The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright

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The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright Page 72

by Crouch, Tom D.

  Margherita, Dowager Queen of Italy, 382, 388

  Marshall, Fred, 505–6, 510

  Martin, Glenn L., 461, 466

  Glenn L. Martin Company, 466

  Masterson, Bat, 72

  Matin, Le (Paris), 334, 368–69

  Matthews & Light, 102

  Mauser Gun Works, 330

  Maxim, Hiram, 205, 215, 242

  Means, James Howard, 115, 162, 169, 233, 347

  Melville, George, 137

  Men With Wings, 495

  Mexican War, 19, 99

  Miami River, 46, 47, 52, 452, 458

  Miami Wood Specialty Company, 515

  Michelin, André, 384

  micrometers, 273

  Midget, 94

  Midgett, Franklin, 354

  Midgett, Spencer “Little,” 354

  Miller, Harold S. “Scribze,” 480–81, 482, 503, 515, 525, 526

  Miller, Ivonette Wright (niece), 126, 271, 481–82, 526

  Katharine recalled by, 122, 127

  Orville recalled by, 13–14, 112, 125–27, 128, 476, 477, 481, 503, 513, 515

  Wilbur recalled by, 117, 125–27, 128

  Miller, Luther, 528

  Millikan, Robert, 474, 502

  Milling, Thomas DeWitt, 436, 464

  Mitchell, John, 443–44

  Mitchell, William, 502

  Moccasin (A-4), 267

  Moedebeck, Hermann W. L., 219–20, 232

  Moisant, John, 431, 432, 434

  Moltke, Helmut von, 339

  Mona Lisa, 335

  monoplanes, 143, 145, 154, 179, 232, 318, 324, 445, 528

  Montgomery, James, 497

  Montgomery, John Joseph, 152, 296–97, 445, 496–98, 500, 502

  Montgomery, Regina, 496–97

  Monthly Weather Review, 182

  Moon, space travel to, 460

  Moore, Harry, 271

  Moore, Johnny, 266, 269–70

  Moore, Willis, 182

  Morgan, John, 28, 86

  Morgan, J. P., 387, 388, 409

  Motor Airship Study Company, 339

  motorcycles, 313–14, 353

  Mouillard, Louis-Pierre, 162, 201, 245–46, 254, 419, 441–42, 446

  Mount Rushmore, 471

  Mount Vernon Ducking Club, 139

  Munn, Charles, 363

  Murray, James Wolfe, 306

  Musgrave, Bishop, 86

  Myers, Carl, 290, 312–13

  “Mythical Whitehead Flights, The” (Wright), 500

  Nash, F. S., 263

  National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 473, 474, 492, 516, 517, 524, 529

  National Anti-Secrecy Association, 51

  National Cash Register Company, 158, 468, 478, 496, 521

  National Christian Association Opposed to Secret Societies, 51

  National Temperance Convention, 51

  navigational aids, 397–98

  Navy, U.S., 457, 458

  Aeronautics Bureau of, 471

  NBL-1 Barling Bomber, 511

  Nevin, Robert M., 292

  Newcomb, Simon, 137

  Newell, Emerson, 500

  New Orleans Picayune, 136

  newspapers, 135–36, 143, 145, 270–72, 274, 279

  air competitions sponsored by, 425, 437–38, 439

  Newton, Byron, 356–57

  New York Aero Shows, 498

  New York American, 272, 444

  New York Enquirer, 328

  New Yorker, 472

  New York Globe, 347

  New York Herald, 315, 325, 326, 328, 355–56, 381, 443

  New York Herald Magazine, 280, 498

  New York Times, 337, 355, 425, 465–66

  New York World, 136, 419, 425, 444

  Nicoll, DeLancy, 409

  Nolte, George, 329

  Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 270, 271, 274, 355, 356

  Northcliffe, Arthur Harmsworth, Lord, 384, 449

  North River Steamboat, 406

  Notre Dame cathedral, 335

  Oberlin Preparatory School, 87, 88–89

  Oberlin University, 89, 92, 119, 120, 122, 157, 160, 385, 482, 525

  Oches, Victor, 137–38

  Ogilvie, Alexander, 431, 443, 444

  Ohmer, Will, 276

  Old Constitution church, see Church of the United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution) Olympic Games (modern), 136

