The Immortal's Betrayal: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 5)

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The Immortal's Betrayal: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 5) Page 19

by Martha Woods

  “No, I don’t want you to leave. I don’t even think it will let you go. But being with me isn’t safe and watching you leave will be the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do.”

  “It won’t let me go? What do you mean?” And why wasn’t she freaking out more after finding out that her boyfriend wasn’t quite human. It was like the thought of losing Liam had forced her mind to accept what she had just witnessed.

  “My wolf, Sky. It is a part of my nature to be possessive. It - we have claimed you as our own and we mate forever.”

  “Well, that actually sounds nice,” she murmured, nibbling her finger nails. Being with Liam forever? Hell, she would take the wolf as part of the deal too. “I-I mean, I love you, Liam. You just freaked me the hell out, but I love you. And a part of love is accepting your partner for who he or she is right?” She looked up, connecting her eyes with his stunned green orbs. “And you said you love me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then let me stay with you.” She scrambled forward on the bed to get closer to him. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this. I don’t care what you are, Liam. I have no desire to run. I don’t really have anyone else. My mother is gone and my dad is pretty much nonexistent in my life most of the time. I was alone and then you gave me a job, a home, love. And Farah is here, who is the most eccentric woman I’ve ever met but I love her. Being with you, being here makes me happy. I love you.”

  It was Liam’s turn to stare. “You’re not afraid or disgusted of what I am?”

  “A bit scared but not disgusted. I mean, other people have unconventional relationships. Why can’t we?” She came to her feet to stand inches away from him. “You were wrong earlier you know. You said you showed me your true self when you…”

  “Shifted,” he supplied.

  “Right. I’ve seen the real you, Liam. I saw the real you a while back even though you tried to hide it by being a big sour-puss.”

  He scoffed. “Sour-puss? Wolves do not like being compared to a feline in any way.”

  She swallowed a smile. “Sorry. Anyway, the real you is a passionate, caring, loving, and good man. Oh, and a controlling pain in the butt sometimes,” she added with a cheeky grin. “So yeah, I think I’ll stay.”

  Liam swallowed several times. “You’re an amazing woman,” he hesitantly stepped forward and she flung her arms around his neck. “If you step into my world, you could get hurt, Sky.”

  “No, because you’ll protect me by telling me what I can and can’t do like you usually attempt to do.” He nipped her neck playfully and she giggled. “Plus, I have this good luck charm.” She pulled away to fiddle with the necklace. “I swear this thing saved my life.”

  “It actually did. That ugly metal thing that Farah gave you is some kind of protection talisman. I guess she put some kind of spell on it. She’s a witch.”

  “A what? Oh, hell, you’re serious aren’t you? Well, werewolves are real, so why wouldn’t there be a few witches in the mix?”

  “I’m a wolf shifter because I can shift at will. Werewolves can only turn where there’s a full moon.”

  Skylar moaned and massaged the bridge of her nose. “Of course. What was I thinking getting the two mixed up?” Her tone dripped with sarcasm. “Next you’re going to tell me that vampires and fairies are real.”

  “They are.”

  “Oh, my God,” she whined. “You know what, let’s stop talking about this for a while. My human brain can only process so much at a time.” She turned away. “I need to lie down.”

  He gently grasped her arm and turned her back to face him. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. Okay, not really. I feel overwhelmed by everything. I’ll be fine after a night’s sleep, though.”

  He searched her face, unconvinced but shook his head in acceptance. “I’m going to need you to stay in this house for a few days, Sky. If you have to go out, I’ll take you.”

  “I already told you I’m not going to run, Liam.”

  “It’s not that. There’s a hunter in town and I need you to lay low until I take care of him or her.”

  The headache that had started as a dull ache behind her eyes was quickly turning into an intense storm of pain. She let out a sigh. “A hunter?”

  “Yes. Someone who hunts and kills supernatural creatures like me, and I suspect Farah could be in danger as well.”

