Jordan's Marked Mate [The Ward Brothers] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Jordan's Marked Mate [The Ward Brothers] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 4

by Mackenzie Williams

  Out of pure reflex, she held the stick out, pointing it at the wolf. The animal ignored it and took a few steps toward her. Her body shook more violently as she watched its graceful movements. Wind blew over its white fur, ruffling it.

  “S-stop.” The stick in her hand shook with her body and she soon accidentally dropped it.

  The white wolf ignored her command and stepped closer still. Riley pushed herself back until she ran into a large log laying on the forest floor. Tears started to build in her eyes as she watched the animal’s dark eyes. They were magical and haunting. One look and anyone could tell this was no ordinary wolf. The coal-black eyes indicated it was a shifter.

  “P-please.” Her tears ran down her face.

  Suddenly, the forest was thrown into darkness. The blue orb vanished. Riley’s scream echoed out around her.

  * * * *

  Jordan darkened the orb and she screamed, instantly. He would have smirked or maybe even laughed if he wasn’t so fucking pissed off. He flawlessly shifted back into a more favorable human form for her, but truthfully, a large part of him wanted to stay a wolf and cause her as much stress and fear as he could.

  Yes, she was his slave, his mate, but she needed to learn who she was dealing with. Jordan was not a normal man and he was not to be treated with disrespect. Disrespect was exactly what Riley had shown him when she went back on her promise to stay willingly for a week.

  Jordan allowed the blue orb to brighten again as he stood before her, now a man. She was shaking violently and he was unsure how much was from the cold and how much was from fear. If she wanted to go back on her word, he’d do the same. She would obey him and she would stay with him.

  “Damn it, Riley. You’re dirty again. And hurt.” Jordan stepped closer to her, putting his hands on his hips.

  She looked up at him with more tears running down her cheeks. A bit of his heart thawed then. Riley was his weakness even if she didn’t know it. Her hands trembled against her legs as she brought her knees to her chest, still sitting on the muddy ground. Jordan exhaled roughly before running a hand through his hair. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

  His brothers’ faces and voices floated through his mind. Ryan would tell him to comfort her. Brody would laugh and tell him to take her home, tie her up, and fuck her until she couldn’t run away. Actually, Jordan was starting to like that idea.

  Jordan heard Riley’s teeth chattering. He clenched his jaw muscles while taking a deep breath through his nose. He needed to get her home. He bent forward and effortlessly lifted her into his arms. She didn’t speak or try and fight him off. Surprisingly, she buried her face into his chest which he took as a positive sign of truce.

  He turned and started to carry her home. The blue orb followed.

  Chapter Ten

  Jordan kicked his front door shut behind them as he carried Riley inside. She shivered against him. She expected him to take her back to the shower or maybe her designated bedroom, but he did neither. Her Master carried her back to a larger bedroom which she instantly assumed was his.

  He continued through it and back into a large master bathroom. He abruptly set her on her feet and went straight to work ridding her of her wet, dirty clothes.

  “Wait. Let me do it.” Riley pulled on the bottom of her t-shirt just as he ripped the zip-up hoodie off her body.

  “Sorry, you had your chance.” Before she could protest again, Jordan pulled the t-shirt out of her hands and hastily removed it. “You want to play the captive, I’m game. You want the full slave experience, you can have it.”

  Riley’s eyes widened at his harsh words. Something unexpected happened to her, though. She felt an immediate attraction to him. It was strange, but the rougher he was with her, the more heated her insides felt. Am I losing my mind, or is this what I want?

  Jordan roughly undid her jeans and started to pull them down. Riley was unsure if she wanted to fight him because she wanted him to stop or if she was going to fight him so that the game would last longer. Either way, her clit was starting to throb as Jordan lifted her up by one arm around her waist and ruthlessly pulled her shoes off, followed by her pants.

  He set her back down and she stood there in only her bra and panties. Riley did the first thing that came to mind. A towel rack was nearby so she grabbed a large, light blue towel, but before she could wrap it around herself, Jordan grabbed the other end of it.


  “That’s Master to you.” His eyes seemed to come more alive.

  Riley’s next breath caught in her throat as she started to get lost in him. He was stunningly masculine and so dominant. She felt like a doll standing before him, a plaything. Jordan pulled on the towel. Riley held it tight. As a result, she was soon being pulled toward him.

  “Wait.” She wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop, though.

  “No.” He continued to pull the towel until she was mere inches from him.

  Riley took a shaky breath as her clit started to tingle. Was it shameful that she was starting to get wet thinking about what he would do to her? Would he punish her? A shiver ran down her back as she stared deep into his eyes.

  Jordan growled and the sound had the tingle in her button increasing.

  “Jordan? Sir?” She was still a little reluctant to give him the title he wanted.

  He growled again. Riley started to lean into him. She thought she sensed he was about to kiss her. She was wrong. Jordan pulled harder on the towel and Riley stumbled into him. He swiftly picked her up and turned toward his large shower.

  Riley yelped as he set her inside. “Wait!”

  “I said, no.” This time she saw a glint of humor in his otherwise serious stare.

