King (Grit Chapter Book 2)

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King (Grit Chapter Book 2) Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  The woman who wanted to settle down was not the woman King knew—far from it.

  “What made her move away?”

  Vicky shook her head. “No, I can’t do it. Clara’s my best friend. If she wants to tell you why she travels, then it’s up to her.” She turned to look at Payne. “You don’t need to go warning him about what it would do. Regardless of who forces Clara away, her leaving will hurt.”

  “Baby,” Payne said.

  “No, I can’t do this right now. You’re not fair. I promised you I wouldn’t do this in front of the club, and I won’t.” She glanced toward King, and she gave him a smile. “I’m going to get dressed.”

  She left the room, carrying her coffee along with her.

  “Fuck!” Payne ran fingers through his hair, looking pissed off.

  “If you ask me, Prez, the only person hurting that girl is you.” King slapped him on the back.

  “She knows why I can’t claim her.”

  King was tired of hearing the same old excuses. It pissed him off. Yes, there were dangers out there, but if the club knew she was Payne’s old lady, she’d be more protected than club pussy. Their enemies were many, and they didn’t care who they killed to hurt the club. Club pussy was expendable to some of their enemies. The club did what they could to keep them safe, but there was only so much they could do.

  “I’m going to catch a couple of hours.”

  Leaving his Prez, he made his way toward this room and found Vicky sitting on the steps, sipping at her hot coffee.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Sitting, waiting.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  “You to go so I could talk with Payne.”

  “He does love you, you know.”

  “It’s kind of hard to believe when he won’t even accept me.” She sighed. “Forgive me. I promised to never be that girl. The one who was waiting for the man to appear and sweep her off her feet. This is a fucking MC, so that’s never going to happen.”

  “It doesn’t mean you can’t wait for it.”

  “I’m realistic, King. I love Payne with my whole heart. I’d risk everything for him. I’d die for him, but he won’t even risk having me as his old lady.” She patted his knee. “It’s fine. I’m pleased you’re not giving up on Clara.”

  “Would you like to talk about it?” he asked.

  “Nah. I’m going to drink this and head out.”

  He nodded. “Don’t give up on him.”

  As he walked away, he was sure he heard her whisper, “I already have.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Payne paced his room, the door already shut, his anger mounting. He was pissed at the conversation he’d had with King, annoyed the other man had all but called him out on Vicky. Payne cared about the woman, but fucking her and calling her his old lady were two totally different things. He scrubbed a hand over his hair.

  “Fuck,” he ground out, not having been this pissed in a long time, and it was because of how he felt for Vicky. But she was in the club, fucked him, and although she was exclusive to him, that didn’t mean he had to make her anything but his fuck buddy.

  The sound of someone knocking on his door had him glancing at it.

  “Fuck off.” He turned away, but there was another knock. He growled low in his throat, stormed over to the door, and opened it. “I said fuck off—” Vicky stood on the other side of the door, wearing only a robe and a pair of high heels. He knew she was naked under there, and despite his thoughts, his anger, he got rock hard.

  “Busy?” she asked in a low voice. She seemed nervous, or disconnected. Hell, she looked a little sad too.

  “No.” Payne stepped aside, pushing away anything he felt but lust. Once she was in the room he shut the door and crossed his arms over his chest, checking out the plump ass he could see under her robe.

  She turned and faced him, and they held each other’s gazes for long seconds. And then she untied the knot at her side, pushed the robe off her body, and stood there naked and ready.

  “I don’t want to think about anything but your cock in my cunt.”

  His dick gave a jerk and he groaned. “I can make that happen.”

  He needed the distraction from his thoughts, and he was going to take out all his annoyance over what he felt and what King said about Vicky. But fuck, she’d take it all and beg for more.

  Vicky didn’t know why she was here. Well, she did—because she loved Payne, but she was just setting herself up for more heartbreak. She’d told King she’d given up on him, and although maybe she had given up on Payne and ever having anything other than sex with him, she was a glutton for punishment. She loved Payne too much to just walk away. He was her everything, whether she ever told him that or not.

  But right now she wanted him. Her body was wet, ready, and she didn’t want to pass up any opportunity to be with the man she loved. Call it desperate, low, pathetic, whatever. She didn’t care.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  He body shook with anticipation listening to his words, and pleasure mounted higher inside her.

  “I’m feeling like some pain mixed with pleasure might loosen us up, baby. What do you say?” He lifted a dark eyebrow.

  She nodded and licked her lips. She knew what he wanted, what he liked. “Anything you want, Sir.”

  He made a low sound in his throat.

  She always felt this pleasure when it concerned Payne. Vicky knew that even if she had no future with him, she’d take whatever he gave her. Maybe she was twisted, sad, pathetic, or all of the above for allowing a man to have his way with her but not make her his. But fuck it all.

  Tonight there would be spanking until bruises formed, her being tied up, and an array of other deliciously wicked things, and she anticipated it all. He’d make her cry with pain, but above all else, he’d make her feel good.

