Blocked: A Breakaway Novel

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Blocked: A Breakaway Novel Page 4

by L. P. Dover

  “What are you two talking about?” Kellan asked, skating up. He tapped his cheek and Kristen kissed him. Even though I’d spent most of my life not giving a shit about relationships, I couldn’t help but be envious of theirs. There was a time when I’d had someone I cared about, but I’d let her go and she moved on to another man.

  Kristen nodded toward me. “We’re talking about him and Callie. His flowers didn’t work on her.”

  Kellan shook his head. “Playing with fire, brother. Does Justin know you’re doing this?”

  “Doubt it. He would’ve said something,” I said. With her not saying anything to him, there had to be a reason why. It was the same reason she chose to punch me instead of it being her brother. “So what were you and Carlisle talking about?” I asked, switching the subject. I had to think of something other than Callie. For some strange reason, I couldn’t get her out of mind.

  Kellan’s smile grew wider. “For now, I’m only telling you and Braeden.” His gaze flitted over to Kristen and he reached for her hand before focusing back on me. “I’m retiring once the season’s up.”

  Deep down I knew it was going to happen, only I didn’t think it’d be so soon. “Congratulations, man,” I said, patting him on the back. I had a feeling that was why Davis was traded to our team.

  Kellan chuckled. “I wasn’t planning on going out this year, but Carlisle’s ready to retire as well. Next season, I’ll be your coach. The owners of the team have already agreed.” He patted me on the shoulder this time. “You and Braeden will take over as captains. I know you’ll keep the guys in line.”

  “You’re damn right I will. Sure you want give all of this up?”

  He hugged me hard and let go. “I’ve had a lot of good years on the ice. A lot of us don’t walk away unscathed.” That was true. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to get out while he had a promising future. Not all of us had a plan after our hockey careers were done.

  Kristen cleared her throat, grinning mischievously. “Now that you spilled the beans and everything’s great, there’s still a problem.” She nodded at me. “Dallas needs a plan to get to Callie. Have any ideas?” Narrowing my gaze, I glared at her and she winked.

  Pursing his lips, Kellan focused on something across the rink and then he smiled. “I think I have an idea.”

  Chapter 8


  “I can’t believe you gave all those patients your flowers,” said Hannah with a laugh.

  I shrugged. “Someone needed to enjoy them. It sure wasn’t going to be me.” It was a lie. The flowers were absolutely lovely and they smelled amazing. If the person sending them to me wasn’t Dallas, I would’ve taken them home.

  By lunchtime, the whole locker room was filled with bouquets from Dallas. I knew my patients would enjoy them, so I gave them away. That way my brothers wouldn’t ask questions if I took them home. Hannah looked at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that to make sure she looked good in her T-shirt and jeans.

  I joined her and ran a hand down my Charlotte Strikers T-shirt. “You look great,” I told her with a wink. “Corey’s going to think so, too.”

  Her cheeks turned red. “You sure he won’t mind me going tonight? I feel weird considering I’m supposed to go on a date with him tomorrow. I don’t want him to think I’m being pushy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re my best friend and we have an extra ticket since Brant’s gone for the rest of the week. Trust me, Corey will be happy to see you.” Last night, when I got home from work, all he wanted to talk about was her and the things she liked to do. I wasn’t about to tell her that, though. Grabbing my purse, I pushed her out the door and down the stairs. “We have to go.”

  By the time we got to the arena, it was packed. Luckily, since we were family, we had some of the best seats in the house. Corey was already in his seat, fiddling around on his phone when we arrived. He had on a Charlotte Strikers jersey with Davis on the back.

  “Hey,” I called out.

  He lifted his head and smiled when he saw Hannah behind me. “Hey,” he said, hugging us both. Hannah sat between us and I could tell he was excited to see her. “I didn’t know you were coming,” he said to her.

  “Callie invited me. Hope it’s okay.”

  “Of course. I planned on picking you up tomorrow at six. Sound good?”

  “Perfect,” she replied, her cheeks reddening.

