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Expelled Page 19

by Claire Adams

  “Help you with what, Jennie?” I asked, trying to hide my frustration. What we had been covering with the ecosystem and water conditions was all very basic. If she was struggling now, I was seriously wondering how she would ever make it through finals week.

  She sighed. “I don’t understand what you’re asking us to do with the assignment you gave today.”

  I cleared my throat. “We’ve been talking about coral reefs and the bleaching that has been happening. Right?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and I mean, I get it, but what you’re asking us to do doesn’t make sense to me.”

  I watched her body language. I didn’t believe she was lost or confused. The girl was very intelligent. It wasn’t that she didn’t understand the assignment, it was more that she didn’t want to put in the time and energy.

  “The assignment is fairly straightforward. I want you to tell me what you think those bleached reefs are going to look like in ten years. I want you to explain what kind of ecosystem there will be. How will it differ from what we’ve known and studied over the past several decades.” I did my best to keep calm, but she was seriously pissing me off. Plus, I didn’t want to have to repeat myself. I wanted to think about Tessa.

  I had already taught, so now it was my time to reminisce and fantasize about the many things I wanted to do to Tessa’s beautiful body. Jennie was interrupting my daydreaming, and I didn’t like it.

  A hand went to her too-skinny hip as she narrowed her gaze at me. “I understood that, but don’t you think the assignment is vague? How can you possibly grade us on predictions?”

  I looked at her, blinked. “What?”

  She kept yammering. I had grown bored with her questions, and now, Tessa was front and center of my thoughts. Jennie and her bitching were like white noise, but an irritating white noise—like a mosquito buzzing near your ear.

  When Tessa walked through the door, I smiled. “Hi,” I said, cutting off Jennie’s complaining.

  “What’s up?” she asked, looking from me to the petulant student listing the many reasons she couldn’t possibly complete the ridiculous assignment I had given out.

  I gave her a look that expressed my frustration. “Jennie here isn’t okay with the assignment. Doesn’t feel it’s gradable. Right, Jennie? Is that the gist of your problem with the assignment?” I asked, trying my best to sound reasonable.

  The young woman with the beady eyes turned to Tessa. “He’s simplifying it a bit more than I would like, but in a nutshell, yes. It isn’t possible for us to predict the future, which means he can’t grade us on what I predict.

  Tessa smiled. I knew that smile. Little Miss Jennie was about to get informed. I leaned back in my chair, clasped my hands behind my head, and raised an eyebrow, encouraging Tessa to answer the girl. This will be fun.

  “Jennie, I think the assignment is very easy to understand. It is testing what you have learned thus far in class. Professor Dunlap has talked extensively about the impact to the ecosystem and offered numerous opinions and suggestions about what may happen. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. Your grade will be based on how much thought and effort you put into it,” Tessa calmly explained.

  Jennie rolled her eyes, clearly not happy to be stuck with the assignment. “Well, I guess we’ll see. Like I said earlier, Professor, my average cannot slide.”

  I looked at her, smiled, but didn’t say a word. I didn’t give a shit what her average was. I didn’t appreciate being bullied or threatened by a freshman who was used to things being easy, and when they weren’t, she argued her way out of them. Not today, toots.

  More students strolled through the door, making it impossible for me to chat with Tessa about anything other than the class. She seemed to sense my frustration and gave me a sexy smile before walking away and greeting some of the students.

  I watched her, without actually staring at her. Jennie was watching me, and I didn’t want to give away our little secret by looking at Tessa like I wanted to ravage her. Jennie was young and naive, but she also seemed a little manipulative. She was one I needed to keep my eye on.

  Class, with Tessa at my back, went by very fast. Anytime she was in my company, I felt like time flew by. I wanted to dig in my heels and make it slow so I could be with her, even if I couldn’t physically touch her. Her presence alone was comforting and always made me feel more complete. Cheesy and ridiculous, perhaps, but it was how I felt. I had to acknowledge it.