  Like all the bikers in the Grit chapter, he was hardcore, and didn’t fuck around when it came to protecting his club and those he cared about. She loved that quality in him. But she was just pussy on the side to him, and God did that hurt like hell. Vicky would be lying if she didn’t admit she wanted to be able to look at him and know she was his old lady.

  Stop thinking about it. It’ll never happen.

  Closing her eyes because she knew how foolish these thoughts were, she tried to focus on the right here and now.

  I’m like an addict looking for my next fix, and Payne is my drug of choice.

  “You want to do what I say, baby girl?”

  She nodded, feeling her body heat.

  “You want to submit to me tonight, get rough and dirty?”

  She nodded once more.

  Vicky would always submit to him, anytime, anyplace, and for any reason. She was just a woman in love and wanted to please the only man she’d ever been in love with.

  You didn’t give up, not when you want this too badly.

  Her pussy was wet, her nipples tight and hard, and her heart was racing.

  “Turn around for me and present yourself.”

  She did as he ordered and stared at the posts on each side of the bed, the ones that had restraints on them. Her palms became sweaty as she imagined all the things Payne would do to her ... all the things he’d help her forget. She imagined him bringing his hand, his belt, down on her ass, making her cry out and beg for more. A shiver worked through her at that thought, at that images, and the memories of what she’d experienced with him.

  “Spread your legs and bend over. I want to see what I’ll be fucking hardcore tonight.”

  She bent at the waist, spread her legs wide, and clenched her hands in the sheets, feeling higher than a fucking kite because of her arousal.

  This wasn’t just a game to her. And maybe one day Payne would see her as more than just a warm hole to stick his dick in, but until then she’d keep coming back for more. That’s what happened when someone was in love, right?

  Chapter Fifteen

  One week lat

  “You’re still here,” Vicky said. They were eating at the local diner, and Clara looked over at her friend who looked happy.

  “I’m still here, and I’m still working for Hank.” She liked working for the old man. He was so much fun, and she loved hearing his tales of love and loss. Some of it was sad, but he tended to make it funny, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “How are you?”

  “I’m great. I’m having lunch with my best friend, she’s still in Grit, and that makes me happy.”

  Taking a large bite of her hamburger, Clara stared at her friend. “How is Payne?”

  She was silent for a second, somber. “He’s good.” Vicky was looking down at the table, clearly lost in her thoughts.

  “Are you exclusive?” Clara asked.

  Vicky looked at Clara then. “Are you still screwing King?”

  Clara didn’t miss how Vicky changed the subject. “Yeah. Don’t even think of turning this on me.”

  “You could move into the clubhouse, you know.”

  “I don’t want to do that.” Clara shook her head after she spoke.

  “The men will keep their hands to themselves. I promise King will make it known no one is to touch you.”

  Clara sighed. It was her turn to change the subject, because she didn’t want to even go down the King path right now. “You just can’t face it, can you?”

  The smile on Vicky’s face dropped. “Please don’t, Clara. And now you’re the one changing the subject.”

  She hated seeing her friend hurting. Payne was using Vicky for his own personal pleasure, and he clearly didn’t see what it was doing to Vicky.

  But isn’t that what King’s doing to you? Isn’t that what you’re doing to him?

  She shook her head at her thoughts.

  “So, I was thinking a girls’ night out might be fun. What do you think?” Clara asked, not about to push Vicky on the subject.

  “Just us girls?”

  “Yep. No dick allowed. I asked Bridget as well. She’s coming along. I was thinking some drinks, some dancing, and no, it’s not at the clubhouse. No dicks, no nothing. Just us.”

  Vicky clapped her hands. “I like that. I miss hanging out and partying with you.”

  Seeing the smile back on her face, Clara was happy. “Me too.” Grabbing the ketchup, she squirted a large amount on her burger.

  “You know ketchup isn’t good for you?”

  “Neither is the burger but I’m living dangerously. What are you doing this afternoon?”

  “I’ve got to organize the club’s files. They’re a mess, and Payne asked me to do it,” Vicky said.

  Clara gritted her teeth and bit her tongue to stop herself from commenting on the bastard who was using her friend.

  “Sounds fun,” Clara said sarcastically.

  “Loads,” Vicky replied just as sarcastically. “But it’s easy, and I get to sit on my ass all day.”

  They finished up lunch without another hitch or a problem, and Clara left her friend to head back to the hardware store. She paused when she clocked sight of the motorcycles right out front. Clara recognized Payne’s. The urge to trash his bike was strong, but she held back. She just cared about her friend and hating she was obviously in love and hurting.

  “I’m the sensible one,” she said to herself before heading inside.

  Walking into the hardware store, she saw Bill was staring at three bikers wearing the Grit Chapter leather jackets.

  Her pussy grew slick and her pulse started to pound when she caught sight of King. He didn’t see her, and she was glad. She needed to keep her distance from that biker if she knew what was good for her. But the truth was he was like a drug she was addicted to. He was rough and tough, but he was also kind of charming in that biker, badass kind of way.

