Gone By

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Gone By Page 20

by Hajong, Beatone

  “Aren’t you feeling hungry” she asked.

  “Yes! I do for sure”.

  “Will this bus stop at any point”.

  “Yeah! Maybe not sure about that but I believe it will” I responded.

  “What your Dad does” she asked settling her hair. “Well, He was an Officer and now a librarian”. “So, which department”.

  “He was basically an Engineer and he was in the rank of executive officer”.

  “And your Mom”.

  “Oh! She’s lovely and very caring...in short she’s house wife but she does write beautiful poems”. “Oh! I see....you must be inspired by her then”.

  “Yes! A bit”.

  Slowly we braked down. The wheels starved to rest and we were halted by a roadside inn.

  “Let’s get down” she uttered.


  I began to follow behind her as she walked out of the bus. My wrist watch tick 5:30pm. And we had to cover more than half a distance to reach Mumbai. We followed inside to nourish our stomach. She asked me to accompany her. We occupied one table and placed the order according to our choices. I wasn’t sure what to call her. Should I call her aunty or by her name which was not known to me. She was just married for seven months. Moreover she looked so young like of our age, I shouldn’t defy her by misjudging which would not be proper for such circumstances. I thought of not calling her at all, unless she makes a sound to talk to me I would seal my mouth quiet.

  “Finally, the thirst of hunger broke with this plates of Dal and Paratha” she spoke peeking her eyes at me.

  I kept mum like I wasn’t sure what to say on that. I just nodded my head and drank a glass of water. We headed back to bus after that heavy meal. The brim of hunger finally felt it’s satisfaction. Quenching my thirsty throat I asked her to take the window seat this time. Maybe she wasn’t much comfortable at this side. I sat comfortably beside her. She opened the glass wide of the window. She peeped outside looking at the other passengers clutching into the bus.

  “I want to read your writings” she evoked with interest in her voice. I shrugged.

  “Will you allow me to have a glance at your diary” her tone seemed pleading.

  I turned to look at her. I could realize her face was just an inch away from me.

  “Sure why not”.

  I managed to pull out the dairy from my bag and handed over to her. The bus began to move and it’s catching up its speed.


  “It’s ok”.

  “I don’t know, if it was trouble to you than I really apologize for my unwise act” she said pressing her voice deeply.

  “No..no it’s absolutely fine and it’s no more a diary or personal thing. It’s for the people only” I admitted.

  She nodded and began to flip a page. I leaned my head at the back support. Gradually my eyes closed down and I was into silent vibes of rumour. With a sudden stroke of beep my mobile rang up. I considered to look the call. It was a call from Isha. I completely forgot about her. Realized later that I was suppose to call her. I received the call and the word came out “Hello” from the other side.

  “Hello” I said softly.

  “You didn’t text me back” she said.

  “I’m extremely sorry Isha..actually I was suppose to call you back but you know I’m forgetful person”.

  “Anyway..how far you are”.

  “More than half a distance left to cover”.

  “Just do take care of yourself” Isha said with concerning tone.

  “Yeah!” I said and she hanged up the phone.

  The lady beside completely engrossed into the diary. I couldn’t even catch her blink of an eye, such was her fascination that revealed before my eyes. I was running out of boredom. Neither I could write nor I could read something that would entertain me the time. I was seated idle with my eyes shut leaning back. Should I sleep or tuned myself a music into my ears, I fiddle for long minutes. Yes! I have been missing Isha beside me. But that moment I have been missing both Isha and Anannya. As you know, Isha was left far away whereas Anannya walked away from my life neither her words of my diary in my hand instead the lady murmuring out the words of my pen.

  I began to think about Anannya. Some unclear image floated before my eyes. I was recapitulating the moments we had during our school days. Yes! She was the one I thought would be the final in my life. But who knew she would walk away at the time when I needed her the most with no valid reasons left behind. And till today I was in search of the perfect reason why would she do to me such way. And the answer still remained incomplete. The lady beside glanced at me.

  “Are you ok” she blinked her eyes. I gazed for microsecond and replied her “Yes”.

  She nodded and began to read the writings on my diary.

  “Once you finished writing completely, take a final draft of it, sure it’s going to a make a lovely book” her voice seemed very suggestive.

  I nodded “Yes!..I thought of that”.

  “It’s amazing. You’re truly a lovely boy” she ingested her tone softly.

  “Did you read it whole” I asked her.

  “No...I would when it’s in the form of a book and that’s when you will be rewarded” she grinned.

