Saving Us

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Saving Us Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  “What are you thinking about?” Cole nudged my arm bringing me back to him.

  “Erin,” I mumbled. “I think I’ll call her and see if she wants to join us. Do you think Angela will mind?”

  “Not at all. She doesn’t know that many people here. She’s only been here a couple of months. I think she’s trying to meet more people. She plans to live here and raise the baby once it’s born,” Cole grinned at me.

  “Great,” I smiled as I reached for my phone. “I’ll text her. What did Angela want to do?”

  “Coffee maybe?” Cole shrugged. “Girl stuff? I don’t know,” he muttered. “You guys are a confusing breed.”

  “Hey,” I shoved him playfully. “Guys just don’t always listen.”

  “She’s right big brother,” Angela’s voice laughs from the doorway. “You don’t always listen. Like why is HE still here,” she pointed back out to the living room, and I darted my eyes between Cole and the door in confusion.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he growled as he stood up and stormed over to where she was standing. “Get over yourself, Ang. He’s a good guy, and he cares. He wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t.”

  “I’m not a baby, Cole,” she poked his chest as the scowl on her face deepened. “I don’t need a baby sitter. I can handle myself,” she pushed him out of the way, stormed in the bathroom, and slammed the door.

  “Ahhhh!” Cole threw his hands in the air and screamed. “She drives me fucking crazy even as an adult.”

  “Relax,” I giggled. “She’s pregnant, and she was dragged into this without any way to avoid it.”

  “I know,” Cole sighed. “I’m just tired of her outbursts. You’d think that I was doing something terrible. I just want to make sure that her stubbornness doesn’t get her hurt, or worse.”

  “Did the two of them ever…” my voice trailed off as a horrified look spread over Cole’s features.

  “No,” he guffawed. “Why?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle as I slipped from the bed and began pulling on my robe, “They fight like they used to date.”

  “No,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Absolutely not! Never! Not in a million years!”

  “Why is it so hard to believe?” I pushed passed him as I made my way into the kitchen. I was dying for coffee, and I could tell I was getting under his skin slightly. “It’s normal you know? Big brother’s friend, cute little sister,” I flipped my hand in the air trying to hold it in, but when I turned and saw the horrified look he was still sporting, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Relax,” I gripped my middle as I bent over. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “You are so not funny right now,” he scowled as he turned to walk away.

  “Who’s not funny?” Wes’s head popped up from the couch.

  “Nothing,” Cole glowered as a giggle escaped me.

  “What did I miss?” His forehead wrinkled before his lips turned up in a smirk. “You’re talking about Angel, aren’t you?”

  “What?” Cole signed and rolled his eyes.

  “Who?” I grabbed my mug of coffee and went in to sit with the guys. As soon as I started to lower myself onto the couch, Angela’s voice sounded from behind me.

  “I wouldn’t sit there if I was you. You might get pregnant,” she narrowed her eyes on Wes before crossing her arms and shifting her weight to tap her foot angrily.

  “I’m going to go,” Wes tipped his head toward the door, stood, and tugged his shirt on before saluting all of us and swiftly escaping the apartment.

  I glanced at the couch cushion, and then back at Cole before all the pieces clicked together. “Did he?” I shook my head. “He did something to the couch, didn’t he?”

  Cole sighed as Angela growled, “Men are pigs,” before moving into the kitchen to work on getting something to eat.



  After the morning I’d had, I couldn’t wait to escape my apartment. Between waking up to broken glass, having my sister turn on the bitch mode, and then my best friend pushing every button he could find on her made me want to grab Maddie and go back to the cabin. The girls had spent the morning chatting, and I couldn’t help the frown that graced my face when I watched Maddie climb into the backseat with my sister before I drove them to meet Erin. They’d agreed to meet at Cool Beans since it was near Erin’s apartment. Richard also lived in the area, and knowing this put me on edge. He was out on bail, and I wouldn’t put it past him to still be keeping tabs on all of us.

