by Edward Humes
Foster care, 85, 87–91, 203–4, 210, 270
for camp graduates, 335
disposition to, 58, 189, 246, 294
Fox, James Alan, 365n1
French, Tila, 233, 244, 272–75, 277
Fuhrman, Mark, 102
Gangbangers, xix, xxi, 70, 71, 182, 273, 274, 327, 356n3
in camps, 189
in court schools, 136–37, 159, 315–17
in CYA, 190–94, 363n4
dismissal of charges against, 111
in Dorothy Kirby program, 195, 197–99
estimated street force of, 14, 328–29
female, 21, 24–35, 98–100, 316–19
foster children as, 89–92, 96, 210
in Juvenile Hall, 312
initiation of, 28
mediator for, 266
murders by, 184–86
on probation, xxii, 6–7, 173–75, 180
parties sponsored by, 13
racism of, 77
rehabilitation of, 340–42
repeat offenders as, 152–53
robberies by, 156–57
sense of belonging of, 99–100
Sister Janet and, 158, 163–65
status offenders and, 207
tagging by, see Graffiti
taken to morgue to see murder victims, 147
truce among, 97–98
weapons sold to, 69
young kids recruited by, 186–87, 277–80, 330, 333
Garcetti, Gil, 60, 112, 115, 139–41, 150, 287, 334
Gault, Gerald Francis, 3–5, 10, 30, 57, 128, 209, 229, 256, 266, 271, 329, 334, 354n3
Georgia, 329
Glenn, John, 359n3
Gold, Sherry, 266–72, 277, 279–81, 332–33
Graffiti, 6, 37, 53, 58, 73, 128, 210, 275, 277, 355n2
unsupervised probation for, 113
Grand theft auto, see Car theft
Greenwood, Peter W., 359n3
Greer, Rosie, 164
Grey, Zane, 3
Group homes, 6, 7, 10, 87, 89, 92, 165, 219, 326
for camp graduates, 335
Group therapy, 195
Guilty pleas, 55–56, 81, 104, 216, 297
Gun dealers, 69, 76
Gustaveson, Robert, 291
Gutierrez, Joseph, 72–76, 81–82, 299–300
Hard-core unit, 274
Harris, Sister Janet, 156–59, 162–72, 183, 191, 289, 301, 307, 333
court appearance of, 338
letter to, 322
and writing class, xx, 67, 200, 286
Harvard University School of Public Health, 357n3
Hate crimes, 74
Hawaii, 329, 353n1
Helping Hands group home, 89, 302, 303
Hickey, Jim, 143–49, 151, 216
Hickok, P. H., 302
Higgins, Tom, 226
High-risk offenders, xix–xxi, 166–67, 269
High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 353n2
Homelessness, 117–18
Homicide, see Murder
Hoover Street Crips, 174, 184
HOP (Home On Probation), see Probation
Humphries, Gregory, 272, 274–76
Illinois, 328, 366n3
Immunity, 114, 120, 129, 234, 236–42, 249, 251–52, 361n1
Incorrigibility, 30
Inglewood Bloods, 273
Intake, xv–xix, 54, 213–14, 293, 364n1
Jackson, Michael, 139, 140
Jesuits, 333
Johnson, Al, 169–70, 290–93
Jones, Jewell, 86–87, 90, 92, 94–98
Joyriding, 6
Justice Department, U.S., 328, 357n3, 364n1
Bureau of Justice Statistics, 363n6
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 352n3, 357n1, 365n1
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 164
Kidnapping, 356n3
King, Rodney, 39, 140
Konsuer, Phai Wan, 239
Lessem, Mark, 257
LH Research, 357n3
Liebold, Nancy, 236
Life imprisonment, xxii, 52, 161, 329
without possibility of parole, xix, 42
Little Hoover Commission, 334, 351n2, 352n1, 353n4, 354n3, 355n1, 359nn4–5, 360n9, 362n1, 363n4, 365n1
Lockdown, 200
Los Angeles County Jail, 64
Los Angeles Kings, 231
Los Angeles Lakers, 231
Los Angeles Times, 301, 303–4
Luke, Sherill, 261, 262, 364n1
Macallair, Dan, 362n2
Malcolm X (movie), 315
Maloney, Michael P., 357n3
Mansbridge, Colleen, 158–59
Manslaughter, 279
Marijuana, 50, 210, 264, 282
McClure, Frank, 269, 271
McLaren Hall, 87
McMartin preschool molestation case, 140
Menendez brothers, 52, 139
