Jen's Journey

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Jen's Journey Page 5

by Avery Gale

  Hell, maybe she isn’t perfect after all. Maybe it’s just Mother Nature’s way of making sure the species continues. Shaking his head at the insane track his thinking had taken, he looked back at Jen and knew the truth. Nope, she is abso-fucking-lutely perfect. Stepping back to let Sam establish his power, Sage picked up his bag and set it on the dresser. He saw her glance his way and then heard her yelp of pain as Sam pinched her pink nipples between his fingers. “Eyes on me, pet. What Master Sage is doing is none of your concern, understand? And from this point forward, the only thing I want to hear from you are answers to direct questions. You are encouraged to use your caution word if you need to, but if we’re doing our jobs right we’ll know exactly where you are even before your mind has a chance to process all the sensations.”

  Sam pulled Jen toward the bed and Sage saw a raw power reflected in his brother’s eyes that he’d never seen before and knew Sam was falling under her spell too. Sam’s words were directed at Sage even though his eyes never left Jen’s, “I’m taking a quick shower. Wind her up tight but don’t let her come. We’ll punish her together when I get out.” When Jen let out a quick gasp, Sam used his fingers on her chin to lock her gaze on him. Sage saw her body respond to the intensity Sam was using to make sure her entire focus was on him. “What was that? Using your safe word already, pet? I’d have taken you for being made of stronger stuff than that.”

  The challenge was a gamble—a huge gamble at that. But Sage knew his brother was one of the most intuitive Doms he’d ever known, so he trusted his judgment. If Sam was willing to throw down the gauntlet, he knew exactly what effect it would have and Jen didn’t disappoint. The answering jut of her jaw and narrowed eyes fairly well screamed her intent to meet the challenge head-on. Yes indeed, the sassy ones are always so much more fun.

  As soon as the door to the small bathroom latched closed she let out a shuddering breath and started muttering to herself. None of it had been intelligible, but that didn’t change the fact she was disobeying an order. He gave her a solid swat that immediately had her ass blushing a lovely shade of pink and left a perfect outline of his hand that pleased him more than it probably should have. She started to open her mouth to protest, but snapped it shut. “Wise choice, sweet cheeks. Now come here, I want to touch you.” He’d already shed his pants and had to hold back his sigh of satisfaction when he pulled her naked body against his own. Even though she was physically fit, the pillowy softness of her breasts as they pressed against him was a blessed reminder of how much he’d missed holding a woman in his arms. As his chest hair abraded her nipples he felt them draw up into even tighter buds, tempting him almost beyond reason.

  Sage had always been more tactile than Sam. When they’d been kids, his mom had always tried to cajole Sam into giving her the same “sugar” Sage gave so willingly. But even though there was only ten months between them, Sam had always embraced his role as the big brother with an over-zealous enthusiasm and he’d viewed hugs as “kids’ stuff” from an early age. Sage had teased him hundreds of times about what a fool he was to pass up a chance to feel the softness of a naked woman wrapped in his embrace. In Sage’s opinion, there wasn’t much in this world that could come close to the intimacy of those moments. And it had always been the intimacy, the moment two souls spoke to one another, that had been what Sage craved.

  Once he felt Jen relax in his hold he smiled and kissed the top of her head. “You feel amazing in my arms, sweet cheeks. I can’t wait to get your punishment over with so we can play.” Giving her a quick squeeze before releasing her, he stepped back and pointed to the bed. “First things first, lay down on your back with your legs dangling over the edge. I want your lovely pussy right at the very edge, baby.” Grasping her ankles, he lifted her feet and kissed the tip of each toe before moving her dainty feet so her heels were just barely on the edge of the bed. As he helped her get into position he felt the small quivers of anticipation move through her. She was completely open to his view and the deep pink lips of her swollen labia told him how aroused she was already.

