Guns n' Boys: Swamp Blood (Book 3) (gay dark mafia erotic romance)

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Guns n' Boys: Swamp Blood (Book 3) (gay dark mafia erotic romance) Page 7

by K. A. Merikan

  Domenico laughed and banged his hand on the tabletop. “Why would any of us go for the second-best?”

  Seth rolled his eyes.

  Mark swallowed his food. “You know, to try different things. I’ve had a blond, a brunet, a redhead, a businessman… I could keep going.”

  Domenico shook his head. “We’re adults. I’m pretty confident I had my share of experiments,” he said and grabbed a Twix, which he then threw at Mark. Only when he grabbed the bar in midair did Mark realize he reacted like a dog.

  Seth ran his finger over Domenico’s forearm but then got himself a cigarette from a packet on the table. “Better tell us how old you are.”

  Mark groaned. “Eighteen. Legal since last month.”

  Seth let out a huff of smoke through his nose with a smirk.

  “In your dreams, baby boy. You’re fourteen,” said Dom, squinting at Mark over the table.

  Mark’s lips parted in shock. “Am not! I could grow a beard if I wanted to!”

  “Right. You just choose not to.” Seth shook his head. “I’m gonna be more generous and guess fifteen.”

  Mark grumbled and chewed his Twix. “I’m sixteen. Almost seventeen. I am not fourteen. What the fuck?”

  Domenico shrugged. “The fourteen made you tell us the truth. And since you’re only sixteen, where are your parents? What are you doing fucking guys in public toilets?”

  Mark pouted and slouched in his seat, consoled only by the taste of chocolate. “I just needed some cash. I thought he could give me a lift after as well.”

  “And why would he do that? Did he look like a nice guy to you, you little dumbass?” asked Domenico.

  Mark couldn’t help a smile. “He did look nice.”

  “Come on, Dom,” Seth said and waved his hand. “It’s most important that nothing happened.”

  “But it could have.” Domenico rolled his eyes and looked at Seth. “Can’t believe you’re supporting him. Would you do what he did?”

  “Hell no!” Seth leaned back in the seat with his cigarette. “I’d find a different way to make the cash.”

  Mark frowned. “Whatever.”

  “What was that, you little ungrateful fuck?” asked Domenico, leaning over the table, with his brows gathered into a deep frown that made him look both sexy and dangerous.

  Seth put out his cigarette. “Jeez, Dom. Don’t talk to him like that.”

  Domenico gestured at Mark. “Why not? Sixteen or not, a whore’s a whore. Someone should tell him the truth before it’s too late.”

  Mark felt his face heat up, and he put down the other Twix to make a point.

  Seth slapped the back of Dom’s shoulder. “Dom! He’s a teenager, you can’t say that!”

  Domenico took a cigarette from the pack left on the table and lit it quickly. “I could take far worse when I was his age.”

  “You grew up in different circumstances. You must be able to see that,” Seth said, but Mark wouldn’t take his pity.

  “I’m totally fine. It’s not like I will be doing this forever. I’ve got better things coming my way.”

  “Oh, yeah? What’s your plan for the future then? Working with wieners?”

  “Much better.” Mark crossed his arms on his chest. “There’s this guy, Fred, I’m going to, and he will help me find a job. He’s got connections.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Fred.” Domenico nodded, and for a few seconds, Mark almost believed Domenico knew his prince. “You will be making hot dogs for his friends as well.”

  “That is so rude! Fred’s a good guy,” Mark hissed.

  Seth shrugged. “Give him a break, Dom. Even if he’s to be some go-go boy or something, that’s still better than street prostitution. This way, he wouldn’t be in danger.”

  “I won’t be a go-go boy!” Mark bristled up.

  “Oh, you seem to have it all figured out,” said Domenico. He leaned back in his chair, with smoke dancing around him in a patterned cloud. “You’re a genius. You have a degree at sixteen.”

  Seth licked his lips. “It can all work out for him…”

  Domenico glanced between Seth and Mark. “You think? He could have been rotting in some ditch by now for all we know.”

  Mark got up from the chair and spread his arms. “I didn’t ask for your help! You can’t talk this shit to me just because you’re old.”

  Domenico dismissed that last comment with a gesture. “You screamed for help like a little girl.”

