Elements of Time and Sex: Exhibitionists

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Elements of Time and Sex: Exhibitionists Page 5

by Aurora Jamison

  When he saw both Jana and Case come back into the building, he knew it was time to return to his own time. He almost wished he could take this redhead with him and show her what men fifty years earlier could do for her. Erik jerked in surprise when the doorway irised open. Alpha motioned for him to join her.

  The sight of the sexbot—the prototype Lorra—got him off. He began moving quicker until the redhead cried out and sagged forward onto the desk. Erik finished in a few seconds and stepped back to pull up his pants.

  “You passed the audition,” he told the woman. She rubbed herself against the desk, eyes closed and a look of contentment on her face.

  “You’d want me? I never knew it was like this. Do it again. Now!”

  “No,” he said, giving her another quick spank on the rump. “You haven’t earned it.”


  “You have to earn my cock.”

  “I never heard of such a thing!”

  “Then it’s time you did. I’ll be in touch.” He finished fastening his pants and walked briskly from the room. At the doorway, he turned and looked back to see if the woman was going to sound an alarm. She sat in her chair, staring at him with an expression that managed to mix lust, confusion and utter need together.

  Erik blew her a kiss. The redhead smiled and waved weakly. She vanished as the door closed.

  He turned to Alpha and said, “I wish that had been you.”

  Alpha opened her mouth to say something, then clamped her lips shut and walked off. The way she swung her robotic hips was such a good imitation of a real woman that Erik had to force himself not to do what he had said he wanted to do with her.

  Raleigh was nothing less than a genius and so much of Lorra was already in the Alpha model that Erik wanted to give the inventor a gold medal for his achievement. Then he was running to catch up with her. It was time to find what Jana and Case had discovered—and then go home.

  Chapter Five

  “From the expression on your face, things must have gone well,” Jana said, studying Erik carefully.

  “You might say things came well.”

  Case snorted and shook his head. He looked up and down the hallway, then pointed to a doorway. “We’d better get out of sight.”

  “You’re forgetting that they watch everything all the time everywhere. There aren’t places without cameras,” Jana said.

  “These rooms are studios,” Raleigh said. “Only performers are allowed in them.” He wiped his palms on his jumpsuit legs as he shifted from foot to foot. “They’re going to fire me. I don’t know what I’d do if Ms Abbot did that.”

  “Stand up to her,” Case said harshly. “She might like it.”

  “Oh, no, she wouldn’t,” Raleigh said, shaking his head. Then he grinned almost shyly. “Besides, I have Alpha.”

  Jana would have laughed at this but for the look on Alpha’s face. There was more than simple machine response. Raleigh had created an artificial intelligence program that had given Alpha human thoughts and feelings—almost. From the way Lorra had responded fifty years in the future, Raleigh’s efforts would pay off in creating an artificial being that was far more than a hunk of machinery. Lorra might not have been organic, but she was as human as any of them. For Jana’s money, she was more human than Ms Abbot.

  “We have to get back to the room where we started,” Case said. “Do you know which one we were in?”

  Raleigh looked at Alpha, who nodded.

  “She knows. She can take you there, but you have to stay out if they are using it for transmission.”

  “We could join in,” Jana suggested. Case looked as if he had bitten into a lemon, and Erik had eyes only for Alpha. She shrugged it off. Time travel could be confusing for a lot of reasons.

  “Go on, Raleigh, do whatever you have to do. Thanks. You’ve helped us out a lot.” Case thrust out his hand. Raleigh hesitantly shook it, then straightened and pulled his shoulders back. It was as if a new man had been born from a simple handshake.

  “I owe you for telling me I’m not some kind of freak, I mean, inventing Alpha and all.”

  “We understand why you did,” Jana said. “Thanks. Now run along or you’ll get in trouble.”

  Raleigh touched Alpha’s arm, just a light touch, almost a brushing caress that spoke far more than words about his feelings for her, and rushed off.

  “The studio is this way,” Alpha said.

  Jana sidled up to Case and whispered, “What would Raleigh do if his boss fired him? There’s nowhere for him to go.”

  Erik joined their tight circle and asked, “What did you find outside?”

  “We’re in a park, or it looks like one. There might have been buildings a few miles off, but heavy forest kept us from seeing. There wasn’t any trace of even one plane in the sky.”

  “Contrails don’t always form,” Erik pointed out.

  “Raleigh said they were banned. About everything is done using underground trains in evacuated, superconducting tunnels. He wasn’t sure since he never did it, but somebody getting on a train here can reach London in about three hours.”

  “Are we still in the US?”

  “There’s no reason to think we aren’t. Everyone speaks English we can understand easily. The clothing styles are odd, but something I can see Americans wearing in the future.”

  “But not Europeans,” Erik finished for her. “So what have you two learned about the future on this jaunt?”

