With his thumb, Kai found her bud and began to move in a circle. Sonya cried out and bucked her hips against his hand. He moved his thumb over her faster and harder until she cried out with her release.
Kai lifted himself off of Sonya, sighing as he swung his legs over the side of her bed. Her fingers lightly scratched down his back and he shivered at the contact. He combed his hair back with his fingers in agitation. He growled when she trailed her fingers around his shaft again. Sonya frowned when she noticed that he still hadn’t grown any harder.
She slid off the bed and glided down on the floor between his legs and took him in her mouth. Kai inhaled sharply at the feel of her moist mouth on him. Even though she licked and suckled him, he still failed to have an erection. With a frustrated sigh, Kai stood and placed his hands under Sonya’s arms, pulling her to her feet. He stood in front of her and looked down into her brown eyes and gave her a sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry. We were just not meant to be together,” he told her before giving her a deep, passionate kiss, then began to dress. He tugged his black jeans over his hips and fastened them on the side. Next, he pulled his short-sleeved burgundy shirt over his head. He sat back down on the bed and tugged his socks over his feet, then followed with his black leather boots.
Kai got up and left a very bewildered Sonya on her bed, with her hands on her naked hips. There was an astonished look on her face. A look that said that she couldn’t believe this had just happened to her. She threw a pillow at the closed door. The pillow thumped against the door before falling onto the floor.
~ * ~
Kai stepped into his house at a hard pace. “How could this have happened?” He raked his hair with his fingers. Breathing hard, he stripped off his shirt and tossed it on the living room floor. A Robo cleaner came out of the wall with a whoosh and picked the shirt up from the floor. Kai did not seem to notice the presence of the Robo cleaner or the soft beeping sound that it made.
Kai kicked off his boots, followed by his dark black denim jeans and tossed them in the direction of the Robo cleaner. The jeans landed on its head. The Robo cleaner made a soft whirring sound and turned on its wheels going back into the wall unit with the jeans still on its head.
Kai stood in the middle of the sparse living room with his hands on his bare hips and tried to calm his harsh breathing. His eyes closed, Kai went down to his knees. He sought out his inner peace. His hands were braced on his knees. Head tilted back until the veins stood out in his head. A sound of frustration and agony filled the quietness of the dark house.
“Damn! I failed again!” Kai shouted at the ceiling of his house. He shook his fist at the wall. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head slowly. He bowed his head down to his knees when he continued breathing hard and fast, frustrated at his failure.
Moments later, when Kai’s breathing had returned to normal and all of his frustrations had seeped out of him, Kai jumped to his feet in one swift move. His hands spread in front of him. His legs spread apart. Kai made the first move into action as he turned to his right and swiftly kicked his leg out to the side. His hands remained in front of him for protection when he swiftly turned to his left and executed the same move with a high block above his head. He circled to face the invisible assailant that stood behind him. He fisted his hand and punched, followed by a quick chop with his other hand.
Kai dropped into a crouch back on his knees once more. He stuck his leg out and twirled on the other leg as he swept the floor with a perfect kick. Then he quickly got to his feet. He began to slice the air in front of him with a chop of his hands, sliding with his feet with every move.
Kai paced himself while his breathing remained even and in control with every move that he made while he completed the kata. Sweat covered his naked body as Kai landed on his knees after a midair kick. He rested with his hands on his knees, his head bowed. Eyes closed, he slowly opened them as he stared at the bare gray wall in front of him. His eyes were unfocused to what he was really seeing in front of him.
He slowly got to his feet. Wiping the sweat off his forehead with his forearm, he slowly made his way to the bathroom.
~ * ~
Sitting on the bunk in her ship, The Atlantis, Shana stared at the picture of Kai Morgan. There was something about this unknown man that did something deep inside of her, but she couldn’t understand what those feelings were. With a sound of a soft growl, Shana tossed the picture back in the folder and closed it. She pounded her fist on the folder and tossed it to the metal floor. She flicked her braid over her shoulder and let out a pent up breath.