  Tessa couldn’t stay for my second class, which left me feeling bereft. I missed her presence. Of course, that class dragged on. Once over, I headed for my office, praying Jennie wouldn’t seek me out again. I needed a break from the girl.

  “Professor Dunlap! Just who I was coming to see!” a voice rang out.

  I looked up from my phone and saw the dean standing outside my office door. It was too late to run the opposite direction, so I had no choice but to stay the course.

  “Did we have a meeting?” I asked, suddenly worried that my obsession with a hot young student had obliterated too many of my brain cells.

  She smiled. “No, I only wanted to check in with you. Can we talk for a few?”

  I nodded and did my best to appear totally cool, but I was freaking out a little. Did she know something? Play it cool, man.

  “Sure,” I said, unlocking the door and inviting her into to my meager office. Tessa had helped fancy it up some, but it was like putting lipstick on a pig. It was still a tiny, dingy, and a poor excuse for an office.

  The dean looked around, and I had the feeling she too realized how crappy the space was. I gestured for her to take the plain wooden seat while I sat behind the desk.

  “What’s up?” I asked, doing my best to keep it light, even though I felt like I had a bowling ball in the pit of my stomach.

  “I wanted to see how things were going.”

  I shrugged, trying to keep the guilt from appearing on my face. “Good, I think. Things are smoothing out, and I’m setting back into my rhythm.”

  My mind was racing, wondering the real reason for her visit. Had Jennie complained? Did someone see Tessa and I in the classroom, making out like horny teenagers?

  A slight nod was all I got. She cleared her throat. “I need to know,” she started.

  The bowling ball had turned into a full-blown bowling alley—on league night. I could feel stomach acid rising in my gut, and burning my throat. She was about to fire me. Or confront me first, and then fire me.

  “What are your plans for the future? Will you be sticking around another year?” she asked.

  I nearly puked. That’s it? That’s all she wanted to know? Or wait. Maybe she was asking because she knew about Tessa and wanted to see if I would leave when she graduated.

  Shrugging, I was still not quite able to speak.

  She smiled, a real, genuine smile. “Okay, I understand. You don’t want to commit, yet, but I really need to know by the beginning of next semester, if you could. You’re doing a great job from what I can see. The students seem to be warming up to you, and the faculty likes you as well.”

  Nodding, I tried not to blink too fast. Or too slow. My guilt was turning me into a giant wimp. I couldn’t form words or keep my features relaxed. Clearly, I would be horrible in an interrogation.

  “I will,” I managed to say. Clearing my throat, I regained some of my composure. “I mean, at this point, I don’t see anything that would prevent me from staying on another year.” As long as she doesn’t fire me.

  “Good,” she said. “That’s great!” She stood up from the horrible chair. “Well then, I’ll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing. Please, let me know as soon as you’ve made a decision. I simply wanted to let you know the job is yours if you want it. I’ll have a formal contract drawn up next week. We can negotiate salary terms a bit if that is what’s holding you back,” she added.

  I hadn’t even thought about it, but now that she brought it up, hell yeah, we were negotiating.

  “Thank you
for stopping by,” I told her, quickly jumping out of my chair and opening the door for her.

  Once she left, I shut the door, leaned against it and exhaled a long breath. That was close. My mind was completely muddled. I stared at my desk, knowing there was no way I would be able to concentrate on anything. Tessa had been on my mind since she left last night. Now, the dean’s little visit was in there crowding things up. I couldn’t focus. I needed to get away from the school and clear my head.

  Once in my car, I realized I needed some groceries. I’d planned to go shopping yesterday, but something far better came up. Thinking of groceries and Tessa, I realized I wanted to cook for her again. I loved cooking, and when I could serve her a delicious meal, it made it even better. If she did that for pizza, what would she do with something far better?

  Just the thought had an erection forming, as I imagined the many ways I wanted to have sex with her. It wasn’t just sex. I wanted to worship her body in every way. The woman was a seductress. One look from her and I was ready to abandon everything in favor of fucking her mindless.

