by S King
“What?” He frowned at my dumbfounded look and tilted his head, “what’d I say?”
“You’re saying you like Karina Rizzo?”
He rolled his eyes, pursing his lips for a moment, “I wouldn’t say I like her, but I know one thing for sure.” He wagged his brows at me and smiled wickedly, “I’d let her put a firecracker in my hand.”
I scoffed throwing a towel at him and pointed to his chest as I walked to the showers, “you’re sick.”
“Hey what’s life without a little spark?” He laughed as he headed toward his own shower and turned on one of the Pandora stations to fill the rooms.
Under the hot spray of the water, I let my head hang as I closed my eyes. One thing my friend was correct about was how gorgeous Luminous looked with that whip in her hand. I wasn’t into the BDSM scene, but when I thought about her and the whip, well I wasn’t opposed to it.
Slapping myself, my eyes snapped open as soon as my mind started creating very detailed images of Lumi and myself in a chamber filled with a shit ton of leather and some things I didn’t care to find out the name of.
“You good over there?” Dristan shouted over Tech N9ne’s Sickology 101.
“Yeah!” The single word came out like a bark rather than a word, but I definitely was not about to tell Dristan about my little silver fantasy. He’d never let me live the shit down.
Quickly, I fell into the beat of the raw rap and got my shit together under the shower spray. All the while whispering to myself no more thoughts about Lumi, whips, chains, or leather.
For a moment, I thought it had worked; I thought I had gotten my overactive, sex-deprived brain under control. But when Dristan and I stepped through the door of GGGHQ, I knew my imaginative thoughts were about to become murderous with one look at Svenia’s sarcastic smile as she read something.
“What the hell are you so happy about? Did Slade finally propose?” Dristan asked falling into his seat across from her while I went to get the newest orders for the night.
Svenia mumbled something I couldn’t make out and shuffled some papers around on her desk.
I didn’t bother looking up from the assignments; whatever was making Svenia happy, I’d allow it. It gave her a reason not to come up with some outlandish idea that her and I were going to have an in-office fling. Besides if Slade really did propose it would make things a hell of a lot more tolerable in the office.
Slade Zuko was a six-foot-two, lean muscle packed, arrogant, math whiz. His hair was as long as mine, shoulder length but not as thick. He had an ombre thing going on with his head; black at the roots and then fading to a light brown if not gold on certain days.
He was a cocky son of a bitch even when he was wrong, however the kid knew what he was doing when it came to handling orders. Everyone from Gold to Silver dreaded the news of working with him but he was good at what he did, even if he was gunning for my position on the side lines.
“What?” Dristan snapped, forcing me to look up from the orders in my hand and frown.
“What’s wrong now?” I handed off the reports to their respective handlers, opting for a night off. Especially after last night.
Dristan looked up at me and with an apologetic look before he opened his mouth to tell me what the outburst was about, Svenia decided on that moment to take the reins. In her normal, devil may care fashion she stared up at me with a challenging smile and a sinister tone lacing around her words.
“Silver’s angel is getting married.”
It took me all of a few seconds to cross the floor and rip the announcement from Svenia’s hand and zeroed in on what she was saying.
There was no way in hell Luminous River was going to get married, let alone to someone I didn’t know. Yet and still, right there in cobalt blue ink was the notice stating she was getting married and to someone I loathed with a blood curdling passion.
It is by the order of Royal Sapphire Courts, Luminous River, sect leader of squadron eight of Silver Guard, and Lovett Joker O’Qhuinn, elite member of squadron eight of Silver Guard, shall be wedded on the third corn moon of the eighth day of December 2022.
“What the hell is this?” I raised the announcement from Royal Sapphire and glared at Svenia, as if she were the one to organize this farce.
With a raised brow and a bored expression, she crossed her arms over her chest.
“It appears to me that’s what the blue courts want. Silver’s most prized possession is getting married to another member of Silver.” Leaning forward in her chair, she smirked at me as she tilted her head, “don’t tell me you’re actually upset about not being the first to know?”
I had half a mind to unsheathe my sword and decapitate her. But that wouldn’t be a good idea and more importantly, it wouldn’t bring me any relief from the suffocating feeling currently seizing my lungs.
Slapping the thing down on the table, I pointed to the announcement.
“This is bullshit, right? This isn’t real, right?”
Dristan shifted uncomfortably in his seat and flinched as Svenia smirked again at my outraged expression.
“Oh, Demir, did you finally get vexed?” She leaned forward and made a horrible attempt at being shocked. “Did Silver’s sweet angel catch your eye and now you’re jealous?”
“Svenia,” Dristan warned as he caught sight of my jaw clenching and my eyes narrowing.
Rolling her eyes, she tapped the notice with her nails, “there’s the court’s seal, if you really need even more solid proof to the order.” To drive her point home, she stabbed her dagger through the seal and sat back in her seat.
“Svenia,” Dristan warn again.
She cut her eyes at him before looking at me, “what’s more important right now? Finding out she’s getting married or figuring out why you even care in the first place.”