  My eyes blinked and a wide smile hovered on my face. She handed me back my diary. The day began to get darker as the sun began to drop its colourful lights behind bar. I glanced at my wrist watch, it’s 7:00pm evening. We were moving steady through the long length highway. Complete silence from every passenger that were boarded. Even the hiss of breath began to drop out from each one’s. I turned to look outside through the window, just the darkness began to revealed it’s time. The lady rested with silent vibes and ignored to talk for moment. Her eyes were pointing sharp outside the window. I thought of calling Isha to sweep away the moment of loneliness that was venturing within me. But then a slow crest of hesitation frowned at me. I diverged again from making a call to her. I leaned myself comfortably at the back support of my seat. So was the lady fell asleep. The darkness began to crawl deeper and night began to take birth. All I was thinking about reaching college as soon as possible. Only a dim light was flashing inside the bus, some patches of darkness covered the whole bus inside. That would probably comfort for sleeping passengers. But I wasn’t able to sleep. I was holding my diary on my lap. Neither I could think of writing. I finalized, I would start my next page only after I reach college. I closed the window of her side, only a small slit I left open to let air circulation in and out. The lady unconsciously fell her head on my shoulder. Her eyes under deep sleep. She rested her head comfortably. There was no heat of objection or appeasement from my side. Moreover, I wasn’t a person of a kind to disturb her in the middle of her peace sleep. Her face glowed out from the light that reflected from outside. Indeed she was looking very beautiful and serene. I leaned back again with her head rested on my shoulder. Clasped back into deep thoughts with my eyes closed this time. Maybe I should fall into sleep now. But would her memory let me have a peaceful night. No, it wouldn’t and thus trembled once again thinking about Anannya.

  Time passed away, season changed, year changed, people changed but my love for her still remained the same. I felt I was completely soaked into this. Even If I’m twisted the curse of my pain wouldn’t let me feel free, such was the intense sense of intimacy I had for her. If I wouldn’t have come into this world maybe I wouldn’t have known the meaning of love that God has ever created into this world. Love was all I needed not only me but it’s needed by everyone who belonged from mother earth. How to believe the faith and build the trust all over again, such game of challenges revolved around my world. And now here was I travelling back with a new story of my life. I silently opened my closed eyes and glanced for a second at the lady. Such beautiful and peace loving woman sitting beside me, how happy she must be with her husband. Whereas, I was a person soaked into banks of emotions. Maybe it’s my fault that I feel in extreme limit, which others fails to do
so. Maybe it’s the fault of my star that I recognize things through my heart not through my eyes. But this is how I was made of. And I can’t compel to change myself the way I’m. I resumed back to lean again closing my eyes. The breeze from outside clinched in through the narrow slit from the window. My breath began to slow down. Maybe I was falling into sleep by now. Neither my memory worked nor my brain thought of anything. I was put into complete silence and yes I was asleep by now. Her head still rested on my shoulder. I knew for sure she felt the softness of my hard muscular shoulder. The night began to crawl in. And as the time passed on we were covering nearer and nearer. It wasn’t a full moon night. A crescent moon threw it’s rays spread all over the world. It ascended right on top of our head and only it’s heavenly glow fell on our face. Most part of it fell on the lady’s face and some penumbra appeared on my face. Did I dream that part of the night I had no idea. Some fractured memory evolved out but I couldn’t retain it on my mind. I was wholly surrendered under the guidance of the lonely moon light.

  While the lady beside shone out like the bright angel. She even didn’t make any movement. Her head laid still on my shoulder. I could feel only her breath exhaling out. Neither my blood rushing constantly, all were slowed down. My heart pumped it’s blood constantly. At that moment I was a human being with no feelings and emotions. It was completely a biological heart that kept me surviving with no effects of any mental, psychological and innovative thoughts in my mind. I knew the night would be blessed by moon. And her rays would appear to guide me. The silver moon descended down at some angle and now it directly fell into our sight. But, her blessing kept us in peace and hardly we could open our eyes to glimpse. As the rays fell intensely, somehow I could break my eyes and opened up. I could see the complete crescent through the glass window. I glanced at my wrist watch locating the time. It was 11:00pm. Few more miles to cover and I would be in Mumbai. The lady raised her head from my shoulder and looked at me with her half opened eyes. She finally freed herself from drowsiness. She opened the window wide and streams of air bashed in. Her hair began to flip out in all direction. She paid least attention to settle them down.

  “How was the sleep” she asked.

  “I had good tight short sleep”. She smiled and nodded.

  “How about after reaching Mumbai” she inquired folding her hand crisscross.

  “I thought of moving ahead to Pune”.

  “C’mon why don’t you stay back in my house for tonight” she gave a sharp gesture at me.

  “Look, I know my husband will be very glad to meet you. Such a young talented writer” she added.

  Well, I considered that comment not appropriate for me. I was still not an Author of any book, but soon I’ll make my dream true.

  “Ok, then I agree to your request” I said.

  She passed a brief smile. We have already entered the city of Mumbai by now. I could feel the heat of population and the high decibel noise of traffic. Finally ,we were dropped into the station. “So, we are finally in Mumbai” she said.

  “Yeah” nodding my head.

  I took the aisle to move out from the bus and she followed behind me. I had no idea from where she must have been but I had to keep my words at least to make her feel the real good Man inside of me. She asked me to follow her as we started to walk on. I could realize she was looking for a taxi. Indeed, she was a local of Mumbai. She should not have any problem managing a vehicle. But, I could lately realize she was unable to stop any running taxi. She was almost exhausted piercing her voice loud at those passing taxi.

  “This is so stupid” she frowned.

