Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6)

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Arielle Immortal Fury (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 6) Page 2

by Lilian Roberts

  “I’m extremely pleased to hear that,” he said with a soft chuckle. Reaching down, he took her hand and placed it on his arm. The tone of his voice and the look in his eyes stirred wild feelings inside of her. But just before she lost control, sanity slammed back into her brain.

  “Eva, would you consider staying the night?” At once, every head in the small group swiveled, and their eyes fastened on Marcus, startled by his question. His voice filled with a wealth of persuasiveness.

  Eva stared speechless. For a moment, she said nothing, her expression unreadable. She then glanced between Arielle and Gabrielle meaningfully.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” she said, her voice composed.

  “Why not?” Monsieur Gaulle interjected. “Three beautiful ladies should not travel alone at this hour,” he added.

  “Father is right,” Marcus said quickly. “There are highway men lurking at every turn.”

  “You shouldn’t be going to town at this hour,” Sebastian said, never taking his eyes off Arielle.

  “There is plenty of room in this house,” Mademoiselle Gaulle chimed in.

  Arielle’s earnest gaze drifted between Eva and Gabrielle. They smiled.

  A minute passed, and then with her most mild voice, Eva said, “That’s a very kind offer, but—” Before she could finish her sentence, Sebastian moved quickly and taking her hand in his, he pinned her with his eager gaze.

  “So are you staying?” he asked pleadingly.

  Eva blinked at the tone of his voice. There was desperation mixed with eagerness and something else that she knew had everything to do with Arielle.

  “Please, stay,” he said, his voice dropping to a low whisper. He pressed her hands softly, and at his urging, Eva smiled up at him, finding it hard to resist his fervent request.

  “All right, I guess we will,” she beamed. She was completely startled when she found herself picked up by Sebastian and twirled around like a small child. Sebastian grinned uncontrollably, as if Eva's words had revealed a hidden treasure.

  “Thank you, Eva,” he said.

  Laughter erupted around them as Sebastian set Eva’s feet to the floor. Marcus and Anton’s expressions conveyed elation. Gabrielle and Arielle were at a loss. Eva read their thoughts. How can we possibly stay in this century overnight? What about the guys back home?

  Eva walked toward Arielle and Gabrielle. As she neared and read the puzzlement in their eyes, she used one of her immortal abilities to send a dose of reassurance to their brains.

  “Great!” Marcus exclaimed, getting Eva's attention. “We can go horseback riding after breakfast,” he said and rubbed his hands together joyfully.

  “Marcus, we do have a few things to do before we leave for England,” Eva said, managing to keep her tone casual.

  “I’m sure there will be plenty of time to do those few things after we get back from riding,” Anton said.

  Sebastian had already claimed the spot next to Arielle and was basking in the pleasure. He had no idea why Arielle was creating such turmoil in his brain. Her nearness enveloped his body like the blazing heat of a fireplace in the middle of winter. The thought made him inch closer. Arielle looked up, and their gazes locked. It blended the sapphire blue of her eyes and the emerald green of his into a spellbinding cocktail. She smiled broadly, and her face lit up like the sun. Sebastian’s lungs froze as he stared in her eyes.

  “We are not favored with lovely company like yours very often,” said Mademoiselle Gaulle, her soft elegant voice resonated, bringing everyone back to the moment.

  “Thank you,” the girls replied simultaneously, bringing laughter to their small group.

  Sebastian’s mother retrieved her hand from her husband’s arm. Excusing herself, she walked toward the huge staircase leading to the upper floor. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she paused. She looked up and motioned to someone on the top of the landing. A young girl came running down to meet her. There was a short discussion between them, and soon the girl was climbing back up the stairs and disappearing just as quickly as she had appeared.

  Syele Gaulle returned to her husband’s side, a soft smile lingering on her beautiful lips. She placed her hand back on his sleeve, and he covered it with his reassuringly. He glanced down at her, and they smiled into each other’s eyes. Arielle grinned, causing Sebastian's heart to lift.