I opened my mouth and had to quickly close it. Why did I even care? It wasn’t like Luminous and I could be together anyway. Joining Silver and Gold had never been done and frankly, BC wouldn’t hear of such a thing as long as they were established.
Each guard had their own rules and guidelines when it came to unions between members and their standards. All of which didn’t go with either of the other guards. Besides, it wasn’t like I wanted to be with Luminous River anyway. So, why did I care so much about the announcement?
Svenia snorted in disgust as she shook her head and got up from her desk, “let me guess, you don’t want her to be married, because then you two can’t have any more flirtatious fighting next to every night. Right?”
Without thinking, I took a step forward, grabbing Svenia by the throat and stabbed my finger in her face. Dropping my voice, I growled, “watch your step. You’ll be wise to remember your place.”
She smirked, knocking my grip away after a couple attempts and grabbed her things, “and you’ll be wise to remember the last time someone from opposing guards tried to get together.” Svenia grabbed her things and stormed from HQ before I could say anything to her newsflash.
Of course she would have to bring up Karmel and Roxy. The two of them were on the brink of execution because the two of them decided to break all rules and try to join two different guards. In reality, they were both lucky to be alive; what made the entire situation worse than what it needed to be was the fact several guard members from both Gold and Honor had gotten the bright idea one drunk night to challenge the two in a battle. Needless to say, after the carnage Karmel and Roxy had dished out, Onyx Elite had found two hidden gems amongst the guards and allowed the pair to live. Whether it was happily ever after was up for debate.
Dristan scratched the back of his neck, “boss—”
“Don’t.” I snapped, ripping the announcement from the desk and headed for the tunnels.
“Demir!” Dristan bolted from the chair and grabbed my arm, “look I know you’re upset right now. This,” he pointed to the doors, “is not the answer, remember, you still have a Diamond Order around your name. One wrong move and the courts will ex
ecute it themselves.”
I stared at him, hearing what he was saying. I just didn’t care.
“Demir, please think about this,” he searched my eyes and squeezed my arm to drive the point home.
Slowly, I looked down at his hand, “let go of me.”
“I said,” when I raised my eyes, I knew the look was a deadly one. “Let go of me.”
He scoffed in disbelief, dropping my arm and stepped out of my way.
“Whatever, do what you want, Demir. But don’t expect me to be there to watch you die.” He bit out the last part and stormed from the office in the same fashion as Svenia had.
Still, I didn’t miss a beat. Pulling the door open, I started down the long tunnel toward the judgement of BC. All the while, holding onto my anger for Lovett’s audacity to propose to Luminous. Granted, some of my anger was toward Luminous as well. She should’ve said no. But she didn’t, did she? And now here I was travelling down a long tunnel to the judges of BC to get answers for another court’s ruling.
“Enter, Mr. Losett.” Judge Holt’s strong, yet raspy voice boomed through the heavy door as I came closer.
It wasn’t uncommon to hear the judges commanding an audience through the steel barricade. However, no matter how many times I tried to get used to the surprise commands coming from the other side of the door, I always stumbled while my anxiety kicked into overdrive.
My steps faltered and for a second. When I finally regained my senses I had to stop and ask myself, what the fuck was I doing?
I was taking a fool’s chance by questioning the judge’s decision to allow this farce of a marriage to take place. Not to mention the Diamond Order that would be put on my head should I say the wrong thing to the hot-headed judges.
I had only ever heard of the horror stories about a member back talking and questioning the rulings within the Onyx Elite. Needless to say, the offending party never saw the light of day again.
“Enter!” Judge Holt snapped again, this time more irritated than before.
I shook my head, sticking to my guns. Too late to turn back now. I took a deep breath and pushed through the door, keeping a vice grip on the announcement order.
As usual, the lights weren’t bright, there was no idle conversation bouncing off the black painted walls and the faces of the judges were guarded off to nothing more than mere indifference. Judging from their faces, I couldn’t tell if I was going to be smooth sailing or if I was going to be facing the HG’s firing squad.
With a silent prayer to the high heavens, I kicked up my chin and met each of their faces with the same indifference. Because showing your true colors and cards in any battle was never the smartest thing to do during such circumstances.
“Why are you here, Mr. Losett?” Judge Sooter looked at me with a curious raised brow.
Tossing caution to the wind, I threw the announcement on the marble floor and pointed to it. “What is this?”
A diminutive man came from the corner of the room, quickly picking up the announcement and carried it to Holt and his friends. When he disappeared again, I kept clenching and unclenching my jaw to stop myself from lashing out at the judges.
I probably shouldn’t have done this. I shouldn’t have come here especially with my temper on the brink of exploding. Hell, if I were in the business of being honest with myself, I’d know absolutely no amount of self-talk was going to stop my emotions from overriding everything. I was well aware of when it came to the difference between the courts and my positions.
Holt adjusted his glasses and leaned back into the seat after passing the announcement off to Sadvidge.
“It would appear the Royal Sapphire Courts have made a decision to unify members of Silver. Why is this a concern of ours?”
He wanted me to show my hand. That much was obvious, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me sweat.