  Seth smirked. “Ouch. Buuuurn.” He mimicked Mark’s earlier comment.

  “I’ve had enough of this bullshit! I’m out!” Mark grabbed the other Twix and his backpack and went for the door. He was not leaving chocolate behind just because they were dicks.

  “And now he’s throwing a tantrum,” said Domenico as Mark was closing the door.

  He went into the quiet street outside, suddenly overwhelmed by the little houses with dirty walls and the trees visible across the street. He had no idea where he was, and the thick air punched his lungs like a fist.

  Mark was determined not to let them win, and he started walking to nowhere, increasingly anxious. At least he had the biker’s phone to sell, so there was that. And he had sneaked a granola bar into his pocket before Dana could spot that.

  But after walking on for ten minutes, he got to the end of the sidewalk, and there was nothing in front of him but forest and road.

  He swore and sat down on a fallen tree, trying to forget Dom’s words. Fucking saint. Just because he didn’t fuck his boyfriend and gave street kids condoms didn’t make him superior!

  Mark pulled out the granola bar. He would need the energy before he started a long walk that would probably lead him into a swamp where a gator would eat him. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes. He’d never asked for a life like this.

  As he sat there with the empty wrapper, he startled when a heavy arm covered his shoulders. Seth sat next to him and passed him a packet of Oreos. Mark didn’t know what to say, so he started eating and only spoke once he went through half of the cookies.

  “I’m not stupid,” he whispered and leaned his head against Seth’s shoulder. “I know my life’s messed up, but I’ll manage…”

  Seth petted his hair, and for a moment, Mark wanted to be his forever. “I’m not judging you. Sometimes, you’re forced to do things that you don’t want to do. We’ll take you to Fred if that’s what you want. But maybe give it a few days, okay? We’re leaving soon anyway, and you could recuperate after the traveling you’ve done.”

  Mark swallowed, overwhelmed by the free kindness. “I don’t think Dom would agree to me being there…”

  Seth sighed and slouched his big, strong body. “He will. He’s just hotheaded.”

  Mark flinched when something hit his shoulder, and he stared at the asphalt, stunned to see a chocolate candy. When he looked up, he saw Domenico walking over with a white plastic bag in hand. Wind blew into his hair, uncovering the handsome face hidden behind a pair of shades. The big scar running across his nose and cheek did nothing to make the freakishly symmetrical face any less appealing. “You two left me bored.”

  “We’ll take Mark to this Fred guy in a few days,” Seth said, and Mark liked the confidence in his voice.

  Domenico stopped right next to them and reached into the bag, taking out another piece of candy. “Is that really necessary?”

  Seth looked up at him and poked Dom’s thigh. “We could see if the guy’s not some psycho.”

  Domenico sat cross-legged in front of them. “So what about your family? You refuse to answer,” he asked after several moments of contemplating the chocolate.

  Mark groaned and looked away. “‘Cause they’re dead.” He was not about to share his life story with strangers, no matter how nice they seemed. “They were originally from Romania, but I grew up in New Jersey. We had no family here, and I didn’t want to go into foster care.”

  “And you’ve been on your own all this time?” Seth asked and pulled him a bit closer. Mark couldn
’t help but lean into the hug. Seth smelled good, even with the lingering aroma of cigarettes.

  “You can’t even protect yourself when something happens. For all we know, you could be dead within the year,” said Domenico, pushing a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

  Mark laughed nervously, as the truth behind that statement touched him briefly. “I can run pretty quickly.”

  Dom shrugged. “Wasn’t good enough last time.”

  “This stuff really doesn’t happen often. I try to be smart about it. I just saw all that hair, and I lost my mind.” Mark sighed at the memory of the handsome asshole who refused to stop recording him. Served him right to lose the phone.

  Domenico tossed a hard candy at Mark. It bounced off his fingers and rolled far enough that he had to crawl a bit to reach it.

  “I could show you some moves,” said Dom.

  Mark blew air at the candy and ate it, smiling at the soothing caramel flavor. “And what kind of moves do you know?”

  Seth nodded and pulled away to Mark’s dismay. “He could teach you self-defense.”

  “And ballroom dancing,” said Domenico.

