Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Deception (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 1

by Alison Mello

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22



  Club Thrive:


  Alison Mello

  Club Thrive: Deception

  Copyright © 2017 by Alison Mello.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: September 2017

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-222-4

  ISBN-10: 1-64034-222-2

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22





  It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m really excited because Noah is taking me out for dinner. He told me has reservations at a romantic restaurant, but won’t tell me where. All he told me was to dress nice. I know he’s trying to make up for our recent schedule issues since we haven’t seen much of each other lately. We’ve been dating for about almost a year now, and in the beginning everything was perfect. He’s sweet, caring, and we have chemistry. However, after a few months of seeing each other often, and our relationship growing, he started pulling away, and now I hardly ever see him. He’s been having to work a lot of crazy hours, and he keeps calling me to tell me he’s been called into work and he can’t meet up with me. When he’s not working, he’s too tired to see me. I think we’ve seen each other a total of three times over the last two months and it’s getting exhausting. I feel like he’s hiding something from me and I can’t tell if he’s cheating, but I’m trying to stay positive. Sighing I drag myself downstairs for something small to eat before I need to get ready for my date.

  “Hey, baby girl.” My dad is sitting at the kitchen table. Yes, I still live at home, but not for much longer. I just started working as a bartender for my brother-in-law at Club Thrive. His friend owns the place and he manages it. I’ve already been saving up to move out on my own, but hell, I’m only twenty-one, so I’m not in a huge rush, and to be honest, my parents aren’t in a rush to get rid of me.

  “Hi Daddy. What are you doing with Mom tonight?”

  “She insisted on making me a nice dinner. She didn’t want to fight the crowds to go out for dinner.” He shakes his head. “I do have a surprise for her, though.”

  “Oh yeah, and what would that be?”

  He goes into the other room while I get busy making my snack. He comes back carrying a box. He opens it to reveal a beautiful necklace. It’s white gold with a diamond pendant. It’s gorgeous and totally my mom. “Daddy, she’s going to love it.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes, it’s gorgeous and it’s simple. You know Mom doesn’t do extravagant. This is simple and delicate.” He winks at me and hurries off to put it away.

  When he comes back, he leans on the counter. “What are you up to?”

  “Well, I’m having dinner with Noah tonight. He’s taking me out to some fancy restaurant, told me I needed to dress nice. That means you two have the house to yourself. I may even stay at his place tonight.” He growls. My father doesn’t like Noah. He thinks he’s up to no good, but even with his cop-like skills, he hasn’t proved anything. He tells me it’s in his gut and that if he finds out he’s cheating, he’s going to kick his ass. “Daddy, be nice. He’s trying to make up for all the hours he’s had to work over the last few months. They’ve been shorthanded at work. You should be happy I’m dating a man that’s willing to work so hard.”

  “The problem is I don’t believe he’s working.” He growls and moves away from the counter.

  “I know…” my words trail off when he puts his hands up in a defensive manner.

  “It’s not me that has to deal with it, it’s you. You need to figure this out for yourself. I love you, baby girl.” He kisses me on the head and walks out of the room.

  I plop myself down at the kitchen table with my cut up apple and peanut butter, but I’m no longer hungry. I force myself to eat the apple, and when I’m about to finish, I send him off a text.

  Kara: Hey, I’m really excited for dinner tonight. Should I plan to stay at your place?

  I watch my phone for a few minutes but get no response. He’s picking me up in a couple of hours, so I need to get upstairs and begin the process of getting ready, but first I’ll pack a bag, just in case. I decide I better follow him to the restaurant so I have a car if he gets called in to work. I was stuck at his place one night and ended up taking a cab home. My father was pissed and his hate for Noah went to a whole new level. I grab the card I got him for Valentine’s Day and the Fitbit I bought him as a gift. He’s been telling me he wants to start tracking his steps since he’s on his feet so much anyway. I place them all next to my bag, and then grab my dress and shoes from the closet, along with the corset I bought to wear under it with some sexy thigh highs. I bought everything special for tonight. My dress is red and fitted to hug my curves perfectly. My corset is white with nude stockings, and my shoes are black. They have red bottoms like Louboutin shoes, but I can’t afford real Louboutins, so these will have to do.

  If all goes well tonight, I plan to tell him that we need to figure out how to see each other more. I can’t handle a relationship like this. I’d rather be single than be with a man I’m hardly going to see. I’m far too young and there are way too many fish in the sea.