  “They are getting your chambers ready, and I have asked the chambermaid to lay out everything that you might need for the night. If there is something you want, they will be happy to get it for you,” she added, glancing between the girls.

  “Thank you,” they said appreciatively.

  “When you are ready to retire, they will show you to your chambers,” she said. She sent a meaningful glance to her sons. “We’re really happy you are staying.”

  Turning to face her husband, she said softly, “Are you ready, dear?”

  “We will see you at breakfast,” Monsieur Gaulle said just before they departed to join their friends on the other side of the room.

  Sebastian was exuberant. His brothers appeared to share his feelings regarding the outcome. They began fervently planning the next day’s activities.

  Chapter 2

  GABRIELLE AND ARIELLE moved closer to Eva, eager to discover her reasoning behind the decision to stay in the Gaulle home overnight.

  “Eva, can we really do this?” Arielle whispered anxiously.

  “Do what?” Eva asked, feigning ignorance.

  “What about our guys back home?”

  Eva smiled calmly. “A whole day here is but mere minutes in our century. We have plenty of time and ample portals to use for returning home.”

  “But…but…I don’t understand,” Gabby stammered.

  Eva leaned closer, her voice a low whisper. “We can stay tomorrow and leave late in the afternoon. We can enjoyed a day with the Gaulle family and learn a bit more about them, and their way of life in this century.”

  “That will be an amazing experience,” Arielle said.

  “It will be an experience of a lifetime,” Gabby agreed.

  “What are you all whispering about?” Three heads swung Sebastian’s way. Arielle felt him before she heard him. He was standing extremely close, looking down at her. Heat spread across her veins, creating a prickling sensation.

  “We were discussing our concerns about staying overnight,” Eva said.

  “And?” Marcus jumped into the conversation, moving closer to Eva.

  “And?” Eva mimicked his voice and grinned up at him.

  Marcus raised his brows refraining from bursting into laughter. “Did you come to any conclusions?” he asked, amusement in his voice.

  A quake of cognizance seemed to skim over Eva’s senses. It was clear that Marcus was smitten with her.

  “So?” he insisted.

  “Ahem, we decided that it would be absolutely wonderful to have a little more time with your family.”

  Marcus' expression gave him away. He was clearly pleased.

  Anton stood next to Gabrielle, his gaze locked on her. His beautiful lips relaxed in an exquisite smile just for her. “Come dance with me,” he said, his hand clasping hers before she had a chance to reply.

  Gabrielle laughed joyfully and let him lead her to the dance floor.

  Sebastian watched Arielle scanning the crowd, observing her sisters moving with grace around the ballroom floor. He could tell that she was aware of his nearness. He knew when a young woman was thinking about him. She sighed softly.

  He leaned closer. “Come take a walk with me,” he said, his voice lower than a whisper. His warm breath brushed against her skin. She shivered. He closed his fingers around her hand and steered her through the crowd toward the huge doors that were open to the terrace.

  Sebastian was distracted by the startling sensation she was creating in him. He could still taste the sweetness of her mouth and feel the softness of her lips. That first kiss had left him breathless, drowning in a sea of passion. He wanted
to keep her in his arms and kiss her witless forever.

  “Your parents are so nice and so in love,” Arielle said, snapping Sebastian out of his haze.

  Managing to rein in his wild thoughts, he smiled down at her. “Indeed they are.”

  They crossed the threshold in silence and stepped outside. There were a few couples lingering about, chitchatting quietly. Sebastian led her down to end of the terrace that ran along the length for the ballroom. Stopping for a short moment, he looked around and then steered her down the stairs and into the garden. The thick brush shielded them from the moonlight and curious eyes.

  “It’s a lovely night,” she said.

  “Indeed…” his voice trailed. He wanted to kiss her as he had the last time they were alone together outside. Heat flared and scorched every muscle in his body. Clasping her hand tighter, he held her back and came around to face her. The need to get lost in her arms became unbearable; her nearness set him on fire. He was overcome with a primitive desire, a feeling he had never known until this very moment.

