The Five-Minute Miracle

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The Five-Minute Miracle Page 12

by Tara Springett

  If we feel a specific problem around one of our chakras—a lump in our throat or a tension in our chest—we can ask for a healing symbol to overcome our suffering from this blockage in the usual way. But here comes something new: healing symbols to harmonize the chakras are not all visualized in the heart, but in the specific chakra with which we are working. If, for example, we want to work on a block in our throat chakra, we visualize our healing symbol in our throat. We let the light of our healing symbol expand from our throat and fill our body and a bubble of loving light around ourselves. If we are working on our navel chakra, we visualize our healing symbol in our navel and let the light expand from there. We should work with these healing symbols in the usual way for two minutes, twice a day, for two weeks.


  Katie is an experienced meditator and had practiced chakra meditations for some time. She felt that most of her chakras were “clear,” but she often suffered from an uncomfortable lump in her throat, accompanied by feelings of anxiety. Her healing symbol was shown to her as a bright golden sun. She visualized this golden sun in her throat and expanded its light all through her body and beyond. After practicing for a few days, she felt the lump in her throat melting and the feelings of anxiety decreasing. She recognized that she always felt this lump when she feared that she couldn't connect with other people in the way she wanted. Katie found these insights interesting and carried on practicing her healing symbol. She found that often the mere thought of her healing symbol was enough to stop the lump in her throat from returning. Simultaneously, her ability to relate to others improved.

  Experimenting with Higher-Consciousness Healing

  I want to encourage everyone to experiment with higher-consciousness healing on any problem or challenge that has not been covered in this book. There will never be a danger of making an issue worse, because the heart of higher-consciousness healing is love. Here is another case story that illustrates the effects of higher-consciousness healing on one of the learning disorders in children that have become epidemic over recent years.


  Martha asked me if she could use higher-consciousness healing for her nine-year-old son Robert, who had been diagnosed with dyspraxia at the age of seven. At that age Robert could not ride a bike, catch a ball, or swim—despite years of swimming lessons. His parents had then gone through a lengthy course of physiotherapy with Robert that had improved his condition somewhat. But at age nine, Robert was still far away from being good at sports, and his handwriting was still two years behind what was expected of him. I told Martha that I was no expert in learning disorders, but I encouraged her to experiment with higher-consciousness healing as it could do no harm. At a minimum, I said, it could help Robert to alleviate the social and emotional problems resulting from his condition. Martha and her husband practiced higher-consciousness healing for their son by visualizing a bright sun in his brain for six months—two minutes daily. To their great surprise, Robert's handwriting improved so much that he is now a year ahead of his class. He also became very good at his chosen sports. Robert's parents, as well as his schoolteacher, were stunned by this unlikely development.


  You can work with symbols on very small issues like occasional pain, stress, or tiredness with standard symbols. Just use these symbols when your problem becomes acute.

  You can use higher-consciousness healing to improve all your important relationships by sending these people love on a regular basis.

  You can alleviate occasional tensions in contact with others by visualizing a bubble of love around each of you.

  Higher-consciousness healing can be used to clear away blocks and disharmonies in your chakras. Ask in the usual way for a healing symbol, but visualize your symbol in the chakra with which you are working. Let its light and color expand from there.

  You are encouraged to experiment with higher-consciousness healing on any problem that has not been covered. Higher-consciousness healing can never make any problem worse.

  Chapter 16


  YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE GUESSED IT. The ultimate healing symbol is your higher consciousness itself. You can use this symbol in exactly the same way you use your other healing symbols. Visualize (or sense) your higher consciousness in a pleasing form and in very beautiful radiant colors in your heart and breathe its good qualities and color first to yourself. Envelop yourself with a bubble of love. Then breathe the loving light from your higher consciousness to others (your loved ones, as well as those you find particularly difficult at the moment) and envelop them with bubbles of love as well. If you start and end your days with this simple visualization, you will find that your life becomes happier and more successful in every respect, and that obstacles disappear more readily.

  Working with the symbol of our higher consciousness will help us with a kind of suffering that no kind of psychotherapy can alleviate—the suffering that stems from the fact that we are separated from our higher consciousness. Even if we live in the best of all circumstances—with a fantastic career, the best of all partners, as much money as we want, and whatever else is important to us—in the back of our mind, we know that we will lose all this one day. Our family might die today in a car accident; tomorrow, we might be sacked from our job. No matter how hard we try to ignore this insight, there is no real security to be found in this world.

  Another problem that we share with almost every human being is that nothing can completely satisfy us for long. Even if our deepest wishes are fulfilled, it is unlikely that the thrill of this fulfillment will last more than a few months. After that time, we become used to our new situation and our deep-seated dissatisfaction will resurface and ask for “more” and “better.”

  Most of us are not fully aware of these kinds of problems, because we are so used to them. But if we don't realize that we are suffering from this “spiritual illness,” we tend to project our inner restlessness and deepseated anxiety onto our partner, onto our job, or onto our other life circumstances. We just don't realize that no human condition can give us what we long for most deeply and most intensely—the recognition that we already possess the infinite love, happiness, and wisdom of our higher consciousness. Working with the symbol of our higher consciousness will bring us nearer to realizing this truth.


