A Lady's Virture

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A Lady's Virture Page 24

by A. S. Fenichel

  “You are rather devious, Mr. Hallsmith. What offer could you possibly make me?” Charming as he was, she was slightly confused.

  “The offer of a gentleman to convey you to Marlton. I leave in the morning and will stay a fortnight.”

  “I cannot travel two days with you, Mr. Hallsmith.” Even as she said it, she was scheming some way to make it work.

  “Is there not some friend at the Society who might come with you?” His gaze passed over her shoulder.

  Sylvia turned to see the direction of his gaze. Roberta Fletcher was walking toward them, her smile bright, and the pink gown she wore a perfect complement to her constant blush. “I will see if I can arrange a chaperon. If you are willing to make a late morning departure.”

  His gaze never strayed from Roberta. “I will be glad for the company, and Tony will owe me a big favor.”

  Roberta reached them and threw herself against Sylvia in a hug. “I am so glad to see you, Miss Dowder. I do not know a soul at this ball and made a terrible mistake in thinking your sister was you.”

  Laughing, Sylvia kissed her cheek. “It happens all the time. Don’t trouble yourself.”

  “That is exactly what your sister said. She was very sweet.”

  Miles cleared his throat. “Will you introduce me to your friend, Miss Dowder?”

  “Of course. Miss Roberta Fletcher, may I introduce my friend, Mr. Miles Hallsmith?”

  He bowed. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Fletcher.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Hallsmith.”

  “Miss Dowder, I will call for you in the morning. If you cannot make appropriate arrangements, send me a note. Miss Fletcher, do you have any space on your dance card for me?”

  Roberta stuttered her first word then took a deep breath. “I am available for the next dance, sir.”

  Grinning like he’d won some rare jewel, Miles bowed. “I shall count the seconds.”

  Once he’d excused himself, Roberta lowered her head. “Is he a nice man?”

  “He is a very nice man.”

  “Oh, no, is he courting you, Miss Dowder? I would never interfere.” Her blush deepened, and she squeezed her fingers together until her knuckles whitened.

  Sylvia took hold of Roberta’s hands. “I am not interested in Mr. Hallsmith. He is a very kind and smart man who is conveying me to the country if I can find a chaperon by tomorrow morning. He is a friend.”

  “He is very handsome.” Pink as a ripe peach, she peeked across the ballroom at Miles.

  “Indeed, now stop staring before you make a fool of yourself.” Sylvia laughed.

  * * * *

  “Miss Dowder, I have traveled to the country on extremely short notice twice in as many months on your account. That is a first for me,” Lady Honoria Chervil announced as they turned onto the drive to the Marlton estate.

  “I appreciate you making the journey. Mrs. Horthorn was otherwise engaged.” Sylvia’s heart pounded so loudly she was sure they all could hear.

  Miles grinned. “It has been a most entertaining journey with you two ladies. I can’t remember enjoying two days on the road more.”

  “You are a charmer, Mr. Hallsmith. It is no wonder Miss Dowder thought it best not to travel alone with you.”

  Sylvia rolled her eyes. There was no point in saying anything. The two of them had been teasing her since they’d left London. It seemed Lady Chervil was the reckless aunt Miles had always wanted and they hit it off immediately.

  “Miss Dowder, you will catch your first glimpse of Marlton when we round this bend.” Miles spoke low, adding to the suspense.

  It was nearly a castle, it was so big. A large pond reflected the massive house in perfect detail. Even from that distance, it was clear the family was outside to the left of the house. Two children ran across the field while someone was chasing them. A woman, likely Sophia, sat on a blanket near the tree. In a chair near the woman, a tall man was watching the antics.

  Sylvia’s breath caught at the idea of how close he was. He might reject her. It was foolish to take Miles up on his offer without giving notice of her coming. They would all think her impertinent at least. But her foolish heart demanded she risk everything, even her virtue, to know if he still loved her.

  The carriage rounded the final bend and headed straight on toward the house.

  Daniel stopped playing with the children, and the nanny ran to collect them while he strode toward the drive with Sophia.

  Anthony followed them at a slower pace.

  Leaning back so as not to be seen, Sylvia gasped for breath.

  Honoria patted her knee. “You’ve come this far, my dear. Don’t lose your nerve now.”

  When the carriage stopped, Miles jumped down and greeted Daniel and Sophia. “Tony, I’ve come to cheer you, and to ensure my efforts would be successful, I brought you a gift.”

  Lady Honoria Chervil popped down from the carriage.

  Sophia oohed and aahed over the unexpected guest.

  “It is good to see you, my lady,” Anthony said. His voice was closer, but Sylvia was too much of a coward to look out the window.

  “Are you going to come out?” Miles asked.

  Taking a deep breath, Sylvia poked her head out. “I hope I am not intruding.”

  Anthony was thinner than when she’d last seen him. He stood leaning on a cane, and his right arm lay in a sling around his neck. Staring, perhaps afraid she would fade away if he blinked, he opened his mouth. “I—you are a welcome surprise.”

  The footman waited and handed her down.

