Bunny Tails Splitting Hares

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Bunny Tails Splitting Hares Page 5

by Camille Anthony

  Both the gray and red wolves were acting aggressive with me, but fawning and scraping before the other two. Their behaviors led me to believe they were approaching me in what had to be reverse order of dominance, meaning my tests were bound to grow more difficult.

  The black wolf approached next, his more aggressive behavior validating my theory. He came at my back, sniffing along the crease of my buttocks. His hot breath on my ass made the nerves in my gut churn. What was he doing? This had nothing to do with dominance and everything to do with…

  I felt him rise up, but instead of covering me, trying to force my head down or to the side, he slid his tongue up my back, laid down a trail of heated dampness as he licked over my spine. Bathing the blades of my shoulders, he reversed directions and retraced his path, ending by dipping the tip of his tongue in the crevice between my ass cheeks.

  I shivered as the line of wet flesh chilled in the wake of a cooling breeze. My only defense was to hunker lower, turning my heels in to guard my virgin rosette as I’d been forbidden to lift my hands off my thighs. Doing so meant losing my status as alpha bitch. It meant being forced to my hands and knees for mounting by the dominating wolf, claimed as its submissive until the next Fertility Festival.

  I didn’t plan on bowing in surrender to any wolf but Vance, but I squirmed, uncomfortable with my reactions to this wolf’s challenge. I was dismayed at how the black male’s bold advances made me feel, yet couldn’t deny that clever tongue generated heat in other, warmer places.

  My entire body was trembling when he finally came up over me, pressing his lower belly against the back of my head. He humped my body, rocking my torso forward, his haunches pumping so strongly he almost overset me. I could feel the extended length of his penis digging at me, neck high, smelled the rich scent of his spunk leaking onto the short curls at my nape. I knew what he was doing!

  “Get the fuck off me, mother fucker!” Forgetting myself, I pushed back hard, throwing my head into his midsection and forcing him off. Snarling, I spat another string of angry words at him while I continued bucking under him, determined to give him no chance of marking me further.

  Snarling in rage, the white wolf attacked the black, knocking it off its feet into a knot of wolves watching the spectacle. The hapless spectators scrambled out of the Alphas’ way, tails tucked and ears down as they slunk back to give the battling canines room.

  The black gave almost as good as it got, snapping and growling in turns, leaping for Vance’s back and sinking fangs into his shoulder. Vance swatted him off, claws leaving a swatch of red along the black’s side.

  The black yipped and backed away, favoring its wounded side. The white wolf immediately disengaged, turning its back on the vanquished foe to harry the other two wolves lurking near me. Red and Gray tucked tails and gave way, rushing over to fawn about the black wolf, licking the blood from the clawed stripes in its pelt, whining and whimpering as they ministered to their comrade.

  As the other three hung back, wary of tangling with his uncertain temper, Vance advanced on me. Head held high, ears up and tail brushing his hind quarters, his silvery white body moving like death floating, he slid in and out of the shadows. His majestic form drew my admiring attention like a lodestone, his shining pelt glinting in the waning light.

  I sat watching him as he pranced and preened, my heart pounding in my chest, breaths coming and going so fast I could barely catch them. Muscular yet rangy, angular as most wolves tended to be, he seemed alien to my human eyes. At the moment, I could see no trace of the man I’d lain with. This creature was all animal. Wolf. Lord of the forest and of all he surveyed. God, he was phenomenal and I had almost robbed him of this. Pride sang in every movement, every step he made.

  With me on my knees, Vance was taller than me. He lowered his head to meet my wide-eyed gaze, staring into my eyes for the longest time. A trickle of a growl vibrated the space between us and I dropped my head, no longer willing to hold his direct gaze.

  Head down, I sensed him watching me, the weight of his stare almost tangible. He was waiting to see if I’d dare look up. I did not. This wasn’t the Vance I was familiar with. No way was I challenging this alpha wolf.

  Satisfied with my reaction I suppose, I heard the dull padding of his paws on the flagstone floor as he circled my body. At my left and again on my right, his snout bumped my neck, examining the scents left by the other wolves. His breath huffed out, pouring hot streams of air over my ear, making me clench against the tickling sensation.

