BION: Elemental's MC (book 5)

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BION: Elemental's MC (book 5) Page 13

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Oh, Oh. Here they come,” Gabriela states as she claps her hands.

  “So, how’s the gardening going?” Nova asks suddenly as she looks at Aria. We look at her for a few seconds before we all burst out laughing at her way of changing the subject so the guys won’t realise what we’re up to.

  “Do you really want to know?” Aria asks with a raised eyebrow. We all know that Nova is the last person who would want to talk about planting.

  “No, not really,” she grunts with a little smirk as she sees Ceric walk into the bar. Poor man, he doesn’t know yet what he’s in for, but he will later.

  “If you carry on staring at him like that, you won’t need any persuasion,” I whisper into her ear, and see a slight blush cover her neck and cheeks.

  “He’s so darn hot,” she mumbles. I see Ceric’s head snap around towards us, and then his eyes are smouldering when he sees that Nova is talking about him. A wide grin spreads across his face, and then he crosses the bar towards us.

  “Hellcat,” he murmurs when he reaches us. Nova turns in her chair so she’s facing him with her back towards me. I place my hand on her lower back where her T-shirt has ridden up, and feel her tense before she relaxes.

  “Are you done for today?” she asks huskily.

  “For now. Have you got something in mind?” he murmurs.

  “I want you to take me to our room, and then you are going to let me tie you up and have my way with you.” Her voice has a soft melodious sound to it. Looking over her shoulder at Ceric, I see him frown, but then he nods. “Before you go to sleep, you will remember this and know that I’ve persuaded you,” she finishes, and I can’t see her face, but I can just imagine her cheeky smile. Looking over her shoulder, she grins at us. “Bye, ladies,” she calls as Ceric picks her up, a wide grin on her face.

  “Do you think Celmund has cameras in the rooms?” Gabriela asks suddenly with a twinkle in her eye. “Because I really want to see how he’s going to react when he finds out.” We are all still laughing when I feel the hair at my nape stand. Before I can turn, Bion is kissing behind my ear. My whole body reacts to his attention. Moisture pools between my legs, and my nipples strain against my bra, begging for attention.

  “What are you ladies up to?” he murmurs against my ear.

  “Nothing, why?” I respond innocently as I incline my neck for him to carry on kissing my neck. I lift my hand, entwining my fingers through his hair, holding his head against me.

  “Bion,” I hear Burkhart call, but I really don’t want to let him go, especially when I hear Bion’s grunt of irritation.

  “What?” he grumbles.

  “There are two women approaching who want to see your woman.”

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Bion asks as he draws back, and I shake my head. I don’t really have friends, and no one knows I’m here except my mom, and she only knows I’m in Nature Valley, not with who I am.

  “Well, let’s go see, then, but stay behind me.” He takes hold of my hand and starts making his way outside. We are just stepping outside when I see my mother’s Mercedes drive up with my sister sitting in the passenger seat.

  “It’s my mother.” I sigh, knowing that nothing good will come out of this visit. How did she find me? Looking around, I see that Burkhart, Brandr, and Caelius have followed us and are flanking the two of us.

  “Are you fine with this, or do you want me to send them away?” Bion asks gently as he looks down at me with concern. I wish I could send my mom and sister away, because I can just imagine how unpleasant this is going to be, but I can’t.

  “It’s fine,” I murmur. “Why don’t you guys go inside, and I will talk to them.”

  “No. You are my woman, and I’m not leaving you alone,” Bion states, a no-nonsense tone in his voice, just as my mother opens the door of her car and steps out. Her gaze finds mine, and then her eyes are running down my body until she’s staring accusingly at our clasped hands.

  “Brielle,” she greets in that insulting way of hers as she walks around the car and towards me. My sister has also stepped out of the car and is now following her. I see a smile cross her face as she looks at Burkhart hungrily.

  Glancing at him, I’m surprised to see a disinterested look on his face. It’s the first time I see a man who’s not interested in my sister.

  “Hello, Mother,” I greet as she comes to a stop before Bion and me. “How did you find me?”

