by Diana Cooper
Dodgems (car), 37-8, 39, 46, 57, 59, 60, 61 and n59, 62, 71, 82, 93, 101, 470
Dole, 294
Doll, the see Tree, Iris
Dolly see Radziwill, Princess
Donaghue, Mrs, 441-2
Donaghue, Jimmy, 442 and n40, 443
Donovan, Wild Bill, 45
Dorchester Hotel, London, 33, 35, 68, 73, 74, 78, 81, 84, 85-6, 98, 99, 106, 112, 125, 197, 231, 285, 381, 406, 434, 463
Dorking, 324
Dorothy see Paley, Dorothy
Double Life, A, 300
Doudeauville, Duc de, 415
Dover Castle, 402
Dover Street, London, 79
Downing Street, 87-8
Doyen, Le (restaurant), Paris, 402-3
Drian, Etienne, 337 and n22, 349, 350, 353, 354, 359, 360, 405, 471
Droitwich, 228
DC stays at, 247-59
Drummond, 239
Dublin, 32, 36
Duckling see Churchill, Winston
Dudley, Eric, Earl of, 430, 442, 456, 471
Dudley, Lady Laura, 230 and n8, 430, 442, 443, 474
Dudley Ward, Angela (Angie), 233 and n13
Dudley Ward, Penelope (Pempie), 233 and n13
Duff, Lady Agnes (later Agnes Cooper), 6-7
Duff, Joyce, 146
Duff, Lady Juliet (Jubags), 61 and n57, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206-7, 232, 245, 254, 302, 306, 307, 308, 332-3, 473
Duff, Sir Michael, 205, 206 and n46, 208, 245 and n53, 445
Duff, Sylvia, 146
Duggan, Hubert, 89 and n17
Dumaine, M., 244
Dunbar, Padre, 391
Duncannon, Eric, 186, 204, 207, 241 and n37, 267, 280, 335, 389, 471
Dunkirk evacuation, 31
Dunn, Mr and Mrs, 320
Dupplin, Viscount, 6-7
Dvořák, Antonin: New World symphony, 247 and n57
East End, London, 76, 79, 111
Eaton Place, London, 314
Economist, The, 317
Eden, Anthony, 50, 191, 193, 273
Eden, Beatrice, 191, 193
Edgar, Marriott: Albert and the Lion, 54n45
Edinburgh, Duke of, 279, 281, 395
Edinburgh Festival, 287
Edward VII
as Prince of Wales, 7-8, 215 n75
as King, 8
Egerton House, 12n1, 92 and n24, 95, 126
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 434-5
Eldon, Lady, 273
El Glaoui. Pasha of Marrakesh see Marrakesh, El Glaoui, Pasha of
Eliot, T.S., 185, 264
Murder in the Cathedral, 264
Elliot, Mr and Mrs Walter, 376
Elizabeth I, Queen, 85
Elizabeth II
as Princess, 263, 264, 271, 277, 278, 279 and n37, 280-1, 395
as Queen, 460
Elizabeth, Queen (wife of George VI), 39 and n17, 44, 191, 260, 263, 264, 265, 272n27, 273, 274, 395 and n35, 453, 460 and n65
Elsinore, 220
Elwes, Golly and Simon, 376
Emerald see Cunard, Lady
Enchantress, HMS, 8, 15 and n3, 26, 157, 158
Enid see Bagnold, Enid
ENSA, 185
Eric see Dudley, Eric, Earl of; Duncannon, Eric
Ermenonville, 331
Ernie see Bevin, Ernest
Errington, Lady, 439
Escargot (restaurant), Paris, 241
Escape, 198
Esmond see Rothermere, Esmond Harmsworth, Lord
Essex, 50
Essex, Lady, 384
Este, Beatrice d’, 448
Este, Isabella d’, 448
Eton, 8, 9, 67, 160, 161, 162, 195
Euan see Wallace, Euan
Evangeline see Bruce, Evangeline
Evans, Edith, 95
Evening Standard, 48, 105, 228, 345
Excelsior Hotel, Rome, 317
Excelsior Hotel, Venice, 299
Ewhurst, 88 and n16
Eyes to See With, 299
Fabre-Luce, 434
Fahie, Norah, 409, 424, 429, 438, 440, 458, 476
