The Billionaire's Christmas Miracle (Sweet Billionaires 3)

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The Billionaire's Christmas Miracle (Sweet Billionaires 3) Page 10

by Lorana Hoopes

  “Touché,” Drew said. Laughter danced in his blue eyes. “But I’m not sure you believed me when I first told you who I was.”

  This time it was Gwen’s turn to smile. “I didn’t. Truthfully, the only reason I went with you is because I doubted you could abduct me or attack me in such a public place.”

  The laughter faded from Drew’s eyes as her words sank in. He stared at her a moment before speaking. “Gwen, I’m so sorry your past has you thinking things like that about strangers. That’s no way to go through life.”

  Gwen bit her lip to keep her emotions at bay. She couldn’t believe she had said that. She hadn’t meant to put a damper on the mood. When she trusted her voice not to crack, she opened her mouth to respond. “I wouldn’t wish my past on anyone, but it made me have to rely on God and for that I’m thankful.”

  The server appeared then with their wine and cheese and Gwen was grateful for the distraction. The topic had gotten too heavy for a second date, and she hoped the food would lighten the mood and bring them back to their playful banter from before.

  * * *

  “What’s next?” Gwen asked when their cheese and wine was gone.

  Drew stood and held out his hand. “Next, you let me treat you like a princess.”

  Gwen shook her head as she took his hand and stood. “You already have been treating me like a princess. What more could you possibly do?”

  Drew’s lips split in a wide smile. “My dear, you have seen nothing yet.” Generally, the very thought of taking a woman shopping reduced him to yawns and tears of boredom, but he could tell it would be an adventure with Gwen.

  He pushed the door open and led the way to a clothing shop down the street.

  “Drew, I don’t need any clothes,” she said as he pulled open the door.

  “I’m not purchasing you a whole wardrobe, Gwen, but you do need a dress for tonight. Remember, robe and dress shoes?”

  A soft pink color spread across her cheeks like watercolor on a painting. He adored the look of the blush on her skin. Even more, he enjoyed putting it there. It wasn’t often he could get reactions like this from women in his circle. They expected this treatment, and if they ever sported a color on their face, it was generally more often from anger when they didn’t get what they wanted.

  The shop, while small, housed a myriad of upscale clothing and before they had stepped very far in, a blond woman in a smart tailored suit approached them.

  “Welcome, my name is Claire. How may I assist you today?”

  “We need a dress. Something simple and elegant for dinner tonight.”

  The woman nodded, and her eyes traveled up and down Gwen’s form. “I’m sure I have something that will suffice. About an eight, is that right?”

  “Yes, or ten sometimes.” Gwen’s voice was soft and aimed at the floor. Was she embarrassed? Drew couldn’t care less what size she was, but he knew body image was something most women struggled with.

  “Follow me,” Claire said and led the way toward the back corner of the store. Drew followed until he noticed the fitting room area. Two large armchairs sat facing an open area with three long mirrors that he assumed was where the woman could model the clothing. He parked himself in one of the chairs and waited.

  A few minutes later, Claire opened a dressing room for Gwen and hung up several dresses. “There’s a small mirror inside, but if you like the way they look, you can step out and view it in the longer mirrors.” She pointed to the open area.

  “Thank you.” Gwen closed the dressing room door and Drew waited. When she emerged, his breath caught in his throat. The black dress hugged her in all the right places and flared out at the hips. The neckline was black lace. “What do you think?” she asked twirling for him.

  “It’s beautiful,” Drew said. In fact, he wasn’t sure he had ever seen such a beautiful vision before.

  “Shall I even try the others?”

  Though he couldn’t imagine one looking any better, Drew encouraged her to model the rest. He was not only curious to see how they would look, but he was taking mental notes on dresses he could buy her in the future. The other four dresses looked stunning as well, but nothing compared to the first one.

  “Do you have any jewelry to complement the dress?” Claire asked.

  “I didn’t bring any,” Gwen said shaking her head.

  “Do you have any here?” Drew asked.