  “Well, no thanks to you, that’s how,” she replies. “I came to pick you up, so go ahead and collect whatever you have with you so we can leave this place.” She looks Bion over.

  I feel him tense beside me, and then he grunts but doesn’t say anything. “I’m not going back to Cape Town. I told you that on the phone,” I state.

  “Don’t show your lack of wit. Of course you’re coming back home. There’s nothing here for you. This person will kick you to the kerb as soon as he’s tired of using you,” she sneers.

  “Now listen here, lady—” Burkhart growls.

  “Burkhart!” Bion clips, and I see from the corner of my eye him shake his head at Burkhart.

  “Heathens,” my mom grumbles as she glares at Burkhart and then Bion.

  “Mom, I’m afraid you wasted your time coming here. As I said on the phone, I’m not coming back to Cape Town. Bion and I are together now, and we’re living here.” I know instantly there is trouble coming, as my mother stiffens her shoulders and lifts her chin.

  “Together?” She laughs. “He’s just toying with you, you stupid girl. What could he possibly want with someone like you?” She runs her eyes over my body, making all my insecurities come back in a flash.

  “What kind of a fucking mother are you?” Burkhart roars angrily, his eyes flashing.

  “I think you‘ve said enough. I’ve been quiet and allowed you to talk to my woman, to see your daughter and make sure she is fine and here of her own free will. Now you will leave and never set foot on our land again.” Bion’s voice vibrates with his anger, but he’s holding himself back admirably well.

  “I will not leave without my daughter,” she shrieks. “Brielle, get in the car.” She advances towards me. Lifting her hand, she’s about to grab my arm when Bion stops her by pulling me behind him.

  “You will leave now. You are upsetting Brie, and I will not allow that,” he growls.

  “Mother, please leave. I don’t want to go back. Bion and everyone here treats me well. I belong here,” I plead, trying to move back towards my mother, but Bion won’t let go of the arm that he has around my waist, holding me close to his back.

  “How can you want to stay here with these . . .”—I see her look at everyone with a disgusted look on her face—“these lowlifes?”

  “Okay, that’s it,” Burkhart grunts. “Move it, lady, before I drag you to your car.”

  “Let’s go, Mother. You can’t do anything here. You can clearly see that they’ve brainwashed her. She was always simple that way,” Dolores, my sister, says with a nasty smile on her face as she looks me up and down.

  “Bitch,” Bion roars. “That’s it. Burkhart, they’re all yours. These two are the nastiest pieces of ass I’ve ever seen.” I place my head against his back and feel the tenseness in his muscles straining against his T-shirt. I can feel the tears behind my eyes, but I refuse to cry. I should be used to them by now, but I never thought they would come here and embarrass me in front of everyone who have been treating me so well.

  What will they think of me now that they have seen my family? Why do they hate me so much, I think for the thousandth time, but I know I won’t get a reply. I never get a reply.

  “Leave,” Burkhart says sarcastically, “before I drag you to your car.” He takes a step towards my mother, and I see her eyes widen in fear. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen that look on her face, and to be honest, it gives me a little thrill to know that she’s the one on the other end of abuse for a change.

  Dolores places a hand on my mother’s arm and starts
to pull her back towards the car. “Come, Mother. They’re below you. Let’s leave this insect-infested place. Brielle has chosen her path; let her rot in it.”

  “This doesn’t end here, Brielle,” my mother screams, hurriedly stepping back as Burkhart starts to advance towards them.

  “Por favor va se embora,” I plead as I ask her to leave. Bion turns around and pulls me against his chest, covering my view of the hate and anger on both my sister’s and mother’s faces. His hand strokes my hair, the other one on my lower back, holding me tight against his body.

  “You will never have to see them or talk to them again if you don’t want to, beauty. We are now your family if you will have us,” he whispers against my ear as I hear my mother start the car and accelerate away. I breathe in deeply, letting his warmth and essence surround me and calm my mind, my body, and my soul.