  “You guys make me feel like a fucking chauffer,” I shook my head as I pulled into a parking spot.

  “You could’ve stayed home,” Angela grumbled as she pushed open her door and offered me a sugary sweet smile.

  “Not a chance in hell,” I sighed as I narrowed his eyes. “Why are you fighting me so much on this?”

  “Dad was just as bad,” she huffed. “You never had a problem leaving me with him.”

  I couldn’t believe she was saying this, and I’m sure the look on my face said just that. “What the hell is that supposed mean? I was a fucking kid, Angela. A kid! I did the best I could with what I had.”

  “Whoa,” Maddie’s voice cut through my anger, and I glanced over at her and saw it…sympathy and, worse, fear.

  “I’m sorry,” Angela dropped her chin. “I’m just mad at this whole situation.”

  “And you think I’m not?” I shook his head as we began making our way to the front door of the coffee shop. “Let’s just not do this anymore. It’ll be over soon.”

  “Fine, truce?” Angela rolled her eyes and held out her hand.

  “Yeah,” I grumbled as I tugged her into a hug. “No more fighting me on stuff. I love you, and I’m trying to protect you.”

  “Deal. Let’s get some coffee,” she grinned up at me just as Maddie opened the door and held it for us.

  “You sit over there,” Maddie tipped her head to a table for two.

  “Uh, there’s not enough seats,” I gripped the back of my neck in confusion.

  “We’re sitting over there,” she tipped her head toward the long brown couch a few tables away.

  I could tell that she wasn’t going to let me win this argument, but I tried anyway. “The reason for me coming was to keep an eye on you.”

  “And you can see us just fine from there. This is a girl’s day, not a girl’s and guy day,” she grinned up at me. “I’ll give you one-on-one time tonight,” she winked and then went to go stand in line where my sister had just met up with Erin. The three of them seemed to mesh well with one another, and I couldn’t help but smile.



  After assuring Cole that we’d be fine, I finally was able to extract myself from him. He pouted for a few minutes, but then shuffled over to the table I’d pointed out. After looking back at us one last time, he pulled out his phone and began texting, or surfing the web, or something. It occupied his time, and that was all that mattered to me.

  “So you better be getting a Chai Tea,” I narrowed my eyes on Angela. “It’s better for the baby.”

  “Baby?” Erin grinned. “I love babies.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Angela rolled her eyes. “I swear if it’s not him,” she tipped her head toward Cole, “it’s you.”

  “Sorry,” I cringed.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she grinned. “I don’t mind hearing it from you.”

  “Can I babysit?” Erin chimed in again.

  “Uh,” Angela blinked a few times. “You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re Mr. Lickable’s sister. What’s to know?” she giggled and then glanced at me, “No offense.”

  “None taken,” I laughed as I watched Angela make a gagging noise.

  “You can babysit if you promise to never, ever, talk about my brother that way again,” she wagged her finger and stared Erin down.

  “Promise,” she giggled as she glanced over Angela’s shoulder to stare at Cole, and then back to u
s. “So where‘s his twin?”

  “Huh?” Angela’s nose wrinkled.

  “Work, I guess,” I shrugged.

  “Too bad. I could lick him instead,” she blushed and knowing what I did about how Wes and Angela got along caused me to burst into laughter.

  “What am I missing here?” Angela darted her eyes between us, but before we could answer, the barista asked us for our order.

  It took a few minutes, but after grabbing our drinks, we moved to the couches in the back. I glanced at Cole as we seated ourselves, assuring him that we were fine. He nodded and went back to fiddling with his phone.

  “Ok, so who’s this hottie you keep talking about?” Angela nudged Erin in the side and I smiled. The worry that I had about them not getting along had flown out the window the moment they had started trading barbs. They were talking like they’d known each other for years.

  “Wes McKay,” Erin giggled, and Angela’s tea came spraying out of her mouth at the same time. She began coughing, and I reached to smack her on the back just as Erin’s head snapped back. “What’d I say?”