  Neither we were at any nearest taxi stand. She looked at me loosening her breath lightly. Her eyes widely opened up and her eyebrow raised. She acted with a sort of gesture towards me. I smiled and she added.

  “What’s wrong” I lifted my eyebrow.

  “None of this idiotic driver pulling their brakes before us” her tone frowned out.

  “It’s alright just wait there” pointing aside to her.

  “Wait I’m calling my husband to pick us up”.

  “There’s no need”.

  I could see a taxi approaching from the other end of the road. I signalled my hand to halt. It braked before us. I hinted the driver about the urgent need of taxi. She came up and located the address where we would be going. I clunk the door for her. The belongings were kept at the back trunk of the car. She slid in and I sat beside her. I ignored to ask where we would be going but I just let myself follow her. Our taxi geared up and accelerated through the free way. I could see the street lights lighted brightly all through the road. Finally, our taxi halted before a huge gate.

  “Is this your house?” I inquired.

  “Yeah!”. She came out through the door.

  I open the other door. She held her bag in her hand and I was holding my Journey bag behind my back. She asked me to follow and walk behind her. The taxi drove away as soon as the fare was paid. She opened the gate and I could see nothing but the whole house completely soaked in brims of light decorated from all sides.

  “This is my house” she said.

  She stepped forward to press the calling button. I was just standing behind. The door opened. “Oh! Dear..You’re back” said her husband opening his arm to give a polite hug.

  He looked at me as they unfastened themselves from their long term embrace.

  “Hey! This is our guest and he’ll be staying for tonight” she said softly to her husband.

  “Hello Sir” I offered my hand for a shake.

  He shook and greeted me in. The night almost fell deep and of course it was a time for everyone to stay inside their respective houses. I could hear some loud music being played. Perhaps, they had very intolerable neighbour beside them. But, I liked their surrounding though it was not brightly visible unlike it would be during the daytime.

  “So, what you do boy” he asked.

  “I study”.

  He took me to one side of his house and offered me a room to stay.

  “Here’s your room, get freshened up and come out for the supper” he grinned. I nodded and stood still, watching around the walls of the room. The air conditioning system chilled the room for hours as I could feel that. Most part of the room’s wall was painted white with distinctive design of abstract paintings engraved on them. I loosened myself and placed the bag safely out of my back. I had to change myself. I quickened and made myself fresh and walked out of the room. There they were seated together in the front hall of their mansion.

  “Come, let’s begin with our food” said the Man.

  We all three sat together in the dining table. The food was kept served, everything was left prepared only we needed to help ourselves. I shifted a chair and sat. So, the lady sat by the chair beside me. She glanced at me for second and took the chair. Her husband took the other one that faced opposite to both of us.

  “So, I heard interesting thing about you, is it true?” he asked me.

  “What” I grinned.

  “Well, I heard you write, is it”.

  I passed a brief smile on my face.

  “He’s writing a book” his wife mumbled.

  “See..I knew you were hiding something to me” he said and drank a glass of water.

  “So, what’s the genre behind your book” he asked again.

  “Well, It’s basically a love story of a boy in first person, who expresses his inner core of words for the soul he desperately dreamt about”.

  “Oh! I see..must be interesting then” he said.

  I helped myself to take a plate of fried vegetable. The lady served us with water and resumed back to her chair again. I had never been so much accustomed with table manner like they were. Every single touch of their fork movement sounded gentle. I cautioned myself very carefully not to put myself in self embarrassing situation.

  “So, son are you liking the food” the gentleman addressed me again.

  “It’s lovely” I said without knowing much wha
t to say.

  “Your aunty cooks very well” he said again peeking his eye towards his wife.

  “I can taste that” nodding my head.

  “Actually...I’m very much intrigued about your story” he said.

  I buried my face slightly inside and passed a brief smile. “It’s still in the process” I just added.

  “I would be waiting for your book” he said flashing a gentle glow on his face.

  We were finished with our supper. I glanced at my wrist watch. The time ticked 12:30 midnight. For second thought, I was willing myself to go to bed. I better thought of resting early. For I had to cover a distance of more four hours journey to Pune. That night I had an empty sleep. Indeed, there were no such pictures of dream. The reason could be I was very much tired and I was blank minded before I went to bed. The next day I bid them farewell. They treated me very soft and kind. They even gave their numbers for any sort of assist in near future. I was very much grateful and obliged for their kind service and the room of generosity they showed. Especially, to that lady who threaded the role of humanity from being a stranger. And her husband who shook his hand humbly granted me as son. I thought if my story ever get published the first copy I would sent it to them. That was first, the legacy I made after a long period of time, with such warm treatment of love from two unknown human being who has adequately considered me as one of their own. I felt like I was missing someone, as I strolled my way towards the bus station. Yes, Isha had been out of my memory for few hours and I needed her to make a call now. I pressed her numbers. It rang for minutes but there was no sign of word from the other end. I tried again. This time a beautiful voice burst out softly “Hello”.

  “Hey! Isha it’s me”.

  “Yeah! So, how have you been, did you reach safely” her voice never tended to stop as if she wanted to know me very close.

  “How have you been and tell me how are you” she said again with strong concern.


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