  BION 17

  “Fuck, man, calm down. This was yesterday. You should have calmed down by now,” Celmund grunts as I land another punch to his midsection. We’re both in the ring, training. My anger is still overwhelming, and I can’t believe Brie had to live with those two vipers for so long. When we got to our room yesterday, she broke down and cried, breaking my heart in how useless I felt. I never want to feel like that again. All the self-esteem she has gained up to now her mother brought down in half an hour.

  I didn’t want to interfere in her relationship with her mother, but when I started to see the anguish and pain in my woman’s eyes, I couldn’t let it go anymore.

  “Enough,” Celmund grunts, dragging me away from my morbid thoughts. He places his arm around my shoulders and pulls me towards the ropes. “Come on, Brother, let’s go shower and have breakfast. Your woman will be there, and she will calm your ass down.”

  The problem is that it isn’t just my woman. Today, Caelius will end my brother’s life, and then I will have to phone my mother and tell her that her son has died. She’s already lost me in a way. How is she going to live with the pain of losing him too? If I could just get through to my father, but I know it will be a waste of time, as he won’t even take my calls.

  I shake my head, trying to rid it of all the anger and pain. I follow Celmund to the showers, hoping the water will cool me down before I lose it and go after those two piranhas and wring their necks for everything they put my beauty through. In regard to my brother, there is nothing I can do. It is too late to help him, but with Brie, I can make sure to keep her safe and away from people who will want to hurt her.

  Half an hour later, I enter the kitchen to find most of the guys and all the women except for Nova. “Morning, beauty,” I whisper as I bend down to kiss her good morning. Her eyes are a little puffy from all the crying the day before, but otherwise, she seems fine.

  “Where were you?” she asks quietly, but Celmund hears and answers before I can say anything.

  “We were in the training room. Your man over here was trying to kill me,” he teases. “If it wasn’t for me being so good, you would have to be treating some of my bruises right now.” Her head swivels back to mine, and she looks at me worriedly.

  “Don’t listen to him. We were just practicing.” I kiss her lips again before I turn to the food before me. I start to heap my plate with scrambled eggs and bacon, when Ceric walks in with a scowl on his face.

  “Hey, Brother,” I greet. He nods but doesn’t say anything as he sits down and starts to dish food onto his plate. “Where’s your woman?” I ask, and notice that there is a quiet around the table at my question. Looking around, I see the women are all looking at him in question.

  “She’s a little tied up at the moment,” he growls. That, for some reason, gets all the women laughing. His head snaps up, and he glares at them. “You all knew what she was up to, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe,” Aria murmurs.

  “How did she do it?” he asks, but I notice that the women all look at each other and then shrug or shake their heads. They are definitely up to something. Looking at Brie, I see a smirk on her face until she notices me looking at her, and then she tries to hide it.

  “What’s going on?” Draco asks with a raised brow.

  “Nova used her persuasion on me yesterday,” Ceric growls angrily.

  “What do you mean she used her persuasion on you. Did it work?” Cassius asks with a frown.

  “Yes, it fucking well worked.” That spears the women on again with laughter. “It isn’t fucking funny. How did she do it?” But I notice that none of them seem to be willing to answer.

  “That isn’t possible, is it? None of their gifts have ever worked with us,” Bjarni asks. With a raised brow, he turns towards Gabriela. I notice that she awards him with a cheeky smile. “Fuck me,” he grunts at her reaction.

  “Okay, baby,” she answers sweetly, fluttering her eyes at him.

  “How did she do it?” Brandr asks Aria, but Aria shrugs and smiles at him.

  “Don’t know. Maybe you should ask her,” she quips cheekily.

  “Can you read our minds now?” Wulf asks suddenly with a scowl, but Jasmine interrupts, saving her from answering.

  “Why? Is there a problem if she can?” she questions with a raised brow at Wulf, and I notice Wulf’s scowl darken at her question.

  “Really, angel?” he snaps before he places his hand behind her neck and pulls her towards him, taking her lips in a blistering kiss.

  “Enough playing around. How did she do it?” Ceric grunts.

