Pleasures of Christmas Past (A Christmas Carol Book 1)

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Pleasures of Christmas Past (A Christmas Carol Book 1) Page 4

by Lexi Post

  She glared at him. “I’m not a newbie. I know what to do.”

  Duncan’s smile was so condescending, she stood before he could say anything else. “Fine. Then let’s get started.”

  “Hold on, lass. You can’t go in those short pants and revealing top.”

  Jessica flushed. He must think her a complete idiot since she had forgotten what she wore. She knew this wouldn’t go well with him as her mentor. “I didn’t mean this second. I planned to change. Just wait here.” She stalked off, ignoring his knowing smile.

  Once in her bedroom, she whipped off her tank and shorts and threw them on the bed. She opened the closet door, barely keeping it from banging against the wall. The man was an ass. No, he was an arrogant ass. He thought all he had to do was smile and she’d jump into bed with him. She wasn’t that stupid.

  She scanned her clothes, looking for something to wear. She’d planned on a skirt suit to look professional, but having seen the heartache in Holly’s eyes, she preferred to appear friendly. Her gaze landed on a button-down sky-blue blouse. Perfect. She could wear that with the matching long crinkle skirt. A wide white spandex belt at her waist would complete the look. It was sort of angelic and yet not.

  Despite her anger at Duncan, she found herself more relaxed and excited at the prospect of helping Holly. Throwing the clothing on the bed, she closed the closet door only to find Duncan floating behind it. “Ack!”

  Crossing her hand over her chest, she tried to slow her heart at his scare. “What part of ‘wait here’ didn’t you understand?”

  His grin froze on his face as he took in her white push-up bra and boy shorts panties.

  At the man’s speechless stare, a sudden confidence filled her. It was good to know she could affect him as much as he affected her. She raised her arms to the sides. “Now you’ve seen what you can’t have.” She stepped forward and waved her hands through him. “Get out of here so I can get dressed.”

  He shivered as her hands broke into his phased state.

  Did he feel the tingles too? Was that normal for everyone or just them? She didn’t plan to ask.

  Duncan didn’t respond except to float back through the wall. Served him right, sneaking into her room while she was changing.

  She donned her clothing and strode into the living room where she found her mentor back on the couch, studying one of her seashells. She didn’t want to admit it, but the connection between them had her feeling a bit unsettled. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Duncan’s quick smile was back in place. “You do know in your phased form you can just think what you’d like to wear and it will be on you.”


  He quirked his brow, once more looking like he was instructing a child. “Aye, I taught you that in my training. Do you also remember we cannot, for any reason, become solid among the living?”

  She nodded, though she’d missed that part too. Damn, what else did she miss that was critically important from his training? “I just don’t remember why.”

  Duncan’s eyes widened. “If we turn solid among the living, we will immediately cease to exist.”

  Oh crap, she really wished she’d paid more attention in his class. If she’d only known what a jerk he could be, she would have.

  His smile returned. “You look lovely, lass. I think Holly will be very happy to have you as her Spirit of Christmas Past.”

  She looked for any sign of teasing, but found none. Now why did he have to go and be nice, just when she’d placed him in the “jerk” category?

  “Ready?” He looked at her expectantly.

  Immediately, she phased. “Ready.”

  He gave her an approving smile then phased himself and they both floated down to the living room of Holly Douglas.

  Duncan watched, fascinated, as Jessica’s face softened when she gazed at Holly asleep in her husband’s chair. The flickering Christmas lights reflected off Jessica’s light, silky hair, making it look almost alive and very inviting. Now if she would just leave it loose.

  She looked at him. “Do we wake her?” She whispered her question so softly he almost didn’t hear it, but since his gaze had dropped to her lips, he may have actually figured it out by her lip movement.

  He leaned in to whisper in her ear, her cranberry scent still heady even though it was lighter in her phased state. He loved that smell. It reminded him of Christmas with his parents and brother. Cranberries were a rare treat, just like Jessica. “No’ until the clock strikes eleven.”

