Picnics, Pies and Lies

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Picnics, Pies and Lies Page 13

by Cindy Bell

  “We have to try, Mee-Maw.” Ally tugged her forward through the water. But every time she tried to swim, the brush hidden beneath the surface threatened to tangle her up. She grabbed on to the tall reeds, only to have them slip right through her hands. She couldn’t hold onto her grandmother and have enough strength to get out of the water. If she let go of her grandmother she was scared she would go under the water. A sinking sensation filled Ally’s stomach as she realized there was no way out. She wanted to be a hero for her grandmother, but she was out of ideas, and out of energy.

  Suddenly, loud snorts broke through the quiet around them. Ally recognized them right away.

  “Arnold! It’s Arnold!” Ally gasped as she felt a rush of excitement. A second later that excitement faded. What did she think a pig was going to do to save them?

  “It’s okay, Ally,” Charlotte whispered weakly. “I’m sure someone will be here soon to help. I’m sure.” Her voice sounded so breathless that tears sprung to Ally’s eyes.

  Arnold continued to snort. As he ran back and forth along the edge of the water, Ally noticed that his leash snagged on one of the thick roots.

  “Arnold!” Ally gasped out his name. “Arnold, swim here, buddy.” She splashed the water. It was a long shot, she knew, but it was their only chance. Arnold stuck his snout in the cold water, then tugged it back. He didn’t look too thrilled at first. Then he crept a little further into the water.

  “Can pigs swim?” Ally looked over at Charlotte, but Charlotte’s eyes were closed. “Arnold!” She screeched. “Come here, buddy, come here!”

  The pig dove the rest of the way into the water and began to swim towards her. His legs paddling hard as he kept his head above the water, his eyes wide. The leash stretched out across the water as he swam. Ally’s eyes filled with tears as she thought it wouldn’t reach. Then she felt Arnold’s warm snout on her outstretched hand. “Yes, Arnold! Yes! What a good boy you are.”

  Arnold snorted, then squealed. His little body shivered. She knew that now it was up to her to get the three of them out of the water. She grabbed on to Arnold’s leash, and with one arm hooked around her grandmother’s waist, pulled on the leash. Luckily, it stayed in place. She used the leash to pull herself free from the weeds and roots. Once free, she was able to use it as a guide and tether to escape the overgrowth and reach the edge of the river. She eased her grandmother onto the bank, and then turned back for Arnold. He shook with cold as she helped hoist him out of the water.

  “Good job, Arnold, good job.” Ally rubbed her grandmother’s arms and chest. “Mee-Maw? Mee-Maw, wake up!” She continued to try to warm her skin. She still had no phone to call anyone for help. As she screamed for help, she knew that she might alert Anita as well, but it was a risk she had to take. Arnold joined in with a high-pitched squeal every time she screamed. Within a minute, a face appeared at the edge of the path that led back through the woods. To her surprise, it was Christian.

  “Ally?” He jogged up to her.

  “Please call for help please, Christian!” Tears flowed down her face as she still couldn’t get her grandmother to wake up.

  “Here.” He shoved his phone at her, then stripped off his shirt. He wrapped it around Charlotte, before picking her up in his arms. “There’s no time to wait, they’ll take too long getting out here. You call for help, I’ll run her down the path.”

  Ally stumbled after him with Arnold at her side. She was stunned that he would be the one to save them, but so relieved that more tears flowed. By the time they reached the end of the trail there was an ambulance waiting for them.

  Charlotte revived quickly with the aid of the paramedics.

  “Is she okay?” Ally clung to Arnold, as another paramedic wrapped a blanket around her.

  “She’s going to be fine.” The woman monitoring her grandmother nodded. “She needs to go to the hospital though, to get checked out.”

  “Thank you, Christian, thank you so much.” Ally turned to look at him. He lingered nearby, shirtless and wide-eyed.

  “Did you think I’d leave you there?” Christian stared back at her.

  “Why were you out there at all?” A hint of suspicion crept back into her mind. Could he have been in on this with Anita?

  “I had my suspicions that Anita might be the killer. I saw her leaving the area and I was going to see if she left any evidence there, so I could take a photo of it. I never expected to find the two of you there.”

  Ally watched in amazement as he turned and walked towards the officers. Maybe he was a good journalist after all.

  “Ally!” Luke pushed past several officers to run up to the ambulance. He paused in front of her, his eyes wide. She could see the fear in them, even though he saw that she was safe, he was still stuck in panic.

  “I’m okay, Luke. Mee-Maw is, too.” Ally looked at the ambulance, then tightened the blanket around her body as a shiver ran through her. Luke listened as she recounted the events to him, and pulled her close. As his warm arms wrapped around her, she felt a sense of relief for the first time. She began to relax and rested her head against his shoulder. “Oh, Luke I was so scared.”

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” He kissed the curve of her forehead. “I had no idea.”

  “It’s okay, Arnold was.” Ally grinned as the pig snorted up at her. He hadn’t left her side since they got out from the icy water.

  “I always knew he was a talented pig, but I had no idea that he was this amazing.” Luke rubbed his hand along Arnold’s head.

  “Luke, Anita got away.” Ally sighed. “She’s probably long gone by now.”