  “Ask her,” Brie answers. The glare Ceric turns on Brie makes me growl in anger.

  “It’s not her fault your woman found a way to use her gift on us,” I snap, and see regret enter his eyes.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but that woman drives me crazy,” Ceric apologises.

  “What did she persuade you to do?” Draco asks with a frown, and I swear Ceric blushes.

  “It doesn’t matter what she persuaded me to do. What matters is that she did, and she can do it to any of you too,” he snaps.

  “How did she do it?” Draco asks as he looks around at the women with a raised brow and a no-nonsense tone in his voice. I can see them look at each other before Aria replies.

  “You guys don’t let us have any fun,” Aria grumbles. “We found that if two of us are touching while one of us touches you, we can use our gifts on you.”

  “Who of us have you used your gifts on?” Draco asks as we all sit stunned, looking at the women.

  “Only Ceric and Bion,” Aria answers.

  “What?” When did they do that? I look over at Brie and see her blush, clearly making her guilty. “What did you do?”

  “It was when I was attacked. You were bandaging my leg, and Aria touched my arm at the same time. She heard your thoughts. That’s how we knew this worked.”

  “I hope you don’t have thoughts like that with all your patients,” Aria teases, and I can feel my face heat.

  “Not so funny anymore, is it?” Ceric mumbles.

  “What did Nova persuade you to do?” Caelius asks with a smirk. Ceric stands so quickly, his chair hits the floor.

  “None of your fucking business,” he growls as he rushes out of the kitchen.

  “I don’t want you ladies to use your gifts on my men without them knowing it. Do you understand?” Draco growls.

  “Oh, man,” Gabriela grumbles. “Come on, Draco, I was really looking forward to getting Nova to get Bjarni to do a striptease for me.” Bjarni was in the process of drinking his orange juice. At her words, he chokes, his eyes looking at her in shock. We all burst out laughing at his expression.

  “What the fuck, baby girl?” he growls. “You see me naked all the time.”

  “I’m sure we can find you a tutu somewhere,” I joke. He shows me the finger as he stares at Gabriela.

  “Don’t laugh at him. Brielle wanted to do it to you too.” At her words, I hear Brie groan next to me, her face flaming with embarrassment. The guys all burst out laughing at my surprised look.

  “You want me to do a striptease fo
r you?” I ask, surprised, and if possible, her face goes a shade redder as she looks down at her lap.

  “Well, ladies, if your men don’t give you what you want, just let me know. I’ve been told that I have all the right moves,” Celmund quips with a smirk as he moves his shoulders and arms as if dancing.

  “Just try it and you will lose some body parts,” he says at the same time that I tell Celmund off. Celmund throws his head back and roars with laughter.

  “Well, now that you guys know about what we can do, we want to try something, but we don’t know if you will agree,” Aria reveals.

  “What are you up to, sunshine?” Brandr groans.

  “The girls and I thought that we could try to see how to help you guys when you are about to turn Keres.” I tense at her words and see the others do the same. There is no way we will allow one of our women close to one of our males when he’s in a rage in a path to destruction.

  “No,” Brandr growls.

  “Wait, let’s hear what they have to say,” Draco states, winning a glare from Brandr.

  “Well,” Jasmine starts, “the idea was that I would find the guys who are about to turn. Nova would persuade them to come here, Gabriela would see their future, and we could motivate them about their future. Brielle would calm them and heal their fury, and Aria would listen to their thoughts. Like that, we will know when they are ready to leave.”

  We are all stunned at their idea. I look around and see different emotions on my brothers’ faces. I know I will never allow Brie anywhere near one of our males if he’s in a rage, no matter if she can calm him or not, because if he hurts her, he will be dead, anyway.

  “Interesting,” Draco comments. “We will discuss this at one of our meetings. It could work, but there would have to be safety measures in place.”

  “There is no way I’m letting Jas anywhere near one of those fuckers in a rage,” Wulf growls as he stares at Draco.

  Draco stares back. After a minute, he says, “We will discuss it at our meeting this afternoon.”


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