  “Not a hell of a lot,” admitted Case, “but things aren’t completely destroyed like they are fifty years from now. I wish we could warn them about the asteroid hitting Chicago—New Chicago.”

  “The current trend is to build underground,” Jana said. “That must save a lot of people in the future from the asteroid impact, but that city was built on the surface. Things change all the time.”

  “I could have told you that. We should have spent more time here. If you got out into the park, we could have walked to a city and really explored.”

  “Raleigh was afraid of wild animals outside,” Jana said. “He’s scared of his own shadow, but I think he had some good reasons for being so timid.”

  “I found what might have been a paw print from a big cat. Maybe a tiger or lion,” Case said.

  “I could have identified it. I’ve spent some time in Africa hunting big game.” Erik looked more pissed off by the minute, and Jana knew the reason. He was the team’s explorer and he had been used as a diversion. From what she guessed had happened, it had been a pleasant enough mission he had successfully completed, but only adventure drove him. She and Case were scientists and put every tidbit of knowledge, no matter how odd or insignificant it seemed, into a larger picture.

  “You’re right, Erik. You should have been the one to prowl around outside. Case and I are still learning about exploring in time. We stick around the lab too much and that’s why we need you.” Jana moved closer to him and pressed her arm and hip against his.

  She saw his icy facade crumbling. She put her hand on his arm and squeezed gently.

  “We need you. Next time we’ll plan better. This was a spur of the moment trip, after all.”

  “We can come back here, can’t we? Or near the time of the asteroid impact?”

  “I don’t see why not,” said Case. “That will take a lot more work on Jana’s and my part so we can calibrate the Temporalizer and pinpoint our destination.”

  “This is the studio,” Alpha said, stopping in front of a doorway that looked like any of a dozen others they had passed. Jana wondered if there were markings that were invisible to them, but which Alpha saw easily. The doors into offices where humans worked and monitored the entire complex were all marked, but not the broadcast studios.

  “How long do we have before the Temporalizer opens the way home?” asked Erik. He stared at Alpha with some longing.

  “Any time now,” Case said. “I tried to calculate the time shift from the second dimensional offset, but—”

  “Never m
ind,” Erik said. “You’re not sure of the exact instant. Right?”

  “That’s right, Erik,” Jana said. “This is something else where we’re working out the bugs.”

  “Bugs,” he said. “Or features? I’d prefer to think that I’m trusting my life to something planned and not a glitch in your calculations.”

  “Maybe both,” she said. “Let’s go inside and wait. I don’t like standing in the corridor.” She saw the small, dark, staring eyes of cameras watching them from all angles. It would be the same inside the room, but she felt trapped here. It was irrational to go into a room with only one exit, but the time portal would open soon enough. She wanted to be as close to it as possible when the time came.

  Alpha pressed the opener and the door silently spiraled open. The threesome in the room looked up, startled. Jana turned her head to one side, trying to imagine how anyone could get into such a convoluted position of arms and cocks and pussies without hurting themselves. It came to her at that instant earning two million dollars a week could be dangerous work. If any of the three in the room twitched or moved out of synch with the methodical fucking going on, they could get hurt.

  “Finish quickly,” came Ms Abbot’s cold order over the speaker. “Make way for the new team.”

  The three in the room grunted and moved and finally finished off. They got to their feet and left. They weren’t happy and did not look sated from their amorous activity. Jana saw the strain on their faces and the way they shuffled off made her think of old movies she had seen about slaves going to the fields to pick cotton.

  “Two million’s not enough,” she whispered to Case.

  “Won’t have to worry about being rich and famous, not where we’re going. We’ll be lucky to get the dean to finance the Temporal Operations Project for another six months.”

  “We could always spend another month or two here, grab the cash and use that to fund the project,” Erik said.

  “There’s no way to transfer money from the future to the past,” Case said.

  “Oh, right. We can’t even keep our clothes on.”

  “Get your clothes off. Transmission in one minute. Make it hot,” Ms Abbot ordered.

  “Go to hell, bitch,” grumbled Erik.

  “Make it hot,” Jana said. “Why not? We’re not going to take these clothes with us, after all. How long do we have, Case?”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, then said, “Within the hour. Probably quicker than that.”

  “Why not?” Jana began stripping slowly, pushing one shoulder out of her jumpsuit, then the other, letting the soft fabric peel away from her skin in a way that turned her on. When the top dangled around her waist, leaving her breasts naked and gently bouncing, she saw she was having the right effect on the men. Case rubbed his crotch where his erection already grew. Erik stepped out of his pajama-like clothing and kicked it aside. He sported a boner big enough to make her mouth—and her pussy— water.

  Jana did something about it.

  She dropped to her knees in front of Erik and took him gently into her mouth. She loved the feel of his body close, the heat radiating against her face, the taste and the way she gave him pleasure with every light kiss and brush of her lips. He sighed deeply as she took the tip of his cock into her mouth. Adding Erik to their team had seemed a problem when Case had suggested it, but Jana wouldn’t give him up for anything now.

