the girls after someone in my family. My grandmother’s name is Jessica. She’s on my Dad’s side, she has asked to come visit once we all get used to having the girls here.” Onyx says coming and kissing me. As he does, a gold band appears on my finger. I just look at the ring and then to Onyx, he still hasn’t noticed though. He leaves taking Nyssa to Surrey to be checked and I hear Scott.

  “Holy Shit! That is so cool, she was born like Nimara was, in her lycan!” I hear the others chuckle at Scott’s reaction. Shortly after Surrey comes in as I get into the shower.

  “Ok mom, are you breastfeeding or bottle? Breastfeeding would be best to help you lose the baby weight, and help the pups with essential vitamins, nutrients, and immune boost. No spicy, acidic, or high salt foods if you are. You can also try to feed them in your lycan form as that may help get them all fed at once. My best suggestion is sleep when they do, I know your sleep cycle and once you’re awake that’s it and you’re screwed. So it’s up to you, I would also say if you are bottle feeding, then no training for at least 3 months. So January at the earliest! Otherwise you can start to train in about a month and your first heat should be in about 3 to 4 months from now. It will be up to the four of you if you want to have more right away. Remember though, that will be 6 pups under a year old.” Surrey says, finishing telling me what to expect, she gives me a quick check while I just sit with the hot water streaming onto my lower back. The guys all come in at this point, and I hear Kendra out with Natalie and Ram.


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