  Kneeling down so his nose was just a fraction of an inch from her sweet core, he inhaled the scent that was uniquely Jen. God, the smell of her arousal alone was nearly enough to make him lose his mind. How on earth was he going to taste her and not blow? “Now, you heard Master Sam’s order, no coming or you’ll just add to the already significant punishment you’ve managed to earn in a remarkably short amount of time.” She didn’t answer, but her eyes were as wide as saucers and her quick nod was all he needed since he hadn’t actually asked her a question. He leaned forward and licked through her soaking folds, not even trying to hold back his groan of pleasure. The wet flesh was so slick and hot he was fighting off his own need to send her over the top just so he could enjoy the feeling of her coming on his tongue.

  It didn’t take him long to ramp up her pleasure until he knew she was just a breath away from release, so he pulled back. Her groan of frustration was music to his hears. Oh, baby, don’t think you can steal an orgasm. Pulling one past me is not going to be that simple. Hell, a newbie Dom could have seen that one coming, and by the end of tonight I’m going to know your body even better than you do.

  When she’d settled a bit he pressed his tongue flat against her clit and felt her arousal rocket right back up. Her responses were so perfect, so sweetly wanton that his cock swelled to the point it was almost painful. Swirling the tip of his tongue around the tiny bundle of nerves sticking up so proudly from beneath its hood, Sage smiled when she started panting. Again—just as she was closing in on the point of no return, he pulled back. This time the groan at the loss was more of a growl and he had to bite back his chuckle.

  “Your syrup taste like sunshine and sweet clover, honey. I swear it’s more addictive than any drug known to man. I’m not finished making you crazy, baby.” This time he ran his tongue deeper into her folds, making several slow, sweeping passes up and then back down just to emphasize his point. When she started to reach for him, he pulled back. “No, sweet cheeks. Put your arms over your head and leave them there or I’ll tie you to the fucking bed, do you understand?” He knew she was already sinking into a great state of mind but he wanted to pull her back just a bit and making her answer his question would be just enough to do it.

  “Y-yes…yes, Sir.” Her stammered reply had been a sweet confirmation that she was right where he wanted her. Obviously she remembered at least some of the protocols they’d instituted with her during their wild night in Austin. The McDonalds had reserved The Driskill’s Primrose Suite for Jen and its custom-made bed had been a Dom’s dream. The bathroom appeared to have been designed for just the sort of water sports two sexually dominant Navy SEALs would demand even if the entire suite was awash in pink. But truthfully, Jen had been so wound up and just barely sober enough to make informed decisions that it wouldn’t have been a huge surprise if she’d forgotten everything. The fact she either remembered or had been studying, pleased him more than just a little.

  “I loved the way that sounded, pet.” Sage had heard his brother slip back into the room, but from the way Jen stiffened she obviously hadn’t. When she tried to sit up, Sage placed his palm against her lower abdomen holding her in place. Sam watched and Sage could tell he was fighting his own battle to keep from plundering the offering spread out before them. “How does she taste, brother? Is that lush little pussy as sweet and juicy as a peach? Because that is how I remember it was the last time I had the pleasure of burying my face in all that slick sugar.”

  “It’s even better than I remembered, but I have to tell you she has been awfully close to disobeying several times. If I hadn’t been paying very close attention our little angel here would have taken her release and never looked back.”

  “You don’t say? Well, perhaps a couple of extra swats might remind her about who is running this show. Hell, I wasn’t in the shower long enough that it should have been an issue.” Sam waited a few seconds for her to cool down and then s
tepped closer. “Flip her over. Let’s get this done.” Amen, brother. Paddling her ass is going to be a sensual torture for all three of us.


  Jen was lost in a fog of desire so dense that she’d barely registered the fact Sam and Sage had been talking about her as if she hadn’t even been in the room. In the back of her mind it registered how much that pissed her off, but with all those lovely little “give it to me now” hormones flooding her brain she couldn’t seem to muster enough outrage to complain. But something about being flipped over and her ass displayed over the edge of the bed had shocked her back to the moment. She’d come up fighting when some switch in her mind flipped and the sudden fear that swamped her was all consuming. Nothing existed except escape.