  Seth snorted. “What else are you gonna teach him in a week? Wine-tasting?”

  Mark smiled wider. “Yes, please.”

  Domenico pulled out a cigarette out of a packet. “You’re too young where we are now. And I never break the law.”

  Mark didn’t like the way Seth broke into a laugh at those words, but something warm spread in his chest when Seth leaned over to Dom and kissed his cheek. “Never.”

  “You guys are so sweet,” Mark said.

  Domenico raised his hand. “Rule number one, kid—don’t steal my food. Rule number two—never use the words ‘sweet’ or ‘cute’ when referring to men. Words and semantics matter. It’s this kind of language that digs at the foundations of masculinity of the men today. All wimps and hippers.”

  Seth grinned and nuzzled Dom’s cheek. “You mean hipsters?”

  “Whatever. What kind of person do you have to be to call yourself that?”

  Mark laughed. “All I meant is that you two are… nice to look at. Not in a pervy way, but I don’t think I’ve ever met guys who wanna get married, and all that. Everyone always cheats and sleeps around.”

  “Well, there isn’t much to look at in these parts anyway,” snorted Domenico, pulling Seth closer. He slipped his hand underneath Seth’s shirt.

  “Hey, don’t…” Seth’s breath hitched, and he actually stood up to escape the touch. Mark wasn’t sure what that was about.

  He licked his lips. “You guys seriously not up for a threesome? I give good head.”

  Domenico scowled as he followed Seth to his feet. “God! Stop offering yourself up. You’re not a bag of Cheetos.”

  Mark raised his hands. “Okay, okay. Just saying that it’s on the table. When do I start training?”

  Domenico looked him up and down, slowly pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Eager. I like that.”

  Domenico was walking back and forth at the rear side of the house where he and Dana had enough privacy to do some of their stationary exercise without having local kids asking to join in. This time, it wasn’t Dana Domenico was training but a scrawny sixteen-year-old, who was sweating like a pig after just half an hour. “Come on, twenty more,” he said, noticing the way Mark fell face-first during yet another sad attempt at a push-up.

  “I can’t!” Mark cried, with sweat dripping down his nose and his hair in matted streaks, but even as he said that, he pulled himself up yet again.

  Domenico kneeled next to him and leaned down to look into the boy’s eyes. “You’re fucking soft. Really? You can’t even manage fifty of them? Don’t be a pussy! If I gave up every time something hurt, I wouldn’t be doing two hundred each morning. If I tell you that you can do it, it means that you can.”

  “But my muscles burn so bad,” Mark whined. Fortunately, for his own sake, he continued doing the push-ups, even if at a snail’s pace.

  “Dana can easily do a hundred, and she’s a girl!” growled Domenico as he stood up and placed his bare foot between Mark’s shoulder blades. He enjoyed the feeling of muscle contracting under his touch.

  To give the boy credit, Mark wasn’t as skinny as Dom had thought the first time he’d assessed him. He was lean, but there was definitely some muscle on him. He had the sort of body that could grow if pushed. And then it was hard to know how tall he would be, as he was now several inches shorter than Domenico, but if he was sixteen, he still had the chance of growing much taller.

  “Don’t you think that’s enough, Dom?” Seth yelled from his bench on the porch.

  Domenico poked Mark’s ribs with his toes. “You heard that? Seth thinks you can’t do it! Do you want to prove him wrong?”

  Mark rasped as if he was about to cough out his lungs, but he continued with his push-ups with renewed vigor. That was more like it.

  “Yes, just like that! I knew you could do it!” cheered Domenico. Inspired, he dropped into the same position across from Mark and started doing push-ups himself. He loved the feeling of his muscles moving with ease, propping him up, only to safely let him go lower.

  But what he loved even more was seeing Seth get up from his bench and come closer to the railing to watch him.

  “I’m hungry…” Mark moaned, but Dom couldn’t care less when he felt Seth’s gaze all over his back. It made him want to work harder, keep his hands tighter, his body more ripped, stronger. Maybe strong enough to fuck Seth against the wall one day again.

  “Mark, ten more!”

  “No… It’s too much,” Mark spoke, interrupting the sentence with ragged breaths. “Insane.”