  “On a Matter of Fraud,” 491

  O’Neal, Oliver, 354

  O’Neal, “Uncle Benny,” 264, 354

  “On Soaring Flight” (Huffaker), 162

  ornithology, 160

  ornithopters, 138

  “Orville’s Railway,” 479

  Osborn, Agnes, 119, 173, 379

  Osborn, Glenn, 119

  Otterbein, Philip William, 28, 51, 82

  Outcalt, Richard F., 136

  Outer Banks, 14, 183–95, 270, 278, 350, 505–7

  Ovington, Earl, 431

  pacifism, 40

  Painlevé, Paul, 381

  Palmer, Ida, 57, 58

  Panama, 36

  Pan-American Aeronautical Exhibition, 492

  Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright, The, 526

  parachute jumps, 144, 248, 290, 425

  Parallel Lives (Plutarch), 78

  Parc d’Aérostation (Saint-Cloud), 250, 275, 336

  Parmalee, Phil o., 428, 433, 434–35

  Parseval dirigible, 405

  Parsons, Herbert, 331, 390, 392

  Parsons [Kans.] Sun, 148

  Patent Office, U.S., 15, 246, 253, 414, 423

  patents, 231, 254, 275–76, 278

  automobile, 461–62

  infringement of, 360, 363, 364, 399, 400, 402–3, 404–5, 407, 410, 412–23, 451–52

  rejected applications for, 246, 253, 275–76

  usefulness of, 300, 462

  Wrights’ applications for, 245–46, 253, 275–76, 277, 300, 443

  Wrights’ holding of, 312, 314, 349, 352, 353, 410

  Patrie, La, 336

  Patterson, Frank Stuart, 511

  Patterson, John H., 158, 468

  Patterson Field, 511

  Pau, France, 385–86, 387–88, 505

  Paulhan, Louis, 413–14, 428

  Payne, S. J., 266–67

  Peartree, Henry, 440, 441, 452

  Pellier, Monsieur, 366

  Pénaud, Alphonse, 56, 57, 161, 164, 168–69, 249, 342

  pendulums, 443, 459, 460

  Pennington, E. J., 101

  Pennsylvania, 184

  perpetual motion, 355

  Perry, Israel, 185–86, 195, 199

  Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 438

  Perry, Oliver Hazard, 438

  Peterkin, Clinton R., 409–10

  Pettigrew, James Bell, 160

  Peyrey, François, 367, 377, 417

  Philadelphia Public Ledger, 425

  Phillips, Harvey, 498–99

  Philomatheon Literary Society, 64, 101

  phrenology, 40

  Picquart, Georges, 333–34

  Pilcher, Percy Sinclair, 164, 171, 172, 214, 231


  control problems of, 168, 169–70, 179, 209–12, 214–15, 238, 286, 296–97, 364, 396, 435, 458–59

  daredevil, 296, 425–26, 428, 430–31, 460

  errors of, 458–59, 464

  financing of, 437–38

  glider, 143–45, 179–80, 296–97

  military, 435–36, 458, 463–64, 510–11

  prone position of, 190, 199, 200, 202–3, 295

  test, 511

  training of, see flight training upright position of, 338, 349, 370

  Pirelli, Giovanni de, 381, 387–88, 410

  pitch control, 167–69, 180, 198, 210–12, 286, 297

  Pittsburgh Dispatch, 151–52

  Plant, Morton, 409

  Plessy v. Fergusson, 136

  Plew, James, 445

  Plutarch, 53, 78

  Pocket-Book of Aeronautics, The (Moedebeck), 232

  Pont-Long, 385

Alfred Eastman, 506

  Pope, Albert, 106

  popular Aviation, 499

  popular Science Monthly, 517, 518

  Post, Augustus, 313, 326, 363

  Post, Harry, 463

  Powderly, Terrence, 98, 99

  Practical Aerodynamics (Hayward), 417

  Pratt truss system, 155, 276

  Premiers Hommes-oiseaux, Les, 367

  “Pride of the West,” 255

  printing presses:

  rotary, 136

  Wright-built, 95, 96, 102, 107, 515, 516

  Prix de la Hauteur, 381

  Prix pour Record de Distance, 322

  “Problem of Flying and Practical Experiments in Mechanical Flight, The” (Lilienthal), 162