  I had no idea what type of food she liked. I pushed my cart up and down the aisles of the grocery store, hoping to be inspired. It wasn’t working, and no answer was coming to me.

  “Jake,” I hastily said, when he picked up his phone on the third ring.

  “What?” he asked, a little too abruptly.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, realizing I probably interrupted him at work.

  I heard a giggle, and it didn’t take me long to figure out why he was by my phone call.

  “Sorry, man. I assume that’s Maria,” I said, hoping it was.

  “Yes. What do you need, Ian?”

  I fought back a laugh. He was clearly in the middle of something all right.

  “Ask her what Tessa’s favorite foods are. What does she like for meals?”

  I waited while Jake relayed the question, straining to hear Maria’s response.

  “Spaghetti and meatballs, steak, or chicken fettuccine alfredo,” he said, still with an irritated tone, and just that quickly, he ended the call.

  I didn’t get upset by his rude dismissal. Why in the hell had he answered the phone in the first place?

  I used my phone to pull up recipes for each meal and quickly grabbed the ingredients I would need. I had no idea if or when she would be coming to my house and sticking around for dinner, but if she did, I was going to be ready. Wine. I needed wine to round out the meals. I couldn’t take her out to a fancy restaurant, so I would have to recreate the ambiance in my home. Candles—I needed to find some candles as well.

  With my cart filled, I headed for the checkout. Now I was all set and ready to wine and dine Tessa. Now, I just had to get her back to my house.

  Chapter 32


  Was it too much? Talia was the risk taker. I have always been the one to play it safe. What I was doing with Ian was actually unlike me. I was pushing boundaries. Maybe it was some kind of grief thing. I had seen movies where somebody goes off the deep end in order to feel alive or something stupid like that. I wasn’t planning on jumping off a bridge with a rope to catch me, or swan diving out of an airplane.

  Nope. Definitely not that crazy. I did a little self-analyzing. Ian was dangerous but irresistible. The attraction between us was well beyond anything I have ever experienced. But, I’ve never had sex with one of my teachers. And definitely never had sex with a guy twelve years older than I am.

  It wasn’t hard to diagnose my crazy attraction to Ian. It was risky. It was our dirty little secret, and that’s what made it so fucking hot. Only I knew what he was thinking when he looked at me, and his eyes closed just a bit. Only I knew he wasn’t sleepy, just the opposite. He was thinking of the many ways he wanted to fuck me, and I don’t even care if that makes me sound like a ho. I liked being with him.

  “I’d ask what has you smiling like that, but I already know,” Maria said, sipping her coffee.

  Smiling, I replied, “I can’t help it, Maria. Be honest with me. Do you think I’m doing this because it’s daring and forbidden, and not because I really like him?”

  Maria shrugged. “I don’t think so, but only you can really answer that. Why? Are you already bored with the cloak and dagger stuff?”

  “No. I mean, I guess it adds a certain something to the relationship, but is it really a relationship? If we’re having sex and nothing else, is the risk worth it?” I asked out loud, trying to work through what had been weighing heavily on my mind.

  Maria looked at me, pity on her face. “Tessa, I can’t answer that for you, but I don’t think this is a quick fling. You aren’t like that, and I don’t get the feeling he is either. Maybe you need to talk to him about this.”

  I groaned. “The whole ‘where is this going’ conversation seems a little premature. He is making me crazy. I feel like I am completely addicted to him; worse than any street drug.”

  She laughed. “Damn girl, that good, huh?”

  “Do you think it’s because he’s older? Because he has more practice. Maybe that’s what it is. Do I have daddy issues?” I asked in horror.

  Maria threw her head back and laughed. “He isn’t that old, and no, I don’t think so.”

  “He’s been married already!” I shrieked, quickly working myself into a frenzy. “He’s been married, had a kid, he even owns a home. He’s so—adult.”