  “No, she’s not. She’s in custody. I arrested her a few minutes before I was notified about this. That picture you sent me of the bow confirmed in my mind that she might be involved. Then I ran into Anita’s neighbor and she mentioned that she saw Anita walking through town by herself shortly after the picnic. So how could she be with Billy if she was alone? I went to talk to Billy about it again, and he admitted that he was alone the morning of the picnic, Anita was giving him an alibi. Then I went to speak to Anita with the new information. I caught her when she came back to her house. Her shoes were soaking wet. She confessed, Ally. She hoped she could cut a deal.” He rolled his eyes. “No chance of that. I can’t believe she left the two of you to die.” He shuddered at the thought and tightened his grip around her. “Ally, you never cease to amaze me, or terrify me.” He kissed her forehead, then looked into her eyes. “You are the bravest woman I know.”

  “Trust me, I know one braver, and a very brave pig, too.” Ally smiled as she rubbed Arnold with a towel again and he nuzzled her ankle. “Oh, you are getting treats today, Arnold, lots of treats!”

  Arnold squealed happily.

  The End

  About the Author

  Cindy Bell is the author of the cozy mystery series Donut Truck, Dune House, Sage Gardens, Chocolate Centered, Macaron Patisserie, Nuts about Nuts, Bekki the Beautician, Heavenly Highland Inn and Wendy the Wedding Planner.

  Cindy has always loved reading, but it is only recently that she has discovered her passion for writing romantic cozy mysteries. She loves walking along the beach thinking of the next adventure her characters can embark on.

  You can sign up for her newsletter so you are notified of her latest releases at http://www.cindybellbooks.com.

  Also by Cindy Bell

  Chocolate Centered Cozy Mysteries

  The Sweet Smell of Murder

  A Deadly Delicious Delivery

  A Bitter Sweet Murder

  A Treacherous Tasty Trail

  Luscious Pastry at a Lethal Party

  Trouble and Treats

  Fudge Films and Felonies

  Custom-Made Murder

  Skydiving, Soufflés and Sabotage

  Christmas Chocolates and Crimes

  Hot Chocolate and Homicide

  Chocolate Caramels and Conmen

  Dune House Cozy Mysteries

  Seaside Secrets

nbsp; Boats and Bad Guys

  Treasured History

  Hidden Hideaways

  Dodgy Dealings

  Suspects and Surprises

  Ruffled Feathers

  A Fishy Discovery

  Danger in the Depths

  Celebrities and Chaos

  Pups, Pilots and Peril

  Tides, Trails and Trouble

  Donut Truck Cozy Mysteries

  Deadly Deals and Donuts

  Fatal Festive Donuts

  Bunny Donuts and a Body

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Blush, a Bride and a Body

  Shampoo and a Stiff

  Cosmetics, a Cruise and a Killer

  Lipstick, a Long Iron and Lifeless

  Camping, Concealer and Criminals

  Treated and Dyed

  A Wrinkle-Free Murder

  Sage Gardens Cozy Mysteries

  Birthdays Can Be Deadly

  Money Can Be Deadly

  Trust Can Be Deadly

  Ties Can Be Deadly

  Rocks Can Be Deadly

  Jewelry Can Be Deadly

  Numbers Can Be Deadly

  Memories Can Be Deadly

  Paintings Can Be Deadly

  Snow Can Be Deadly

  Tea Can Be Deadly

  A Macaron Patisserie Cozy Mystery Series

  Sifting for Suspects

  Recipes and Revenge

  Mansions, Macarons and Murder

  Nuts About Nuts Cozy Mysteries

  A Tough Case to Crack

  A Seed of Doubt

  Roasted Penuts and Peril

  Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations

  Drowning the Daffodils

  Suffocating the Sunflowers

  Books, Bullets and Blooms

  A Deadly Serious Gardening Contest

  A Bridal Bouquet and a Body

  Digging for Dirt

  Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mysteries

  Matrimony, Money and Murder

  Chefs, Ceremonies and Crimes

  Knives and Nuptials

  Mice, Marriage and Murder

  Chocolate Pie Recipe


  2 3/4 cups chocolate sandwich cookie crumbs

  4 tablespoons butter melted

  7 ounces semi-sweet chocolate

  4 ounces bitter-sweet chocolate

  1 1/2 cups whipping cream

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  Extra whipping cream for serving (optional)

  Extra semi-sweet chocolate for serving (optional)


  Mix the cookie crumbs and melted butter together and press into the bottom and up the sides of a 9-inch pie dish.

  Refrigerate for half an hour.

  To make the ganache filling chop the chocolate into pieces and place in a heatproof bowl.

  Heat the cream gently until it is just simmering.

  Pour the cream over the chocolate. Leave it for 2-3 minutes.

  Stir the chocolate and cream mixture until the chocolate has melted. If it doesn’t melt completely, place the mixture back on a low heat and heat gently until it is melted. Take care not to overheat the mixture.

  Stir in the vanilla extract.

  Leave aside to cool.

  Pour the cooled ganache into the pie dish.

  Refrigerate for at least 3 to 4 hours.

  Serve with whipped cream and grated chocolate if desired.





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