  Sam’s startled, “What the fuck?” was quickly followed by Sage’s inquiry about what the hell had happened, but Jen had crab-crawled to the other side of the bed, kicking off their attempts to grasp her ankles and dropped to the floor before either man could contain her. Blinking up at them as she huddled in the corner, her knees pulled against her chest with her arms wrapped tightly around them. Neither of them moved and neither did she. Her mind was spinning so fast she couldn’t get a grasp on any one single thought. The only thing she knew was the myriad of images flashing through her mind were the very ones she’d spent years trying to push back and forget.

  No, please! Not tonight, I beg you. She’d spent years learning to block out the memories of the one foster home that had forever changed her. When she’d finally learned to suppress those horrible moments, the panic attacks had slowly faded. Why had she reacted so strongly tonight? One night, one brutal punishment, one man who thought he could control her with violence shouldn’t be enough to change her entire life, right? But there were times when it didn’t matter how sincere her arguments were, the memory of the absolute terror of that night still won. But why tonight? Why do I have to freak out in front of the two sexiest men I’ve ever met? Fatigue? Or was it the last note she’d received before she’d left D.C.? Just thinking about the pictures and promises her stalker had made sent ice through her veins. God, a fat lot of good being a Mensa does me when I can’t even figure out how to get out of this pickle. But the one thing she wasn’t having a bit of trouble understanding was the two men watching her from the other end of the bed had an intensity that bordered on frightening, and their laser-like focus was not going to be easily dissuaded. She could see the questions in their eyes and this was not a topic she wanted to cover tonight…hell, who was she kidding? She wouldn’t ever be ready to answer those questions. Well, fuck the Fruit Loop fairy, best to just suck it up and plead insanity. Whatever it takes, just don’t let them see how scared you are.


  Sam recognized the instant Jen’s mind came back to the moment and quickly behind that, the very second she started scrambling for a way to explain her behavior. His own mind was racing with a hundred and one questions about what had just happened, and the only thing he was absolutely certain about was that she was planning to lie to them. Well, perhaps lie wasn’t entirely accurate—but she was certainly planning to be selective in what she shared, probably very, very selective. Give it your best shot, pet.

  Both he and Sage reached into their bags and donned the boxers they pulled out. Once they’d covered their rapidly deflating cocks, Sam walked slowly to the other side of the bed and held out his hand. He was enormously pleased when she didn’t hesitate but slid her trembling fingers into the curl of his palm. Wrapping his fingers around hers felt so right, something shifted inside him, and in that instant her fate was sealed. She belonged to them, now they just had to convince her.

  Pulling the sheet from the bed, Sam wrapped it around her and picked her up in his arms. He just held her close to his chest and waited as Sage arranged a couple of chairs so once he sat with her on his lap she’d be facing his brother. Even though he knew the time they were taking was giving her a chance to shore up her defenses and bring her story together, Sam also knew he and his brother needed the moment to pull back a bit from the emotion of the moment and get their heads where they needed to be as well.

  Sam still fully intended to spank her because that was what they’d told her was going to happen. The one thing he knew above all else was unless they established a solid foundation of trust they’d never truly earn her submission. And God knew the woman was too bright to miss even the smallest inconsistency. So, short of saying her safe word, the shattered sub in his arms would be punished tonight, although he had to admit the dynamics of that had just changed significantly. Since she hadn’t reacted negatively until they’d flipped her over on the edge of the bed he could only assume something about that action had triggered her reaction.

  As he’d looked in her eyes while she’d shivered in the corner like a frightened animal, the terror he’d seen had squeezed his heart. It had taken every bit of self-control he’d been able to pull together to refrain from pulling her into his arms and coddling her until morning, but somehow he’d known that wasn’t what she needed. Hell, he doubted she’d have even allowed it. Sighing to himself, he sat down on the chair and just let her lean against his chest for a couple of minutes. The worried look on Sage’s face seemed to have eased a bit, so it was time to find out just what the hell had happened.

