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Puppy Love

Page 9

by Hayden Hunt

  The combination of him taking control and the taboo of us fucking publicly in my car was just too sexy for me. It was all I could do to get myself to avoid cumming.

  But I focused on avoiding orgasm because I wanted this to last as long as possible.

  “You like this shit, don’t you?” Charlie whispered into my ear. “You like me to take you for once, don’t you?”

  “Yes, baby, you can take control of me.” I groaned.

  “Complete control?” he asked.

  “Yes, total control,” I moaned as I tried to hold back.

  “Okay then.” He reached around to the back of my pants and unhooked my cuffs before I could react.

  I should’ve known this would be his next move. We frequently incorporated the handcuffs into our sex play. However, up until this point, they’d always been on him.

  He raised my hands above my head and cuffed them behind the head of my seat.

  “There we go,” he said seductively. “Now I’m truly in control.”

  Okay, now I couldn’t take it anymore.

  Knowing that he had me and could use me however he wanted, he began to rapidly start humping my cock, moaning the entire time. He was feeling at the muscles underneath my shirt, pawing at me like an animal in heat.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. This was the hottest encounter we had ever had.

  I let out a loud moan that told Charlie I was about to cum. I could feel my balls tighten right before they started to empty all my cum into Charlie’s tight ass. I could literally feel my own cum leaking slowly down my cock as I finished inside him.

  But he didn’t let up right then. I may have had my orgasm, but he hadn’t. And he was going to keep riding me as long as my cock was still hard in his ass.

  I fucking loved it.

  It didn’t take him long and I knew why. He loved it when I came bareback inside of him. I knew just the feeling of my warm cum would be enough to push him over the edge, and it soon did.

  I got my last bits of pleasure as I felt his asshole tighten around my cock, spasming while he experienced his own mighty orgasm.

  When he finally pulled off of me, he was panting in the passenger seat as he pulled up his pajama pants, not even paying attention to the fact that he had become a sweaty mess.

  “Oh, that was fucking hot.” He moaned as he laid his head back on the car seat.

  “Uh, hello!” I said as I motioned with my head to my hands, which were still cuffed behind the seat.

  “Oh God, sorry!” He laughed as he reached for the key to uncuff me. “I completely forgot. You can’t blame me. You know how my mind goes completely blank after a good orgasm.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I agreed as I pulled my hands free from the cuffs. “It’s adorable.”

  With my hands free, I reached over to put one on his face to plant a gentle kiss.

  “Seriously, thank you for coming out here,” he told me. “This really changed my mood around.”

  “You know, Charlie, I meant to talk to you about that,” I said seriously. I figured now was as good a time as any to bring up my concerns.

  “About what?”

  “About your mood lately. I know things have been hard, but you’ve seemed downright depressed since seeing your father. It’s like when I’m not around, all you do is lay in bed with Bailey and try to sleep.”

  He awkwardly fiddled with his fingers. “I mean, that’s understandable, right? When my life is as complicated as it is right now…”

  “Yes, baby, of course.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “I understand. I really do. But that doesn’t mean you should just succumb to it. I love you no matter how your life is or how you’re feeling, but I want to see the same boy I fell in love with.”

  “I’m different now?” he questioned, completely thrown off. “How was I when you first met me?”

  “You were… Well, you were a very positive person despite everything. You were laid back. You knew how to have fun in life, regardless of the circumstances. In fact, you taught me how to have fun, remember?” I smiled at the thought of our first informal date.

  He paused as he considered this. “I don’t have fun anymore, do I?”

  “No,” I answered sadly. “I don’t think you do.”

  He sighed. “All right.”

  “Look, I don’t mean to rush you. I understand healing is a process. You can be sad for however long you need to be. Like I said, I love you regardless. I just don’t want to watch you end up swallowed by your sadness.”

  “No, you’re right,” he agreed. “I’ve really been succumbing to it lately. I think it would be good for me to take a different approach to my situation. I should try to do things. At least attempt to find the joy in life. I’m not exactly enjoying life as it is now.”

  “I think that’d be great.” I squeezed his hand. “Maybe you could write again!”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “You know what, that’s exactly what I’ll do. It’s about time I put another book out, anyway.”

  I kissed his cheek. “Good. And you’re going to let me read it, right?”

  “Well…” He laughed awkwardly.

  “Babe! You’re not going to let me read your stories?”

  “Well, what can I say! They just feel very personal. I’ve never let a boyfriend read them before. I don’t share them with anyone.”

  “But I’m not just any old boyfriend, am I?”

  “No, you’re certainly not.” He laughed. “I’ll think about it.”

  “I hope you think ‘yes.’” I pushed his shoulder teasingly. “Ugh, I better get going now.”

  “All right.” He gave me a quick peck. “I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I told him as he got out of the car and walked back to the house.

  I really, really did.



  Ever since my talk with Noah, I really had been trying to get my ass into gear.