Mentally ill young people, see Emotionally disturbed young people
Metro Gang Unit, 33, 175
Mexican Mafia, 97–98, 155, 337
Miranda warning, 9
Moret, Harold, 130, 237
Morse, Eric, 366n3
Murder, 5–10, 39–44, 52, 111, 184–86, 191, 266, 356n3, 357n3, 361n2
attempted, 58, 92, 111, 214, 215, 246, 263–64, 279, 282–84, 356n3
charge for being present at commission of, 37–38
in commission of felony, 185
conditions of release and, 142
false accusation of, 268–82
fees for public defenders in, 108
gangbangers taken to morgue to see victims of, 147
increase in rates of, 14, 106
intake for, xvii–xix
interrogation for, 40–42
plea bargain for, 156–59, 170–72
premeditated, 41
pretrial hearings for, 39–40
of probation counselor, 286
by repeat offenders, 152
sentencing for, 311–14
by thirteen-year-old, 287
trial in adult court for, 80, 141, 145–46, 148, 161, 226, 307
trial date set for, 18–19
trial in juvenile court for, 113–31, 139, 214, 233–42, 245–52
see also Drive-by shootings
National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, 360n9
New York, 362n2
Family Court, 357n2
New York Times, The, 359n6
Northeastern University, College of Criminal Justice, 365n1
Noriega, Anna, 86–87, 93–94
O’Donnell, William, 301, 302, 338–39
Oh, Angela, 75–79, 81, 297–98
One Hundred Black Men, 60
Open court, 60, 109, 210, 358n4
Opening statements, 121
PACE School for the Disabled, 135–37, 150
Papering of judges, 256–62, 310
Parenting classes, 105, 277, 335, 353n2
PCP, 263–64, 356n3
Peace Corps, 44, 116, 265
Pennsylvania, 329, 363n3
Penthouse magazine, 148
Personal hygiene, 179
Petty theft, 58, 62
Plea bargaining, 20, 48, 54, 58, 96, 225, 294, 354n3, 364n1
in adult court, 284, 291, 292
of murder cases, 114, 156–59, 170–72, 191, 279
Polinsky, Gary, 114, 183, 187–88, 258, 310, 316
fitness hearing before, 283–84
arraignment before, 184, 187, 281
and parole violation, 188–90, 194
sentencing by, 32–33, 271
sex crime case before, 253–55
Poverty as risk factor, 353n2
Pregnancy, teenage, 57, 180, 328, 359n3
Premeditation, 41
Private investigators, 268, 270
Probable cause hearings, 224–25, 276
Probation, 10, 19–20, 58, 62, 96, 173–90, 217–18, 267, 294, 303, 326–27, 353n3, 357n2, 361n1
budget cuts and, 330, 331r />
completion of, 259–60
court schools and, 149, 151, 315
denial of, 104–5
drugs used on, 264
for female gangbanger, 25–26, 32–34, 318–19
to group home, 220
inadequately supervised, xxii, 5–6
mental breakdown while on, 275
murder of counselor, 286
murder of kids on, 173–74, 183–87
reform of, 138–39, 151–54
revocation of, 8, 58, 59, 207
and status offense cases, 30, 208
unsupervised, 101, 103, 246, 293
violation of, xvii, 17–18, 98–100, 180, 184, 187–90, 220–23, 245, 277
for wards of dependency court, 90, 91
Prostitution, 51, 201–3
Psychiatric examinations, 250, 311, 312
Psychiatric hospitals, emergency commitment to, 214
Public Defender’s Office, 12, 59, 62, 101, 266, 290, 332
campaign against Dorn by, 256–62
Race riots, 155, 182
in CYA, 190
in Juvenile Hall, 312
RAND Corporation, 359n4
Rape, xix, 356n3, 359n3
in CYA, 190, 192
increase in rates of, 14
in prison, 79, 161
prosecution of, 45
Recidivism, 190, 360n9, 362n2; see also Repeat offenders, profile of; Sixteen Percenters
Rehabilitation, candidates for, 76, 79–80
Reno, Janet, 216, 294, 305–7, 358n2, 359n5
Repeat offenders, profile of, 139, 178, 351n2, 360n7
Republican Party, 160