I considered my wording—and my tone—carefully before saying, “a sect leader cannot marry an elite member according to BC bylaws and constitution.” It was a risky move to bring up the very laws the same people sitting in front of me, created. I knew better—of course—but my emotions getting the better of me and what not.
Judge Sooter looked at me and smirked for a second before covering up the move, “and why, again, is that any of our concern, Set Leader? The blue courts make their own decisions regarding unions. Or did you forget that when you were studying?”
“No ma’am, however, I know one law like the back of my hand thanks to my studies. Should sect leader River fall pregnant, the Onyx Elite will step in. I’m strictly making sure the courts are aware of what is going on.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, I chided myself as soon as the words came out of my mouth.
No matter how true the words were, it was not my place to question any of the courts on their decisions. As my mother would say the decisions of the judges were grown folks business and that business didn’t have any room for my nose.
On the other hand, however, why would the judges agree to something that knowingly went against their own laws? The rhyme and reason didn’t begin to make sense to me. On the other hand, if I really wanted to be stupid, I’d flat-out ask them why they weren’t going to do anything? Every single judge on the panel favored Luminous because she was the most special experiment ever designed. So, shouldn’t she marry—assuming she was definitively going to marry the kid—someone of her rank and station? My pondering thoughts were cut short as I caught one of the judges moving from the corner of my eye.
Judge Holt lowered his glasses to the tip of his nose, looking at me with a raised brow.
“Pray tell, Mr. Losett what you think needs to be done to avoid such problems, as you put it.”
Again, with the forcing me to show my hand. This old man was going to be the reason I met the firing squad of HG. If he kept up this line of questioning.
Leveling my eyes on him, I said as calmly as I could.
“Sect leader River is on her way to become a senior member of Silver. If she’s going to get married, she needs to do so with someone of her station.”
“Another sect leader?”
“Such as whom?”
“Yourself?” Judge Sooter challenged.
But it wasn’t one filled with disgust or malice; no, her question was filled with curiosity. Curiosity to what my answer would be. Curiosity to see how the tides would turn in the gridlock I had found myself in should I answer stupidly.
Swallowing, I shook my head, “not me. Another sect leader of Silver.”
She smirked, knowing damn good and well I was full of something. In turn, Judge Holt leaned back in his oversized chair and pinched the bridge of his nose after taking off his glasses. Leaving the floor open for Judge Sadvidge to speak up and consider me carefully.
“Mr. Losett, I am under the impression there are some…underlying feelings you are denying right now. However, that is not a point of discussion which needs to take place in this court.” She raised a warning brow to me to stop my impending eruption. Still, she continued, “right now, what you need to concern yourself with, other than,” she waved the announcement at me, “this. Is simple, where is the evidence to prove Miss. River is innocent in the killings of Gold Guard senior members?”
I knew I shouldn’t have come here. To look away would show weakness, to shift on my feet would alert them of the lies about to spew from my mouth. So, what choice did I have except arrogance? Kicking up my chin in defiance, I nailed her with a hard stare of my own.
“I’m still gathering the information.”
Judge Holt barked out a laugh and tilted his head as he looked at me after crossing his arms over his chest.
“You’re willingly telling us, you have no evidence in the case you involved yourself in. Yet and still, here you stand, in front of this court demanding for another court’s announcement of marriage to be rescinded or overturned. Tell me something, sect leader,”
he leaned forward in his chair and tilted his head with narrowed eyes. “Just where does your insolence come from?”
“I mean no disrespect sir, however, I want to make sure I have irrefutable proof of her innocence.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie, but it wasn’t the entire truth either. To save anyone from Silver on the grounds of doing the right thing was stupid on my part. But to focus my attention on saving Luminous? I was treading a thin line with the courts.
He grunted and looked to Sadvidge to put the final nail in this bullshit coffin. True to her last name she pushed the announcement away from her and steepled her fingers as she stared at me. A malicious glint, one I had grown used to when executing orders, danced in her eyes. She was going to hand down something so ridiculous I was going to have to fight myself to not laugh.
“You will not busy yourself with such trivial matters such as marriage announcements. Instead, you will find evidence proving Miss. River’s innocence and focus your time solely on that. Because frankly, if I’m being honest with you Mr. Losett,” she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes on me.
The move must be a common thing with the judges. Maybe they think it shows just some of the power they’re capable of. Still, I continued to listen to her as she handed down the gauntlet of my situation.
“I’m beginning to think the two of you are doing something which can render dire consequences on both sides. Therefore,” mimicking Holt’s earlier move, she let her glasses fall to the tip of her nose. “I would advise you to make quick steps toward her acquittal. I’m sure we do not need to remind you of the Diamond Order that has been assigned to you, do we?”
“No ma’am.” I kept clenching and unclenching my teeth as I stared at her.
Keeping my composure had never been so hard in all of my life. Still, I knew what I was doing when I stepped over the threshold to the court’s territory.
A sinister smile caressed her lips, “good. You are excused.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, but I did want the announcement back. I was going to pick a part every detail and…what? Confront Luminous? Get in a fight with Lovett for doing something I couldn’t do? I internally rolled my eyes at the notion and focused on the judges. I needed to get the announcement back.