  Every single day, I was writing something. It had been two weeks and I was nearly finished with my newest corny romance, secretly inspired by the love of my life.

  I still hadn’t let Noah read it. I wanted it to be polished and perfect before he saw it. I wanted him to think the best of my writing, and in its rough draft, it definitely wasn’t the best.

  And being active really did help with my increasingly overwhelming depression. Just getting out of my bed and doing something helped so much.

  For a while, I really was relying too much on Noah. I acted like he was the only thing that could tear me out of my sadness. And he could pretty easily, but I couldn’t completely rely on him for that.

  It felt good to be reigning in my unhappiness on my own. I was in a relationship, of course, but it felt like exactly what I wanted to do when I was single. It was nice to know I could continue to explore myself even while dating Noah.

  Unfortunately, it seemed like the less I needed him, the less Noah was around. He continued to pick up odd shifts, and lately, the only time I really got to see him was late at night. Even then, he fell asleep pretty shortly after he came home.

  It was understandable. I knew he was exhausted from working all the time. But when was I supposed to spend time with the man I loved? I might have been trying to be more independent from him, but that didn’t mean I didn’t want to spend time with him. I really did.

  I’d brought it up with him a few times. We’d had a few arguments here and there and they always seemed to revolve around how little he was home.

  It always resulted in the same conclusion, though. He would tell me how important his job was to him. How one day, when he made detective, he’d have more vacation time and a clearer schedule. But until then, this was how life had to be.

  It fucking sucked.

  I loved him. though. Loved him enough to put up with it, at least for now.

  I was sitting at the desk in Noah’s room, writing in my notebook. It was always a hassle to retype everything I wrote down into my laptop
, but I just wasn’t able to feel as creative typing on a laptop as I did writing things down. It slowed down the process for me.

  I quickly started tapping my worn-down pencil on the edge of his desk. I was stuck at the beginning of this chapter and was just about ready to give up and wait for Noah to come home in the living room when I heard the garage door open. Great, he was already here.

  It was one of his very few days off and he started off the day by going to get us donuts. Then we were going to recreate our very first lazy, relaxed day together by playing old video games and eating frozen pizza.

  I was thrilled because it would be the most quality time we got together in two weeks.

  I heard Noah’s keys clang together as he set them and the donuts on the counter before walking back in the room to find me.

  When I heard his footsteps in the hallway, I called out to him. “So, what game do you want to start with first?”

  But when I twirled my seat around and looked at him in the doorway, his expression made my heart sink.

  “You look guilty,” I said bluntly.

  “Well, uh, yeah. I’m feeling a little guilty.”

  And I already knew what he was going to tell me.

  “Somebody called out sick today, so they asked me to cover—”

  “Tell me you said no!” I interrupted, though I knew he didn’t.

  “Babe, I’m really sorry.”

  “No, Noah! Seriously, why? You knew how special this day was to me!”

  Usually when we fought about how much he worked, I wasn’t this fiercely angry about it. But I’d seriously had enough.

  “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  “When? A week from now, on your next day off?”

  “Well… yeah.”

  “That’s not making it up to me, Noah! I was expecting to spend that day off with you, too. You just took a day of quality time away from me. That's all that happened here.” I got out of my chair and began to storm off into the living room, extremely done with this conversation.

  As I passed him in the doorway, he put a gentle hand on my shoulder, which I promptly shook off.

  “Babe, I’m sorry!” he called out after me. “At least there's donuts,” he said sheepishly.

  “Donuts?!” I snapped. “I don’t care about any freaking donuts.”

  Actually, I sort of did. I wasn’t going to admit that when I was so intensely furious, but I knew the second he left I’d be digging into those bad boys and eating my feelings.

  I glanced over to the counter to try to guess how many he’d gotten, but I didn’t see any donuts.

  “And where even are they?” I snapped, trying not to be too obvious about the fact that I needed to know so I could eat them later.

  “Right there on the counter… right?” he asked as he popped out of the hallway.

  “No, they’re gone,” I retorted.

  I walked into the kitchen to look for them, and then, right on the floor, I saw them.

  And Bailey had eaten half of them.

  “Were these… Did you get chocolate donuts?” I asked, hoping the answer was no, but knowing the truth.

  “Yeah, mostly. There were a few glazed in there too, why?”

  “God damnit, Noah!” I snapped.

  It wasn’t entirely his fault. I would’ve put them on the counter and assumed she couldn’t get to them, too. I was still not sure how she did it.

  But I was so intensely mad that I was willing to blame him for literally anything.

  “What? What did I do now?”

  “The dog!” I pointed. “She’s eaten them all!”

  Bailey’s ears instinctively went back because she knew she’d made a mistake by the tone of my voice.

  “Oh no, is she going to be okay?” Noah asked.

  “No, she’s not going to be okay!” I snapped back. “She’s going to be sick. She ate chocolate. I’m going to have to take her to the vet.”