  Before she could do anything else, Jordan flipped on the water. Riley cried out in shock as the water hit her skin. The water was only lukewarm. She still held part of the towel and she instantly tried to bring it up to her chest.

  Jordan yanked on it and she lost her grip. He carelessly dropped it to the side. The water started to warm just slightly as it wet her white bra and panties.

  “Come on.” Riley started to climb out of the shower. “This is ridiculous.”

  Jordan quickly stopped her, however. He held one hand up to her wet chest, stalling her exit. With his other hand, he removed his shoes. Riley cocked her hips to the side as she watched him. Finally, she gasped as he stepped into the shower, still fully clothed.


  He grabbed her chin, lifting it. “Say it. Master.”

  Riley rubbed her thighs together absentmindedly. Her clit was so sensitive now. Her eyes moved down to his lips. She had the urge to kiss them. Jordan lifted her chin even higher, straining her neck some. Riley whimpered.

  “Say it.” His eyes flashed with more power.

  Riley wasn’t sure if she was giving into him or herself. “Master.”

  Jordan inhaled sharply and then gave her what she wanted. He leaned down and took her lips with his own. This kiss was much rougher and faster than his last one had been. Riley moaned against his lips as he moved them across hers.

  His hand left her chin and went to the back of her head. Jordan held it in place as he intensified the kiss. Water sprayed onto his clothed shoulder, directing the spray into the side of her face for just a second before Jordan moved.

  He kept the kiss going as he turned so his back was fully under the water. Jordan removed his hand from her head and slid it down her back. Riley almost didn’t catch what he was doing until he was finished. After a few seconds, her bra was unhooked and beginning to fall away from her wet breasts.

  Riley moaned between his lips and he pulled back from her. She slowly opened her eyes to find the steam of the shower swirling around his head. He clenched his jaw muscles before letting his stare move down to her half exposed breasts.

  Jordan raised his hand and slid her bra down the rest of the way. Riley wasn’t as nervous as she thought she should be. Maybe it was because she was meant for him. Ma
ybe it was just because she hadn’t felt a man’s touch in a very long time.

  He held the soaking wet bra out and dropped it onto the bathroom floor.

  “Do you want me to remove those panties or do you want to do it yourself.”

  His eyes flashed with power and a bit of excitement. Even though the water was very warm now, Riley shuddered at the atmosphere he created. His aura.


  Jordan smirked at her. “Very well, pet.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jordan wasn’t sure how much of her reaction to his commands was purely physical or if she was starting to like him and this situation. Was she just in need of a good fuck, or was she really starting to realize that this was where she was supposed to be?

  “I want you clean from the filth of the forest.” Jordan leaned into her neck and smelled her. She smelled like his.

  Riley lifted her head, allowing him to get even closer. She whimpered softly as he brought his hand up to her soaked white panties. Of course, he could see through them now. Not that that really mattered. They’d be gone soon.

  He started to pull them down her legs but stopped. Since her legs were wet, it was difficult to slide them down. Plus, he would have to back up to allow her room to lift her feet. Even a few inches seemed like too much space between them.

  Jordan let a low rumble fill his chest as he ripped the sides of her underwear. Riley inhaled sharply and squeezed his biceps. He flung the unneeded panties out of the open shower. He rubbed his lips and nose up her neck, toward her ear. Her hands squeezed him harder.

  “I want you to feel what it’s like to be mine, fully and truly.” Riley moaned as he reached her ear. Jordan lightly nipped it before whispering, “Give into me. I’ll make sure you’re happy.”

  * * * *

  Riley stopped the shiver that threatened to take over her body. His words were speaking to more than her head. Her pussy muscles clenched as his teeth again grazed her neck. Could she afford to give into him? How would she ever be able to deny him? Riley had only just met him and she already felt an unearthly connection to him.

  Fate or loneliness? A whimper came off her lips as his hand ran down her stomach right toward the place she wanted it to go. Jordan stopped his fingers as they reached the top of her pubic hair. She would give him one week. That was all. She needed to believe that she would still know herself at the end of that week.

  “All right,” Riley whispered. She gasped as his fingers started to run through her pussy hair. “One week. I promise.”

  Jordan’s fingers stalled and a deep growl came from his chest. Riley was worried that that wasn’t the answer he wanted, but that was the only answer she was willing to give him tonight.

  He lifted his head from her neck. A stream of water ran down the side of his face from his wet hair. Jordan tilted his head back, staring down his nose at her. He moved his hand down and parted her pussy lips as his words filled the shower.

  “One week. All mine.”

  Riley clawed at his shirt, which was heavy with water. Jordan slid his fingers up and down, through her pussy lips. She leaned her head down, resting it on his chest. Warm water ran down his neck and over her face. A soft whine came from her when his fingers pressed against her engorged clit.

  “Jordan.” She rubbed her wet face into his wetter shirt.

  He removed his fingers from her and she was instantly worried that she had upset him by calling him by his first name. Was she really required to call him Master all the time? She looked up into his face, but water splattered off his shoulder making it hard to read his expression.

  Riley’s hands trembled against his arms before he turned away from her. She took a deep breath and was about ready to apologize but stopped when Jordan reached for the water handles and shut off the shower.

