The Sheikh's Defiant Girlfriend (The Botros Brothers Series)

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The Sheikh's Defiant Girlfriend (The Botros Brothers Series) Page 4

by Leslie North

  “He had no right to touch me,” Amir sulked. “He is lucky I did not hit him,” he mumbled.

  “For what reason?” Soraya shook her head and looked outside.

  “Who were those two?”

  “My friends and last time I checked that was none of your business.”

  “I don't like them.”

  “Like I said, none of your business.”

  Jealous maybe? Soraya thought to herself. She pushed the thought away. There was no reason for him to be jealous. They were not together and she did not belong to him.

  Amir kept driving without saying a word. He needed to calm down. Then the thought of Soraya holding his arm made him smile. It was the first time she had ever initiated physical contact. Even though it was not in a romantic sense, it was a first step.

  “What are you smiling about?” Soraya asked suspiciously.

  “You touched me,” Amir replied with a cheeky smile. Soraya narrowed her eyes. She could not believe he was smiling about that.

  “I grabbed your arm to get you away from them and that was it.” Soraya shook her head.

  “That's how it starts.”

  “And ends,” she retorted.

  Amir was not bothered by her words. The fact remained that she touched him and she couldn't take it back. Soraya turned to face Amir.

  “Amir,” she started.

  “Sheik to you,” he joked.

  “Whatever,” Soraya was serious. She didn’t realise that he was joking. She thought he was being his usual cocky self. “What is it that you want from me?” she asked. As they slowed to a stop at a light, he turned to look at her.

  “If it's not obvious by now, then my signals aren't strong enough,” he winked at her.

  “I am not joking. You have many women to choose from. Why are you after me?”

  For a moment Amir did not speak. He looked at Soraya, but she quickly grew uncomfortable and broke eye contact. She tried her best to look away, as if he had no effect on her. He reached out and turned her to face him. He stared at her.

  “I do not want other women, I want you,” Amir replied simply. His words left her heart unsettled. He turned away when the traffic light turned green and drove off. Soraya felt her face heat up. She hadn't expected him to say anything like that. She nervously played with her seatbelt. Did he really want her?

  “But you can have others,” she said quietly.

  “But I do not want them.” Why did she not understand that he only wanted her? That she was the one for him.

  “Seems random, Amir, I can't wrap my head around it.”

  “You will have to because when I want something, I go after it and I get it.” His voice was deeper and dangerous. His tone was authoritative. He was claiming her. Soraya sat there playing with her seatbelt. She had no idea what to say. She had thought that maybe it was a phase. He would get over her soon and return to his old ways.

  Chapter 8

  Amir parked outside Soraya's house. They were both silent for a moment. Soraya clutched her bag tightly as she opened the door to get out. “Stop dropping by unannounced,” she said to him as she stepped out of the car.

  “Stop speaking with those men,” Amir replied. Soraya rolled her eyes.

  “They're my friends and you have no right to tell me not to see them,” she shot back as she slammed the car door.

  This is pointless, she thought to herself. “I'm serious,” Amir called out after her. He really didn't like them around her. He watched her walk away. Even her walk put a smile on his face. Every little thing about her made him smile. He was a little sad to see her go; he hadn't spent as much time with her as he wanted.

  He drove off feeling angry with himself. There was absolutely nothing he could do to make her smile. Not once had he been able to make her feel comfortable around him. She never let her guard down around him. He really wanted to get to know her but he did not know how and it seemed like he was making things worse every time he was around her. He had never second guessed himself or felt insecure when a woman was concerned, but here he was wondering why she didn't like him. He knew one thing; he was not going to give up on her.

  * * * *

  It was only one week before the wedding. Everything was set. Sara was feeling even more nervous. It didn't help that Tariq's mother was coming over for dinner. Mrs. Mathews had left with Fiddah to meet Sara's family at the airport. Tariq had a sent a private jet to fly them over from the UK. Sara thought it was perfect timing for her mother to be out of the house, as she would only end up arguing with Tariq's mother.

  Mrs. Botros picked up Leylah as soon as she arrived. She was so pleased to see her awake. The last time she had seen her, she was sleeping in her stroller. She kissed Leylah on the cheeks. Her rosy cheeks were as soft as silk. Sara greeted Mrs. Botros.

  “Sara, how are you?” Tariq's mother asked.

  “I am fine, thank you. How are you?” Sara replied as they made their way to the dining room.

  “I am well,” her attention was on Leylah. Tariq was trying to figure out a way to dislodge his baby from her. He didn't like not holding her for a single moment and his mother was hogging her. They sat down at the dinner table.

  Two of the staff served a range of dishes. There was a plate of dolma, a dish made with rice and mixed lamb wrapped in grape leaves with a hint of lemon. There was a plate of freshly baked pita, bulgur, roasted beef, chickpeas, mixed vegetables and hummus. Sara smiled at the selection. She had been eating very healthy since moving to Saudi Arabia and she was pleased at how quickly she shed the baby weight.