  Sophia ran over and wrapped her in a hug. “I’m so happy you are here. I would have sent for you next week after everything calmed down from your sister’s ball. And of course, we have all been helping Tony to recover from his injuries.”

  Whatever she was about to say, she thought better of it. Maybe it was because they were not in private, or because she thought a man with a cane wouldn’t appeal to Sylvia.

  “Mr. Hallsmith was kind enough to inform me that he had room in his carriage. I apologize for not having time to write before barging in.”

  Daniel bowed over her hand. “Don’t be silly. We are thrilled to have you and Lady Chervil here. Sophie, we should alert the staff to have two more rooms prepared and settings for dinner.”

  It was impossible to take her gaze from Anthony’s golden stare. He might be more ferocious as an injured lion.

  “I’ll arrange for tea. You must be famished.” Sophia took Daniel’s hand, and they rushed up the steps.

  The nanny scurried up behind them with both children in tow.

  Miles chuckled and offered Honoria his arm. “My lady, may I escort you inside?”

  “I would be delighted. Why is it you are not married? You are indeed handsome and charming,” Honoria gushed.

  “Alas, I am a third son, and more to the point, my friends have married up all the best ladies.” His voice faded as they walked up the stairs and into the house.

  Anthony stepped forward. “I never dreamed you would come. Well, I dreamed it, but thought it only a wish.”

  “You don’t mind then?” If her heart beat any faster, she would faint like some waif in an opera.

  “Your letter gave me some hope, but then my injuries prevented me from further investigation, and all this time passed with no word.” He took another step.

  The carriage pulled away, leaving them alone in the yard.

  A breeze rustled her skirts, and several birds flew as one out of the tree.

  “Your letter was so abrupt, I thought you had lost interest.” She closed the distance between them until she peered into those dangerous eyes. “Last night, your aunt informed me that she penned the note.”

  “When last we met, I wouldn’t have thought it mattered to you if I lost interest. In fact, you seemed keen on me not loving you.” He ra
n his knuckles along her jaw.

  Even that light touch was a bit of heaven. “A lot has happened in the last six weeks. I hope you will give me a chance to tell you all about it.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Sylvia’s heart sank. Tears pressed at the backs of her eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that, but I completely understand. It was foolish of me to think you would tolerate all my rejection and still want me.”

  One side of his full kissable mouth lifted, and joy lit his eyes. “Oh, Sylvie, the only foolish thing is that you would think I could stop loving you. What I mean is, you may tell me everything, and I want to know all of it, but I will love you no matter what. If you choose to keep your revelation to yourself, I will still love you. You are all I want…”

  The happy scream of children at play filtered out from the window.

  He leaned toward the lane. “Shall we walk? That window is the parlor, and I expect we have an audience.”

  “Can you? Walk, I mean?”

  “The cast came off yesterday, but other than a bit of an ache, it’s not bad.” They followed the lane where it curved around the side of the house to a small garden.

  “I should have demanded to see you when I came to the house.” Shame dug a hole in her and gnawed at her gut.

  “My momma can be very imposing, and what would you have told her? It was an uncomfortable situation. I wish I had been able to receive you, but you arrived before I knew the goings-on at the house. If I had known, I would have made certain you were allowed entry. Though, I’m not sure you would have liked what you saw.” He made it to a bench in the rose garden and eased himself down.

  “What were you thinking going into that sinking boat?” It came out sterner than she’d intended, and she sat next to him.

  He cupped her cheek. “I was thinking that I had brought all that lavender fabric from India just for you, and I had to save it.”

  The kiss was gentle, pure, and filled with a lifetime of desire. He made love to her mouth, pulling her bottom lip between his, then the top. His tongue traced the line between her lips and she opened for him.

  Carefully wrapping her arm around his neck, she toyed with the soft hair at the back of his neck. “I love you, Tony. I should have been brave enough to tell you before.”

  His eyes closed, and he pressed his forehead to hers. “Now is soon enough. I never thought I’d hear you say those words, my sweet Everton lady. I expected to pine for you for the rest of my life.”

  “You don’t mind that there will be no dowry, and I’m surrounded by scandal?” It seemed only fair to give him a way out, even now after two days’ travel.

  “Marry me, Sylvie.”

  Joy and terror battled as one inside her. She’d never wanted to hear any words more. Yet, to say yes to another man then wait for him to change his mind— “I don’t know what to say.”

  “If I thought I could get back up, I would go down on one knee, but I fear that is where you would find me until next week. Just say you’ll marry me, and I’ll kneel to you for the rest of our lives as the queen I do not deserve.”

  “I will marry you, Tony. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I can do nothing else.” It was the truth. Her heart would have no other answer, and she’d chosen to push her fears aside when she got in Miles’s carriage and trekked two days to see a man.

  Chapter 18

  He might be barely able to walk, but his heart lifted in flight. Anthony crept down the hall where he hoped his bride-to-be would grant him two wishes. It was past midnight, the house was asleep, and he was too excited to rest. Sylvia had said she would marry him despite her doubts. It had been the best day of his life.

  The difficulty in using a cane quietly meant that the walk down the long hall took a great deal of time, but if he was discovered, it would ruin his plans.

  Scratching on her bedroom door, he waited, hoping Sylvia was a light sleeper.