She eased herself onto her back and closed her eyes for a moment’s rest. Instead, Shana fell into a deep sleep.
Several hours later, the ship’s warning bells jerked her awake. Her eyes were unfocused as she brushed her bangs out of her eyes with an unsteady hand, then let her gaze scan her sleeping chamber.
“Computer, what are these bells for?” Shana shouted over the clarion bells. Her brain was still not functioning at this point after being jerked awake.
“I have detected a virus within my system,” a computerized voice answered through the intercom.
“What?” Shana slipped on a pair of olive green shorts that followed with a thin-strapped shirt that matched the shorts. “Cease with the bells,” Shana demanded at the computer, when she couldn’t hear the computer’s answer over the loud warning bells that vibrated in her ears. Seconds later the bells stopped, but the red lights were still flashing on the console.
“Repeat the answer, computer,” Shana demanded once more. She placed her hands on her hips as she waited for the answer, giving the computer’s console a hard glare.
“I have detected a virus within my system,” the computer repeated.
Shana dashed out of her sleeping chamber and sat in the pilot’s chair. She quickly typed in several commands on the computer. “How far away are we from these coordinates three-four-five-six-eight-seven-dash-seven-eight-six?” Shana asked as she looked out the porthole that was six feet wide and six feet in height in front of the console. Panic began to seep into her and Shana’s heart began to race inside her chest as she swiped her hair from her face and she began to sweat.
“Shit,” Shana muttered under her breath.
“I do not understand the command?” The computer answered as static started through the computer’s audio system.
Sparks flew out of the wall close to where Shana sat. She ducked as hot cinder landed on her arm. She rubbed the sore spot as an angry welt appeared, becoming painful and red.
“Shit,” Shana muttered the word once more. Sweat began to bead on her forehead and arms at an alarming rate. For some unknown reason, the heat was turned up suddenly inside the ship.
“Computer, can you please turn the heat down a few degrees?” Shana asked.
“Affirmative.” The computer answered through static while Shana looked out the port window once more as a blue and green slow spinning planet that resembled Earth appeared in her view.
The room grew suddenly cold and Shana shivered. “Computer...” she began, then stopped when the room grew warm once more.
“Computer, what is the virus that is in your system?” Shana asked as she typed in commands on the console at a fast pace. The screen before her read ‘Negative’ over and over again as she ran scan after scan on the computer system.
It was a moment later that she realized the computer had not answered her earlier question.
“Computer,” Shana began once more when the ship dipped suddenly. Shana grew lightheaded as she was thrown out of her seat. She looked to her side at the gauges and saw that the oxygen level was heading for the zero mark at a fast pace.
“No!” Shana cried out loudly. More sparks flew from the metal walls that surrounded her. Shana jumped and spun to avoid the rain of hot cinders falling on her.
“What the hell kind of virus is this?” She screamed out, but the computer didn’t respond.
A small fire spa
rked to life on the far wall, but the emergency sprinkler did not come to life.
“Shit,” Shana muttered once more as she grabbed the small gray fire extinguisher from under the console and aimed it at the growing fire on the wall.
Nothing came out of the nozzle. She pressed the lever once more. No foam came out, nothing. Her heart was pounding at a much faster rate as she looked down at the dial on the extinguisher. It read zero.
“Damn!” she cried out and tossed the empty metal can to the side. Smoke filled the air; Shana began to cough as she sat in the pilot’s seat and leaned her head on the console. She quietly sobbed when the word Defeated! Repeated itself over and over in her mind. Tears began to fall from her eyes and down her checks, then from her chin onto her crossed arms.
She could hear the fire spreading inside of The Atlantis. Shana grew weaker with every breath she took. She began coughing often as her lungs filled with smoke. Sparks showered more and more as the fire spread at faster rate. Shana lifted her head weakly and looked through the portal hole as she dipped into the gravitational pull of the planet where she was supposed to meet her target, Kai Morgan.