  A shiver ran through her, but she didn’t look at him, just nodded.

  When he’d entered her room to tell her about dressing while phasing, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed. Her body was everything he liked in a woman. Breasts that would fit a man’s hands well, hips big enough to hold on to while thrusting, and thighs that would make a comfortable pillow before tasting what they hid. All that womanly pleasure hidden beneath her clothing had caused him to harden, even in a phased state. Luckily, he’d exited before she noticed.

  He didn’t understand her. Then again, he hadn’t mentored a woman in a long while. He hadn’t even noticed that oddity until Cameron had assigned her to him. He’d swear he’d had at least a hundred mentees since his last woman. There was definitely a message in that. Maybe Cameron had waited for a female mentee who wouldn’t fall to his charms. Jessica certainly hadn’t if Now you’ve seen what you can’t have, was any indication. That definitely rankled. He would need to find another approach to working with her, one he wasn’t as confident in.

  Jessica grabbed his wrist and pointed with her other hand. The woman’s cat had woken. It stared at them as if it had been expecting them. Then it yawned and laid its head down on its paw and went back to sleep.

  She let go of his arm and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her excitement was almost palpable and it had him looking at their mission in a different light. Had he ever been that eager to be a Spirit Guide? They were only the first spirits to visit Mrs. Douglas. Holly. On one hand, that meant they didn’t have the biggest responsibility, but on the other hand, they could set the tone for her transformation, making the odds for success much higher. His gut told him that’s exactly what Jessica would want.

  The clock started to bong and he grasped Jessica’s hand to hold her back. She gave him a frustrated look, but he held up his other hand. Since they were both phased, they could feel each other and her pulse was racing. He wanted it to race beneath him, but getting her into his bed would take some time.

  As the last bong sounded, Holly woke and looked around in confusion.

  He let go of Jessica’s hand and nodded. Usually, he approached the living when with a new Spirit Guide, but she was so anxious to help, he didn’t want to risk an argument in front of Holly.

  Jessica floated to a stop next to the cat. “Hi, Holly. I’m Jessica. Cameron sent me. I’m the Spirit of Christmas Past.”

  Holly blinked and rubbed her eyes. “He said you’d come.”

  Knock him off his feet and drop him in the bog, he’d never seen an introduction go that easily. Usually the living would scream, cry, even run at the sight of a Spirit Guide. One of these two women was extraordinary. Either that or it was easier for Holly because Cameron was her husband and someone she already trusted. That kind of trust was rare.

  Jessica knelt down next to Holly’s chair. “Merry Christmas Eve.”

  Holly pulled the lounging chair to an upright position and stared at Jessica. “You look familiar. Did we ever meet?”

  “I don’t know. You don’t look familiar to me. Maybe Cameron chose me because he knew you would feel comfortable with me.”

  Holly nodded, but continued to stare.

  “We’re going to show you some of the happy times of your life. I think it will be fun.” Jessica smiled so kindly that Duncan suddenly wanted her to smile at him like that, too.

  He shook his head. The chances of that were about as high as a woman winning a golf game…during his lifetime.
So much had changed with the living, it was hard to keep up.

  Holly interrupted his thoughts. “We? Oh yes, Cam said something about you bringing a man with you.”

  Jessica pointed to him. “He’s a friend of mine. This is Duncan Montgomerie.”

  His heart warmed at Jessica’s reference to him as a friend and he floated a little closer. “Hello, lass. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I knew your husband had good taste, but he outdid himself when he found you.”

  Holly looked from him to Jessica. “Player?”

  Jessica nodded and the women shared a smile.

  He wasn’t sure what he missed. He did play golf, but Jessica didn’t know that. While he had a whole file on her, she didn’t know anything about him. Probably some women’s intuition thing or of that ilk.

  Holly looked back at him. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Then she stood, folding the wool blanket she had covered herself with and placing it across the back of the recliner. “Do I need to get my coat?”

  Jessica stood as well. “No. The temperatures won’t affect us and those sweatpants look very comfortable.”