  I jump in the shower and start shaving all the important areas. I want to make sure everything is nice and smooth for our romantic night. After quickly washing my hair, I jump out to dry off and then slip on my robe. It takes me forever to dry my hair and curl it, but once I’m satisfied I begin the process of doing my makeup to perfection. I’m feeling really good about this. My make-up is perfect, my hair is just the way I want it, now to slip on my corset and stockings. I slip into
my dress and adjust it as I stand in the mirror. A huge smile spreads across my face. I feel amazing and I can’t wait for Noah to see me. He’s going to be thrilled. This dress shows off my thighs, which he loves, and I’m revealing just enough cleavage. Running my hands over my hips, I turn slightly to ensure that the top of my thigh highs aren’t showing.

  He once told me he has a fantasy about thigh highs and garter belts. Well, tonight fantasy will become reality. I slip on my shoes, grab my bag, and make my way downstairs to wait for him. When I check my phone one more time, I see I still have no response from him.

  Kara: I’m ready and waiting. I have a few surprises for you.

  I sit on the couch with my phone in my hand, waiting for his response, but still nothing. He must be on his way here. He told me our dinner reservations were at six-thirty, and that he would be here to pick me up by five-thirty to ensure we’re not late. I check the time on my phone, five-fifteen. He definitely has to be on his way. Mom is in the kitchen making dinner for her and dad. “Smells good in here.”

  She turns to me. “Sweetie, you look amazing. Going out with Noah?”

  “Yeah, he should be here any minute now.”

  “Well, you look gorgeous.” She goes back to cooking and I take a seat at the snack bar.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Do you think Daddy’s right about him? Do you think he’s being sneaky or is that just Daddy being his overprotective self?”

  She sighs and turns from the stove. “You know, sweetie, I’m not sure. You and I are a lot alike. We like to see the good in everything around us. We don’t like to see or believe that people are bad, even though they can be.” She stirs whatever it is she’s making. “Your father, on the other hand, sees a lot of bad, and he has for years. He knows and understands that people are bad, and that they do bad things.” I sigh, not liking her answer. “I’m not saying he’s right. I’m just saying he’s a better judge of character than you and I are.”

  I nod my head and unlock my phone. Still no response, and it’s almost five-thirty. I walk out into the living room to watch for him so we can get out of here as soon as he arrives. We won’t have much time to hang here if we’re going to make our reservation. Being Valentine’s Day, anywhere you go in the city you’re bound to hit traffic, and it takes at least twenty minutes just to get into the main part of the city.

  I check my phone again, five-forty-five. I don’t understand. If he was running late, why wouldn’t he call me? I plop down on the couch, frustrated. My feet are already starting to hurt from these ridiculously high shoes I bought to wear for him. I start scrolling through my social media to pass the time, but it only frustrates me when I see picture after picture of my friends out with their boyfriends. Post after post about how amazing their partners are and how lucky they are to have one another. It makes my stomach turn. I no longer feel lucky to have him the way I did in the beginning.

  He was my knight in shining armor. He was the EMT that brought me into the hospital after I had been attacked. He asked for my phone number and asked me out on a date. Told me I was beautiful and he wanted to see me again. He helped me past the ridiculous nightmares I had of my attack and now…I’m lucky to see him once a month. Closing the app on my phone, I see it’s now six and there’s no way we’re making our reservations.

  Kara: Why did you have to stand me up? Why couldn’t you call and cancel? You’re such a coward. I don’t care if you’re running late…don’t bother showing at all.

  I grab my bag and run upstairs. As soon as I close the door the tears begin to fall. I’m such a fool. Why did I believe tonight would be any different? I went and spent money on all this stuff to please him and he couldn’t even call or text to cancel—he just blew me off. I’m done.

  I’m startled by a knock on the door. “If he’s here, tell him to go away.”

  “He’s not, sweetie. Can I come in?”


  Mom opens the door. “Are you okay?” I give her a look that screams do I look okay? “Okay, I get that you’re hurt. Maybe it’s time you thought a little about this.”

  I put my hands up to stop her. “I’m done. I just want to take a shower, curl up in bed, and watch some TV.”

  She nods. “Fair enough. We’re right downstairs if you need us.”

  No sooner does she walk away than my phone pings.

  Noah: I’m so sorry, baby. I got called to work for an emergency and couldn’t use my phone until now.

  Kara: Fuck you. Go away.

  Noah: Please, I promise to make this up to you.

  Kara: Like tonight was to make up for the last two months?

  Noah: Give me one more chance, please!