  I couldn’t help but smile as they talked about their date. The announcer walked onto the ice and introduced both teams before the lights turned completely off. Music blared over the speakers and the crowd cheered as the logo for the Charlotte Strikers appeared on the ice in bright lights. The screens displayed on the ceiling showed highlights of past games while the announcer called out the players’ names. Of course, once Dallas’s name was called, the ladies went crazy.

  Corey rested his arm behind Hannah’s seat and tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention. “Anything else happen with Easton today?”

  Hannah burst out laughing. “Did it ever.”

  Lifting his brows curiously, Corey waited for me to explain. “He sent me more flowers today,” I told him.

  “That’s an understatement,” Hannah snorted. “The whole locker room was filled with them.”

  Corey shook his head in disbelief. “You’re not going to call him yet, are you?”

  “No,” I gasped. “I’m not done with him.”

  An evil leer spread across his face. “I have some ideas if he keeps after you. Unfortunately, I know how guys like him work. If he can’t get in your pants, he’ll stop wasting his time.”

  I shrugged. “Hopefully we’ll get him good before that happens.”

  “Oh, and I forgot to tell you. It’s Justin’s turn to host the party on Saturday after the game. Hope you don’t mind.”

  Thoughts of the last one ran rampant through my mind. “Fine,” I huffed. “I’ll just lock myself in my room.”

  I didn’t want anyone trying to sneak in to have sex on my bed. It was times like that when I really wished I had my own place to live. Starting next week, that was my goal . . . figure out where I wanted to move.

  Corey and Hannah busied themselves with each other and completely forgot I was sitting beside them. I didn’t mind. I loved playing matchmaker and they deserved to be happy. Once the national anthem was done, the energy in the arena electrified as the game began. There were so many people wearing black and blue of the Strikers. We were playing against New York and I had no doubt we were going to win now that Dallas was back in the game. The guy was an arrogant douche, but he was the best goaltender in the league. Add Kellan Carter, Braeden Wallace, Maddox Ledger, and my brother, and they were an unstoppable force.

  Justin was one of the main scorers for Minnesota. Before moving here, I was curious to see how he and Kellan would work together on the ice since they played the same position. However, Coach Carlisle had my brother as a winger while Kellan kept center.

  I tried my best not to focus on Dallas, but it was hard. He stopped every goal attempt with little to no effort, making it appear so easy. There were times I could’ve sworn he was looking right at me, but that was silly. He probably didn’t even know I was there.

  “Your brother’s got the puck,” Hannah squealed, catching my attention.

  Shaking my head, I concentrated on my brother. “Come on, Justin!” I shouted. Like lightning, he moved down the right flank past the blue line and made the shot, making the score one to nothing. The coliseum rumbled as everyone cheered in victory. The first twenty-minute period ended with Kellan scoring us another goal, leaving us at two to zip.

  “Now that we have a break, do you two want anything to drink?” Corey asked.

  Shaking my head, I watched the players skate off the rink for intermission. “I’m good.”

  Hannah stood and winked at me. “We’ll be right back.”

  “No rush.” I laughed. Since it was intermission, I pulled out my phone to kill the time.

p; “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer said. Jerking my head up, I peered down at the rink. The overhead lights shut off and the ice was the only thing illuminated while the Charlotte Strikers mascot, Jack the Jaguar, skated around the rink. He waved at the crowd and everyone cheered. “We have a special treat for you tonight,” the announcer continued. “Jack here wants to give one special fan a hug. If you want to be chosen, you have to be in your seat.” People started flocking back to their seats.

  “That is so cute,” Hannah said, sitting down. “I want to be picked.”

  Corey sat down as well and took a sip of his beer. “I’ve never seen them do this. Must be new.”

  The announcer cleared his throat. “For the lucky winner, we randomly chose a seat number. In section 108, would the person in row D, seat one, please join us down here on the ice?”

  Heart racing, I squeezed my eyes shut. “Did he really just call my seat?” I whispered. Hannah cheered and then everyone around me clapped. “Switch seats with me,” I begged her.

