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Expelled Page 170

by Claire Adams

  I would have to talk to Coach about making sure she didn't just show up. It would be problematic, and even if Natalie said it was okay, I wouldn't believe her, and I didn't want to cause any strain in our relationship at that point. It had already been strained enough times without me deliberately putting stress onto it without reason. Katie should understand that Natalie needed to feel comfortable, and currently she didn't. If she hadn't tried to kiss me after knowing I had a girlfriend, we might have remained friends. But I would never be able to convince Natalie that Katie and I could hang out alone without her worrying that Katie would hit on me all night. I knew that Natalie had no interest in hanging out with Katie at all, so I couldn't even suggest they get to know each other in that respect. Katie would have to become a lesser part of my life than I had originally thought. Despite the family connection, she just wasn't going to be a large part of my life. Even though she was part of the MMA team, she would have to stay out of my corner, and I knew that would be something she would find difficult to deal with. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but she had made the mistake of kissing me, and because of that, she would not be accepted wholeheartedly by Natalie.

  I slowed the treadmill down and got off of it. I towelled myself off and started chugging water. I felt great, which was usually the case after a good workout. I went off in search of Coach; I assumed he would just be in his office awaiting my arrival.

  A few of my teammates waved to me as I walked through the gym. They were all good guys, but I didn't have time to chat. I was on a mission.

  “Hey, Coach,” I said as I walked into the office.

  He had already been watching the video as he sat enjoying his coffee.

  “Hey, superstar. I was just going through the video, and this just might be the toughest fight you're up against.”

  “That bad?”

  “He's a killer, and he's an amazing striker. So you guys are probably going to end up going toe-to-toe.”

  “You don't suggest me taking him to the ground if he's good at striking?”

  He started the video over and let me watch it play through. He was right about the striking part; the guy was definitely good at it.

  “No, I don't think you should go to ground with him. You are a strong striker, but just because you meet up with an opponent that is also a great striker doesn't mean that you go to ground. Don't give up your best weapon just because his weapon is impressive too. You can beat this guy, Jet, there's no reason why you can't. You just have to be a strong fighter too.”

  “Okay, sounds good. I won't go to ground. Do you see any weaknesses?”

  “He drops his hands after he takes a swing. You could probably drop him with a head kick after he throws a punch.”

  “Hmmm, sounds good to me.”

  “Perfect. Now I want you to watch how he moves in and out. His head is a moving target. You will have a hard time determining what and when he is going to throw.”

  “Yeah, you're right. I can see that.”

  “He moves a lot, but I don't want you to chase him. He will try to tire you out that way. Just wait him out; let him come to you, and then take him down.”

  “Okay, Coach, I got it.”

  “That's my boy.” He patted me on the shoulder, and I knew this was going to be one of the hardest fights of my career.

  Chapter Five


  Jet's championship fight was that evening, and my heart is already in my throat. I remembered the last fight I had attended, and I knew that once again it would be hard to watch him fight. I didn't like watching him take hits; it was really hard on me. But if I was going to be a part of Jet's life, I had to get used to the fact that he was a fighter. It was his dream, after all, and I didn't want to get in the way of that. I wanted him to be successful and have the career he always wanted. So I would need to be a supportive girlfriend in the sense that I didn't have a complete meltdown every time he got in the cage. It wouldn’t be fair to him.

  To be honest, I was incredibly proud of him and all that he had accomplished so far in his fighting career. I knew he would make it to the big leagues; there was no doubt in my mind.

  Young college students filled the arena until it was brimming full of people. The girls were the worst part―they were everywhere, and they were screaming the names of the fighters. I guess that was something else I would have to get used to. It was pretty easy to become jealous when it came down to stuff like that. The girls would give anything to get a piece of Jet; they didn't care if it was just for one night or not. They wanted him just for the sake of having him. It scared me to think how easy it would be to lose Jet, and I didn't want that to happen.

  I could hear some girls behind me talking about how big his hands were and what that could mean about the package in his pants. It took all my willpower to not turn around and glare at them. I had to play cool, however; he was all mine, so there was no need for me to have a complete meltdown. Julie was with me once again, and we had front row seats right beside where Jet's corner would be. He told me that he wanted me as close to him as possible, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I noticed, too, that Katie wasn't in the back with the team. She was sitting in seats with friends as well, and I wondered why she decided to not be in Jet's corner that time around. Not that I wanted her to be or anything. The girl annoyed me to no end, and I truly didn't want her anywhere near Jet. She had gotten just a little too close for comfort, and just looking at her near him made me extremely uncomfortable.

  I noticed as I looked around the arena that there were many people wearing Jet's apparel. I thought it was cute to see my boyfriend’s name printed on shirts, and people actually loved him enough to wear it and show their support for him as a fighter. Like I said, I knew he was bound to be going places.

  The shirts were black, and the scrawl was white, so I could pick out the shirts all over the arena. I would have to remember to ask him if there were ladies’ sizes, as I wanted to wear one for his next fight. The finals were a pretty big deal, and that was made obvious by the fact that it was standing room only at that point. The crowd was already going insane, and the fighters hadn't even come out yet.