  Domenico gritted his teeth and looked into Mark’s eyes, big, brown and mere inches away. “You can do it! Remember one thing—in this life, we’re either winners or losers. Your choice, Mark. You wanna be a pussy loser?”

  Mark whined but picked himself up yet again. “I’m not a pussy!”

  The smile Dom got from Seth was all he needed to spur him on.

  “Dom, show him how you do it on one hand.”

  Domenico grinned and glanced at Seth, immediately pulling one hand back and pumping up and down using just the strength of his one arm. “What will I get in return?” he asked Seth.

  Seth smirked. “I’m going off to the shop. I’ll get you Nutella.”

  “Me too! I’m almost done!” Mark whined.

  Domenico’s heart skipped a beat. “How about Mark getting the Nutella, and you’ll give me something else instead,” he asked slowly, pushing the words out as he exercised with as much precision as he could muster.

  Seth laughed. “Wow. You must really love me to want me more than Nutella.”

  “Can I get protein powder?” Dana yelled from afar, as she were preparing for her ten-mile jog.

  Domenico winked at Seth. “I prefer my protein from a natural source.”

  Seth bit his lip, and there it was—that blush Dom loved seeing on his face. It instantly brought to mind the expression Seth had on his face when he had an orgasm. All red and moaning for more. Even thinking about it made Dom want to go over there and fuck him over the railing, hear him scream again.

  Mark fell to the ground face first, barely catching breaths. “I did it…”

  Domenico grinned but didn’t stop his own workout. He wanted Seth to keep looking at him, especially now after yet another horrific dream. This one had Seth shackled to the bottom of a rapidly filling pool. He drowned in front of Dom, who sat in front of the pool, paralyzed from a dosage of drugs Vincente injected into his neck. “Good job. Don’t give me that I can’t shit ever again.”

  “Yes, sir. I… I’ll just lie here until the Nutella comes,” Mark choked out, panting like a dying llama.

  “I better work on that then.” Seth laughed and went into the house, to Dom’s disappointment. He was also wearing the fucking baggy jogging bottoms that hid away the shape of his perfectly round ass.

>   “Seth, we just did shopping yesterday,” he called after him, slightly frustrated by the audience he wanted disappearing from sight. What the fuck was up with that?

  Mark slowly turned to his back and watched Dom from below, with sweat beaded on his red face. “You are so sexy,” he whispered.

  Domenico rolled his eyes. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear from the kid. “I know, I know. I’m amazing.”

  “I want to get that way.” Mark trailed his fingers up Dom’s forearm.

  “Stop it.” Domenico rolled to the grass and brushed off the hand, as if it were a mosquito.

  Mark groaned and put his hands over his face. “Then why did you take me? I don’t get it.”

  Domenico pushed himself up and sat in front of him, evening out his breath in the heat. “Seth asked me to.”

  Mark looked out from behind his fingers. “He’s the one who wants me?”

  Domenico snorted in disbelief. Seth wanting a boy like this after having Domenico Acerbi? “Don’t be ridiculous. If you want to make yourself useful, you can wash the car.”

  Mark moaned. “I can’t. Everything hurts.”

  They heard the sound of a motorcycle engine, and Dom was sure it was Seth going off without saying good-bye. He looked toward the house, but it was only Dana on the porch, drinking some vitamin water.

  Dom slowly lay on his back, angry that the air didn’t smell of salty water, which was just one more reason why he didn’t belong where he was now. At least the sun was behind clouds, so it wasn’t as hot as it could’ve been. “Did he go?”

  “Yes, he’s gone,” Dana said.

  But Mark continued with the same stupid topic. “I thought that Seth might want me if you’re, like, really religious and don’t do sex, or something.”

  Domenico groaned. “For fuck’s sake! Seth just wants to help you. He’s a good guy, that’s all.” His heart thundered so loudly he was afraid Dana would pick it up. “And we fuck enough.”

  Mark raised his hands and sat up. “Okay, okay! Just asking, ‘cause when gay guys stop fucking, things are bad. I know this stuff.”

  “I’ve been a gay guy ten years longer than you,” growled Domenico, even though he knew there was truth to Mark’s words. Each time Seth slid away from his touch felt like a slap to the face. Like he wasn’t wanted around anymore.


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