  By that point, it was too late. The cameras focused on me and there I was on the screens. Plastering on a smile, I waved at the camera and made my way to the ice while they followed me. Out of all the thousands of people, why did it have to be me? Cheeks flaming, I stepped onto the ice where Jack the Jaguar waited for me. He grabbed my hand and then lifted me in his arms, making me gasp.

  Clenching my teeth, I continued to smile. “So help me God, if you drop me, you’ll regret it.” Chuckling, he skated to the center of the rink where the announcer waited. “Keep laughing, buddy. I’m serious.”

  He set me down beside the gray-haired announcer and held the microphone out to me. “You are one lucky lady tonight. What’s your name?”

  Taking a deep breath, I glanced out at the people, focusing on Corey and Hannah, who sat there snickering. “Callie Davis,” I replied into the microphone.

  His eyes widened. “Any relation to the Strikers’s new player, Justin Davis?”

  I nodded. “He’s my brother.”

  “Wow, what a coincidence,” he said with a laugh. “I’m sure Jack will be more than happy to welcome you to the team with a nice big squeeze. What do you say everyone?”

  Everyone shouted and clapped their hands. It took all I had to keep a smile on my face. I felt like an idiot waiting around to be hugged by Jack the Jaguar. Opening his arms, Jack waited for me, the permanent smile on the mascot’s face taunting me.

  “All right, Jack, let’s get this over with.”

  Wrapping my arms around the large costume, I squeezed it tight and the crowd burst out laughing. Jack hugged me back, his large arms pulling me in closer. The people at work were no doubt going to make fun of me for days after this. Jack made no move to let me go and I grew impatient. I backed up slowly, trying my best not to draw attention, but then my foot tangled with his and we both fell to the ice. Nothing could hide my embarrassment as the crowd thundered with laughter.

  In haste, the announcer dropped the microphone so he could help me up. “Are you okay?”

  I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. “Nothing a bag over my head wouldn’t fix.”

  His concerned gaze landed on Jack the Jaguar, who lay motionless on the ice. Rushing over, he knelt down beside the mascot and shook his shoulders. “Hey, you okay?”

  My nursing skills kicked into high gear. Joining him on the ice, I carefully removed the Jaguar’s head so I could help the person underneath. Mouth gaping, I stared in shock at the man revealed beneath. Dallas’s eyes were closed, but then they flashed opened and he smiled.

  “Rescuing me again, Ms. Davis?” he asked slyly.

  The announcer chuckled in surprise. “Well, if it isn’t Dallas Easton.” Dallas winked and then groaned when he stood, clearly pretending he was hurt. The announcer fetched the microphone and pointed toward Dallas. “Check it out everyone! Look who surprised us tonight.”

  Dallas bowed and then hissed in pain as he reached for the microphone. “I think the tumble with Ms. Davis might have injured me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to play the rest of the game.” Disapproving shouts rumbled all around us. Dallas held up a hand and winked back at me. Sly bastard. “But I do believe a kiss will make me feel better. Think Ms. Davis will give me one?” The shouts grew even louder, the words “kiss, kiss, kiss,” echoed all around me. Dallas looked at me and smiled. “What do you say? Think you can help me get back in this game? If not, I’ll be forced to sit it out.”

  And if they lost, it’d be my fault. He handed the microphone back to the announcer and moved closer, tapping a finger to his cheek. I had no choice. Closing the distance, I leaned up on my toes and kissed him on the cheek, hating the way my body tingled in response. Camera lights flashed all around us. “Good try, Easton, but this doesn’t change anything. Try not to get your head beat in at the party tonight.”

  Without another word, I waved at the people and walked off the ice.

  Chapter 9


  Cameras flashed as we exited the ice. As always, the reporters wanted to hear from the key players, which included me, Kellan, Braeden, and Justin. While they gave interviews, I tried finding Callie in her section, but she was already gone.

  Kellan nudged me in the side. “Look who’s here.” He nodded toward a woman I hadn’t spoken to in two years. She looked exactly the same with her long golden blond hair and radiant smile. Madison Bennett was a sports reporter and my only regret. I’d hurt her by being a fucking moron and still hated myself for it. It was why I never wanted to be serious about anyone . . . at least until Callie Davis showed up.