  Vance moaned while he pawed my hair, claws lightly scratching my scalp. Giving a series of sharp yips, he caught the lobe of my ear between his sharp teeth and nipped it.

  I cried out, jerked my head around to glare into his ice blue eyes. The bite hurt like hell but it wasn’t the pain that had tears coming to my eyes. Vance had never hurt me before. I’d come to trust he never would. I felt betrayed.

  He narrowed his gaze, lifted a foreleg and deliberately pawed my hair again.

  My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe he’d take exception to something so trivial. I gave the room a quick glance to see who was paying attention. Everyone. I shrugged. “Don’t blame me. I couldn’t get the brush out. If you’d come back, you could have helped.”

  Vance snorted. Moving on to my back, he sniffed loudly at the base of my spine, lingered there a while before setting his nose flat against my back and chasing the trail up the spinal cord to end at my neck, where he froze. He made no sound, but I could almost visualize his hackles rising as he fumed over the drying drizzle of the black wolf’s semen.

  I have no idea how long he took examining me, but when the white wolf finally came back around my body to stand before me, stiff-legged with head lowered, my thighs were trembling with the strain of supporting my weight. The rest of me was trembling with need. No doubt every wolf in the place could smell the juices spilling from inside me. Vance certainly could. His tongue lolled from between open jaws as his eyes locked on my lower body. He shocked me totally by lurching forward and gripping the tip of my left nipple between his teeth.

  I gasped, panting open-mouthed at the lightning exploding along my nerve endings, stiff with alarm. Above his wide nostrils, I met his eyes, the expression in the whitish orbs relentless. If I moved backwards, I’d lose that nipple. I think I surprised us both by leaning forward, pressing the full mound against his mouth.

  Chapter Five

  The full mound of breast totally covered my nostrils, making it hard to breathe. With a mouth full of teat, I had to decide quickly which was more important: breathing, or suckling the delicious nibblet I had clamped between my jaws. The nipple won.

  Backing away, pulling the tip tight, I lashed it with my tongue, flicking it steadily until her mating scent rose in thick clouds. I wanted to draw more out of her, roll my head and neck against her mound and coat my skin and fur in her essence. I wanted to wear her scent like a banner of possession.

  I bent to the other teat, gave it the same treatment, noticing how her hips stirred, circling as soft puffs of air exited her mouth in quiet chuffs. Licking the tip, I wet it and left it hanging in the cold breeze. It stiffened and rose, stood upright on the apex of her chest. She kept her hands on her thighs, though her fingers were now curled into her palms, fisted against what I was doing to her. Not good enough.

  I would have her submission, but I didn’t want to take it by brute force. The others had tried that tactic and it hadn’t worked, because my Ouida truly was an alpha bitch. I refused to come up over her, mantle her for two reasons, each intrinsic to one half of my duality. The man in me knew I must woo her to make my suit stand apart, while the wolf knew it dared not venture too close to where Xen had deposited his seed, underhandedly attempting to mark her. Now was not the time to go on another rampage among my fellows, meting out further punishment for the daring insult.

  Her head fell back, exposing her neck as I released her flesh and stepped closer, licking across her open lips. I sucked her breath fr
om her, nipping at her full bottom lip with my small teeth. I swiped the creases at the corners, dipped into the heated interior and discovered her shy tongue but pulled back out to bathe the pink meat guarding that luscious entrance. I took my time and explored her mouth with my tongue, running it over and over her parted lips -- not quick and frantic as would a young puppy eager to play, but slowly, lingering over the ripe curves, determined to give pleasure.


  My name was a whimper falling from her lips, a sigh of surrendered need as her hands abandoned their clasp on her thighs. My heart pounded so loudly I heard nothing but the pulse beating in my blood as her fingers curled in my fur, dragged my head down until she could lean her forehead against mine. “No more. I can’t…”

  She released me and fell forward onto her hands, going down until she rested with her head on her folded arms. Full ass high in the air, she spread her legs to expose her dripping sex. “I can’t wait anymore. Please, take what’s yours…”

  Jubilant, I leapt and pranced around her, tail waving in triumph. Victory dancing about her, I made sure all noted my conquest. Especially the three others who’d sought to subdue my bitch. They lowered themselves respectfully, as they should; still their eyes gleamed with the knowledge that soon they would be joining me in celebrating.