  Maybe not even Case, though she was certainly in love with him. The two men were so different it was impossible for her to choose one over the other. And why bother when she could have both?

  She reached out as Case came closer and grabbed his cock and pulled him to her so she could stuff him into her mouth. Two men’s cocks rubbing against her lips and rubbing against each other. They were both stroking over her shoulders and through her hair and even fondling one another. That made her pussy get damp and ready for cock.

  But whose? She wanted them both.

  Jana pulled back and looked up at them.

  “Stay with me,” she said, hanging onto Erik’s hips and pulling him forward as she lay back on the carpeted floor. He knelt so he could keep his hardness in her mouth while she lifted her hips off the floor and positioned her hips so Case could enter her.

  It took some repositioning, but they managed. She groaned with sheer pleasure as Case slowly entered her. The intake of breath caused her to suck harder on Erik and made him cry out.

  She wasn’t able to see what the men did to each other, but it was more than helping each other balance from the way they moved. Erik rose and fell, face fucking her while Case worked faster to slip deeper into her pussy with every thrust of his hips.

  One of the men began playing with her nipples. The was all it took to push her over the edge. She immediately tasted the rush of Erik’s cum into her mouth and let him slide from her face. She looked down and saw Case rocked back on his heels. He held her hips high as he moved back and forth fucking her at an exciting, different angle.

  And then she got off again. Jana was aware of distant voices and Case crying out and Erik and it all jumbled together.

  “So nice,” she sighed, aware that Case was no longer within her. She wanted this to go on forever. Then Case roughly shook her.

  “The portal’s opening. Come on!”

  He stood and faced the shimmery blue curtain of temporal energy showing where they could return to their own time. The safe, secure lab would be so dull after this time jaunt, but Jana was ready to go. She came to her knees. Case reached back for her, then stopped.

  “Erik!” Case called to him and moved from the portal.

  Jana took it all in with a swift glance over her shoulder. Erik held Alpha’s arm and pulled her into the room.

  “Come with us. Please, come. I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “I am not lost,” the robot said, not understanding that Erik was fixated on a more advanced model who not would exist for fifty years.

  “Come with us. Come on!”

  “Erik, leave her. We don’t have much time.”

  “No, no, I won’t lose her. She’s not Lorra. I know that, but I want her! I love her!”

  Jana fell to the side as Erik fought with Alpha to get through the time portal. Case joined in the ruckus, trying to push Erik through while leaving Alpha behind.

  “Erik, do as he says. You can’t take her with us.” Jana got to her feet just as a wave of heat billowed from the time portal and scorched her bare flesh. Erik and Alpha had gone through, leaving Case and her behind.

  “What do we do?” she asked Case.

  “We go through. Come on!” With that Case dived through the shimmery curtain of energy and disappeared.

  Jana cried out for him to stop. Three of them had come through. Their calculations showed that only three could return. That had been decided on their first jump into the future, or would have if Lorra hadn’t run off with her future lover, leaving Erik distraught. She was a fool not to have seen how attached Erik had gotten with the sexbot.

  The curtain of crackling energy began to fade.

  “You’re not done. Where are the others? You have another forty-five minutes to go in the performance,” Ms Abbot called. “We don’t do solo masturbation on this broadcast. Where’d they go?”

  Jana knew what awaited her if she missed going through the time portal. She dug her bare toes into the soft carpet and dived forward as the blue turned to a pale lavender. She cried out as the Temporalizer grabbed her and thrust her back in time.

  She landed hard on the floor, stunned. She shook her head to clear it. Her body harbored so many conflicting aches, pains and lingering delights from Case’s fucking that she could hardly sort it all out, but she was home. She had gotten through the time portal before it closed on her.

  Jana sat up and looked around. Her heart skipped a beat. This wasn’t her laboratory, not unless Case had redecorated it with deep wine-red velvet curtains, a huge bed with mirrors above—and handcuffs and shackles dangling from the b

  “Case? Erik? Where are you?” No answer. She stood and looked around the elegantly appointed bedroom hung with whips, restraints and mirrors everywhere.

  “Where are you? Where am I?”

  Jana Cross had no answer for either question.

  About The Author

  Born in the middle of winter in Michigan more (how many more I’m not saying) than 30 years ago, I was lacking a name until my father saw the aurora borealis and decided this was a sign, the right name. (I’m so glad my mother insisted on “Aurora” and not “Borealis!”) In spite of my name, I have never seen the aurora (but my younger sister in Alaska has and says its constantly changing, shifting nature is like mine). As a child I moved through the Midwest, living in four different states before I was in the third grade. Finally ending up in West Texas, I married, was widowed, and my only child is in his senior year in high school. I love to read fantasy, and writing is giving me an outlet to live it, as well.

  Aurora can be reached at this email:

  [email protected]

  Aurora’s website is located at:





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