  Just then, his entry was announced. “Jettt! Here's the fighter you have all been waiting for! Come on out, Jet!”

  He appeared from behind the curtain, and headed down to the cage. He looked incredible and fit, ready to take on the world. Jet met with his team, and then went into position in the cage.

  “And now, Eric, the man known for terrifying his opponents!” While Eric made his way down to the cage, Jet met my eyes, and they were burning hot for me. My heart started beating harder immediately. Not only was my heart beating faster, but I suddenly feel very aroused by the sight of him. I knew what he was thinking when he looked at me, and it reminded me of the last time we were together. He was primed to fight Eric, but I think that he may be even more primed for me after the fight. I was sure he was going to fight to the death, like he always did, but then he would want to fuck me after, and I was more than okay with that.

  “Wow, he is so hot for you! How do you keep your clothes on with that guy?”

  I giggled. “It's a little intoxicating, to be sure.”

  “No doubt. I think I need to start dating a fighter. So set me up with one, will you?”

  I laughed. “Okay, will do. He's totally going to win this, I just know it.”

  With both fighters in the cage, things were about to get interesting. The bell rang, and everyone in the arena went still as the two fighters approached each other. It really didn’t matter how many times I have seen a fight; the experience is enthralling. It was hard to pinpoint Jet's fighting strategy, as it was always different with every opponent. Jet must know something the rest of us didn’t, because as soon as they moved toward each other, he started hitting fast, super fast. I heard the pop, pop, pop, from punches hitting their mark as Eric stumbled back from the impact.

  “We love you Jet!” a girl screamed. “Kno
ck him out, and you can have me!”

  I quite literally did turn around in my seat to get a glimpse of that one. She wore his shirt, and she was toned and taut like a female bodybuilder. Where did these girls come from, anyway?

  Jet was up there, fighting like a machine, and I had to admit, he never looked sexier. The fight was in full swing, and my stomach had a million butterflies flying around in it. I was having a hard time breathing, but so far, everything was going right. His muscles were rippling as he hooked with his left and then blocked a punch coming at him. Jet countered with a few jabs, and finished off with a straight punch that slammed into Eric like a freight train. Eric rocked on his heels.

  Jet moved back and watched. It appeared that he was waiting to see what Eric was going to do next. It wasn't long before he found out. Eric charged at Jet, and when he did, Jet feinted as Eric swung right. Jet came back with a punch to the gut, ribs, and also the jaw. Eric was starting to look sweaty and bloody; he hadn't been able to pull off much on Jet.

  The girls in the arena were going nuts at that point, and I could barely breathe myself.

  Eric came at Jet and landed a punch on his face, and just as his hand dropped, Jet shot out a high kick and landed it against Eric's head.

  After that, one right hook landed Eric on the canvas, and the next thing I knew, Jet's arm was raised up in the air as the victor for the night. Jet didn’t smile. His nostrils flared, and he looked exhausted, but he had that fire in his eyes. The crowd was going crazy, and once again, Jet met my eyes. He was trying to catch his breath as he watched me, and I could tell he wanted to rip my clothes off and fuck me.

  I couldn’t wait to have him all to myself after the fight. Not only did I want him to take me in the most aggressive way, but I also wanted him to cuddle me, and make me feel warm and safe.

  “Jettt!!” the crowd screamed as he was announced the winner of that evening’s fight. He was pumped―I could see it, and I was so thrilled that my man won the title fight of the finals!

  He came out of the cage, and I stood up as he came to me, and embraced me in a kiss that I would never forget.

  Chapter Six


  Shuffling through my drawers, I was determining what to pack for my trip to Natalie's parents’ house. They had snow, and the temperature was supposed to be well below zero. I needed to make sure to pack clothing that would keep me warm.

  I packed some jogging pants, hoodies, and suitable attire for Christmas dinner. I was nervous as hell to meet her parents. In truth, I had never been serious enough with a girl to deem meeting her parents. I wasn't really sure what to expect, or what kind of people they would be. From the sound of things, they were pretty laid back, and that was probably a lot more comforting than Natalie having to meet my parents. I think I could handle laid-back, as long as her dad didn't have a shotgun perched somewhere.

  Kyle popped his head into my room as I packed. “Meeting the parents, right? Wow, big change for Jet.”

  I laughed. “Shut up, man.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  I paused. “No, I'm a grown man, for God’s sake.”

  “I'll take that as a yes.”

  I chuckled. “Whatever.”

  “Long drive.”

  “Yeah, it's a hike. We will have to stop somewhere and sleep if we don't make good time.”

  “Ah, a nice little road trip doesn't hurt.”

  “What are you doing for Christmas?”

  “Oh, I'm hitting up family. I have a dinner at my parents’ and then another at my grandmother's house, so I should be pretty fat by the time the holidays are over.”