  Pulling the sheet open enough to expose her pert breasts to their view, he put his hands over hers when she tried to cover herself again. “No, pet, leave it open.”

  “W-why?” When he didn’t respond, she amended her question just as he knew she would. “Why, Sir?”

  “Better. Because as you know, the body’s responses are the best lie detectors in the world, and you, sweet sub, are planning to lie for all your worth.” He felt her go rigid and wanted to laugh. Point proven. “We’re going to talk and you are going to answer honestly, do you understand, pet?”

  “Yes, I speak English and I’m not a dimwit.” Aha, welcome back, love. His brother’s reaction was so fast Sam doubted Jen had even seen him move until his fingers were pinching her peaked nipples tight enough to make her gasp.

  “Watch your tone, baby. You are better than that sort of snark. Now, amend that comment or say your safe word.” Sage was often mistaken for a soft touch as a Dom because there wasn’t much his brother loved more than holding a woman in his arms. But the truth was Sage was actually more of a stickler for protocol than Sam was, something that most of the subs they’d played with had figured out fairly quickly.

  Jen’s eyes flamed with an intense heat that let Sam know there was a part of her soul that would only respond to demands for her compliance. She might have a submissive streak that was bone deep, but it was only going to be earned by one or hopefully two men. She wasn’t a woman who would ever be able to walk into a BDSM club and willingly submit to any Dom she negotiated a scene with. No, the little bundle of trouble currently pressing her lovely ass against his re-awakening cock would make the Doms in her life earn every inch of her surrender.

  Chapter Six

  Jen finally managed to squeak, “Yes, Sir. I understand,” and Sage released her nipples. Sam knew the little buds were probably throbbing and he hoped it might be distracting enough to keep her off balance just enough that she would answer their questions with more candor. Sam loved having her sitting on his lap for several reasons, but chief among them was the fact he had a front row seat to her sweet sighs and flushing sexiness. Watching her pulse pound at the base of her neck made him want to lean forward and press his tongue flat against her satiny skin and relish her heart’s acceleration under his attention.

  Jen wouldn’t be fooled by false praise, so he simply nodded and said, “Better,” when she’d answered more respectfully. He waited a few seconds before starting to give her time to settle and then said, “Tell us what triggered the reaction you had a few moments ago. And the same rules are in place about lying, pet—always.” Ordinarily he and Sage both insisted subs answer questions without any delay because their answers
tended to be much less filtered when they were spontaneous. However, in this case he wasn’t sure she really knew the answer so he was going to give her time to work it out. Watching her chew on her bottom lip as she considered the answer was about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. He didn’t doubt she did the same thing when she was deeply immersed in a project or tackling some professional challenge because she’d slipped into thought so naturally. There was the tiniest wrinkle between her brows as she seemed to be focusing all of her energy on processing his question.

  Sam didn’t get the idea that she was trying to come up with some PCBS answer. Hell, the woman worked for the State Department so politically correct bullshit would be at the top of her skill arsenal in order to survive her day-to-day work environment. The feeling he got from watching her was that she was frustrated with her response to them more than she was confused. Oddly enough he had the impression that she was disappointed in herself for what had happened. Oh, little over-achiever, getting you out of the whirling mass of thoughts that you’re battling is going to bring you a level of peace you have only imagined existed. But teaching you to let go and trust us to take you there is going to be the tricky part.

  He could almost feel the moment she’d formulated an answer to his question and felt more than heard her soft sigh of resignation. Good, girl. Now, just spit it out. Her voice didn’t shake, but there was definitely a hesitance that he hated hearing as she spoke. “Truthfully I’m not sure it was triggered by any one thing…more likely it was a combination of things.”


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