~ * ~
The house was dark as Kai stood staring up at the still darkened sky, but dawn was on the horizon. He couldn’t sleep during the night, and he had tossed and turned. His thoughts were on his sexual drive, his body throbbing with a need that could not find satisfaction. He was tired of living this lonely life without his mate. He was tried of searching for his mate. It’s not like I have much choice. It isn’t like one will just drop out of the sky and land in my backyard, Kai thought with dry humor.
He sighed as he let go of the doorframe. He looked over at the sun which had barley moved over the horizon, then back up to the sky and saw what looked like a falling star moving swiftly in the sky. Kai stood there, mesmerized by the spectacular sight that it made.
As he continued to watch it, he noticed that it was not a falling star. Whatever it was, it was growing in size and getting closer to Paradise. His heart began to beat faster as he stepped off the porch and stood in his yard. Kai braced his hands on his bare, tanned hips as he stared up at the object in the lightening sky.
“It’s a ship,” Kai whispered, his hands dropping to his sides as he continued to watch the burning ship. He ran inside his single story house and into his bedroom, then grabbed his com-link off the dresser as he ran back outside the house. His intense blue eyes scanned the sky as he punched in a few buttons on the com-link.
He immediately spotted the burning ship in the lightening sky as the sun was now rising quickly. “I need a unit, fast,” Kai spoke harshly into the com, his breathing heavy and fast.
“Sir, where do you need the unit sent?” the female voice spoke through the tiny speaker.
There was a loud roaring sound, and Kai kept his eyes on the ship as it went toward The Galilee Mountains.
“The Galilee Mountains. There is a ship that is about to crash and it’s on fire,” Kai spoke breathlessly as he dashed back into his house and grabbed some clothes, then quickly dressed. He ran back outside and spotted the burning ship as he jumped into his hovercraft and started it. His kept his eyes on the inferno in the sky.
~ * ~
The hovercraft lowered to the soft earth. Smoke billowed heavily in the air as Kai rushed to the burning ship. He threw his arm over his face as he tried to lift the hatch that was blistering hot to his bare touch. Kai jerked his shirt off and wrapped it around his hand. He opened the hatch and jumped inside the craft, coughing as the smoke from within filled his lungs. The smoke eased out the opened hatch and as the air cleared a little, Kai could see inside the ship. His eyes watered and he squinted them.
He covered his mouth with his shirt as he quickly searched the ship.
A woman was lying on the gray metal floor on the bridge. He picked her up in his arms and dashed outside as several hovercrafts landed next to the burning ship. Several firefighters jumped out and ran for the fire.
“What do we have here?” a black-haired man with graying streaks asked as Kai carefully placed the woman on the ground.
“She was inside the ship.” Kai placed his hand over his mouth as he continued to cough. Tears streamed from his eyes and down his blackened face. He watched the Fire Commander check the woman, as his crew worked frantically to put out the burning inferno. One of the men dashed inside with fire gear on for protection. Minutes later he came out saying that there was no one else aboard the ship.
Kai looked down at the woman and concern filled his eyes.
“She’s alive. Barely.” Mitch ran a medical tricorder over the woman. Beeping sounds and lights flashed over the unconscious woman. Kai’s breathing hitched as he continued to stare down at the woman who had scratches over her face and was covered in black soot from the smoke. His heart pounded in his chest. Heat pooled in his groin. Kai felt himself harden just looking at this unknown woman. What the...? Kai asked himself as he stared down at the unconscious woman.
“She needs to get to a med-unit immediately,” Mitch said as he stood up and faced Kai. “She has a concussion and internal bleeding. She must’ve been tossed around severely inside that ship when it crashed.”
Kai nodded his head. “I have one at my house. It’s closer than the hospital,” he said as he bent and picked her up into his arms.
Mitch followed him to the black hovercraft.