  Amanda had successfully used higher-consciousness healing to dissolve her chronic tiredness and her anxieties around money. However, she still experienced what she called a “mental fog” that led to confusion and social clumsiness. This was a very stubborn problem that she had had virtually all her adult life. Amanda had browsed through many different images of deities on the Internet. At some point, she found an image of the Chinese goddess of compassion Kwan Yin, who inspired her greatly. She immediately decided to visualize her higher consciousness in the form of Kwan Yin. (Before, she had simply visualized a brilliant light.) The image of Kwan Yin had a powerful effect on Amanda's mind. It brought an amount of mental sharpness that was new to her and the incidences of “mental fog” decreased. Simultaneously, Amanda felt that she found more of her “true self”—a deep inner sense of love and security that was not conditioned by anything outside herself.


  The ultimate healing symbol is the symbol of your higher consciousness itself. Always visualize your higher consciousness in a beautiful and radiantly colorful form.

  You can work with the symbol of your higher consciousness in exactly the same way as you work with your other healing symbols.

  Working with the symbol of your higher consciousness will help you realize the unconditional happiness of your true nature.

  Chapter 17


  MOST PEOPLE FIND THAT their problems and negative emotions readily decrease once they work with the loving light of their healing symbols. Once we have reached 1 or 2 on the scale of suffering, it is time to start working on manifesting our dreams. Ways to do this a
re described in a huge number of self-help books that have become very popular in recent years. Unfortunately, despite this popularity, many people still struggle to put these teachings into practice. Having used these techniques with great success myself over the past twenty years, I will try to clarify their most important points.

  The core of manifesting our dreams is to trust that our wishes will manifest. In order to do this, we must suspend our ordinary ideas about time and space. However, it is not enough simply to visualize our dreams or to think positively, even though this will be helpful. In order to build genuine trust, we must experience sustained enthusiastic desire for what we want. This burning desire—if maintained over months and even years—will result in unshakable trust and this trust works like a magnet that attracts into our life whatever we want.

  It is obvious that in order to sustain enthusiastic desire over a long period of time we need to have a happy and enthusiastic mind. Therefore, strong negative feelings work like big blockages to fulfilling our dreams. For example, we can try to visualize a soul-mate or a successful career for a very long time, but if we are full of bitterness and despair, we are unlikely to get anywhere with this technique. Therefore, when we are engulfed in negative emotions, it is paramount to reduce those feelings first with a healing symbol before we can expect to get good results by visualizing our aims.

  Altruistic Love

  In principle, achieving our aims is extremely simple. It can be summarized in one single sentence: Clearly define your aim and enthusiastically focus on it in an ongoing way. Unfortunately, despite this simplicity, most people experience a host of obstacles when they are confronted with an unfulfilled desire. They may feel undeserving; they may feel hopeless; they may feel under-confident. They may also think that their wish is unrealistic; they may not believe in the power of their minds; they may even believe that focusing on their wishes is selfish and sinful. Above all, they may feel impatience, which is a subtle form of anger.

  Clearly define your aim and enthusiastically focus on it.

  I will now share with you my personal secret for overcoming all these obstacles that has worked wonderfully in my own life. The most important key to successful manifestation is to combine our personal desires with altruistic love for all beings. For example, instead of simply wishing to have a successful business, we should concentrate on the wish to benefit all beings with our products. In that way, our own success will be a welcome “by-product.” Instead of simply wishing for a partner, we should wish for being part of such a loving couple that our happiness will make many other people happy as well. Obviously, in that way, we will also find a gorgeous partner.

  Altruistic love will help us fulfill our wishes more quickly, because wishing for everyone will dissolve our feelings of unworthiness, impatience, and doubt. Instead, we will feel more confident, deserving, and enthusiastic. It is exactly this enthusiastic state of mind that will make it most likely that our wishes will be fulfilled. Moreover, wishing with love will protect us from going on a selfish ego trip and desiring things that can't bring happiness. For example, most people realize that simply being rich and famous doesn't bring any happiness per se. Just open any celebrity magazine to see that many rich and famous people have terrible problems. But living in a state of altruistic love will make us very happy, no matter what we do for a living. If you are in doubt whether your wishes will bring you happiness, you can always consult the life-path imagery as explained in chapter 14.

  Freeing Ourselves from Grudges and Guilt

  In my life-coaching practice I have observed that feelings like resentment and guilt work as almost insurmountable barriers to fulfilling our dreams. It's almost as if someone says, “You can either have your old grudges and guilt feelings or you can fulfill your dreams. You can't have both.” This is particularly true if we block out these negative feelings.

  Therefore, in order to undo any conscious or unconscious obstacles of guilt or resentment, we should first send love to everyone who was and still is important to us—including our parents, ex-partners, our children (including all babies that have not been carried to term), and to all our present important relationships. We should visualize these people one by one in front of our inner eye and wish them to be happy and healthy in every respect. If our love flows freely and joyfully we can rejoice because we are free of inner barriers to fulfilling our dreams.