  Another laugh followed by the shaking of her head. “I really don’t think that is a bad thing. If the age thing is bothering you, I think you need to tell him. You’re the one who needs to put the brakes on and keep it in the fling zone, but don’t lead him on. Jake would kill me if you hurt his big brother and then I’ll have to kill you for ruining what I have with Jake.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Okay, I need to get my butt to class. Thanks for chatting,” I said, sliding on my ballet flats before slamming down the last of my coffee.

  I was probably getting worked up over nothing. He didn’t propose marriage. We had sex a few times. That’s it. I needed to keep my hysteria in check. I took one last look in my rearview mirror, demanding I chill out. Going in there all hot and bothered or freaking out over the R-word wasn’t going to do anybody any good.

  Breezing into the room, I smiled at him. He was chatting with a few students in the center of the room. He was acting totally normal. Good. We’re good. Nothing to freak out about.

  Moments before class was to start, he walked to my desk. “You okay?”

  “Me, yeah, why? Don’t I seem okay?” I asked, in a voice that was a little higher than normal.

  He gave me that look. The look that said he knew better.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m fine, promise.”

  “Okay,” he said, before walking away and turning his attention to his students.

  Of course, I had to watch him leave. I caught myself staring at his ass, which brought up visions of my clenching it as he drove into my body over and over. My eyes moved up his back, and I imagined all of those muscles straining as he came into me, my nails digging in and leaving sexy little red marks across his back like some tigress.

  I blinked, snapping myself out of my little daydream and focused on the book I had opened. I don’t know why the book was open or what I was supposed to be doing with it, but I wanted to look busy or otherwise occupied.

  At some point, I heard his voice drop to that low timbre, and a shiver raced up and down my spine. I looked up, and he was pacing between the rows. That voice was the one he used when he was excited about something. I watched like a lion observes prey. Every move he made, reminded me of him being on top of me, and my hands caressing that bare skin.

  Holy shit, snap out of it, woman! I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I have become a sex-crazed lunatic. I can’t look at him without thinking about riding him. My skin is tingling simply by being in the same vicinity. I want his mouth on my body. I want him on me and in me. I want it so bad I can actually feel it, and it has me w
orked up so much I think I could climax right there in my seat.

  I squirmed in my chair, not sure I wanted to have an orgasm right here in class, but desperate to take the edge off. There was a fine sheen of sweat covering my face as my arousal continued to keep me in its grip. I looked up, and he was looking at me with those eyes that said he knew exactly what I was thinking. I was only a little embarrassed.

  He gave a slight shake of his head, cleared his throat, and resumed his lecture. I cannot wait for class to be over. I’m headed straight for the bathroom to complete the job myself. I can’t possibly walk around all day tingling and wet.


  The wail of the emergency siren cut right through that haze of desire I had created.

  My eyes instantly went to him. He stopped walking and talking. The entire room fell silent as we waited for the announcement that would follow the shrieking siren. Is it a test?

  As we waited for the horrible sound to go through its many tones, my desire dried up. As it turns out, the wail of a siren is the perfect anti-arousal. I’d have to keep that in mind for future reference.

  A mechanical, tinny voice cut through the silence. “Class is immediately dismissed. Campus is now closed. Please go home and prepare for Hurricane Karen. The storm has shifted course and is expected to make landfall late tonight. This is not a test. Campus is closed. You will be alerted via our emergency system when classes will resume. Stay safe.”

  I watched him take in the news. The students didn’t hesitate and quickly collected their things. While most of us had ridden out countless tropical storms and even a few minor hurricanes, you never knew when it was going to be the big one. I could hear the many plans for parties being made by the students. This was a free day, and they were going to live it up—screw the impending hurricane.

  I doubted this new hurricane would be a big deal, but I still needed to get home and close up the house. It was inevitable we would lose power. There was no point going to the store. That would be a madhouse, and everything would be sold out. We didn't really need anything. Thankfully, Maria and I had a nice stash of flashlights and candles, so we didn’t have to be one of those people in line at the store, fighting over the last pack of batteries.


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