Fairbanks, Douglas, 395
Falaise, Maxine de la, 393-4 and n31, 475
Fallen Idol, The, 308
Fane, Freddie, 171 and n19, 179
Fara see Bartlett, Fara
Farmer, the see Russell, Conrad
Farouk, King of Egypt, 429 and n12
Farr, Mr and Mrs Walter, 376
Farrell, Charles, 342
Farrell (née Paget), Lady Katherine (Kitty), 313-14 and n43, 342, 467, 474
Farrell, Mr (tennis player), 30
Faucille, the, 294
FBI, 18n6, 134 see also Hoover Institute of Criminal Investigation
Felix (gardener at Chantilly), 267, 333, 378, 471
Fellowes, Daisy, 54 and n46, 55, 169, 170, 211, 214, 233, 437, 438, 439, 443, 470
Fellowes, Reggie, 214
Fenwick, Mr and Mrs, 376
Ferrara, 448
Février, Jacques, 201, 393 and n32, 471
Fez, 171, 349, 360
Fielding, Xan, 426-7
Fife, James Duff, fifth Earl of, 6
Fini, Leonora, 301, 393
First World War, 2-4, 463
Fish (American airman), 80
Fisher (son of Archbishop of Canterbury), 270
Fitzgerald, Edward, 414-15
Omar Khayyam, 414-15
Fitzgerald, Helen, 96 and n30
Flagstad, Kirsten, 262
Flaubert, Gustave
L’Education Sentimentale, 343
Madame Bovary, 341
Fleming, Ian, 377
Fleming, Peter: The Flying Visit, 122
Florence, 450
Florida, 25
Flower, Herbert, 6-7
Flynn, Errol, 27-8, 32, 40
Folkestone, 379
Follet, Mr and Mrs John, 297
Fontainebleau, 281, 347
Fonteyn, Margot, 460
Forbes, Ali, 245, 249, 316, 467
Ford, Henry, 91, 443
Ford, Mrs Henry, 443
Foreign Legion, 51
Foreign Office, 5, 6, 8, 32, 225, 464 see also Foreign Service
Foreign Service, 2, 9, 461
Forest Lawn crematorium, Hollywood, 234
Forges-les-Eaux, 315
Fossier, M., 389
Foster, John, 305 and n26, 346
Fouquet’s bar, Paris, 382
400 club, London, 101
in First World War, 2, 3-4
fall of, 31
de Gaulle makes broadcast to, 32
Resistance, 173, 185-6
DC’s concerns about, 174-5
Duff and DC based at Embassy in, 181-221
Duff leaves post as Ambassador in, 225
DC and Duff spend retirement years in, 225-6, 241-4, 262, 266-71, 274-82, 283-4, 286-8, 293-4, 302-6, 309-11, 315-16, 329, 330-5, 335-7, 356, 373-81, 382-3, 384-94, 399-419, 424-47, 450-60, 461, 462-3
DC continues to live in, 464
DC returns to London from, 464
Francis, St, 320
Franck, Jacques, 200 and n32, 206
Frank see Giles, Frank
Fraser, Hugh, 405, 439
Free French, 51
French, the, 34, 38-9, 87, 174-5
French, Sir John, 254, 256
French Committee of National Liberation, 162-3
French Navy, 34 and n3
French Officers’ Club, London, 70
Frend, Captain, 158, 161
Freya see Stark, Freya
Frome, 77
Fry, Miss, 276
Fulco see Verdura, Duke of
Furse, Roger, 203
Gafner’s, Paris, 241
Gage, Lord (George), 268-9, 273 and n29, 395, 472
Galéa, Mme, 286-7
Gallico, Paul, 456 and n57
Gallimard, 201
Galway, 32
Gandarillas, Tony, 383 and n10
Gandhi, 248-9 and n59
Garda, 296, 298
Lake, 291-2 see also Locanda di San Vigilio
Gaston see Palewski, Colonel Gaston
Gaulle, General Charles de (Wormwood; Charlie Wormwood), 9, 32, 78, 87, 162, 163, 166 and n11, n13, 174, 178, 191, 192, 292
Gaulle, Pierre de, 278, 472