  Arielle raised her face to his, and under the moonlight, their gazes locked. Silence fell and stretched for the longest moment.

  How strange! I have never felt so lost for words in front of woman. Trying to breathe normally had become a difficult undertaking for Sebastian. His world had come to an abrupt stop, and he was left with intense desire swirling in the pit of his stomach.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he breathed softly, their lips nearly touching. His whispered breath brushed her face gently, and she inhaled his musky scent.

  He bent down and covered her mouth with his. Her lips parted, and he surged eagerly into the softness of her mouth, tasting her sweetness and seizing the sensuousness of her soft lips.

  Arielle moaned in his mouth, and the sound resonated deep into his very core. He angled his head and deepened the kiss, leaving Arielle utterly witless. He lifted his head for a short moment, trying to catch his breath. She pulled back.

  “No…no…” he murmured, pulling her back into his arms. “Kiss me, Arielle,” he pleaded, and his eyes closed as she rose to her tippy toes and pressed her lips against his.

  He felt like he was losing his mind. This was utterly strange. He was the one that left women witless, wanting more, and eager for his desire, but not tonight. He was at Arielle’s mercy, lost in her passion, unable to pull away or control his needs.

  “Are you a witch?” he breathed in her mouth.

  Arielle giggled softly, and he pulled back startled.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “What a silly question,” she said giggling.

  “Well, you must be,” he said, his lips curving softly. “Look at me, I’m acting like a fool.”

  “It must take a fool to know a witch,” she said grinning.

  His head fell back, and he sucked a deep breath. “Where have you been all my life?”

  Arielle's mind appeared to drift away.

  “Arielle, are you with me?”

  His words appeared to snap Arielle out of her thoughts. “Yes,” she said softly.

  “So where have you been all my life?” he asked again, his voice amused.

  “I’ve been in England,” she replied evenly.

  He let out a long sigh and pulled her closer. “You’re driving me mad, I can’t understand what is happening to me.”

  Arielle kissed him. He became lost in bliss. They stayed there for a long time, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “I think we should go inside,” she finally said. “My sisters will be looking for me.”

  “They know you are with me.”

  “I know, but it’s getting late.”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I have to.”

  Sebastian watched her intently. Leaning in, he kissed her again. His kiss was hard, passionate. He felt unwilling to let her go.

  Pulling back from the kiss, Arielle looked up at him and grinned as she pushed softly against his chest. He released her.

  She turned and walked toward the stairs. She knew that he was close behind her. Soon, he was clasping her hand with his. They ascended the stairs in silence. Arielle became lost in thought.

  As they reached the doors to the ballroom, Arielle saw that most of the guests were departing. The band members were gathering their instruments.

  She spied Eva, Gabrielle, Anton, and Marcus standing in the middle of the dance floor talking animatedly. As they walked toward their companions, Arielle thought that the ballroom was enormous without all the bodies on the dance floor.

  “There you are!” Eva called out. They all turned to face Arielle and Sebastian approaching. The couple was still holding hands. Marcus’s brows furrowed, presumably at the sight of Arielle holding another's hand. Sebastian simply grinned.

  “I would like to go to bed if you don’t mind,” Gabrielle’s voice broke the silence. “I am simply exhausted.”

  Eva and Arielle nodded in agreement. Sebastian, still holding Arielle’s hand, led the way to the upper floor. They walked down the same long corridor they had taken earlier during the house tour. The first room was assigned to Gabrielle. Eva was in the room next to Gabrielle, and Arielle’s room was across from Eva. They all said goodnight, and the guys walked away chatting a mile a minute, laughing joyfully.

  “Eva, we’ll need some clothes for the morning,” Arielle said anxiously when the guys were out of sight.

  “Don’t worry, Arielle. I saw Mademoiselle Gaulle estimating our sizes just before she left us tonight. I could see that she’ll make sure that garments are laid out in the rooms for us to use,” Eva said.