  “No, no, no,” Angela’s head shook as she gawked at Erin. “You cannot think that he is hot. HE is an asshole.”

  “Are we talking about the same man? Tall? Brown hair? Built? Ex-Fighter? Owns the gym? That guy?” Erin turned on the couch so she was angled more toward Angela. “He’s your ex isn’t he?” she giggle whispered.

  “Hell no!” Angela shook her head.

  “You like him,” Erin nodded knowingly.

  “I do not,” Angela insisted.

  “It’s ok if you do. We won’t tell him,” Erin leaned over and bumped Angela’s shoulder.

  As I watched these two, I couldn’t help but laugh right along with them. Erin was a good friend, and it looked like Angela could be the sister I never had.

  I glanced in Cole’s direction to see the phone pressed to his ear. He was nodding as he ran his fingers through his hair causing it to stick up. His shoulders sagged in relief just as he shifted in his seat. I had a feeling that whatever he was discussing must have been weighing on his mind. You could see the obvious change in his demeanor the longer he talked.

  “I knew it!” Erin’s high pitched squeal made me jump back into their conversation, and when I glanced at Angela, she was turning a nice shade of red.

  “What did I miss?” I darted my eyes between them.

  “She doesn’t hate him,” Erin giggled as she leaned closer to me. “She’s in love with him.”

  “Shut up!” Angela hissed. “It was a long time ago.”

  “How long?” I looked up to make sure Cole wasn’t within hearing distance. I didn’t want to open up a can of worms here. He obviously didn’t know about this, or he would have never asked Wes to watch Angela.

  “Years,” she sighed. “When we were kids I had a huge crush on him. He never gave me the time of day. He’s five years older than me. It wouldn’t have worked back then,” she shrugged. “Now he treats me like a job.”

  “What?” Erin gasped as her head whipped back.

  “He follows me around. Butts into my conversations. Scares off any men I try to talk to,” she growled.

  “He’s jealous,” Erin nodded. “I’m sure he knew back then that you liked him, but you were the little sister. It flattered him,” she grinned knowingly. “Now you’re not so little anymore, and he’s noticed. He doesn’t want to notice, but he does,” she giggled as she leaned into me. “I’ve missed you,” she hugged me. “Thanks for calling.”

  “I’ve missed you too, and now we can add to our circle,” I nodded at Angela.

  “Thanks guys,” Angela smiled as she sipped her tea.

  “No problem,” Erin grinned before sobering her face. “Now…about this hottie problem. I think I have an idea.”

  “Really?” Angela looked over at Cole and then back at us. “You know he’s not going to be ok with me dating his best friend.”

  “I’ll take care of him,” I laughed. “Don’t worry.”

  “So, we should all go out somewhere as a group,” Erin leaned in closer making sure that this secret was kept between us. “We’ll run interference while you pick up a guy. We’re going to work this jealousy angle. He’ll have to face this head on.”

  “You really think pissing him off is the best idea?” Angela stared at her lap.

  “You’ve been enjoying it so far from what I can tell,” I tipped my head to the side and stared at her trying not to smile.

  “I’m not trying to make him mad,” she bit her bottom lip as she watched me.

  “Right,” I looked up at the ceiling. “The fighting that’s been going on at home hasn’t been you trying to get on his nerves? Whatever you say,” I shook my head.

  “Well, maybe a little,” she held up her thumb and index finger showing a small amount of space as one side of her mouth turned up.

  “Hey, guys,” Cole called out causing us to all snap our mouths shut. “We gotta go.”

  “What? Why?” I stood and placed my hands on my hips.

  “I’m not debating this. That was Sebastian,” he pointed to his phone. “He wants to meet with me,” he pointed his finger at his chest. “I told him I had to take you guys home and then I meet him at his office.”

  I glanced at Erin, and as I hugged her I whispered, “Call me and we’ll do this again.”