  “For the love of God,” Skylar murmured, dropping her head. “Well, there are wolves, vampires, witches and whatnot, so why wouldn’t there be a hunter? Let’s talk about this tomorrow, Liam. My mind seriously cannot take anymore.”

  “No this is important, Sky. You’re my woman. The hunter probably won’t care that you’re human. As long as you’re with me, you’re at risk.”

  “Aw, your woman. I love the sound of that.”

  He tried to hide his smile. “Focus, Sky.”

  “Sorry. I’ll stay in the house and I’ll be extra careful.”


  He released her and she climbed into bed. “So, this hunter lives in Boulder Junction?”

  “No. I’m guessing he or she arrived just around the time you did. The night before you arrived, the hunter made his or her presence known by sending an arrow made of silver my way. I was home for over a month without any incident. So I assume the hunter arrived a little over two months ago.

  Skylar shivered. “You were almost killed?”

  He shrugged and gathered her in his arms. “It happens.”

  She fell silent and closed her eyes, her mind racing, going over everything that she had seen and heard starting two nights ago. Hmmm. A hunter. Interesting. Her eyes flew open. The hunter arrived about the same time she did. There was only one other new arrival to Boulder Junction. Sitting up with a gasp, she shouted,


  Liam growled. “You’re calling your ex-boyfriend’s name while you’re in bed with me?”

  “Hey, he was never my boyfriend, we just - never mind. Cayden is the hunter, Liam.”

  He sat up. “What makes you think that?”

  “Cayden and I showed up around the same time. Well I’m not the hunter, so that leaves him. Come to think of it, he’s always watchful and he always seemed way too interested in you. There’s something off about him, but I never took notice because I wanted his friendship.” Another growl rumbled behind her. “Oh, get over it, Liam.”

  He pulled her back to him. “Forgive my jealousy. I can’t help it.” Kissing her forehead, he said, “I need to go out for a while.”

  “What? No.”

  “I think you might be on to something, Sky. The police officer just showed up out of nowhere. I need to look into it.”

  She clung to him. “You can’t look into it by yourself. What if he really is the hunter and -”

  He covered her mouth with his. “I’ll have help. Go to sleep. I’ll be back.”

  Skylar sighed and gave in. “Okay.”

  * * *

  “It isn’t polite to stare, child.” Farah sent her a disapproving look.

  Skylar blinked. “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe that you’re a witch. It’s so cool.”

  Rolling her eyes, Farah stirred the contents of a pot furiously. “I am Mr. Conway’s housekeeper. Forget the witch part, will you? I swear if the two of you keep staring at me, I’m going to -”

  “Cast a spell on us?” Skylar asked, grinning. “Oh, can you teach me a few spells?”

  “Sky. Leave Farah alone. She is actually capable of cursing us or something,” Liam sent Farah as smile as he stepped into the kitchen.

  Farah huffed and grumbled something under her breath. “I’m really considering that curse.”

  Skylar smiled up at Liam who was staring at her. “What?”

  “Nothing. You’re just always so radiant. I can stare at you all day.”

  Flushing, she looked down in her cup of tea which Farah had given her. It was some herbal remedy for pain and it was disgusting. But her wrist still ached so she h
ad forced down a few sips. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she stiffened.

  “What is it, my love?”

  “Mhmm, call me that again,” she murmured, leaning into him.

  “My love,” he repeated.

  Skylar smiled. “I was just thinking. You didn’t tell me what happened last night.”

  She frowned when he and Farah exchanged knowing looks. “What?”

  “You were right. Cayden is the hunter. Michael and I found an array weapons at his house. He wasn’t there.”

  “I bet he was out hunting,” Farah said with a shiver. “Hunters may be humans but they are highly skilled and dangerous. I’ve heard of a few witches meeting their demise at a hunter’s hand.”

  Skylar looked from Liam to Skylar. “Maybe I can talk to him. Let him know that you guys are good.”

  “No!” Farah and Liam chorused.

  “Merde. Have you lost your mind, child?”