  On the dais, my Alpha howled in approbation, giving the signal for the pack to witness. They all turned to face the center of the circle, where Ouida knelt. Taking my place beside her, I bowed my head to the Alpha before raising my muzzle and yipping, calling the other three enforcers to feast. It wouldn’t be the hot beating heart of the prey we shared this night. Tonight we’d taste the ripe juicy female meat between my brave bitch’s thighs.

  * * *

  Howling and barking rose from almost a hundred throats as the pack mobilized around me. I turned my head, looking for Vance, and found all four of the wolves crowded about me, feral gazes intent and lustful. Westyn had told me what would happen… what had to happen, and though I was resigned, there was still that lingering niggle of fear hollowing out my gut.

  Vance came right over to me, nudged me with his muzzle and tipped me over onto my side. He reached out his forepaw but by the time our skin touched, his paw had morphed into a hand. His body followed, and suddenly he was on his knees beside me, bringing his lips to mine. “Greet you. I am Vance Forrester, Captain of the Forrester Lieutenants, and Chief Enforcer of the Forrester Pack. You are mated to me this Fertility Festival.”

  The black wolf, the one Westyn had threatened me with earlier, shifted and stood. As tall as Vance, his broad shoulders were wide as a week. His long black hair curled in unruly splendor, rioting about his sculpted body and brushing his firm buttocks. His lips curved in a knowing smirk, he bowed deeply. Kneeling, he cupped the back of my neck, twining his fingers in the hair at my nape where he’d leaked cum in my curls. With a snarl of possession, he took my lips and the kiss was surprisingly tender, not rough as I’d thought it would be from the way he’d gripped me. “Greet you. I am Xen Forrester, second-in-command of the Forrester Lieutenants.” He tossed a challenging glare at Vance before adding, “And this Fertility Festival, you are mated to me!”

  Red and Gray shifted and went to their knees, bracketing me. Putting their arms around me, they butted their heads against my shoulders, rubbing their noses along my cheekbone. These two hadn’t mastered me, hadn’t even come close. Was I alpha to them? I wasn’t too sure of anything at the moment.

  “Greet you. I’m Brax.”

  “And I am Usher, pretty bitch. Greet you. We’re your mates, too.”

  Four of them? I wondered fantastically, my mind spinning at the thought of accepting not just one lover in front of an avid audience, but four! I lay in the heart of the lupine circle, having no clue what happened next.

  The four males surrounding me didn’t have that problem. Vance shouldered between Brax and Usher, moving them aside to reclaim his place at my side. Broad hands cupped my shoulders, pulled me back to rest against his chest. “Relax. Let us give you pleasure.”

  I glanced up at him, searched his eyes, looking for reassurance.

  “Trust me.”

  I did trust Vance, but more than that, I’d spend years among humans who cared nothing for me. This wolfman was the first to reach out in sympathy and warmth to me. I couldn’t turn away from that, from him. I nodded. “Okay.”

  His smile was my reward. He twisted around to include Xen, Brax and Usher. “You two, first,” he instructed, pointing to the least alpha among them. “Xen, help us prepare her.”

  * * *

  Mouths and hands…

  So many mouths producing so much pleasure it was dizzying. I lolled on the floor, spread out like an all-you-can-eat buffet, with a mouth attached to each breast and a third latched on to my clit. Brax and Usher worked together at my nipples, cheeks flexing as they pulled strongly on the hardened tips.

  Xen had my legs flung over his broad shoulders, their wide width holding me open. His splayed hands rested under my hips to prop my pussy up to his mouth while he ran his tongue up and down my slit. He licked firmly, the rough strokes rasping over my clit, lapping the juices spilling from my womb.