  Progress in Flying Machines (Chanute), 152, 162, 165, 181, 296, 419

  propeller revolution counter, 267

  propellers, 139, 140, 141, 142, 166, 241, 267, 282

  accident caused by, 377–78, 395

  shafts of, 259, 261, 377–78, 395

  ship, 242

  thrust delivered by, 242, 243, 260–61

  two contrarotating, 243–44, 312

  Wright’s development of, 242–44, 253, 259, 260–61, 295, 395

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 98

  Pulitzer Race, 511

  Pupin, Michael, 502

  Quantico, Va., 138–42, 162, 258

  Queen Monoplane Company, 431, 456

  Raddon, Charles B., 306

  Radley, James, 431

  Randolph, Stella, 498–99, 500

  Rapiére, La, 322–23

  Rathbun, Richard, 161–62, 485

  Rathenau, Walther, 339

  Reader’s Digest, 500

  “Real Fathers of Flight, The” (McMahon), 517

  Reber, Samuel, 464

  Red Wing, 352–53

  Reed, Luther, 141

  Reform Leaflets, 63

  Régnier, Henri, 310

  Reichelderfer, Francis W., 524

  Reims, France, 403–4, 405–6, 413

  Reinieger, John, 174

  Reinieger, Walt, 174

  Religious Telescope, 43, 45, 51, 52, 68, 78, 79

  Renard, Charles, 231, 252, 320

  Reuchlin, Johannes, 39

  Revue des Sciences, 253

  Rhinow Hills, 142–45

  Rich, Perry C, 458

  Richmond High School, 64–65

  Richmond Star, 63–64, 65, 69

  Richthofen, Manfred von, 436

  Riddell, John Leonard, 279

  Rike, Daniel L., 85

  Riley, James Whitcomb, 24

  Ritty, James, 158

  “Road to Justice, The,” 496

  Roanoke Island, 185, 191, 192

  rocket-engine technology, 474

  Rockwell, Lewis, 458, 464

  Rodgers, Calbraith Perry, 436, 437, 438–39

  Rodgers, John, 435, 438

  Rodgers, Mabel, 438–39

  Rogers, Robert Perry, 506

  roll control, 167–70, 172, 201, 443

  Rolls, Charles Stewart, 389, 435

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 502, 503, 520

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 331, 351, 431

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 374

  Root, Amos I., 279–80, 284–85

  Roques, General, 337

  Royal Aeronautical Society, 307

  Royal Engineer Committee, 294–95, 305

  Royal Society, 176

  Ruck, Richard, 294

  rudders, 15, 167–68, 169, 235, 251, 253–54, 257, 267, 282, 312, 462

  control of, 295, 396

  fixed, 236, 237–38, 238, 239

  movable, 238–39, 240, 299

  two-surface vertical, 235, 238, 239, 255

  Ruhl, Arthur, 357–58

  Ruse, Cordy, 114, 115, 188

  Russell, Frank, 411, 434, 438, 456

  Russell, George, 479, 513

  Russia, Imperial, 330

  Ryan, Thomas F., 409

  sabotage, 90

  “Sailing Flight” (Lilienthal), 178

  St. Clair, Arthur, 113

  St. Clair bicycle, 113

  St. Louis Exposition, 229–30, 231, 248, 259, 260, 278, 290, 291

  Salley, D. Bruce, 355–56, 357, 443–44

  Saltzman, Charles, 398

  Sandburg, Carl, 502

  San Francisco earthquake (1906), 314, 351

  Santos-Dumont, Alberto, 250–51, 272, 282, 290, 303. 342, 353, 364, 416

  world’s first public flight by, 317, 324–26, 328, 345. 441

  Saulnier, Ralph, 405

  Savoia, Umberto, 388

  “Scandal of the First Man-Carrying Aeroplane, The,” 491

  Scenes in the Church Commission During the Last Day of Its Session (Wright), 78, 79, 80, 95