  “I hear ya. I'll be hitting up the gym hardcore when I return.”

  “No doubt.”

  “Why don't you ask Katie out on a date, man? She's great, and well, I think you guys would do well.”

  “She's totally out of my league, man. I don't like admitting such things, but she is.”

  I looked up from my suitcase. “Just don't treat her like a piece of meat, and you'll do just fine. Men are idiots, you know that. We behave like we own the world. Treat a girl right and you can have any girl you want.”

  “Thanks, man. Have a safe trip, and I'll see ya when you return.”

  I waved him off. I finished packing and headed out the door to go get Natalie.

  She was waiting outside on the steps of her apartment, looking casually beautiful. I got out of the car and met her, giving her a kiss on the mouth.

  “Hey, beautiful. Ready to go?”

  “I sure am. Are you? Or are you having regrets about going with me?”

  I laughed. “Maybe, but I'll deal with it.”

  “Good. I like brave men.”

  “Oh, do you? Are you sure you don't want to have a quickie before we leave?”

  She giggled, and it was just about the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. “Not if we have any prayer of getting there by tomorrow.”

  We got on the road shortly after lunch. It had been really hard not to take her to bed with me, but she was right, we had a destination to get to. However, I planned on ravishing her at the hotel that night. She wouldn't be able to get away from me then. It was about a 10-hour drive to her parents’ house, and it seemed as if we kissed for five hours straight. I would have thought being closed up in a vehicle with Natalie for that long would cause us to grow irritated with one another, but the total opposite happened. We talked the entire way there, and seemed to solidify our bond even more. She was nothing like any girl I had ever dated before, and I couldn't believe how lucky I had been to win her over. There were a few times I had to pull the car over, especially once Natalie straddled me and started kissing my neck. I would have killed us both for sure, because the moment she did it, I could hardly remember my own name. She was insatiable, really, she couldn’t get enough of me, and I certainly wasn't complaining. Everything she did drove me a little crazy, and it took everything I muster not to take her right there in the car. But I had to settle with some quick make out sessions before we headed back on the road. Due to these make out sessions, we were making terrible time. But it was our Christmas vacation, and if we got there a few hours later, so what? It was a beautiful drive, and the winding roads were breathtaking. There wasn’t enough room on either side of the road to stop, so Natalie had to take pictures from the moving car. It was amazing to be driving along the sides of cliffs, and the view was incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better trip. The sights were great, the company was even better, and I had a few days off from school and training.

  We reached North Carolina at around 1:00 in the morning. We still had a few hours to drive to get to our destination, so we decided to stop at a hotel for the night. It turned out that Natalie had assumed I had booked us a room for the evening, but I hadn't. In fact, aside from thinking of seducing her in a hotel, I hadn't thought much about it at all. So our only other option at that point was to drive around and stop at one. The problem with that, however, was that there were no vacancies anywhere. All the chain hotels were booked up for the night due to Christmas, and so we were left with the motels in the area, and even then, we continued to drive by them, seeing all the “vacancy” lights turned off. I was starting to panic as I saw Natalie's irritation level rising quickly.

  “I just don't understand why you didn't do it. What did you think was going to happen when we arrived in the city during Christmastime?”

  “You're right, Natalie, I'm totally to blame. I do remember you asking me to. But with the fight and everything else, it just slipped my mind. And yes, I did think that I could just drive up to one, and that it would be okay.”

  “It's okay, I'm just starting to wonder what we are going to do. I don't exactly want to spend the night in your car.”

  “We won't; I will find us something.”

  Well, the problem with that little promise was that there was nothing out there. As we kept driving, I finally saw a vacancy sign in the distance.

  “There's one,” she
practically shouted at me.

  I pulled into the only motel we could find in the area, and to be honest, it reminded me of the Bates Motel. I parked, feeling a little uneasy, and I smiled at her before I got out of the car. “See, we found one.”

  She looked a little unsure of my confidence as she took a good look at the long line of rooms before us. I couldn't blame her; it definitely looked like I had pulled into the scene of the next horror movie. Being stabbed to death in her sleep wasn't exactly her idea of a Christmas vacation, I was sure of that much. I left the car and went into the office to get a room. I was relieved at least when the motel manager didn't resemble Norman Bates.

  “Hey there, I need a room for the night.”

  The manager slid the guest book in from of me like we were still in the 1950s, and I scrawled my name in it. I paid cash for the room and took the key from his hand. I ran back out to the car, drove to Room 21, and parked in front of it. Natalie was looking out the windshield at the room and turned to me.

  “How much did it cost?”

  “It's not important. Let's go.” We both got out of the car and headed to the door.

  “Jet, how much did the room cost?” She wasn't letting it go, and I really didn't want to tell her.


  I put the key in the lock, and laughed, as I said, “Fifty bucks.”

  “Fifty! Oh, this is going to be good! Just great, I don't think I've ever heard of a room for rent for that low.”

  “Well, it was a first for me too, but I'm sure it's delightful.”


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