An American in Venice (Wanderlust Book 2)

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An American in Venice (Wanderlust Book 2) Page 5

by Vicki Savage

“Oh, Enzo.” She started to reach out for me and stopped.

  “It took three men to pull that guy off of me. When they finally did, my face was a mess. I ended up in a hospital where they stitched up my cheek. It healed quickly, but my other wounds, the ones people couldn’t see, took much longer to heal.”

  “You hated yourself.”

  “I hated everyone, but especially myself.” I averted my gaze. “If I hadn’t insisted on going, if I hadn’t pushed my ex, if I hadn’t tried to make that bastard understand…” Tears stung my eyes. I blinked them back. “After the accident, Cal rented a villa and spent a lot of time trying to convince me I shouldn’t let others influence my sense of self-worth. He’s right of course, but knowing it and living it are two completely different things.” I forced myself to look at her face. The compassion I saw there tugged at my chest. “I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes I still feel the anger and hatred in that vice president’s face. I see it in the looks I get when Cal and I are together.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She brushed her hand over my scar, causing my skin to tingle. “I had no idea.”

  “I don’t talk about it much.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because…” I gripped her wrist and pressed my lips against her palm. “Because both Cal and I love spending time with you. We want you to get to know us, just like we want to know you—the real you, not the person who tries to please others, but the woman who isn’t afraid to be herself.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say.”

  “You complete us, Amber, and not just in the bedroom. You make us laugh. You make us think. When you’re around the day seems a little bit brighter. We feel whole in a way we never felt before.”

  She stared at me for a long moment, then tugged her hand from my grasp. “I bet you say that to all of the girls.”

  “No, Amber.” I inched closer. “Only you.” I retook her hand and felt relief when she didn’t pull away. “You’re different. We both sensed it the moment you stepped in to ask about the job. You’re amazing, Amber.” I pushed a long strand of hair from her face. “And it would be a great honor if you would consider making our relationship more permanent.”

  “More permanent? Like, how?”

  “Like an exclusive threesome.” I smiled and massaged her hand, loving how her gaze softened at my touch. “Let us take care of you in the way you deserve to be taken care of.”

  “What does Cal think about all of this?”

  “Cal agrees.” My skin tingled as Cal stepped up behind me. I should have known he was listening to the conversation.

  “We both want you, Amber,” I said. “But it is important to know that if we do this, there will be some who will not agree with our little arrangement.”

  “They won’t like us dating,” she said.

  “No,” Cal said. “They may even be aggressive about it.”

  “It’s because of my age, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Will you stop it with your age?” Cal said. “We’re both grown men, and we like a woman for who she is, not for her years on this planet.”

  “He’s right,” Enzo said. “People don’t care about age, but some would be rather put out about seeing three people being affectionate in public.”

  “We could try to temper our advances outside the apartment, but I’m warning you, Enzo and I are terrible at keeping our hands to ourselves.” His grin made him look like a mischievous little boy.

  “In today’s society…” She shook her head. “I thought we were beyond discrimination like this.”

  “Most people are, but there are still a select few who like to make things difficult. We will do our best to shelter you from the worst of it, but…”

  Amber shook her head and stepped out of my grip. “I don’t need sheltering. Not from the two of you, or from anyone.” She lifted her chin. “And you two aren’t the only ones who have been assaulted by some idiot.” She shifted her gaze from me, to Cal, and then back once more. “I know exactly what you went through, Enzo, because I went through it too.”

  Chapter Nine


  It felt good to finally come clean. I could tell by the expressions on Cal and Enzo’s faces that they hadn’t considered the fact that I may have gone through something similar to what they had been through.

  “I don’t understand,” Enzo said.

  I flexed my fingers and glanced around. The docks were empty, thank goodness. I could speak freely without worrying about someone overhearing the conversation. I returned my gaze to the men and looked at each of them in turn.

  “I told you I had been to a BDSM club before. Well…” I took in a deep breath, then let it out. “I didn’t just like it. I loved it. It became a part of me, and something I looked forward to on the weekends. Then one night I met this guy. Everything between us clicked, except this one thing. I tried to explain how much submission meant to me, but he wouldn’t hear of it. Called me a freak. He told me that if I loved him I could change, and I believed him. For many years I tried to be the good girlfriend and then the good wife, but it felt as if I was living someone else’s life. I didn’t feel whole.” I shrugged. “Then, one night, we were watching a movie with friends where a woman got spanked. My husband said that only a mentally unstable person would find that erotic. His friends agreed. Their words were so hurtful. I was too embarrassed to speak. Later, when we got home, I gathered my courage and told him I wanted to leave him. We ended up parting ways because I could no longer be the woman he needed.”

