Pretend I'm Yours_A Single Dad Romance

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Pretend I'm Yours_A Single Dad Romance Page 82

by Vivian Wood

  Effie let out a gasp. Embarrassed and shamed as she was by the comment, she couldn’t stop herself from opening her thighs wider eager to take him in.

  King let out a laugh in her ear. He didn’t flinch as she clawed at his lower back and tried desperately to pull him into her.

  “You’ll get what you need,” he said. “But first you have to answer my question from the other night.”

  “What question?” she asked, breathless.

  “Who’s better in bed?” he demanded in her ear. “Who fucks you like the little whore you are?”

  “You,” she said. “Only you.”

  Saying it aloud, admitting it, washed away any lingering reservations she may have had.

  King positioned himself at her opening and teased her. Effie let out a groan of frustration. He lowered himself to her neck and sucked hard to leave his mark. Effie lifted her chin and presented her neck. She wanted to feel it, to be branded by him.

  When he finally slid his length into her and filled that ache within her, a fresh stream of tears spilled down her face. She’d never wanted anything so much before.

  If King saw the tears, he either didn’t care or knew what they meant. He began to pound into her steadily. Effie tried to hold him down deep, delight in being full of him, but he swatted her hands away. She wrestled briefly, but he grabbed her hands and held them above her head.

  The sounds of their slick skin slapping against each other put her in a state of frenzy. Somewhere in the distance, she heard an animal begin to keen and yowl. It wasn’t until he plunged his tongue into her mouth and explored violently that she realized it was her.

  His fingers dug into her wrists, a dull pain that seemed far away.

  I could be anyone, she thought.

  This morning, it was all about his pleasure. She should have hated it, pushed him off her, but her body wasn’t cooperating, not with her head or her heart.

  It turned her on like nothing before, being used like this.

  “You’re going to miss this, aren’t you,” King said as he fucked her harder.

  “Yes,” she said. She felt his cock grow bigger, harder, close to coming inside her.

  “Tell me, you fucking slut. Tell me what you’re going to miss.”

  “I’m going to miss your cock,” she cried out, on the verge of coming herself.

  At the last second, King pulled out of her and exploded across her abdomen. Effie heard the cry that came out of her, one of disappointment and frustration, but it didn’t sound human.

  This is what I deserve, she told herself.

  Her clit was so swollen it burned with pain. King braced himself over her. He trailed a thick finger through the whiteness that covered her belly before he pressed it to her lips. Greedily, Effie took his finger into her mouth and sucked. She’d take him however she could have him.

  As his taste, slightly sweet, coated her tongue, she closed her eyes and felt his other hand between her legs.

  “You’re so goddamned wet,” he said as he slid three fingers into her. “You really are a good little whore, aren’t you?”

  King started to finger fuck her brutally, only occasionally letting his thumb slide across her clit to keep her on the edge. He was so rough she felt her entire body being moved back. Right before her head hit the couch, Effie raised her arms and braced herself.

  “Come for me,” King demanded.

  “I’m close. Please …”

  “I said come for me, you fucking slut. Isn’t this what you want?”

  His words shot her into orgasm. Effie called out his name over and over, relentless, but as he took her into oblivion she felt a flood like no other between her legs. A warm wetness sprayed up her thighs. King stopped briefly before continuing slower, controlled.

  “Since when do you squirt?” he asked her.

  “I… I don’t know.”

  When he’d yoked the last of the orgasmic waves out of her, King withdrew his hand and wiped his soaked forearm across her chest.

  The harshness of what they’d just done was instantly replaced by that familiar kindness in his eyes. Effie didn’t know what it was about the sex that made them so wild, and there was no denying she loved it.

  But how can this be the same person?

  The bedroom door flew open and banged into the wall. Both of them jumped and Effie instinctively grabbed the sheet to cover up. Thorne nearly filled the doorframe, face flame-red.

  “What the fuck, Effie?” Thorne demanded, outraged. “And… King? What—”

  “Jesus,” she heard King mutter.

  “Thorne! What are you doing here? How did you find me—”

  “What am I doing here? What the fuck are you doing here? It’s my fucking family cabin. And I tracked your fucking phone, Effie—”

  “You’ve been tracking me?” she asked, incredulous.

  For how long?

  “You don’t get to ask the questions here. Not in my house, not while you’re fucking my brother. Speaking of,” Thorne said as he sauntered into the room. “King, why am I not surprised? Always chasing after your little brother, lapping up those sloppy seconds.”

  King raised his hands and shook his head.

  “She just showed up here, man,” he said.

  Thorne narrowed his eyes. “That may be, but you couldn’t wait to have another go at her, could you? I hope she wasn’t a dead fish for you, too.”

  “What the hell do you want, Thorne?” she asked.

  She felt more vulnerable than she’d ever been, still sticky from what she’d just done.

  “What do I want?” he asked with a laugh. “I want that fucking million-dollar ring back, for starters.”

  “Fine, whatever. It’s in the glove box.”

  “I want you out of my fucking cabin, for second.”

  “Alright! God, it’s not like I wasn’t snowed in or anything.”

  Thorne considered the fading snow outside.