  Sleepy-eyed, she opened the door. She was a vision in a voluminous white nightgown. It was so full it covered all but her neck, head and hands. “Tony? Is everything okay?”

  He backed her inside, closed the door and threw the latch. The feminine room had lace covering every surface, and the moon shone in the window. It was odd how many times they met by moonlight. “If you’re asking if I intend to break off our six-hour-old engagement, the answer is a definite no. I love you and I want to marry you.”

  The way her face lit up was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “Why are you knocking on my bedroom door in the middle of the night then?”

  “I want to make you a proposal, my sweet, beautiful fiancée.” He took her hand and kissed each finger, careful not to let his cane make too much noise on the floor. If they were found out, Daniel might break the door down.

  Even in the dim light from the moon, her eyes were bright with excitement. “Are you planning to deflower your bride before the wedding night?”

  He loved her teasing tone and her wicked mind. All the things he loved about this quick-witted woman. “Well, I had hoped you might be amenable to making love tonight. Though, should you say no, I will not pressure you.”

  She pressed her lips to his and ran her hand down his chest to his waist, where she clutched the top of his breeches and pulled him close. “Yes.”

  Body trembling with need, he couldn’t believe his ears. “Yes?”

  “Make love to me, Tony.” Keeping her hold, she pulled him toward the bed. “I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I know I love you and I want you tonight.”

  “I may have some difficulties due to my injuries.” Lord, how he wished he’d left those textiles to sink so he could properly pleasure her.

  “Can we not overcome them?” She raised her brows.

  His rod demanded he not hesitate, and the rest of him was set on pleasing her too. “I know you are poking fun, but it would be my deepest wish that we try, Sylvie.”

  With a wide grin, she jumped up on the bed. “I am teasing, but I am not poking fun, Tony. I can’t imagine you and I can’t figure a way around your difficulties, as you called them.”

  Just as enthusiastic, but with less vigor, he placed his cane on the floor and eased himself next to her. He’d been sleeping on his back, as his arm and leg pain made any other position impossible. Frustration led him to inspiration. With an experienced woman, there would be no trepidation. “I’m not at all sure how much you know about this.”

  She leaned on his chest, her chin on her fist, and smiled. “I have never done it before, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Trying to explain such things to a virgin left him tongue-tied. He shook his head. “At some point, we will have no trouble speaking of such intimate things. That being said, perhaps it is better to just be frank and blush our way through it. Usually, a man would be on top at least for this first time, but we may have to make a few adjustments.”

  As promised, she turned pink. It was adorable. Then her eyes narrowed while she was thinking. “I think I understand. Why don’t you tell me what to do, and I’ll try my best to comply?”

  “I want more than compliance, my love. I want you to feel thoroughly ravished despite my condition. I want you to know this part of our marriage will get better and better. I want you to feel every delight.”

  Bright blue, her eyes glowed with desire. “Tell me what to do.”

  Here was the Sylvia he’d first met. A girl with spirit and curiosity. He pushed himself to sitting. “Would you help me remove my blouse?”

  With the touch of an angel, she eased the linen over his head then his right side. She touched the dark bruise that still marred his collarbone. Like the wings of a butterfly, her hair tickled his cheek as she kissed his injury. “I hope you will be more careful in the future, Tony. I fear I will become a wretched wife should you risk your life like this again.”

  He kissed her c
heek and down her neck to her throat. “I will not leave you, my love. Not that way and not for many years. I hope we shall have babies and grow gray before I should ever leave you.”

  “That is a lovely image.” She ran her hands over his chest, exploring his body. “Shall I help you with your breeches, Tony?”

  Lord, he’d not last five minutes at this rate. “I think we had better wait on that, but I would love to see all of you, Sylvie.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “I’m too skinny and don’t have a full bosom.”

  “No. You are perfect in every way.” He ran his hand from the frilly neck of her gown down to her stomach.

  One at a time, she pulled the bows at her shoulders and neck then let the gown pool around her. Every inch of her porcelain skin glowed with warmth.

  Leaning up on his good arm, he took one sweet nipple into his mouth and sucked it until she arched her back and gripped his head.

  A low cry fell from her lips.

  He sat facing her and wrapped his good leg around her bottom while his healing leg was safe to the side. He kissed and licked his way from those sweet breasts up to her neck and kissed behind her ear until she writhed against him.

  “Absolutely perfect.” He slid his hand between her legs and found her soft and wet.

  “Tony?” She gripped his good shoulder. Even in her rapture, she was careful and thoughtful of his injuries.

  “Let me show you. Let me give you pleasure.”

  Relaxing her grip, she allowed him to press his fingers inside her, gather her moisture and gently rub between her folds. She gasped and rocked against his hand.

  As wonderful and maddening as seeing to her pleasure was, he longed to give her more and find his own pleasure too. Yet the way her face turned up to the moonlight and her mouth opened with a silent cry could have been enough. His fingers slid in and out of her with each rock of her hips. She set the pace.

  As her gasps grew louder, he muffled them with his kisses, driving his tongue into her mouth in time with her gyrations until she tightened and soaked his hand with pleasure.


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