  Madison smiled at us and waved as she motioned for her cameraman to follow her through the crowd. “Hey, guys, it’s so good to see you,” she said happily, hugging Kellan first. Surprisingly, she wrapped her arms quickly around my neck and I hugged her back. “You know the drill. We’ll talk afterward.”

  She waved her hand and the camera started. “Good evening, I’m Madison Bennett, and I’m here with Kellan Carter and Dallas Easton from the Charlotte Strikers.” While she interviewed Kellan, I searched for Callie again with no luck.

  “So, Dallas, what made you decide to dress up as Jack the Jaguar?” Madison asked. “Is this something we can expect at all the games?”

  I shrugged. “I thought it’d be fun for the fans. We might have to make this a tradition.” Throwing my arm around Kellan’s shoulders, I grinned at the camera. “Who knows, maybe this one’ll be under the suit next game.”

  Madison giggled and turned back to the camera. “We can all hope so. I’m sure there are millions of fans out there who’d like to get a hug from these guys.” She finished the interview with her closing remarks and faced us with a smile. “That’s a wrap. Thanks, boys.”

  Coach Carlisle waved to get Kellan’s attention, so he said his goodbyes and left, leaving me alone with her. For the first time in my life, I was at a loss for words. After everything I did to Madison, she still came to me with a smile. “How have you been?” I asked.

  “Good,” she replied, gazing around the coliseum. “I’ve missed coming to the hockey games.”

  “Why haven’t you?”

  Her smile brightened. “I’ve been following more of the motorcycle races these days.”

  “I see. Let me guess, you’re dating one of the racers?” I asked with a grin.

  She snorted. “Goodness, no. He’s actually an FBI agent. My sister took over Bennett Racing, so I’ve been spending a lot of time with her and her crew.”

  In all seriousness, I was happy for her. She deserved to find happiness after what I did to her. “That’s good to hear. Make sure he treats you well. There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t regret how things went down between us.”

  “It’s okay,” she murmured. “I forgave you for the past a long time ago. We’ve both moved on.”

  “Easton, let’s go,” Braeden shouted from behind. I glanced back at him and he waved toward the locker room.

nbsp; “Take care of yourself, Madison.”

  She hugged me again. “You, too. Don’t get into any trouble.”

  “I’ll try not to.” Seeing her again eased my regrets. If she could forgive me for breaking her heart, then surely Callie would for being an idiot.

  Kellan’s idea had worked. I’d gotten to Callie, but I still had a long way to go. I wasn’t about to give up, not after I felt the way her lips electrified when she kissed me. The girl was going to drive me in-fucking-sane.

  In the locker room, the guys celebrated our crushing victory against New York. Kellan slapped me on the shoulder in passing. “Nice move, brother. Although I think you messed up.” He nodded toward Justin, who fumed by my locker, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Braeden backed up and gave Justin his space. “What the hell was that shit with Callie?” he spat angrily.

  I shrugged. “It was a coincidence. I can’t help it she was picked.”

  He pointed a finger into my chest. It took all I had to rein in my anger. Hurting him would end the deal with Callie; she’d never speak to me again. “That’s bullshit and you know it,” he growled. “I want you to stay away from her. She’s not one of your whores you can play around with.”

  The thought pissed me off. It’d never crossed my mind to fuck around with her like that. “I know,” I huffed impatiently. “I just want to talk to her and then I’ll leave her alone.”

  He shook his head, scoffing incredulously. “Callie is an educated, smart woman. She’s not going to waste her time with you. You’re not worthy of it.”

  For the first time in my life, words actually stung. What really pissed me off was that maybe he was right. I wasn’t worthy of her time . . . but I sure as hell could be. Satisfied with his remarks, Justin stormed out of the locker room with Maddox alongside him, smirking at me.

  Braeden slapped me on the shoulder. “Ready to get to the party?”

  “Actually,” I said, grinning wide, “there’s somewhere else I need to be.”


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