  “You’re not going anywhere near him, Sky,” Liam said.

  “But we’re friends and I’m human. He won’t hurt me if I meet him in town to talk. I can get through to him.”

  “No!” Liam growled again.

  “Come on, I’m sure he’ll see reason. He’s a good guy.”

  “It’s nice that you try to see the best in everyone Sky, but don’t be so naïve and careless,” Farah expressed.

  With a pout, Skylar fell silent. Obviously she was fighting a losing battle. Liam squeezed her shoulder and bent down to kiss her forehead. “Careful, when you pout like that it makes me want to spread you across this table and -”

  “Quiet, Farah is right there,” she hissed.

  He gave her a boyish grin and walked over to Farah, giving her the opportunity to check her phone. She scrolled through her phone. Three missed calls and a voice message weren’t good signs. The unknown mob boss was undoubtedly pissed that she hadn’t answered. Skylar gulped and checked the voice message.

  “Ms. Moore. It seems you have changed your mind about our agreement. You haven’t been making me happy lately. I take that to mean that you don’t care about your father’s life or yours. I suppose I’ll have to make you pay some other way.”

  Skylar pulled the phone from her ear and forced herself to breath normally. “Hey, I’ll be in my room, guys.” Farah and Liam looked her way and nodded.

  Running to her room, she dialed her father’s number. That was the best she could do since the criminal plaguing her only called using a private number. Fortunately someone answered.


  “Oh, my God, Dad. You’re still alive. I thought they had you.”

  There were a few seconds of silence. “They did. I convinced them to let me go. They were more compliant since they were getting money. Thank you for that, sweetheart. Unfortunately, after they let me go that asshole went back on the deal. He wants more money.”

  She let out a shaky breath. “I know and I told him I can only afford what I’m giving him now. You need to fix this, Dad.”

  “I’m know.” He paused. “Honey, you have to leave Wisconsin.”

  She stilled. “H-how do you know where I am?”

  “He found you, Sky. You were sending money and he followed the trail.”

  She slapped a palm against her forehead. That wasn’t even something she had thought about. “I’m going to the police.”

  “No, you can’t. That will only make things worse and I’ll go to prison.”

  “Good,” Skylar hissed, “At least you’ll be alive and so will I.”

  Her father swore like a sailor and she rolled her eyes. “You don’t have time to waste going to the police. They know where you are, Sky. They’re probably right on your ass as we speak. Just pack up and leave now. Get back to Miami and we’ll run.”

  She ran her fingers through her as tears filled her eyes. “I can’t just leave.”

  “Damn it, Sky. Just leave the damn job and get out of there.”

  “You don’t understand!” she cried. She couldn’t just pack and leave Liam. But if she had been found, that put him in danger. He had enough on his plate with his family and now a hunter. The thought of leaving him caused despair to surge through her. “I hate you for this, Dad. I really do.” She cut off the call and his response.

  Sky made the decision to keep Liam and Farah out of her mess. Her problem was a human one and there was no way she would involve Liam in anything illegal. So she snuck out two days after speaking with her father, after Liam left to meet with his brother. It had been a difficult two days, keeping up the pretense of everything being alright.

  She glanced at the time. Liam would probably be home by now. Picking up her cell, she dialed his number.

  “Skylar, where the hell are you? I told you not to leave the house without me.”

  She held the phone between her ear and shoulder, fighting back tears as she maneuvered her car through the dark streets with her good hand. “Liam, I’m sorry.”

  “Good, now get your ass back here.” There was a pause and he said, “It’s her, Farah.”

  She heard rapid French in the back ground and then a, “Thank God.”

  “I-I’m not coming back, Liam.”

  The silence was deafening and she swore she could literally feel her heart breaking. “What?”

  “I quit. I’m sorry for not giving you a formal resignation.”

  “I don’t care about the fucking job, Sky.” He paused. “You said you wouldn’t run.”

  “I know what I said. I’m allowed to change my mind.” She let out a sob. “I love you.”

  “Then come back. Tell me where you are, I’ll come for you.”