  “Only one more week to the wedding. Do you feel ready?” Mrs. Botros asked Sara.

  She sighed before she responded. “It's complicated and scary. I simply want to be with Tariq and Leylah. All the extras of dress shopping and cake picking were far too stressful. Thank heavens I didn't have anything to do with the venue. Wouldn't it be easier if we simply got married in the back garden?” Sara asked. Mrs. Botros watched her with such fascination. This was probably the most words they had ever exchanged. She was surprised to learn that Sara wanted a simple wedding. Most girls marrying into a wealthy family would want an extravagant wedding.

  “You want a simple wedding?”

  “It would be easier. All I want is the groom,” Sara took a huge bite out of her pita. Mrs. Botros eyes widened as her surprised expression turned into a smile.

  “You're delightful,” she said to Sara.

  Sara did not know how to respond to that. She was sure his mother loathed her and here she was giving her a compliment. It did not add up. Luckily, she did not have time to respond as Amir suddenly appeared in the doorway.

  “Hello, Amir! Come join us,” Sara said. She was always happy to see him and his impeccable timing. He kissed Sara on both cheeks. Tariq narrowed his gaze. Those cheeks were his!

  “Hello, darling,” Mrs. Botros said to her son as he kissed her on both cheeks.

  “Ley!” Amir was overjoyed to see his beautiful niece. She looked at him and smiled. She was always so happy to see him. He picked her up from her grandmother’s lap and put her on his.

  “Why are you here?” Tariq asked Amir. First, Amir was kissing his wife, now he was hogging his daughter. This was HIS house.

  “Tariq!” Sara nudged him.

  “To see my little niece,” Amir replied and kissed Leylah on the forehead.

  One of the staff brought a plate for Amir. He helped himself to some food as she poured him a drink. They all carried on eating and discussing the wedding. Mrs. Botros asked a few more questions about Sara. She wanted to know her a little bit more. Amir jumped in the conversation a few times, when he was not speaking to Leylah.

  When Mrs. Botros left after dinner, Sara sighed with relief. It wasn’t as bad as she expected. Tariq went to Amir to take Leylah from him.

  “I'll put her to bed,” Tariq said. Sara laughed and shook her head.

  “You were hogging the baby,” Sara told Amir, “and he's jealous,” Sara stro
ked Leylah's soft cheeks.

  “He's possessive,” Amir said.

  “Yes, he is.” Sara kissed Leylah. Tariq narrowed his eyes.

  “I wonder, how exactly did he propose?”

  “Oh, God,” Tariq breathed. He did not like being the centre of this conversation. Any of their conversations actually. Amir and Sara always formed an alliance when they were together and he was their target. He could not win or defend himself against those two. Sara smiled before she answered Amir. Tariq's proposal was an awkward one. He was tongue-tied and all nervous. He was like a teenage boy asking a girl out for the first time.

  “This is a story you want to hear,” Sara said with a grin.

  “Whatever,” Tariq replied as he walked off with Leylah. He did not want to hear the rest of the conversation.

  “Scabs!!!” voices suddenly called out. Sara turned to see her brothers. Her eldest brother, Jason, came striding towards her and picked her up. Amir and Tariq stood there looking at each other. Her other brothers, James and John, also came over to hug her. James pinched her cheeks.

  “Scabby is all grown and has a baby,” James said. Sara slapped his hand away.

  “I want to see my niece,” Jason said with excitement.

  “Slow down guys,” Sara said. She turned around and gestured for Tariq to come closer. “This is Tariq, my fiancé, and his brother, Amir,” Sara added.

  “I'm more of her best friend really,” Amir said. Sara smiled at Amir and rubbed her face on his shoulder. He rubbed her head. He was overprotective of her in his own way. He always marked his territory, just like his brother.

  “These are my brothers,” Sara said still leaning on Amir. Sara's brothers shook Tariq’s and Amir's hands. Sara kissed Leylah on the cheek. Leylah laughed in response.

  “This is Leylah,” Sara said. Her brothers leaned in to Leylah's face. They all smiled at her.

  “She's so cute,” John said.

  “I know,” Jason said and stroked her chin.

  “Congratulations, both of you,” James said.

  “Thank you,” Tariq said. Sara's mother came into the room to get Sara and Leylah. She wanted to put her granddaughter to bed before taking her sons to their hotel. Tariq invited Sara's brothers to join him for a drink.

  Sara's brothers were curious about Tariq as they analysed him over their drinks. They wanted to know if he was good enough for their little sister. Sara joined Tariq and held his hand. Tariq kept his face expressionless. He was not quite sure how to speak to her brothers or what to say. He was never the social type. He didn't really talk to people, or like people for that matter. This time he had to make some kind of effort, they were Sara's brothers and he knew that this was important to her.

  Chapter 9

  Tariq returned the stares he was receiving from Sara's brothers. He did not feel intimidated by them. They were a bit surprised with his calm demeanour. Usually they were able to intimidate someone within a few minutes. However, their efforts were not working with Tariq. Sara looked at them, turning her head back and forth. She was enjoying the showdown. Her brothers always found it easy to intimidate the people around her. But she knew Tariq too well and they were not going to get to him. They would never succeed in intimidating this man; he was too stubborn and arrogant.