  “Shit, fuck, I’m so sorry, babe. I really didn’t think she could get on the counter.” He looked down at his watch and grabbed his keys. “I’m sorry, I have to go, please text me what the vet says.”

  Okay, now I was really going to lose it.

  “Are you kidding me?” I yelled so loudly he stopped in his tracks.

  “Babe…” he mumbled. “I’m sorry, and I am worried about Bailey, but I have to go.”

  “No, you don’t! Somebody else called in sick. Now it’s your turn! Our dog needs to go to the vet, Noah. She’s sick now. And if you hadn’t decided to go in on our only day off, this wouldn’t even have happened. I wouldn’t have been sitting in the room arguing with you and Bailey never would have had the opportunity to get those donuts.”

  “Hey,” he said seriously, “you know that’s not fair.”

  “No, you know what’s not fair?” I bit back. “What’s not fair is having a boyfriend I barely see. What’s not fair is that you’re willing to walk out to go to work when our dog is sick. You put that job over everything, Noah!”

  “Not everything. This job is not more important to me than you.”

  “Well you sure act like it is! It’s all you do! You go to work, you come home and talk to me for thirty minutes, and then you sleep.”

  “You know how important my job is to me, Charlie.”

  “What’s most important?” I asked him.

  “You!” He was now yelling back. “You, of course you’re most important!”

  “Then stay home with me and help me take care of our dog.”

  I could see on his face how torn this made him. He thought about it for a full minute before he finally answered me.

  “No,” he said.


  “That’s right, no. I’m going to work. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I was seeing red.

  “No!” I yelled. “You won’t be seeing me tonight!”

  He turned around slowly. “Wait, what?”

  “I’m leaving. I can’t do this. I can’t have an absent boyfriend. I can’t be with someone who can’t even stay home for me when I need to take our dog to the vet because of something he did. Just… no.”

  “So, that’s it then, you’re dumping me? After everything you said about me being the love of your life, and you’re going to leave me?”

  I knew this was a decision I should think about. It wasn’t a choice I should make on the spot like this, when I was so extremely angry.

  I couldn’t control my anger, though. In this moment, I really wanted our relationship to be over. Not because I didn’t love him—of course I did. Even when I barely got to see him, I loved him.

  But right now, I felt abandoned by him. I genuinely felt I came second to his job. It was something I couldn’t understand. That was all being a cop was, a job. I knew he loved it, but it was really just his source of income. How the hell could that be more important than me?

  I picked up Bailey off the floor and held her close to me.

  “You are the love of my life, which means you have more power to hurt me than any other person. And you have. I’m going to take Bailey to the vet now. I don’t have time to discuss this anymore.”

  I started walking out the door to my car and Noah followed me.

  “Wait, we have to discuss this! Are we really over, or are you just mad?”

  I took in a deep, shaky breath. “I’m going to bring Bailey to my house tonight. If she handles it without any anxiety, I’ll keep her there. That’s where I’ll be staying.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, Charlie! All this just because I had to work one day?”

  “No! You didn’t have to work one day! That’s the whole point, isn’t it? You did this for no reason. I needed you, Bailey needs you, and you're still picking your job. If you can’t see that this is about so much more than one day of work, then that’s your problem.”

  I got into the car and shut the door behind me. But Noah pulled it back open.

  “Just relax, Charlie! We can work this out

  “Are you going to not go in today? Will you take fewer hours at work?”

  “I… It’s my job, Charlie. You know how I feel about it.”

  “Yeah. That’s the problem, isn’t it?” I spat. “I know exactly how you feel about your job but right now, I don’t have a clue what you feel about me.”

  “I love you!” Tears were welling up in the corners of his eyes. “I love you and I want to be with you. That’s how I feel!”

  “What about how I feel? Maybe I don’t want to be with someone who can’t put my emotional wellbeing before their job!”

  That was it. That was the line that finally got to him. I saw his face instantly switch from sadness to anger.

  “Fine!” he spat. “Then go. Maybe I don’t want to be with someone who’s going to give up on me the second I can’t be there for them because I have to work.”

  I slammed my car door shut and turned my key into the ignition. Bailey was whining in the seat next to me as I sped off toward the vet’s office.

  I bawled the entire way there.



  This was not at all how I was expecting this day to go.

  It felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces. And I thought I felt bad back when Charlie rejected my proposal to be his boyfriend.

  Things were so much more intense between us now. We’d been dating for months, practically living together. I went from liking and finding him interesting to loving him. I really, truly loved him. I could picture a future with this man.

  Had I just destroyed that opportunity?

  He was right. I was wrong to have agreed to go to work when we were supposed to spend the day together. But I couldn’t back out of it when I already agreed—how would that look? This was my job, for crying out loud. I wanted to be promoted. I wanted this to be my future.

  So what if I was wrong to do this on our day together? That was definitely nothing to break up over! He was wrong to take it this far. We could have had a calm discussion about this later and worked it out. Instead, he torpedoed our entire relationship.


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