  “You got it, and I can’t wait to go to the gym later,” she gave a conspiratorial smile to Angela.

  “Don’t you say anything to him,” Angela begged.

  “I won’t,” Erin giggled, “but I’m still going to have some fun.”

  “Come on, ladies,” Cole rolled his eyes at us as I gave Erin one last hug.

  “See ya, later,” Erin waved just as we stepped out of the café and into the summer sunshine.

  As we climbed back into Cole’s Explorer I could tell something was bothering him. He wasn’t volunteering any info, so I decided not to push. I figured when he was ready, he’d tell me. For now, I was going to let this newfound knowledge of Angela and Wes settle. I knew when Cole found out he was going to go nuts, and I only hoped I’d be there to diffuse the situation.

  Chapter 19


  After dropping Maddie and my sister off at home, I made my way back downtown to Sebastian’s office. He’d seemed on edge when I talked to him over the phone and he wouldn’t tell me what was so important. I parked, made my way inside, and lightly tapped my foot as I rode the elevator up to the tenth floor.

  After greeting his secretary, she motioned for me to make myself comfortable and offered me a water. It felt like ages before Sebastian emerged from his office and offered me a smile.

  “Come on in, Mr. Walker,” he stepped back and waved his arm in the doorway.

  I nodded as I stood, and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jeans. I’d already had a rough day, and I wasn’t really in the mood for more to be piled onto my shoulders. “What’s going on?” I stood in front of his desk as he made his way around it to shake my hand, before I sat down in the large leather chair.

  “There were motions before the judge this morning; that’s why you all didn’t have to appear today. But the trial will continue Monday,” he answered matter-of-factly. “I wanted you to hear it from me,” he tapped a few keys on the keyboard of his laptop before steepling his fingers.

  “That’s a good thing, right?” I ran my fingers through my hair as I dropped down into the chair across from him.

  “I was hoping to make a deal so we could avoid the rest of this,” Sebastian sighed as he rocked back away from his desk. “His case is weak. I honestly can’t believe his counsel hasn’t suggested making a plea bargain. I’ve known Josh Worth since law school. He’s smarter than this.”

  “Ok,” I scrubbed my hand along my scruffy jaw. “So now what?”

  . “I’ve gone over everything you told me. I’m sure he’s gonna bring up your past, that’s his whole defense. He claims he was protecting Madison from
you, that you are a killer,” he shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Is there anything that you haven’t told me that I need to know?”

  “No,” I shook my head.

  “Good,” Sebastian gave a quick nod. “I’m going to go over all over this, and I’ll contact you tomorrow if I need to. I think this is going to be pretty straight forward,” he stood and held his hand out for me to shake. “I know I don’t need to remind you to stay away from him. The order of protection is still valid, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to follow it.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been keeping Maddie at my place. Thanks, ” I reached out to shake his out stretched hand. “I really appreciate all you’ve done on this.”

  “It’s no problem. Putting guys like him in prison is my job. I’ll see you Monday at the courthouse, ten a.m.,” Sebastian moved from behind his desk to hold the door open for me.

  “We’ll be there, thanks again,” I nodded before heading out. Maddie had mentioned doing something tonight with Erin and my sister, and even though we hadn’t won this case yet, I knew that we should do something. We had a long way to go, but celebrating the small victories was fine by me. After the day I’d had, some booze and night out with my girl sounded great.



  I’d been lying on the couch watching sappy Lifetime movies with Angela most of the afternoon when Cole burst into the apartment. He had a smile on his face, and looked almost carefree. I couldn’t help but smile back. “What’s got you so chipper?”

  “We’re going out,” he shrugged.

  “Out? Out where?” I scrambled to sit up, and Zeb jumped from where he’d been curled up beside me. I’d almost forgotten he was there. He’s acclimated so well to living at Cole’s apartment. I hadn’t seen Cole like this since our first few dates. Cole had been so concerned with protecting me lately that I couldn’t believe he was actually taking me out of the apartment.


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