  “Drew, I couldn’t-”

  “You can,” Drew said, grabbing her hand. “The outfit needs it.” He lowered his voice and leaned closer to her ear. “Princess, remember?” Gwen nodded, but Drew wondered if he was pushing it. He didn’t want to scare her off by pushing his money on her either. “Just a pair of earrings though, I think.”

  Claire nodded and motioned them to follow her to the other side of the store. The jewelry collection wasn’t large, but the pieces were extraordinary. Claire scanned the offerings before plucking off a dainty pair of onyx earrings. “These would look lovely.”

  “We’ll take them,” Drew said.

  Gwen was quiet as Claire rang up the purchases. She gripped her bag tightly which now held her casual clothes and tennis shoes along with her robe, and her eyes remained on the floor. Drew handed over his platinum card, signed the slip without a second thought, and thanked Claire before taking Gwen’s hand again.

  As they stepped outside, he turned to her. “I’m sorry. I wanted to spoil you, but I have the feeling I’ve made you uncomfortable.”

  Gwen smiled up at him. “A little I suppose. It’s wonderful that you have so much money, but I don’t live like this. I live paycheck to paycheck and work two jobs. This dress and earrings costs a month’s pay if not more. I just….”

  Drew pulled her hands to his chest. “Gwen, I’m so sorry. You are amazing, and I wanted to show you that.”

  “You don’t have to spend so much money to show me that. Money is important, Drew, but it’s not everything, and it could help so many people who need it.” She took a deep breath and looked down.

  Drew moved a hand to push her chin back up. “I’ve lived a privileged life, Gwen, but I’d like to be the man you’re looking for. Help me learn.”

  Her gaze penetrated his, and he poured his emotion into his gaze. If the eyes were windows to the soul, he wanted her to read his honesty.

  “Okay.” Her voice was soft and breathy and though he wasn’t sure she would be receptive, Drew couldn’t fight the magnetic pull that lowered his head until his lips touched hers.

  Heat flared between them and raced down his spine warming his body from the inside. His heartbeat doubled as if shot with amphetamine. When the kiss ended, he could tell it had affected Gwen just as much. Her breath was labored, and she blinked rapidly at him. “Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that since the masquerade ball.”

  “Me too.”

  * * *

  As they rode back in the jet that evening, Drew stole glances at Gwen from the corner of his eye. After the kiss, they had walked around town for a time before their reservation for dinner. While he had wanted to buy more for her, he had refrained. It would be challenging, but he was determined to be the man she needed.

  She was so unlike any woman he had ever dated. Even Avery, who claimed she didn’t want a billionaire boyfriend, had wanted him to buy things for her. But Gwen truly acted as if money meant nothing to her. It gave Drew pause. Perhaps he was putting too much emphasis on money as well.

  “So, tell me about your church,” he said turning to her. “I mean what should I expect?”

  Gwen’s eyes lit up. “Well, it’s very welcoming. Someone will greet you at the front door with a smile. Probably shake your hand too. Then they’ll hand you a bulletin which details events happening during the week, and we will go in and have a seat.”

  “That doesn’t sound bad so far,” he said though meeting new people always set him a little on edge. It came with having money. He constantly had to decide if they liked him for him or for what they hoped to get from him.

  “Then there’s music,” Gwen continued. “It’s mostly contemporary though somehow I doubt you listen to Christian radio.”

  He interrupted her with a smile, “No? What kind of music do you think I listen to?”

  She cocked her head as she studied him. “Hmm, I think I’d take you more for a rock ‘n’ roll kind of guy.”

  “Guilty.” Drew was more a fan of rock music but the oldies like AC/DC or Kiss.

  “And then the preacher will speak. His sermon usually lasts thirty to forty-five minutes and then he’ll close in prayer. Sometimes we sing a closing song before he releases us. All in all, it’s only about an hour of your life, but if you come with an open heart, I can pretty much guarantee it’ll be the best hour of your week.”