  “Seems clear enough now,” he said. He looked back to her, his eyes full of steel. “And I want you to admit what a fucking whore you are.”

  “Hey—” King started, but she wasn’t going to let them go at each other.

  “Fine, okay?” she said and let the sheet drop. She felt her nipple harden with exposure to the sudden air, but she didn’t care. “I’m a fucking whore. You happy?”

  “It’s a start,” Thorne said. “And you,” he continued as he turned to King. “You were just waiting to make your move weren’t you? Pathetic. You two deserve each other.”

  Effie crossed her arms and Thorne made a sudden run at King. She yelped and scrambled to the side of the bed. Effie watched as King took a blow to the chest and another to the jaw.

  “No!” she called out.

  Why wasn’t King fighting back? He just stood there and took it, offering only the slightest of defensive blocks.

  Thorne spit in King’s direction.

  “Not even man enough to fight,” he said.

  “And you—” Thorne turned to Effie and raised his hand.

  For a second, he hesitated. She saw the entirety of him, and it wasn’t all bad. But there wasn’t much good, either.

  In his hesitation, King made his move. She heard the connection of fist to skull and Thorne hit the mattress hard. King jumped on top of him and gripped his hands behind his back. Instantly, Thorne was incapacitated.

  “Get the fuck off me, King!” he bellowed.

  “If you get out.”

  “Yeah, whatever, man! Get off.”

  When King released him, Thorne scrambled to his feet and tried to straighten his button-up shirt.

  “You two better watch yourselves,” he said as he backed towards the door. Thorne raised a finger in warning. “You, watch your family,” he said to Effie. “And you, watch your job,” he told King. “You think Dad won’t listen to me about this bullshit?”

  He stormed down the hall and the front door slammed. When the sound of a roaring ignition filled the room, Effie started
to shake. Tears filled her eyes and a tight ball formed in her throat.

  Everything he said was true, she realized. Who cares if Thorne was the one who cheated first? If I’d actually done him right, he wouldn’t have. And everything King said in bed was true, too.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” King said. He kneeled in bed and patted her shoulder. “He’ll get over it, you know how he is.”

  “It’s not about that,” she sniffed.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I feel like a freaking failure,” she said.

  Snot began to gather in her nose. She wiped at it with the back of her hand, not caring how she looked. “I got fired—and deservedly so. I lost my fiancée. My family is going to be homeless. And I did it all in the span of a week!”

  King hushed her.

  “Come back to bed,” he said and pulled at her hand.

  Effie looked at him, baffled.

  How could he just get over everything like that?

  “Come on, don’t let him ruin your last day here.”

  My last day? Are you staying—kicking me out?

  Dutifully, she laid back and let him pull her close. He was the last lifeline she had in this world. The last thing she needed was to piss him off, too.

  What’s going to happen to me when you’re gone? she wondered.

  The worries filled her head, but began to disappear when he dipped his mouth to her breast and began to suckle her nipple.

  Effie closed her eyes and let her body start to take over.

  It’s only a matter of time before you figure out I’ll drag you down, too, she thought.

  She didn’t understand how easily her body responded to him. Being with him like this made her forget everything else, even temporarily. King spread out on his back.

  “Sit,” he said and pulled her roughly towards him.


  “Here,” he said. “Sit on my face. You’re going to fuck my face until you squirt on me like you did before.”

  Effie blushed as she crawled towards him.

  “I don’t know if I can again,” she said, scared to disappoint.

  “You will because I told you to.”

  Effie crawled over his face, unsure. Soon enough, though, she was screaming out her orgasm… and it was King’s name on her lips.



  He didn’t bother to wash himself off before going on a run, and he quickly regretted it. It didn’t take long, even in the snow, for the heat to build up.

  He could smell her on him, stronger than ever. The scent of their sex mixed with that rosy scent that always flanked her burrowed into his nostrils.

  Focus, King told himself, but he couldn’t think straight.

  He tried to concentrate on the sound of his Hokas in the crunchy snow, but all he could think about was her. And Thorne. And what his whole family would say—or do—once Thorne got to them.

  Hell, for all I know, he already did.

  King couldn’t get over his rage for Thorne, but he’d managed to somewhat hold it together in front of Effie. If she hadn’t been there, there’s now way in hell he would have let Thorne lay into him and just taken it.

  But as soon as he saw Thorne was going to turn on her, he had to set him straight. King didn’t get a really good look at Thorne before he barreled out of the cabin, but it was a good enough look to tell that he wasn’t going to be looking pretty much longer.

  All Thorne has to do is show up to mom looking like that and she’ll disown me. That might be true, and it wouldn’t surprise him. What did surprise him is that he didn’t seem to care much. What difference does it make if I’m the outcast again?

  That animal urge to protect Effie had shocked him, especially after the kind of sex they’d been having. It wasn’t like him, and he knew it wasn’t like her.

  It didn’t matter that they’d only been together once before, and they were kids at the time. That’s why he’d tiptoed carefully into it and tested out her responses.

  King never would have guessed that she liked that kind of domination, dirty talk and shaming. He didn’t think he was into it himself.