Gaulle, Mme de, 191
Geffroi, 278
Geneva, 287, 294
Lake, 123
Genoa, 319, 323
Gentlemen’s Agreement, The, 283
George VI, King, 191, 260 and n1, 263, 272 n27, 274, 395, 423, 452-3 and n51
George see Gage, Lord
George, Bobby, 335 and n19
Georges (employed at Chantilly), 278, 376
Georgette (employed at Chantilly), 374
Germans, 3, 34, 37, 46, 68, 70, 115, 148, 189
Germany, 6, 8, 9, 46, 68, 79, 151, 423
Gerry see Koch de Gooreynd, Jerry/Gerry
Gibraltar, 148, 158, 171, 328, 336, 356-7
Giles, Frank, 270, 471
Giles, Lady Katherine (Kitty), 270, 343, 407, 474
Gillies, Sir Harold, 444 and n42
Giudice, Del, 203
Glorious Adventure, The, 4
Gloucester, Alice, Duchess of, 443
Godley, Wynne, 305 and n25, 306, 310, 332, 479
Goering, Hermann, 191
Golden Arrow, 238, 241, 304 and n21, 305, 332
Gone with the Wind, 26, 28
Goodchild, Mr, 235 and n21
Gordon-Cumming, Sir William, 215n75
Government House, Singapore, 136, 137
Gower Street, London, 5, 31, 78, 225, 235 and n22, 386, 447
Grammont, Maria de, 419
Grande Semaine, La, 373, 391-4
Grand Hotel, Rome, 178
Grant, Eddie, 2
Grantham, 105-6
Grasset, Dr, 212, 217-18
Graves, Robert, 201
Gray, David, 32
Great Dictator, The (Charlie Chaplin film), 28 and n14
Greeks, 90, 92
Greene, Graham, 285-6, 299, 308, 410, 435, 436
England Made Me, 248
The Heart of the Matter, 436
Journey without Maps, 325
The Power and the Glory, 436
Stamboul Train, 248
Green, Jessie, 342-3, 354-5, 361
Grey, Mrs, 128
Griffe, 441
Griffin, Cardinal Archbishop, 337, 340
Griffith, D.W., 253
Gritti Palace Hotel, Venice, 291, 296
Guam, 148
Guinness, Loel, 336, 383, 425 and n3, 426, 474
Gunther, John, 297 and n10
Guy’s Hospital, 4
Haddon Hall, 251n63
Hadrian’s Villa, 323
Haig, Lord, 336
Halifax, Lady, 80
Halifax, Lord, 8, 80 and n10, 82, 84, 98
Hallam, Basil, 254, 256-7
Hamel, Gustav, 253-4
Hamish Hamilton, 427
Hardwicke, Cedric, 15 n5
Harmsworth, Esmond see Rothermere, Esmond Harmsworth, Lord
Hart, Mr, 239, 244, 285
Hart-Davis, Rupert, 431-2
Hartington (née Mitford), Deborah (Debo), later Duchess of Devonshire, 292 and n1, 311 and n39, 312
Harvey, Lady, 227, 242, 277, 278, 279, 280, 343, 376-7, 387, 392, 440, 443, 444, 464, 472
Harvey, Sir Oliver, 227, 229 and n3, 241-2, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 376-7, 387, 391, 392, 440, 443, 464, 472
Hawaii, 134-6
Hawaiian Room, Akron, Ohio, 24-5
Hay, Lady Agnes (later Lady Fife), 6
Hay, Cecilia, 343, 469
Hay-Drummond, Marie (daughter of Viscount Dupplin and Lady Agnes Duff), 6
Hazlewood, Jay, 360 and n47, 361
Head, Sir Antony, 274, 394 and n34, 395, 403-4, 431, 432
Head, Lady Dorothea (Dot), 394 and n34, 403-4
Heiress, The, 348
Henriette (cook at Chantilly), 275, 276
Henry see Anglesey, Henry Paget, Marquess of
Herbert, Auberon, 207, 413, 433, 457
Herbert, David, 205, 206 and n46, 208, 235, 236, 315, 334, 342, 343, 344-5, 354, 360, 361, 379, 383, 405-6, 445, 459, 470
Hess, Rudolf, 122, 125
H.G. see Wells, H.G.