  “Wait here.” Jordan pressed her back a few inches.

  She let go of him with a sigh. Had she just made him angry?

  “Sir?” Her voice was shaky.

  Jordan ignored her and stepped out of the shower. His clothes dripped onto the cream colored tile floor and the light blue rug. Goosebumps started to appear on her skin as the steam from the warm shower dissipated. She watched as Jordan hastily pulled his wet shirt off over his head.

  When he turned to face her again, his hair was haphazardly laying across his forehead. Riley didn’t know why, but that small thing made her heart open up a little bit more. Was it just the simple fact that he didn’t look so intimidating? The next thing she saw of him would be very intimidating, however.

  Jordan kept eye contact with her as he began to remove his black pants. He wore no underwear so it didn’t take long for her to see him, the whole man. She stared, shamelessly at his erection as it came out from his pants. He had the biggest cock she had ever seen, by far. Is that a shifter thing?

  More goosebumps covered her skin and a deep tingle worked through her pussy as she stared. Jordan’s lips lifted into a crooked smirk as he finished ridding himself of the wet pants. He stood up straight with his hand on his hips.

  Riley realized that her mouth was agape and immediately closed it.

  Jordan lifted an eyebrow and his gorgeous smile widened just a little. “All right, pet. Let’s get you warm.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Riley looked beautiful standing there wet and shivering. Jordan stepped forward and she timidly shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her hands were wrapped around each other, partially covering her pussy.

  He was aware that a large part of her wanted to leave after this week was up. His job was to diminish that part of her as much as possible. Sure, sex was a large part of his life and therefore, his slave’s life, but if there was no love and respect behind it, she’d leave. He was sure of it.

  Jordan stepped up to the open shower and she shivered more violently. He grabbed a nearby towel without taking his eyes off her. She made a soft squeaking sound as he reached in for her. Soon he had her wrapped in the towel and was carrying her out of the shower and out of the bathroom.

  Jordan had watched her from afar for a while. He knew that she had never been with a man for much longer than a few dates. That’s because you were always predestined to be with me and me alone. Riley lifted a hand to his chest and it seemed to calm a small storm inside him.

  When he reached his large bed, he paused, not putting her down, yet. He looked into her big, brown eyes. They still held a bit of fear. He wasn’t sure he wanted that completely gone, however.

  “Jordan…um, Sir? Can I call you Jordan?”

  He actually wasn’t entirely sure how to answer that. He knew that most shifters preferred to only be addressed formally from their slaves, but Jordan had always felt that that put a small wedge between the persons involved.

  “You may call me Jordan when you have clothes on.”

  Her eyes widened and her fingers flexed against his chest. Jordan smiled at her before lowering her to his bed.

  * * * *

  Was he joking? His expression was light, but Riley didn’t want to test it. She was actually starting to like the idea of it. It was like role playing but with real consequences. His stare captured her as he laid her down onto the soft bed.

  Riley stared up at him for several seconds, only feeling the moment. Why did it feel like her world was shifting? Maybe it was. She just hoped she’d still have the strength to leave him afterward. It’s for the best. I can’t live here as his slave. A dark thought snaked through her head then. I’ll never be good enough for him anyway.

  Jordan’s voice brought her out of her head. “Don’t worry, Riley. This is the first time. I’ll be gentle.”

  Riley’s eyes automatically scanned down his body to his cock which was still hard. He looked like a model out of one of those fitness magazines. Should she feel guilty that she had no reservations about sleeping with him? After all, she had only just met him. But our bodies already know each other. She didn’t understand that statement, but it seemed so true in this mo

  Jordan started to climb onto the bed and Riley inched over to allow him more room, leaving the towel behind. Just then, something clicked in her head. She didn’t want this to be too easy for him. Yes, he wanted a willing slave, but did he want a spineless one? Riley didn’t want to be a damsel that simply laid there for his pleasure.

  Riley slid across the bed, away from him. At first, Jordan paused, half on the bed, and frowned at her. When she reached the other side of the bed, he inhaled a deep breath through his nose. It almost looked as if he were smelling the air. His gray eyes seemed to brighten as he continued to crawl toward her again.

  “Scared, pet?”

  His muscles tensed and flexed as he got closer.

  “Should I be, Master?”


  Jordan’s nostrils flared as he took another deep breath. Riley stopped the tremble that started in her legs. She couldn’t deny that she wanted him. She couldn’t deny that she needed this. But only for a few days. Then it’s back to my real life.

  Riley slid one leg off the bed, letting her foot touch the floor. It wouldn’t be there long. Jordan grabbed her by the other leg and pulled her toward him. Her body was soon back to the middle of the bed.

  “Playing games?” Jordan’s face was expressionless, but she was sure she saw humor in his eyes.

  Riley didn’t answer. She simply brought her hands up to cover her breasts as he leaned over her. A small grin lifted Jordan’s lips.

  “Oh, now you’re shy?”

  Jordan leaned down and kissed her lips. The kiss was slow but not soft. He was taking from her what he wanted. He slid his hand up her side, causing her to tremble. He continued the kiss as his hand reached her hand that was still covering her left breast.


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