  After all, it’s not like he’d done much in that realm with anyone else he’d been with. It had just seemed right with her.

  But that was the other thing. He sucked his breath in as he rounded a bend and nearly slipped on a layer of ice.

  Yeah, it was good. Fucking amazing. But does this mean we can’t do anything besides that?

  He was falling for her a bit, he had to admit it. But he wasn’t hopelessly lost in her yet. There was still time to pull away and cut it off, or at least he thought so.

  That might be exactly what needed to happen. Maybe they’d gotten themselves caught up in this kind of rough sex that might quickly spiral into dangerous territory.

  “Fuck,” he said aloud as a pristine white rabbit darted in front of him.

  It blended in so perfectly with the landscape, he’d nearly tripped over it.

  Just like Effie, he thought.

  He could still picture her how he’d left her back at the cabin. She’d fallen fitfully asleep after their last session, eyes squeezed shut. But even like that, with that incredible morning light, she pulled him in.

  Fuck, she was beautiful.

  In an ideal world, he’d just take her away from all this. Who cared what anyone said? King knew it was kind of bullshit that she clung to her mom and Yaya, adamant that only she could take care of them.

  Her grandmother, that he could understand. But her mother? Her mom was perfectly able to handle things.

  But she burned you before, he reminded himself.

  It was the same voice he always heard whenever he thought of Effie. For years, he thought it was just him, his inner voice.

  Now he started to wonder if it was the old him. The rebellious, grudge-holding teen who still licked at age-old wounds.

  Something had changed in the past few days. Thoughts and hurts he thought he’d buried long ago had crept to the surface. In this new light, they looked different.

  Yes, he was still angry at her for not saying yes and taking off with his brother. How could he not be? But he hadn’t realized until now that he was equally mad at himself for leaving her.

  She was barely eighteen years old, he thought. And what did you expect? That she’d just up and leave her family? Her last year in high school? Everything she’d ever known to follow a boyfriend to California?

  Hell, the more he thought about it, the crazier it sounded. What kind of girl would do that, anyway? Why couldn’t he have just waited for her, done the whole distance thing?

  It’s not like you were going to be hurting for money to visit her, or to fly her out to see you, he told himself.

  King had always been a romantic deep down. Even his mom had said so when he was little and he demanded to be told fairy tales while Thorne rolled his eyes and flipped to the Cartoon Network.

  There were definitely some Romeo and Juliet elements between him and Effie back then. But expecting a kid—because that’s what they both were—to throw away her life and follow him on a whim? That was foolish.

  And selfish, he thought.

  And throwing that ultimatum at her? He’d never really thought about it before, but that was the ultimate dick power move.

  It’s just that I never thought she’d say no.

  For him, it wasn’t really an ultimatum because he had no doubts what her decision would be. It was meant to be a romantic gesture, but then it went terribly wrong.

  Then you were too stubborn to back down, he told himself. He shook his head and tried to clear all the mess out, but it was there to stick. Why keep rehashing the same old shit?

  Sure, he’d come up with some different revelations in recent days, but that didn’t change anything. They were older now. Things mattered more now. Family mattered more.


  King didn’t know. He slowed to a jog and finally stopped at the crest of a small hill.
As he stood above the perfect snowy embankment, he closed his eyes and tried to see into the future. He could picture himself, old and gray, in a rocking chair on a porch.

  But who’s beside me? He tried to turn in his mind’s eye and look, but it was like he was held captive. He had no idea.

  King opened his eyes and resumed a gentle pace. For half a mile more, he tried to gauge who was beside him.

  Is it that you can’t see, or you don’t want to?

  As he ran, he forced himself to look into the chair next to him. Part of him, the scared and lazy part, tried to picture a lovely older woman he couldn’t place in his real life.

  He could come up with the basics. The perfectly curled silver hair and the lightweight cardigan, but they were all caricatures.

  All he could see was Effie. King moaned in frustration.

  Maybe you can’t trust her, he told himself. But she thinks the same about you. And how do you even know, anyway? She was a kid, we both were. People change. Don’t they?

  He had to stop even trying to deny that he still had feeling for her. The fact that they’d slept together multiple times proved that. It showed that it was more than just desire.

  Long legs and amazing tits aside, there’s something about this girl that I just can’t quit.

  What did that mean for the two of them? He didn’t know. But at this point, he knew he was willing to fight for a chance to figure it out. Try for that future in the rocking chair that was in his head.

  Okay. So what now?

  King could see the cabin’s chimney appear on the horizon. He had to figure out what was next, but he couldn’t see into the near future. The steps required to get to those rocking chairs was a mystery.

  Shit, I spend my entire life being organized. Staying organized. And I can’t get my shit together for this?

  King was hit with a blast of heat when he opened the back door. He could smell something sweet baking and Effie clanged a pan in the kitchen.

  “Hey,” he said, and draped himself in the doorway.

  She looked over her shoulder at him and grinned.

  “Feel better?” she asked.

  Effie wore nothing except one of his old college tee-shirts. It barely covered her ass. Even though they’d gone at it non-stop for the past couple of days, he stiffened at the sight of her.


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