  “Oh, they are. So is this sweater. I got it at—oh, I’m sorry. I’m not used to talking to ghosts. Honestly, Cam was the first one I ever met.” She looked away.

  Duncan noticed the shift in Holly’s countenance as soon as she mentioned Cameron. Her sadness was deep. It would be a lot of work to ease it.

  Jessica noticed it too and floated into Holly’s line of sight. “It’s no problem. Actually, I’m not a ghost. A ghost is an entity with unfinished business among the living which keeps it here. I’m a spirit and I exist on another plane.”

  Holly’s curiosity was evident.

  Jessica was good. She’d distracted Holly with a little information, not that she should have shared it, but this was a special case since Holly was Cameron’s wife.

  “So does that mean Cam is a spirit too?”

  “Yes.” Jessica placed her hand on Holly’s arm. “But tonight is about you, not us. That’s what we want to focus on, okay?”

  Holly nodded but didn’t look Jessica in the eyes.

  Hmm, that was interesting.

  Jessica turned toward him. “Are you ready?” She looked back at Holly. “Duncan has the itinerary.”

  “Aye, and we’re going to a stop in your childhood first.” He kept his smile compassionate.

  Jessica nodded. “That sounds like fun. Now, you’ll feel a little coolness as I phase you so you can’t be seen.”

  “Oh. That is strange.” Holly looked at her hands. “I can see the rug right through my hands.” She turned them over and back. “This is how Cameron was when he visited me. I really wanted to hold him.” Her eyes began to water.

  “I know.” Jessica took Holly’s hand. “That’s one of those lines that can’t be crossed. But we don’t need to think about that. What we should be setting our sights on is exploring the happiness you have had.”

  Holly sniffed and nodded.

  “Aw, Holly.” Jessica enfolded the woman in a hug and Holly wrapped her arms around Jessica tight. “I know it hurts.”

  Blow him over with an 18 pounder cannon. He hadn’t expected that. He’d never had a living person connect so with his other trainees. Cameron must know his wife well and chose a female Spirit Guide who she could relate to. After all, they were both from America. This could make their assignment that much easier.

  The differences between the two ladies was striking as they hugged. Jessica was tall, blonde and curvy. While Holly had a similar shape, she was much shorter and dark haired. In his past, he’d always been interested in darker-haired women, but Jessica was not only pretty, in her controlled fashion, she had a personality that intrigued him. This assignment would definitely be an enjoyable one.

  When the two women split apart, Jessica continued to hold Holly’s hand. “Are you ready now for some fun?”

  Holly nodded and wiped her eyes with the back of her other hand. A small smile formed on her lips and it was clear, she already trusted Jessica to make her feel better. A niggling doubt about this sudden connection wormed its way into Duncan’s mind.

  “Duncan?” Jessica looked at him expectantly.

  He took Holly’s other hand. “Ladies.” Without another word, he floated them out through the roof.

  Chapter Three

  “Oh wow, this is amazing. It’s like hang gliding but slower.” Holly’s eyes were wide with excitement.

  Below them the small town of Deervale was asleep and the mechanical Christmas lights on houses tinged the streets pink. He guided them over Scotland toward the ocean. “Did you wish to go faster, lass?”

  “No.” Jessica frowned at him. “This is fine.”

  He grinned even as he shook his head. “Spoilsport.”

  Holly’s chuckle had him thinking. Maybe banter between himself and Jessica could help.

  Just as they reached the coast, the scenery went black as he sped them back through time.

  Holly clasped his hand tighter.

  He gave her a reassuring squeeze. “No need to fret. We’re almost there.”

  He’d no sooner spoke the words than the tall evergreens of New Hampshire came into view, but the dark night was broken by flashing red lights illuminating great billows of smoke and the snow-packed ground.

  Slowly, they descended.

  Holly gasped. “Oh. This was the Christmas fire from when I was ten. We lost everything.”

  Jessica scowled at him over Holly’s head. He was confused as well, but Cameron had insisted on this time on this particular Christmas Eve, so he cocked his head toward the fire, silently entreating her to watch.