  The desperation in his voice made her cry harder. “No, I’m leaving the state. Goodbye, Liam.”

  “This isn’t about me or what you found out about me, is it? You’re in trouble. I knew you were running from something but I left you alone and waited for you to tell me.”

  Skylar let out a defeated sigh. “Liam, I -” She let out a cry as her car jerked forward and the phone fell out of her grasp. “What the hell?” She glanced in her rear view mirror to see two beaming headlights. Someone hit her car.

  “Sky? Sky, what is it? Talk to me. Skylar!”

  She reached for the phone with her bandaged hand, wincing when pain went through it. Her father said the men after her knew where she was. It had to be them. “Liam, they found me. They’re here.”

  “Tell me where you are.”

  Before she could respond, her car was hit again, sending her off the road. Dropping the phone she used both hands to attempt to control the car. “Oh, shit,” she shrieked when she saw the tree ahead but couldn’t slam the brakes fast enough.

  Chapter 15

  The only times Liam had ever experienced true terror was the night he had almost lost Sky because of his brother and the present moment. Her scream, echoed in his ear, followed by the sound of metal crushing. “I can’t lose her,” he whispered. He turned to Farah. “Can you find her?”

  Her eyes were clouded with worry but she nodded. “If I focus on her, I can.” She went still, seemingly retreating into herself and her eyes turned white. Second later, she drew in a deep breath. “She’s just outside of the town, but she’s moving in the back of a vehicle. There are strange men with her.”

  He nodded. “Then they haven’t taken her far. I can catch up.” Liam sprinted outside and sent a call to his brother. His howl resonated in the night, the fear and desperation audible. An answer to his call sounded and he immediately took off. Michael would meet up with him. As he shifted, his wolf senses barely picked up the presence of someone or something else. He couldn’t be sure what is was nor could he spare the time to stop and find out. Liam tore through the woods, avoiding the road. With his supernatural speed, no vehicle would outrun him especially on the winding roads in the dark of night. He would find Skylar and the men who took her. He snarled, promising death to whoever dared to hurt her.

  * * *

  Opening her eyes slowly,
Skylar sat up gingerly. She glanced around, taking in the dim interior of the van she had been dragged to and knocked out before being thrown inside. She groaned. Great, the criminals had her and from the grim looks of the two men in the back with her, they weren’t letting her get away. Sighing, she pulled at the bound on her wrists and moaned. Her injured wrist would never heal at that rate.

  “Well, hello boys, we meet again. Although, we didn’t officially meet the first few time since you guys were busy swallowing my dust.” Okay, gloating about escaping them several times probably wasn’t the best idea, but it felt good.

  “Shut up,” one of the men snarled.

  The other seemed to have a better sense of humor and laughed. “I like you, Skylar Moore. Mr. Sarconi is going to love you. He likes spirited females such as yourself, especially when you put up a fight.”

  Skylar gulped. Now she knew the name of the mystery mob boss. “Where’s Andrew? Did you - did you find him?” She asked reluctantly, afraid of the answer.

  “After we let him go, the coward ran. He’s still in hiding, but don’t worry, we’ll find him again, just like we found you.” The man grinned and continued to stare at her with a glint in his eyes.

  Skylar glared at him, hoping he couldn’t detect the terror that she felt inside. I am really screwed this time, she thought. “So what exactly does this Sarconi character want with me?” She asked. “I’ve been paying him and I would have continued until my father was able to.”

  The man snickered. “Andrew would have kept running and hiding. It seems your father has you fooled, you poor thing.” He laughed and shook his head. “He dumped his gambling debt on his daughter and ran. What an asshole”

  Skylar’s lower lip quivered. Yeah, her father was an asshole and she was always the fool who tried to help him no matter the cost to herself. She leaned back and fell silent.

  “What the hell is that?”

  Her head swung to the driver who was peering through the windshield.

  “What?” The man in the passenger seat asked. He leaned forward. “Maybe it’s a deer or something.”


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