  Putting her bag into the staffroom, she made her way outside to where Bill was standing. She fired up the till, ready for customers. At the same time, she started to unbox several items that they displayed around the counter, trying to keep herself busy and her sight and thoughts off King.

  “Hey, Clara,” Bill said.

  “What’s up?”

  “Do you think I’d make it as a biker?”

  She glanced over her shoulder, looking at the man. “Seriously?”

  “They’re so hardcore. It’s what I want to be. I mean, look at those hotties over there. They’ve not been able to stop drooling since they walked in.”

  She rolled her eyes. “That’s why you want to be part of the club? To get women?”

  “It’s not the only thing.”

  “I think there’s a lot more than that to being in an MC.” Bill shrugged.

  “To be part of an MC you have to be loyal to them, Bill. It’s their cause, and you’ve got to be willing to risk your life for them. It’s not just about fucking your way around.” God, when the hell did I get so fluent in the whole biker world?

  There was a round of clapping behind her, and she looked over her shoulder to see King and Payne standing there staring at her. “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Payne said.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she felt her face heat at the praise. But she ignored them and finished doing her work. But she felt King’s gaze, and she couldn’t deny it made her pussy slick. The images of his wicked tongue between her thighs, showing her exactly how good it was to be naughty, nearly had her moaning out loud.

  “You enjoy your lunch?” King asked, standing in front of her.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Was Vicky with you?” Payne asked.

  “Yes, she was.” She didn’t like Payne. Avoiding their gazes, she stepped behind the counter and started cleaning away. King reached out, holding her arm.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  She forced herself to look him in the eye. “Nothing.”

  “Something is clearly bothering you.”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t have to do with you.”

  Clara looked at Payne. He was wearing his leather cut, showing the whole world that he was a leader. She couldn’t help but sneer at him. This man, he was hurting her friend, and he didn’t even care enough to see it.

  Vicky is a big girl, and this is her life and the way she wants to lead it.

  “What the fuck was that all about?” Payne asked.

  “Payne? What the fuck is going on between you two?” King asked, looking between them.

  “No, King. She wants to give out dirty fucking stares, then let her. I’m not going to accept them unless she has a good enough reason.”

  Folding her arms, Clara rounded the counter and made sure nothing was between them. She wasn’t afraid of this man, not when he was hurting Vicky’s emotions. “Yeah, I’ve got a problem with you. You’re a fucking asshole. What’s worse, my friend doesn’t see it. You’re using her and getting what you want, but you’re too much of a chicken shit to even see it yourself. You hide behind cowardly excuses, and that just makes me sick.” Clara was not about to rein it in. “Can’t you see what’s right in front of you?”

  “Don’t for one second think you can come—”

  Holding her hand up, she silenced him. She probably had a death wish, but she didn’t care. “I’ve known Vicky my whole life, and she’s in love with you, but she wants you so much she doesn’t care what kind of relationship you’re in. I know her, Payne. You’re killing her with how you’re using her.”

  “I’m not using her.” Payne looked pissed. Good, because she was too.

  “Then claim her as your old lady! You screw her and toss her aside. You don’t see the real pain you’re causing but it’s going to get her killed.”

  “I would never let anything happen to her.” Payne ran a hand over his hair, looking and sounding frustrated.

  “Oh yeah, what about if it was to be at her own hand?” Clara let him think about that. “Vicky is a good woman, but she can only take so much. She has a history of ... hurting herself. If you keep pushing her away, if you keep on hurting her
, and she doesn’t see a way out, she gets down. I know Vicky. She’s fragile when it comes to her love. Why do you think I try to see her often? You’re the first person I’ve seen her really truly fall for, and that scares me. You put her at risk making her some club whore, but you don’t even have the balls to claim her properly.”

  “She’s a grown ass woman and knows what she wants,” Payne growled out.

  She pointed at King. “All of your boys, King included would protect her with their lives if you showed them that she meant something, but you just won’t do it. Others may be afraid to stand up to you, but I’m not.” She looked at Bill. “I wouldn’t join the club—you’re better than that.” Shoving Payne hard, she walked away, not caring about the chaos she left behind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Clara was sweating, but it was the good kind of perspiration, the kind that told her she was having a good time. The music was loud, pumping, and the club was packed with so many people she could smell the sweat and arousal fill the room.

  Vicky and Bridget were dancing just a few feet from her, their smiles wide, and the obviousness of them having a good time made Clara feel good about making this night happen. She lifted her hand and gestured for something to drink, and Vicky nodded. Bridget did the same, and Clara pushed her way through the throng of bodies to go to the bar. The line was ridiculous, but she needed a little reprieve from the heat and suffocation of dancing in the club.

  When her turn to order finally came up, she leaned on the bar and ordered three girlie but strong drinks. As she waited for the alcohol to be passed her way, she turned and faced the bar. She could see Vicky and Bridget still dancing, and she found herself smiling.

  “Here you go.”

  She turned and faced the bartender. He wore a silver sequin top, his muscles pronounced, and the scent of his cologne washing through her.


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