  “And now?” Cal asked as he inched closer. “Are you still embarrassed about being a submissive?”

  I thought about his words for a long moment. “No,” I finally said. “It’s taken a long time, but I think I’ve finally learned I should never let other people influence the way I think or feel.”

  “What about the club?” Enzo asked. “Did you ever go back?”

  “At the time it didn’t feel right.” I shrugged. “For so long I was told those places were freakish. I don’t think I was ready to take that huge step.”

  “So instead you moved to Italy. Why?” Cal asked.

  I tried to search for the right words, but it was hard to vocalize my reasons for moving to Italy. How did you tell someone you were tired of going through the motions in the corporate world and wanted to push the reset button on your life?

  Eventually, I shrugged. “I think I just wanted to spend some time with myself, you know? Do a little self-discovery.”

  “And now?” Cal asked.

  “Italy was good for me. I learned a lot about who I am, and what I want.”

  “And what is it exactly that you want?” Enzo asked.

  I smiled at his nervous features. Taking both his and Cal’s hand, I led them back toward our building. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Surprise lit their features and as we walked back and I closed the door, I couldn’t help but think of how we were all alike in so many ways. After Enzo’s fight, they had been working to put the pieces of their lives back together, to make sense of what had happened. In the process they had learned more about themselves and what they wanted out of live. I had done the same, and in the end we all had realized we were the happiest when we were around each other.

  That first night had been amazing, and after it happened, I made the decision that I wanted to be with Enzo and Cal, no matter what the cost. If it turned out they didn’t want to have sex anymore, then I was okay with that. I just enjoyed being around them. I enjoyed talking with them and sharing their lives. They made me feel complete and never pushed me beyond what I could bare. Now, knowing that they wanted me in their lives as much as I wanted to be with them, it only made me desire them more.

  I closed the door behind them and turned the sign on the store to ‘closed.’

  I started to pull my hands away, but Cal tightened his grip and waited until my gaze met his. “Amber, you don’t have to…”

  “I know. I want to.” I tugged my fingers f
rom his hand and slid them over his chest. He felt so hard, so firm underneath my fingertips.

  “Amber…” Enzo groaned and closed his eyes as I reached for him. Mine. The word pulsed through my brain as I sank to my knees, dragging my hands down over their abdomens to the zippers in their pants.

  “We don’t have any toys here.”

  “I don’t need toys.”

  “You don’t?” Cal asked.

  I shook my head. “For now, I only need the two of you.”

  They helped me free their cocks with the eagerness of kids on Christmas morning. Soon they were both free and filling my hands. I stroked each of them together and moistened my lips as their moans of pleasure filled the air.

  “You told me you wanted me.” I flicked my tongue over the tip of Enzo’s cock, causing him to shiver. “I want to see exactly how much you want me before I make my decision.” I swirled my tongue over the tip of Cal’s length, and he pushed his hips forward, eager for more.

  “Amber…” Cal gasped as I wrapped my lips over his cock and pushed him deep into my mouth. “Oh God.”

  I moved back and forth over his length, stroking him as he pushed my hair from my face. All the while I continued to stroke Enzo, tightening my grip with each pass until he was moaning my name over and over with need.

  I wanted this, wanted them. Having two men call my name, losing themselves in bliss, made me feel wanton and powerful. With each stroke my own desire rose, until I was imagining myself between them, around them. I wanted them to fill my body and fill me with ecstasy until I was bursting at the seams.

  They were losing control. I could tell by the way they moved their hips and how Cal’s grip tightened in my hair. Hell, I was losing control, too. I forced myself to slow down before I finished things too soon. Letting Cal’s cock slip from my mouth, I moved over to Enzo and repeated the same delicious torture. Enzo put his hand on Cal to steady himself as I pushed him deep into my mouth.

  “Oh God,” he murmured.

  “It’s good, no?” Cal leaned over and kissed him hard on the mouth. As I watched him push his tongue inside, I couldn’t help but think it was incredibly hot. There was something about the way they kissed, the wild passion of the moment, that made me hot and wet.

  When they parted, Enzo placed his hand on my head and gently eased his cock from my mouth.

  “That was lovely,” he said. “But now it’s our turn.”

  Cal slid his hand across the front desk, swiping all of the papers onto the floor. Before I could react, Enzo kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth and filling me with his taste. The tension in the air grew, and soon we were pulling at each other’s clothes. I was desperate to feel his skin pressed up against me, to wrap my legs around those trim hips and feel him between my thighs.