  However, if negative feelings like anger, grief, or guilt arise, we should use higher-consciousness healing until we can wholeheartedly send the other person our loving wishes. If at all possible we should let the other person know that we have let go of our grudges toward them and we should also make amends wherever possible when we have treated someone else badly.

  After doing this sometimes difficult but all-important work, we are free to embark on the life of our dreams.

  How to Visualize

  It is important to visualize your aim as much as possible. The simple formula is: What you can imagine you can have; what you can't imagine you can't have. However, it is important that we do not try to force our inner images. Instead, we should look out for all of our inner doubts and insecurities that may come up if we imagine the life of our dreams. If we notice even the most shadowy resistance we should change and improve our inner imagery in order to “take care” of these inner barriers. For example, one client of mine wished for a boyfriend. Unfortunately, she wasn't very enthusiastic about this wish because she had deep fears that no man would stay with her. So I suggested that she imagine that her boyfriend proposed to her. First, my client was almost shocked at this suggestion, but once she started to imagine it, she found that it would indeed alleviate her fears. She then became very excited and enthusiastic about her dream to have a loving relationship—which is just the right attitude that makes it much more likely that she will succeed.

  The Technique for Manifesting Your Dreams: Defining Your Wish

  Clearly write down, in as much detail as possible, what you want to achieve. If other people are involved in your aim, remember that they have free will. Simply wish for them to be happy and do not impose your wishes on them.

  Make sure that you have as much to give as you want to receive. For example, if you wish for a very loving partner, make sure that you are very loving yourself. If you want to earn a large amount of money by selling a certain product, make sure that your product is worth this amount of money.

  Think of as many ways as possible that you can benefit others with the fulfillment of your wish. Write all this down.

  Visualizing Your Wish

  Close your eyes, relax, and generate a positive and happy feeling in yourself. Focus on this positive feeling until you feel truly joyful.

  Perceive yourself as beautiful and radiantly healthy. Really enjoy your body (do not think that you are merely imagining it.)

  Radiate love to everyone around you. Really experience the loving feeling.

  See yourself in your ideal situation, which contains, in symbolic form, all aspects of your wish. (For example, see yourself in a beautiful home, surrounded by loving relationships, with tokens of your achievement apparent—an image of a successful work project, etc.) Deeply enjoy this experience and feel that what you visualize is really true at this present moment.

  See yourself surrounded by all the people you want to benefit with your wish (for example, happy family members, customers, patients, clients, children, friends, students, etc.)

  See your higher consciousness above the entire scene, blessing it with a loving smile. Deeply enjoy this experience and see it as complete reality.

  Look out for any (shadowy) doubts or anxieties about achieving your aim. If you detect any insecurities, change and improve your visualization until it becomes ideal. (This step is very important. The more inner obstacles you can find and eliminate the better.)

  All this manifests now for the best of all beings.

  We should work with these images every day for at least five to ten minutes. In fa
ct, the more we think about our aim the better. If we can focus on our aim with ongoing enthusiasm, we will feel as happy as if we had already received our wish. It is very important to talk about our dream only to people who are fully supportive.

  We may be lucky and receive the fulfillment of our wish in a matter of weeks, but in most cases, we will have to be more patient to see results. It is precisely this waiting time that can bring up many negative feelings—hopelessness, impatience, and even despair. If this happens, work once again with higher-consciousness healing to dissolve these painful emotions. As I said before, the manifestation technique will only bring results if we can maintain our enthusiasm as long as it takes to manifest our dream. Therefore, the happier we are, the more likely our wish will be fulfilled.

  It is also very important to stay with the same aim throughout. Think of the process as sowing seeds. If we sow one seed one day, only to dig it up repeatedly and replace it with another, we will never manage to harvest the fruits of our efforts.

  Finally, we must do everything that common sense dictates to achieve our aim. For example, if we wish for a partner, it doesn't make sense to stay at home and watch television every day. Equally, if we want to become a successful artist, it will not happen by visualization alone. We also have to practice, attend schools, and try to exhibit our works.

  My Own Experiences

  I am a big fan of manifestation techniques and have been using them with great success for over twenty years. When I started, my results were slow and not very impressive, because I did not truly believe in the power of my mind. Also, I didn't know any better and gave in to my negative feelings when they arose. Above all, I was full of self-pity about my childhood experienes of neglect and abuse. All this changed when I experienced a shocking betrayal by my boyfriend that jolted me out of my self-pitying complacency. The extreme pain of this experience slowly transformed into a steely determination to have only “good” relationships. Four years later (it felt like an eternity at the time), I met my future husband and he became my deeply beloved soul-mate. From then on, I didn't allow any aspect of my life to develop by chance. Career, family, home, emotions, health, and spiritual development—I have had very precise aims for all these areas and I still do. Over the years, I have been able to “tick off” wish after wish, while benefiting more and more people in the process. For example, higher-consciousness healing is the result of my wish to find an extraordinarily effective therapeutic technique that has the potential to benefit everyone. The ongoing good feedback from my clients and readers continues to make me deeply happy and grateful. This does not mean, however, that my life now is completely free from challenges—far from it. It just means that with my daily practice of higher-consciousness healing and manifestation techniques I get over most of these problems more easily.


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