  Schenck & Williams, 448, 477

  Scherl, Herr, 405

  Schindler, Reuben, 298

  Science Museum of London, 491–92, 506, 520, 521, 525, 526

  Scientific American, 285, 307, 312–13, 327, 328–29, 362, 363, 498

  Scientific American Trophy, 363–64, 402, 425

  SC-1, 361, 373

  Scott, Frank, 458, 464

  Scott, J. F., 348

  Scott, Walter, 78

  Scripps, William E., 508

  Seasholes, Charles Lyon, 512, 524–25

  seat belts, 435

  secret societies, 25, 29–30, 35, 41–42, 51, 63, 67, 68, 78–79, 484

  Selden, George, 462

  Selfridge, Edward R., 399

  Selfridge, Thomas Etholen, 351–53, 360, 372, 373

  fatal flying accident of, 375–77, 379, 399, 435, 464

  “separate but equal” doctrine, 136

  Seventh Street School, 57–58

  Seward, William Henry, 29

  Shakespeare, William, 146

  Shonts, Theodore P., 409

  Short, Eustace, 389, 410, 435, 451, 488

  Short, Oswald, 389, 410, 435, 451, 488

  Short Brothers balloon factory, 388–89

  Shuey, William J., 85

  Silliman, Harriet, 173

  Silver Dart, 400

  Simms Station, 278–79, 426, 433

  Simplex Automobile Company, 466

  Sines, Ed “Jamsie,” 48, 58, 94, 96, 104–5, 107, 109, 111, 112

  Sines & Wright, 94

  Skeel, Burt, 511

  Slipstream, 505

  Smeaton, John, 175–76, 177, 214, 220, 226

  Smith, Charles E., 138

  Smithsonian Annual Report, 162, 487

  Smithsonian Institution, 180, 329, 390

  aeronautics and, 140–42, 152, 153, 154, 160, 161–62, 171, 257, 262, 350, 501

  Arts and Industries Building of, 527–29

  National Museum of, 445, 492, 520, 526–29

  Orville’s feud with, 57, 484–502, 519–21

  Wright Flyer (1903) at, 526–29

  Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 520

  Snap-Shots of Current Events, 111, 113

  Société Astra, 383, 416, 433, 440

  Société Autour du Monde, 383

  Society for the Encouragement of Peace, 383

  Solirène, Monsieur, 317

  “Some Aeronautical Experiments” (Wright), 232

  Sonora, 37

  Southard, Fred, 437

  Spaatz, Carl, 524

  Spanish-American War, 347

  spars, 280, 282, 283

  Sperry, Elmer, 459

  Sperry, Lawrence, 459–60

  Spirit of St. Louis, 502–3, 528

  Spitler, Doctor, 108, 157, 449

  split flap device, 15, 471–72

  Spratt, George Alexander, 76–77, 205–8, 212–13, 219, 225, 236–37, 253, 255, 259, 301, 329, 421–22

  sprockets, 259, 261

  Squier, George, 347–48, 372, 375, 378, 379, 392

  Stack, John, 528–29

  Standard Aircraft, 470

  Standard S-1 aircraft, 510

  “Stardust Twins,” 431

  “Star-Spangled Banner, The,”
527, 528

  State Anti-Secrecy Society, 51

  Stauffer, Amos, 285, 298, 299, 308

  Steele High School, 121, 122

  Steeper, Harold, 525, 526

  Steinmetz, Charles, 508

  Stephens, Thomas, 31

  Stinson, Eddie, 436

  Stinson Aircraft, 436

  stopwatches, 267, 398, 399

  “Story of Experiments in Mechanical Flight,

  The” (Langley), 162

  Stout, Lansing, 37

  streetcars, 46, 158

  struts, 173

  Sublimity College, 37

  submarines, 167, 267, 328

  Summit Street house, 66

  supersonic flight research program, 529

  Surcouf, Edouard, 342, 368

  Swann, Leroy, 511

  Sweet, George, 398

  Syndicat d’Aviation, 322

  “Tactical and Strategic Value of Dirigible Balloons and Aerodynamical Machines, The,” 372–73

  Taft, William Howard, 292, 304, 331, 390, 391, 392, 398–99, 417, 449, 489, 491


  cruciform, 154, 155, 168, 257, 262

  four-bladed, 168–69

  two-cell kite as, 322

  vertical, 254

  see also elevators; rudders

  takeoffs, 281–84, 299

  gravity assisted, 255

  unassisted, 381

  water, 458

  see also launch mechanisms

  Talbott, Harold, 468–69

  Talbott, Harold, Jr., 468–69

  Targe, A. L., 337, 339

  Taschenbuch zum praktischen Gebrauch für Flugtechniker und Luftshiffer (Moedebeck), 219–20, 232

  Tate, Dan, 196, 209, 256, 258–59

  Tate, Mrs. William, 187–88, 187, 199, 207

  Tate, Tom, 196–97

  Tate, William J., 183, 187–88, 187, 189, 190, 192, 193–94, 195–96, 207, 209, 236, 241, 267, 505

  Tatin, Victor, 275, 336

  Tattler, 101

  Taylor, Bayard, 37

  Taylor, Charles, 203–5, 438–39, 509

  European trip of, 339, 341–42

  Wrights assisted by, 117, 121, 204–5, 244–45, 245, 253, 259, 260, 274, 371, 376, 377–78, 407, 412, 426

  Wrights recalled by, 117–18, 204, 243, 244, 273, 283

  Taylor, David Wilson, 492

  Taylor, Henrietta Webbert, 204

  Taylor, Lady Jane, 330, 333

  telephone, invention of, 138, 350

  temperance, 25–26, 29, 30, 41, 51, 67

  Ten Dayton Boys, 74, 74, 117

  thermodynamics, 175

  three-axis control, 15, 167–70, 322, 383, 422

  Tissandier, Paul, 385, 386

  Tomlinson, John, 300

  Toulmin, Henry A., 276, 277, 300, 418, 448, 497

  toys, 56–57, 128, 159, 164, 362, 515

  Wright-made, 15, 127, 515–16

  transmission systems, 243–44, 256, 260, 261, 267

  “Tribute to the Wright Brothers” (Bell), 326

  triplanes, 156, 239

  Trowbridge, John, 137

  Truman, Harry S., 521, 528

  tuberculosis, 32, 63, 77

  Tunison, Frank, 271, 274

  Turpin, J. Clifford, 428, 436


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