  Vance sat with my head in his lap, his hands caressing my brow, monitoring my reactions to his orchestrated dance of pleasure. When my spine arched, curling under the intense sensations the three men were subjecting me to, he bent and kissed my lips, straightening back up to murmur, “Wait for it, my one, wait…”

  Wait? Was he insane? I dug my fingers in his skin. “Oh God, Vance, I can’t wait! I need to come.”

  “All right, sweet, hold on…” Vance nodded at Brax and Usher, nudged Xen with his foot to dislodge him.

  The black-haired wolfman snapped his head up, snarling in defiance before burying his mouth back at my crotch. I was with him. I didn’t want anyone to stop! I wanted to come.

  “Give the guys their time, Xen. Don’t make me pull rank.”

  I don’t think either one of us liked Vance much right then. With a last lap of my pussy, Xen reluctantly gave way and Usher took his place, his gun-metal gray hair flopping over my thighs as he settled in, enthusiastically showing me how eager he was to be in his present position. His talented tongue on my clit quickly revived my flagging interest.

  Foxy Brax was no slouch, either. He lay at my back and rolled me half onto my side. Lifting one of my legs to give Usher more room to maneuver, he slid downwards, trailing a line of wet, open-mouthed kisses down my spine. My body was already revved and raring to go when he reached his destination. I cried out in startled disbelief as I felt him thrust his tongue into my uh… back entry… and wriggle it around. Instant, consuming lust had me near ’bout wriggling out from between the two virtuosos.

  I’d never done the anal thing, so I had no idea how intense the sensations could be. I thought my freaking head was gonna explode. At the least, my body should have blown apart, because there’s no way that much pleasure could be contained in one place. Add in the mastery of Usher’s mouth eating at my pussy and I was pretty much a goner.

  I remember hearing a lot of screams. I guess most of those were mine, but I can’t take credit for all of them. Brax held me up with Vance’s help while Xen pointed Usher’s cock at my pussy and helped guide me down. And then they were gripping my butt cheeks, pulling me open, dribbling someone’s cum over my puckered entry for lubricant. I couldn’t help moaning as the thick girths filled and stretched me. It was life-changing, the way Brax and Usher’s cocks felt easing into my pussy and rectum.

  “Oh my God, it burns!” I could barely catch my breath to get the words out. It did burn, but not in any way I wanted them to stop any time soon. Xen caught my chin, dragged my mouth to his and tried to devour my tongue before backing up and presenting his cock at my lips. I suppose he thought he was giving me something else to focus on.

  I sucked him in and pushed at his foreskin with my tongue, realizing that all the wolf organs I’d
seen were uncircumcised. Then again, they would be, wouldn’t they, seeing as how the wolves were far from tame and I’d never known even domestic animals to take kindly to a knife.

  Xen’s uncut cock tasted incredibly good. Different from Vance’s but no less lust inspiring and I’d long gone beyond rational thought. All I wanted at the moment was satisfaction. If I needed to, I’d suck all four of their cocks. To prove it, I slurped up and down the barrel, tightened my lips around it and hollowed my cheeks, sucking it in, trying to hold on to the pleasure a little longer.

  Usher and Brax took turns easing into my pussy and ass, thrusting slowly and gently, going deeper each time they pulled back and pushed back in. They sped up until my channels burned, stretched and throbbed, until I was caught up chasing their rhythm. The three of them had me twisting under the lash of sensations so strong, lust so overwhelming I couldn’t stop my body from shivering and clenching.

  And then there was Vance, touching me and crooning directions in my ear. “Suck him deep, Ouida. Ride him, Ouida. Let them take you, my one.” All the while he stared into my feverish gaze, his own need burning bright in his silvery-blue eyes. Xen arched his back, hips flexing as he howled, spilling his seed down my throat. Usher and Brax followed, bucking against me, battering me with their strong bodies, their long cocks. And I screamed, thrashing between them, beneath them, body turned into a pillar of fire as passion flared deep and incandescent.

  The hall disappeared, the watching wolves no more than living friezes on the backdrop of my world as the four of us were consumed. My three new lovers fell away from my body, wilted erections slipping free, to lie listless on the ground beside me.

  A hand touched my cheek, turned my head to him. Vance met my dazed stare with one that reignited my shivering. “You didn’t come.”


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