High Wycombe, 61
Hilary see Belloc, Hilaire
Hindenburg, Field Marshal von, 6
Hitler, Adolf, 8-9, 18, 22, 33, 70, 82, 125, 128 n16, 342, 423
Hoffmannsthal, Arabella von, 314
Hofmannsthal (née Paget), Lady Elizabeth (Liz), 71, 90, 94, 95, 207, 221, 232, 233, 236, 237, 245, 273, 285, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 307-8, 314, 315, 338, 342, 348, 459, 467
Hofmannsthal, Octavian von, 314
Hofmannsthal, Raimund (Rai) von, 40, 94 and n27, 189, 207, 221, 231, 232, 236, 245, 273, 285, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 307-8, 315, 342, 346, 348, 379, 380, 429
Hoffs, the see Hofmannsthal (née Paget), Lady Elizabeth von; Hofmannsthal, Raimund von
Holbrook, 112 and n3, 274-5
Holland, 138, 139, 144
Holloway, Stanley, 54 and n45
Hollywood, 27-8, 32, 234
Holyhead, 32
Home Guard, 50, 69
Home Office, 43
Hong Kong, 133
Hood, Sammy, 335
Hoover Institute of Criminal Investigation (later FBI), 18-19, 20 see also FBI
Hope, Peter, 278 and n36
Hospital Ball (Paris, 1949), 391-2
Hotel Balmoral, Monte Carlo, 217
Hotel Bristol, Paris, 188-9, 244
Hôtel de Lazun, Paris, 278
Hôtel de la Paix, Geneva, 294
Hôtel de la Poste, Beaune, 190
Hotel Riviera, Aix-en-Provence, 410-11, 416
Hotel Roi Réné, Aix-en-Provence, 410, 411, 416
Howard-Johnson, Lady Alexandra, 336 and n20
Hoxton, 42, 43, 44
Hoytie see Wiborg, Mary Hoyt
Hubin, Mme, 288
Hudson, Hannah, 69, 70
Hugo see Charteris, Hugo
Huston, John, 454
Hutchie see Hutchinson, St John
Hutchinson, Barbara (later Lady Rothschild), 99, 468
as Lady Rothschild, 68, 87, 91, 106, 392, 432
Hutchinson, Jeremy, 127, 473
Hutchinson, Mary, 68, 76, 87, 99, 472
Hutchinson, St John (Hutchie), 19 and n9, 23, 60, 68, 70, 76, 84, 85, 87, 89, 94, 99, 116, 117, 127, 202
Hutton, Barbara, 348 and n36
Hyde Park, 72
Iddon, Don, 332 and n9
Impressionists, 209, 299
India, 14, 142-3, 153, 248-9
Indiana, 24
Ingres, 417
Institut de France, 186, 464
Invergordon, 373
Invicta, 241
In Which We Serve, 203
Iran, King of, 293
Ireland, 32, 38
Isaiah see Berlin, Isaiah
Italians (sometimes referred to as ‘Wops’), 92, 95 and n28, 97, 103 and n35, 148
Italy, 90, 174, 177-8, 296-302, 317-26, 401, 433, 448-50 see also names of places
Jacqueline (employed at Chantilly), 458
Jacques (member of Embassy staff, then at Chantilly), 283-4, 286, 287, 288, 293, 303
Jamaica, 295
James II, King, 362
Jamie see Caffrey, Jamie
Janay, Mme de, 353-4
Janzé, Countess of (Phyllis), 34 and n4, 61, 70, 89, 295
Japan, 133, 147, 148
Jarret, Sir Arthur, 300
Java, 138-9, 143-4, 148 see also Batavia