  I don’t bother with a response because I’m too pissed.

  Chapter 1


  I’m sitting on my bed, staring at my half dead flowers and reading the card Noah sent to me when he stood me up on Valentine’s Day. It was on a damn Tuesday night, and he still couldn’t manage to find time to see me. He sent me a dozen pink roses and a card that says I’m sorry but someone called out, and I had to go to work. He didn’t even call me, and now tonight is supposed to be the epic make up date of all time, or so he says. He’s been telling me it will be the most romantic evening, but if he thinks I’m spending the night at his place, he’s crazy. I refuse to sleep with him again until he shows me he wants me for more than great sex. Blowing my blonde hair off my face, I jump up from my bed and head to the shower. If he actually shows up to take me out tonight, I want to be ready.

  I decide to curl my hair and wear a dress with a lightweight sweater over it. Nights can be chilly at this time of the year here in LA. He hasn’t told me where he’s taking me, but he did say I needed to dress nice for our night out. I’m descending the stairs when the doorbell rings. My father opens the door and growls when he sees Noah. “Mr. Cooper, it’s nice to see you.”

  “Wish I could say the same.” He steps away from the door. “Kara, your asshole boyfriend is here.”

  I see Noah flinch at his words as he stands completely still on the front porch. Noah didn’t dare come in, since my father hadn’t invited him. “Daddy, behave.” I kiss him on the cheek and tell him I’ll be home a little later. That’s my warning to Noah that I’m not spending the night.

  My dad walks me to the door. “She comes home crying and you’ll wish you had never lived.”

  He swallows hard. “Yes, sir.” Noah takes my hand and pulls me down the porch in a hurry to get away from my angry father. He was there when I answered the door to receive the flowers Noah and sent me.

  When we get to Noah’s BMW, he opens the passenger’s side door for me, and when I turn, my dad is still watching from the porch. I wink at him and he gives me a small smile, closing the door to the house. I get settled and Noah shuts the car door behind me. When he climbs in, he sighs. “What’s it going to take to get me back in the good graces of your father?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Shouldn’t you be worried about getting in my good graces first?”

  “Sweetie, I said I was sorry.”

  “I’m tired of hearing how sorry you are. It’s time you start to show it.”

  He sighs again and starts the car to take us off on our date. “I heard what you said to your father. Does that mean I can’t convince you to come back to my place and spend the night with me?”

  “Glad you got the message.” I know I’m being a bit of a bitch, but I think I’ve earned the right, considering some of the shit he’s been pulling. “You can’t honestly think one romantic date is going to make it all better. You need to prove to me you’re serious about us.”

  “I was hoping to show you while we made love tonight.”

  “You don’t make love to me. You fuck me. Don’t get me wrong…you pleasure me, but you’re not connecting with me. Your mind is somewhere else.”

  “Tonight it’s only on us.” He glance
s at me quickly and then looks back to the road. I shake my head and turn to look out the window, not really believing him.

  He pulls up to the restaurant and there’s a line of people waiting to get in. I instantly sigh, figuring we’re going to wait a while to get seated, but Noah walks up the hostess with a confident smile. “Table for two, Noah Benson.”

  The hostess looks at me with a huge grin on her face. “Your table is all ready for you. Right this way.” Noah turns to take my hand and sees the look of shock on my face as we follow behind the hostess.

  We’re walking through a sea of diners and I’m getting nervous when it appears we are going to another area of the restaurant. The hostess pushes open another door and I instantly gasp. This place is gorgeous to begin with, but the private room Noah has reserved for us is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s an open space with a cream sofa on one side of the room, and on the other is a table with a round cushioned booth bench that seats two. There are lights strung up around the room and red rose petals all over the table and floor. There’s a bottle of champagne already set out, and a single lit candle on the table. I don’t even know what to say.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already ordered for us.” I shake my head, because I don’t know what else to say. I can’t believe he’s done all of this for me. I step further into the room, Noah places his hand at the small of my back and ushers me toward the table, where I slip onto the bench. The hostess pours us each a glass of champagne and leaves us to ourselves.

  “How? When?” I’m completely shocked. Maybe he really is sorry for all the times he’s blown me off.

  “When I got called to work on Valentine’s Day, I felt really bad, and knew I had to do something big to make it up to you. My buddy Josh told me about this place and how they had the room for two. As soon as I got off my shift, I called and reserved it. I’ll be honest, I got lucky. They told me they only had tonight available because of a cancellation, otherwise I would have had to wait until spring.”


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