  Drew wasn’t sure about that. But Gwen had something he found he was missing, and if that something was God, he was willing to take a chance to see.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” he said.

  Chapter 12

  Gwen woke the next morning before her alarm clock. Drew would attend her church today, and she hoped he enjoyed it. As much fun as she had last night, Gwen knew Drew would have to be a believer before she could become serious with him. She wanted to get married and have a family but only with someone who would love and serve the Lord as much as she did.

  Gwen kicked back the covers and padded to the bathroom for a shower. Ten minutes later, she stood in her closet surveying her wardrobe. There was nothing wrong with any of it, but she felt more pressure to look nice today knowing Drew would be there. After debating back and forth, she decided on a simple skirt and sweater. The hunter green color brought out the sparkle in her eyes and the copper in her hair.

  Satisfied with her appearance, Gwen headed to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee. Drew would pick her up in half an hour, and she didn’t want to still be shoveling food in when he arrived.

  The knock at her door arrived just as she was getting the bacon out of the fridge. This time she didn’t wait; she hurried to the door in case it was another threat. It was too early to be Drew, and she wasn’t expecting anyone else.

  She flung the door open and stared in surprise when Drew’s face greeted her from the other side. “You’re early.” Gwen hadn’t meant the words to come out like an accusation, but it was clear from his raised brow that they had landed that way.

  “Should I go then?” He turned to walk away, but Gwen caught the smile on his face. He was teasing her.

  “No.” She grabbed his arm to stop him and a tingle shot up her arm. “I just haven’t eaten yet is all.”

  “Good, I was hoping to catch you before you did. I have breakfast waiting in the car, and I was hoping you would join me.”

  “Eat in the limo?”

  “Why not? It’s not pancakes or waffles, so you won’t have to worry about syrup.” His blue eyes danced.

  “All right, let me put the bacon away. Lucky for you, I hadn’t started the coffee yet.” She couldn’t believe how easy it was to joke around with him.

  “You wouldn’t have come with me if you had?” His face pulled into a forlorn expression. “I see how I rate.”

  Gwen just laughed. She loved how he made her feel lighter. “Just let me grab my Bible and purse.” And a stick of gum she thought to herself as she wouldn’t get to brush her teeth after breakfast now.

  She dashed into the kitchen and stashed the bacon back in the fridge. Then she rummaged in her drawers until she found a pack of gum. She didn’t chew it often, but she tried to keep some around just for moments like these.

  Gum in hand, she grabbed her purse, slipping it in, and then her Bible and journal off the table where she had been about to do her devotional. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Drew held out his arm, and Gwen slipped her hand through it enjoying the strong essence of masculinity and security from him.

  As they climbed into the limo, she was surprised by the smell of eggs and bacon. Drew had said it wasn’t pancakes or waffles but trying to eat eggs in the car might be just as messy at least if they landed on her outfit. “Eggs?” she asked as he shut the door.

  A crooked smile alighted on his lips. “Egg burritos. The best in the city.” He opened a compartment near the fridge and pulled out two large tin foil cylinders.

  “This is enormous,” Gwen said with a laugh as he passed one to her.

  “And delicious. My mother hates that I eat these, but I’m addicted.”

  Gwen glanced at him as she unwrapped one side of her monstrosity. The comment about his mother had caught her attention as it wasn’t the first time he had said something about her disapproval. “Your mother isn’t a fan of some of your habits?”

  Drew snorted. “Not at all. My mother is the epitome of the wealthy elite. One must always eat healthy, dress appropriately, and never cause a scene.”

  Gwen’s heart ached for him. It was clear from his words that he and his mother had a rocky relationship and while that was better than no relationship at all like she had, it was still challenging. “That must be difficult.”

  “That’s one word for it, but let’s not discuss my mother. Let’s enjoy the wonderful food, the company,” he winked at her, “and the ride.”