Resisting arrest, 58
Reveles, Kathy, 91–93, 96
Robbery, xvii, 6, 7, 17, 58, 156–57, 246, 254, 257, 356n3, 359n3
attempted, 92–93
dismissal of charges of, 111
fitness hearing on, 48, 67–83
increase in rates of, 14
murder and, 41
sentencing for, 302
trial in adult court for, 167, 300–301
uncooperative witness of, 31
Roberts, Larry, 268, 270
Rolling Sixties Crips, 19–20, 273, 274, 277
Rosewood School, 147, 149–51, 314–15
Royer, James, 173–74, 184–88
Rubenstein, Todd, 254
Rules of evidence, 128
Running away, 28, 30
from foster homes, 88, 92, 189, 270
from group homes, 221
as status offense, 209, 226
Rusitanonta, Chuck and Ada, murders of, see Baskin Robbins murders
San Francisco, University of, 165
Scarlett, Charles R., 258, 259
dismissal of charges by, 276
murder trial before, 119, 121–28, 235, 236, 238–40, 244–52
sentencing by, 311, 313–14
Senate, U.S., 359n3
Sentencing hearings, 158–59, 240, 300–305, 311–14
Sex crimes, 6, 253–55, 356n3
in CYA, 363n4
prosecution of, 45–47
see also Rape
Shabazz, Rahman, 195–99, 220, 316, 318
Shannon, Mike, 156
Sheindlin, Judith, 321, 359n6
Sherm, 210
Shoplifting, 103
dismissal of charges of, 109–10
Shoreline Crips, 277–78
Simpson, O. J., 60, 102, 108, 140
Sisman, Hyman, 76–78, 80, 81–83, 101–2, 109–11, 215, 218, 296, 311
Sisters of the Presentation, 164
654 Probation, 103, 357n2
Sixteen Percenters, 151–54, 178, 184, 326, 333–34, 351n2, 353n2, 360n8, 364n1
preventative programs for, 331
status offenses by, 206
Sociopaths, 180, 306
Sophistication, criminal, 75, 79
South Bay Community Day Center, 314–19
Special Handling Unit (SHU), 156
Status offenses, 30–31, 109, 110, 153, 205–11, 226, 296, 310, 335, 352n1
Stearns, Leslie, 215–19, 222–23, 225, 244
Stegall, Sharon, 178–85, 187–89, 235, 242–44, 275, 332, 353n3
and female gangbanger, 24–26, 33–35, 180, 188–89, 193, 194, 196, 318–19, 341
and location of probation offices, 176
and shooting of probationer, 173–74, 184–85, 268
violators locked up by, 175, 178, 184
Stewart, Potter, 229, 329
Street gangs, see Gangbangers
Suicide, 359n3
attempted, 213, 214
in CYA, 363n4
of parent, 270
Sukoda, Roy, 151–54, 333–34, 360nn7–8
Supreme Court, U.S., 4–5, 30, 57, 229, 256, 354n3
Tagging, see Graffiti
Tattoos, 34, 98, 184, 191, 317
Tear gas, 192
Tepa-13 street gang, 27–29, 31, 32, 34, 98, 210, 315, 317
Theft, 210–11
Therapy, 195
300 kids, 84–85, 87–89, 91, 95
Three Strikes and You’re Out adult sentencing law, 292, 337
Truancy, 17–18, 30, 176, 210, 245, 282
sentencing to Juvenile Hall for, 310, 364n2
Tucker, Marcus O., 261
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 359n6
Vandalism, 210
Varrio Norwalk street gang, 136
Venice 13 street gang, 277–78
Ventura School, 338
Vietnam War, 61
Virginia, 357n3
Voluntarism, 148
Wards of the court, 60
Watts riot, 182
Weapons possession, 6, 58, 197, 263, 269, 356n3, 357n3
filing charges for, 309–10
as misdemeanor, 104, 310, 336
Westbrook, Logan, 302
White Fence street gang, 197–98
Wilson, James Q., 359n6
Wilson, Pete, 160–63
Witness coordinators, 108, 110, 115
Witness intimidation, 58, 356n3
“Wolfgang Study,” 360n7
Yorn, Kevin, 112, 274, 276
Young Crowd street gang, 7–9
Youth & Society, 362n2
Zoot Suit (movie), 164
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Copyright © 1996 by Edward Humes
Foreword and afterword copyright © 2015 by Edward Humes
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