  “There I am.” Holly pulled from their grasp and floated to where a woman holding a young girl’s hand stood talking to a fireman.

  He and Jessica followed.

  “No.” Jessica’s word stopped him and he turned to find her floating in one place, staring at the little girl. “It can’t be.”

  Even in the flickering light of fire trucks and flames, even though she was phased, he could see her face had paled considerably. He floated back to her, concerned. “What is it?”

  “I know this place.”

  He nodded. “Aye, that would make sense since you also lived in this state for a time.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I mean I know this fire. I was here.”

  She was absolutely sure so he didn’t argue, but he’d never been with a mentee who had been sent back to an event in their own life before. Then again, maybe that was why Cameron chose Jessica for Holly. Everything about this assignment was different than the norm. It would be best not to make her aware of that. It was her first case and she needed to feel comfortable. “If you and Holly connected in the past then that will help her trust you. This is good.”

  She moved her gaze from the little girl and looked at him, her eyes watering. “I don’t understand how this can be a happy occurrence for her. I was able to help them for the night, but then they were on their own. I always regretted not having the time to follow up. She must hate me.”

  He had the urge to comfort her, which was completely foreign to him. He usually stayed very far away from tears. “I can’t believe anyone would hate you. I doubt Cameron would have sent you for Holly if she hated you.”

  She sniffed and pushed her glasses up before nodding. “You’re right. Let’s see what’s happening.”

  They floated over just as a young Jessica stepped into the lights. Duncan’s heart skipped a beat. Not only was her full beauty just beginning to show, but her compassion was breathtaking. Uncomfortable with his feelings, he grinned. “Wow, you were beautiful back then.”

  “And I’m not now? Thanks.” She gave him an exasperated look and returned her focus to the scene unfolding before them.

  Holly chuckled again and he bumped his elbow into Jessica. Instead of appreciating his joke, she ignored him. Bollocks. The woman needed to “chill,” as he’d heard recent American re
cruits say.

  “I knew I recognized you.” Holly, who floated in front of them, turned to address Jessica.

  She stiffened beside him as if she expected someone to attack her.

  “You’re the one who introduced us to Grandma and Grandpa Tinder.”

  Jessica’s eyes widened. “You mean the Foster Grandparents I asked to house you for the night?”

  Holly’s face lit with a wide smile. “Yes. I can’t wait to see them again as they were. I was so skeptical back then. Everything had gone wrong since Mom and I moved into that low-income apartment building, thanks to the help of some social worker. That soured me on anyone who wanted to give us a hand. I figured the Tinders were in it for money or to feel better than others. I was so wrong.”

  As Holly turned her attention back to the scene unfolding before them, Duncan whispered in Jessica’s ear, “I told you.”

  She swatted him away and he chuckled. He had another goal for this assignment now. To get Jessica to relax more and enjoy her afterlife. Why did he care about that?

  He lost his smile as he tried to figure it out and when he did, he grinned at her, though she wasn’t looking at him. If Jessica learned to “loosen up” then the chances of them enjoying a bed were much, much higher. He didn’t care which bed. Sometimes he was quite impressed with his own instincts.

  “Jessica, look.” Holly pointed to two older people exiting a tan sedan. Grandpa helped his wife across the trampled snow. He was a tall man in brown corduroys and a plaid wool jacket. His short hair was liberally sprinkled with white. His wife was pudgy with frosted hair and a warm smile. Her big parka fell to her thighs and she wore jeans. What was it with Americans and jeans? Duncan pulled at his neckline, feeling suffocated again.

  Holly glanced back for a second. “Grandpa Tinder always said Grandma was his most precious possession.”

  “I can see that.” Jessica’s voice was kind, but the minute Holly turned back, Jessica’s smile disappeared.

  What was she afraid of?

  “Hey, wait a minute.” Holly spun around to face them. “You don’t look much older than me now, but you had to be at least ten years older than me back then.”


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