  Gwen wanted to say more, but it was clear from his words that he was finished with the conversation, so she finished unwrapping her burrito and took a bite. It was delicious. Eggs, bacon, and cheese mixed together to create an explosion of flavors in her mouth. It was the best egg burrito she had ever eaten. Drew was full of surprises.

  * * *

  Drew’s bravado faded as they pulled into the parking lot of the church. He disliked situations where he didn’t feel in control, and this qualified. There were too many unknown variables. He didn’t know the people, the procedure, or the layout. All things he versed himself in before attending new venues.

  “You ready?” Gwen’s voice was soft and encouraging beside him.

  He flashed what he hoped was a confident smile. “As I’ll ever be, I suppose.”

  Manuel opened the door, and Drew stepped out first then held his hand to Gwen. He hoped she wouldn’t mind, but he laced his fingers through hers. This was her place and she exuded a feeling of confidence that he needed.

  As she had said, a friendly couple greeted them at the door and handed them a bulletin. Drew smiled and nodded but made no attempt at small talk. It wasn’t his forte anyway and certainly not when he felt less than confident.

  He let Gwen lead the way into the sanctuary and sat beside her. Three large screens hung behind the stage which was filled with instruments. The large room could probably seat three hundred though Drew doubted even half that amount was there currently. “Does it usually fill up?” he asked her quietly as his eyes scoped the area for exits. Not that he expected a scene, but it was always nice to know the quickest way out of a building in case.

  She shook her head. “There are two services. The first one is larger, maybe two hundred most weeks. I’d say this one is half that. Maybe a little more.”

  That made him feel better. At least there wouldn’t be a huge crowd if something did unfold. A minute later, several people stepped onto the stage and the music began. It wasn’t rock, but Drew could appreciate the talent of the people playing. He had never heard the songs, but he enjoyed listening to Gwen sing beside him. Her voice was soft but clear, and occasionally, her eyes would close as she sang. She looked peaceful as if the rest of the world didn’t matter.

  “This next song is new,” the worship leader said, “and it has powerful words. If you’ll let me, I’d like to personalize the words and read them over you. If you’re comfortable with it, please close your eyes and listen.”

  The woman began to read in a clear voice, but the words meant little to Drew. At least until she reached the chorus. “... The love of God chases you down, fights till you’re found, leaves the ninety-nine. You didn’t earn it, and you don’t deserve it, but still He gives Himself away…” The woman continued but Drew�
��s ears stopped listening. He didn’t know what the ninety-nine were, and he was having trouble grappling with him not deserving it. While not a believer, Drew felt he was a decent person. He donated to charities, he hired those he could, and he had done nothing truly terrible. Why wasn’t that enough for God?

  The pastor’s message didn’t seem to address the lyrics, and Drew knew he would have to ask Gwen about them after the service.

  “What did you think?” Gwen asked him when the final song ended, and people began exiting the church.

  “I have questions,” he said. “Do you have time for lunch?”

  Gwen squeezed his hand and offered a smile. “Of course.”

  Half an hour later, they parked at a viewpoint in the city. Drew had opted to grab fast food and eat in the car, so they wouldn’t be interrupted.

  “So, what’s your question?” Gwen asked as she opened the Styrofoam container. The salty smell of soy sauce reached Drew’s nose, and his stomach rumbled.

  “It’s about that song the woman read. She said ‘you don’t deserve it’ but I’m a good person, Gwen. How could I not deserve it?” He took a bite of his noodles as he waited for her response.

  “It isn’t about being a good person, Drew. God says that ‘by Grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God, not of good works lest any man should boast’. It’s not about doing good things. It’s about letting God into your life.”

  “So, the only way to receive God’s love is by letting him into my life?” That sounded like a piece of control that Drew wasn’t sure he could relinquish.

  “You already have God’s love, Drew. There’s nothing you could do to make Him love you more than he loves you right now. He’s just waiting for you to want a relationship with Him.”

  “But a relationship with Him requires changing my life, right?”

  Gwen smiled. “Well, when you accept Jesus into your life, you want to live differently. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, and I couldn’t imagine living any other way.”


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