Jean (butler at Chantilly), 207, 276, 278, 281, 283, 286, 287, 288, 303, 304, 340, 375-6, 378, 381, 382, 388, 409, 458, 462, 473
Jenny see Nicholson, Jenny
Jeremy see Hutchinson, Jeremy
Jerry see Koch de Gooreynd, Jerry/Gerry
John see Bendern, John de
John Lewis store, London, 61,
Johnson, Celia, 404
Johnson, Crinks, 49
Johore, wife of Sultan of, 141
Jolson, Al, 449
Jones (gardener-handyman at Bognor), 34-5, 39, 57-8, 111, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 127, 473
Jones, Dominick (Tucker), 178, 246, 458, 479
Jones, Laurian, 246, 368, 474
Jones, Timothy, 178 and n29, 246 and n55
Jones, Nurse, 346, 348
Jordan, Mrs Dorothy, 6
Jordan, Philip, 231, 232
Josette (caretaker at Opio), 438 and n31
Joubet, M., 103
Jouvet, Louis, 184, 436 and n27
Jubags see Duff, Lady Juliet
Judy see Montagu, Judy
Juliet see Duff, Lady Juliet
Junior Carlton Club, 3
Kaetchen see Kommer, Dr Rudolf
Kakoo see Rutland, Kathleen Manners (née Tennant), Duchess of
Kao, Mr, 149
Kapurthala, Ranee of, 284
Karachi, 148
Kasba Talla, 350
Kästner, Erich: The Flying Classroom, 145-6
Kat see Kommer, Dr Rudolf
Katherine see Asquith, Katherine
Kau, Mr and Mrs, 141
Kaye, Danny, 252
Keats, John: ‘On first looking into Chapman’s Homer’, 27
Keller, Helen, 408
Kelly, Mrs, 275 and n31
Kemp, Gerald van der, 434 and n24
Kemsley, Lord, 377, 391-2
Kennedy, Joe, 45
Kennedy, Miss, 405
Kensington Gardens, London, 108
Kent, Duchess of, 284, 391, 392
Kerr, Hamilton, 202
Keswick, Tony, 135, 137, 140, 147, 474
King’s Medal for Courage, 185
Kingston, 60
Kipling, Rudyard, 234, 463
‘If’, 41 and n21
‘Recessional (God of our Fathers)’, 234-5
Kirkpatrick, Helen, 48, 402
Kitty see Farrell (née Paget), Lady Katherine; Giles, Lady Katherine
Klagenfurt, 205
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, 261 and n2
Knox, Father, 248
Koch de Gooreynd, Jerry/Gerry, 230 and n9, 287, 473
Kochno, Boris, 347-8 and n34
Koestler, Arthur, 412
Kommer, Dr Rudolf (Kaetchen; Kat; the Cat), 6, 16, 30, 36, 39, 43, 47, 48, 52, 55, 60, 78, 81, 85, 99, 102, 106, 116, 126, 140, 161, 190 and n10, 297, 473
Korda, Sir Alexander, 285-6 and n47, 291, 297, 409
Ksar-es-Souk, 359
Labour Party, 249, 305, 414 n23
Lacaze, Admiral, 376
Lady Carnarvon’s Nursing Home, 447
Lafout, 201
Lamb, Lady Caroline, 311
Lambton, Lady Katherine, 211-12
Lamère, M., 330
Lamorlaye, 330
Lampson, Sir Miles and Lady, 155, 334
Lancaster Gate, London, 254
Landsberg, Bertie, 433 and n21
Landseer, Sir Edwin, 265
Langmead, Mr, 123
Lansdowne, George, 274
Lanvin, 206
Larry see Olivier, Laurence