  They already knew that the rooms would be amazing from their earlier visit. Arielle thought that the beds seemed comfortable and inviting. The ladies hugged each other, and Arielle thanked Eva one more time for a gift she would never forget.

  “I love you both for this amazing gift. I’m at a loss for words,” Arielle added as she walked through the door of her room.

  Basins of hot water were brought into the rooms. The servants had laid out fancy nightwear for them. Arielle chuckled as she slipped into an elegant nighty. Getting dressed to go to sleep was not something she was used to, especially when sharing her bed with a man like Sebastian. He disliked any type of clothing in bed. She sighed deeply as she thought of the heated encounters with the man she adored, the man that was waiting for her back home. She shook her head as a wave of passion burst through her muscles.

  She thought about the amazing time she'd had that night. Sebastian as a mortal was just as amazing and passionate as he was as an immortal. Being in his arms was mind-blowing. She basked in the memory of the feel of his touch. She winced at the thought that she had nearly lost control while gazing into his amazing eyes.

  She remembered seeing Gaston dancing after his altercation with Sebastian. He was stunningly beautiful, and it was obvious that many women wanted to be with him. She had caught him staring her down several times while in the arms of other women. She also remembered getting a glimpse of him in the early morning hours. He had come back just as Sebastian said he would, and he had stayed quite late.

  Climbing into bed, she lay down and hugged her pillow tightly, her thoughts drifting to Sebastian once again. She would have to be careful when they were together that she didn’t appear like a wild female. Being a wanton was unacceptable in the sixteenth century. Arielle snorted at the thought. Who was she kidding? He was turning her world upside down each every time they touched. The immortal scent was the only difference between mortal and immortal Sebastian. Was she going to be able to remain strong for one more day? The fear that making a small mistake or saying the wrong thing might expose her made her recoil. She pursed her lips together and closed her eyes. Exhaustion made her fall asleep in the middle of her thoughts, though it was the first time in years she’d slept without her beloved by her side.

  She slept soundly until a knock at the door startled her. Sitting straig
ht up, she nearly fell out of bed.

  “Who is it?” she called out as she tried to open her eyes.

  “It’s me, Gabrielle.”

  “Come in,” she said in a low voice as she plopped back on the bed and stretched leisurely. She didn’t want to get up.

  “Good morning, sleepy head; ready to ride?” Gabrielle asked. Arielle looked at her, but her vision was blurry. She raised both hands and rubbed her eyes trying to clear her view. She was shocked to see Gabrielle standing in middle of the room looking amazing in an exquisite riding outfit.

  “Wow! Where did you get that?” Arielle asked, pointing at her clothes.

  “It was sent by Mademoiselle Gaulle. I’m sure there is one in here for you,” Gabrielle said. She looked around and then pointed at the other side of the room. “There it is!”

  “It wasn’t there last night,” Arielle said sluggishly. “The maid must have put it there while I was sleeping.” She got out of bed slowly and stretched her arms. She yawned lazily. Walking over to where the outfit was laid out, she picked it up and pressed it against her body as she moved in front of the only mirror in the room. She humphed out loud and turning around she faced Gabrielle.

  “How did she get the size so perfect?” Arielle was impressed by the way Gabrielle’s outfit outlined her beautiful curves.

  “I can only speculate, but my guess would be that the three of us are the same size as Mademoiselle Gaulle. She also seems to have an eye for perfection,” Gabrielle added chuckling. “Can you believe that all the time we have spent here is but a fraction of time in our century?”

  “I know! Every time I think about our amazing adventure, I have to pinch myself, because it seems absolutely unreal,” Arielle said.

  “Arielle, you’ll not believe how beautiful Eva looks. She definitely has the sixteenth century look.” Gabby chuckled again softly. Arielle joined in. She was sure Eva would be strikingly beautiful. She dressed slowly while Gabby sat on the bed watching her. When she finished, she took a look in the mirror and smiled, pleased with the dashing girl who looked back at her.


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