  “Why do you call Sara, scabs?” Amir asked, breaking the awkward silence. Sara growled. This stupid childhood nickname had followed her throughout her life.

  James laughed as he replied, “She was always full of scabs growing up.”

  “Because she was always falling down,” John added. Amir smiled and nodded his head.

  “She's so clumsy. I'm not surprised that she was a scabby child,” Amir said. Jason and Amir both laughed. Sara rolled her eyes. Her brothers always picked on her. She had never thought Amir would be joining in on it.

  Sara's brothers did not stay long. They were tired from the long flight and ready to leave for the hotel. Sara was glad they left before they started telling stories about her childhood. Tariq and Sara retired for the night. Sara was wearing a baggy a t-shirt. She sat on the bed with her head against the headboard.

  “Your mother was different tonight,” Sara said. Tariq was still undressing.

  “Leylah softened her. She was much harder to deal with in the past,” Tariq replied as he joined Sara on the bed. She raised an eyebrow.

  “So that's where you get it from.”

  “Woman, what are you saying?”

  “You are hard-headed like your mother.”

  In one movement, Tariq grabbed Sara and pulled her closer to him. Sara squirmed and held onto him. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. “I can't wait to marry you,” she whispered. Their noses were touching.

  “You want to be my wife that much?” Tariq asked. His voice dropped in tone. Sara was very familiar with that tone.

  “I simply want to get all of it over and done with,” Sara teased. Tariq frowned at her. He had her pinned down. Sara tried to worm her way out of his grip but he was too strong for her. She used all her strength but he did not even flinch. Just when he was about to kiss her, Leylah's cry sounded from the baby monitor.

  “Ahhhh,” Sara cried out. She had interrupted them at the wrong time. “You go,” Sara said to Tariq. He narrowed his eyes at her. She grinned at him and kissed him softly.

  “Fine,” Tariq got up. “Don't go to sleep before I come back,” he said to her before he left the room.

  * * * *

  Sara was feeling frustrated after falling asleep whilst waiting for Tariq to return to bed. It had taken too long to put Leylah back to sleep. That morning he had to leave for work early. He and Malik went to visit an oil field, which was located several hours away. Sara was watching TV with Leylah on her lap.

  “Hi, Sara.” Sara jumped as she heard Amir's voice. “Yeah, I can be a bit creepy, I know,” he said with a grin on his face.

  “When did you get here and why?” Sara said after a long pause.

  “The maid let me in and I came here for you. I need to ask you for a favour. The reason I came last night actually,” Amir slid his hands in his pockets. He looked at Sara helplessly.

  “I know that look. Tell me,” Sara said. She gestured for him to sit down with her.

  “Actually, I need you to come with me.”

  Sara handed him Leylah. He smiled as he held her in his arms. Sara dashed upstairs to change quickly. She slipped into a white vest top, a pair of light blue jeans and sandals. She brushed her curly hair and left it down.

  “So, what's going on?” Sara asked as they drove away. She began searching his car. “What kind of car doesn’t have any snacks?” Sara mumbled the question.

  “I will buy you food after,” Amir said with a smile. He sighed. “Can you invite Soraya to the wedding?” He spoke the question so fast that Sara turned to look at him. She stared at him with such fascination. He became all nervous and awkward when he spoke about Soraya. Sara thought it was cute.

  “Yeah sure, I don't mind. Did you go see her the other day? What happened?”

  Amir did not reply for a moment. He simply kept driving. He sighed before he said anything. “I keep messing up with her.”

  “Aww, how so?”

  “She's always so stone-faced with me.”

  They arrived at Soraya’s workplace before Amir told Sara about when he last went to see her. He had been avoiding talking about it. He did not know what to say to her. Sara agreed to go in to speak to Soraya while Amir stayed in the car with Leylah.

  “Wait, aren't you supposed to be working or something?” Sara asked Amir before she left the car.

  “Well,” Amir started to speak and then stopped. Sara shook her head. She opened the car door and got out. She walked into the air-conditioned restaurant. She stood at the entrance and looked around. She finally spotted Soraya and waved at her. Soraya was surprised when she saw Sara. It was usually Amir who did random pop ups. Sara had a big smile on her face when Soraya approached her. She was a pretty gi
rl, Sara thought to herself. It’s a shame she didn't smile more.

  “Sara, hi,” Soraya greeted her.

  “Hey, Soraya, how are you?” Sara asked.

  “I'm well. Come with me,” Soraya took Sara to the back. She had been allowed a quick break to speak with Sara. The manager had okayed it because Sara had introduced herself as Mrs. Botros. Sara had to test the name out, to see if it carried the power Tariq said it did. And it worked. Soraya and Sara sat down.

  “I came to see you because I did not get to invite you to the wedding when we met last time,” Sara said.


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