“Let me know who she is when you find out,” Mitch said as Kai placed her in the back seat. He placed her hands over her stomach. Kai brushed a strand of red hair behind her ear. His finger touched the small blue stone on her lobe before he turned to face Mitch.
“Let me know what you find out about that ship and where it came from.” I can only hope that it is not from Romaini, Kai told himself.
He climbed inside the hovercraft, looked over at the still burning ship and grimaced. She was lucky to be alive after having gone through that. He shook his head sadly. The hovercraft slowly lifted off the ground and he raced back to his house at warp speed.
~ * ~
Several hours later, Kai lifted the unknown woman out of the glass box of the med-unit. Kai walked down the hallway to one of several guestrooms. A Bot followed close at his heels. When Kai stopped next to the bed in the room, the Bot turned down the covers.
He bent as he placed her in the center of the bed and pulled the covers over her. The med-unit had healed her. Yet she still had not wakened. Kai was worried that something else was wrong with her, but the med-unit had given her a clean health read out. Kai chewed on his lower lip as he continued to gaze down at her. He reached out and brushed her bangs over her forehead.
Her skin felt like silk beneath his fingertips. “Stay with her. Let me know when she awakens,” Kai ordered the Bot that stood next to the bed awaiting his orders. The Bot beeped twice and swirled in a circle telling him that he would do as Kai wished. Kai nodded his head as he pulled his hand back from the woman on the bed and quietly left the room. He paused in the doorway and added as an afterthought, “Clean her up, too. And find something else to clothe her in besides those burnt clothes she is wearing.”
~ * ~
Thoughts about the woman were on his mind most of the day. Kai couldn’t seem to concentrate on his work. Several important documents that needed his signature went unsigned, and listening to important matters from his administrative staff were left unheard. Kai’s second in command kept giving him a confused look.
“What’s on your mind, Kai?” Roy Gibson asked when they were alone in Kai’s office.
“Nothing,” Kai responded as he took his seat at his desk and sighed.
Roy stood on the other side of the desk looking down at Kai. When the com-link on the desk began to beep, Kai looked at Roy with a stern look and the man turned and left the office.
“Yes,” Kai spoke abruptly as he turned on the link. Kai sat there listening to the beeps and whirling sounds from the other end. The computer chip that was implanted inside of hi
s brain quickly translated the sounds into his language.
A moment later Kai terminated the com-link, quickly stood up from his desk and left his office. This was what he had been waiting for all day. The moment that she awoke. His secretary gave him a confused look behind his back as he rushed from the office.
~ * ~
Her eyes opened slowly to a dark room. Shana lay still on the bed as she gathered herself together. Her head pounded and she slowly raised her hand to her forehead.
Her throat was dry and scratchy. The cough she made sounded weak and she felt listless to her bones. She slowly turned her head to the side trying to figure where she was. Nothing seemed familiar to her. She gazed at the dark wood that was a wall. There was nothing decorating the wall to give her something to go by to tell her where she was. Shana turned her head to the other side and gasped out loud when she saw a small robot at her bedside.
She tried to raise herself up in the bed, but she felt too weak to move. Her heart pounded as panic began to set in. Her eyes were wide and frightened.
A sound at the foot of the bed made her turn her gaze to the door as a man walked through the doorway. Shana could only stare at him as he slowly approached her. Her gaze swept over him from his black hair to his even blacker boots. He was dressed completely in black. Her eyes widened with every step he took that brought him closer.
“I see that you are finally awake.” His voice was deep and husky and sent shivers down her spine. He looked down her with tender blue eyes that were hard and yet...
He moved to sit beside her on the bed and took her hand in his.
Shana looked from their joined hands to his gaze. A hot electrical current shot through her. He let go of her hand and reached out to the robot to take the glass of water that it held out to him. Then he offered the glass to Shana.
Her hand trembled as she took the glass from him and took a small sip of the cool, fresh water. The cool liquid eased her dry, parched mouth and also soothed the scratchiness of her throat. She took several sips before she handed the glass back to the man who sat beside her.
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