  When he finally pulled away, we were both gasping for breath.

  “Fuck, that’s hot.”

  I turned to find Cal naked and leaning back on the desk. He was stroking his large cock as he watched us, and I could see a bead of moisture forming at the tip.

  “Do you have a condom?” I asked.

  “Desk,” Enzo choked out. “Hurry.”

  Cal leaned back and reached around the edge of the desk. After feeling around, he pulled out two condoms and tossed one to Enzo.

  “Here, let me help you.” I turned to Cal and plucked the condom from his fingers. Using my teeth, I pulled at the wrapper until the loud tear filled the space between us.

  I pulled out the condom and waved it between us. “Is this what you are looking for?”

  He held out his hand. “Come here.”

  I quickly climbed up on the desk and helped him put on the condom. Soon I was straddling him and positioning him at my opening.

  Nibbling my lower lip, I sank down on his length, loving the way my inner muscles stretched to accommodate him.

  “Oh God.” Cal grabbed my hips and pushed up off the desk, driving deeper into my body. “That’s amazing.”

  Enzo climbed up on the desk behind me and brought my hands up over my head. “She’s amazing.” He pinned my hands above me and kissed my shoulder. “And now, we will show her just how much she means to us.”

  He shifted my wrists until he held them secure with one hand, then slid the other down my arm. I shivered and closed my eyes as he dragged his fingers down over my chest and pinched my nipple.

  “Now move.” The command was firm, but gentle. Enzo continued to pinch and caress my nipples as I moved up and down over Cal’s shaft. Anticipation tingled over my skin, and tension filled the air between us. I felt each of the men watching, studying me, learning what I liked and what I didn’t. Desire fluttered through my core, and I quickened the pace.

  “Yes, that’s it,” Enzo whispered. “That’s my girl.” He pinched harder, and the sparks of pain fueled my desire. I came down harder, and the resulting slap of flesh filled the room. I tightened my muscles around Cal’s cock, trying to drag him deeper.

  “Enzo,” Cal choked out. “Too fast.”

  Enzo let go of my wrists and hugged my middle. “Easy.” He slowed me down until I inched up and down over Cal’s length, moving just fast enough to keep us stimulated, but not enough to push us over the edge.

  “That’s it.” Enzo pushed his hand down my belly, then slid it in between my thighs. He kissed my neck, sending tingles of awareness over my skin as he felt where Cal and I were joined.

  “Fuck, that feels so good.” Cal gripped the edges of the desk and it appeared as if he was holding on to his last shreds of control.

  “Kiss him,” Enzo ordered as he pulled his hands away.

  I leaned over and did as he asked. Cal grabbed my hair and pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. Groaning, I tilted my head, wanting more, needing more.

  Enzo slid his wet fingers in between my ass cheeks, coating the opening in my backside with my juices. I groaned against Cal’s mouth as Enzo shifted position and pressed his cock against my ass.

  “Yes,” he said as he thrust inside my body. “God, you’re so tight.” He moved back and forth, gently filling me and retreating until his hips were flush with my body.

  When he finished, he plunged his fingers into my hair and gently tugged up, pulling me away from Cal. “It’s time.”

  Both men pushed into my body, filling me to the point of breaking. I groaned as the sweet friction heated my core. Never before had I felt anything so good, so fulfilling.

  It didn’t take long for us to find a rhythm. We were so in sync, so in tuned to each other’s needs. It was almost as if this moment was meant to be. We crashed together as the tension built, our cries of pleasure mingling in the air like an erotic chorus. The world around us faded away until there was only these men, this moment, and when our orgasms finally hit, they happened simultaneously, creating a cocoon of ecstasy and bliss that made me feel safe and loved.

  When the last shreds of our orgasms faded, the men turned us so that we lay side by side on the desk. It was a long moment before any of us spoke, and as we silently caught our breaths, I couldn’t help but think I was the luckiest girl alive.

  “So?” Enzo asked when he finally found his voice. “What is your answer?”

  “My answer?”

  Cal chuckled and eased his fingers over my cheek. “Will you be our girlfriend?”

  “And date us exclusively?” Enzo added as he leaned up on his elbow and peered over my shoulder.

  I turned my body so I could see both of them and smiled. “I’m not sure. Do you think we could try that again?” I laughed as both Cal and Enzo tickled me. “Yes!” I shouted. “Yes, I’ll date you!”

  As the men whooped and kissed my lips and neck, I clung to their hard bodies and knew it didn’t matter what the world thought of us. We were happy, and we belonged together. I had finally finished pushing the reset button on my life, and the results were better than I could have ever dreamed.

  The End





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