An Honorable Seduction

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An Honorable Seduction Page 7

by Brenda Jackson

  * * *

  Swan knew she should pull out of David’s arms, but found she couldn’t do it. Being held by him felt good. His fingers, the ones that were stroking through the strands of her hair, seemed to electrify her scalp. They sent comforting sensations all through her—and something else as well. A need that he was stroking to fruition. As a result, instead of pulling out of his arms, she closed her eyes and enjoyed being held by him while inhaling his masculine scent.

  She wasn’t sure how long they stood there, but it didn’t take long for her to notice his breathing had changed. But then so had hers. His touch had shifted from comforting to passionate. He was using the same strokes, but now the feelings within her were beginning to build to an insurmountable degree of desire.

  Opening her eyes, she lifted her head to stare up at him. The minute she did, she caught her breath at the intense yearning she saw in his gaze. That yearning reached out to her, jolted her with a level of throbbing need she hadn’t known existed. She’d heard of raw, make-you-lose-your-senses passion, but she had never experienced it for herself.

  Until now.

  “David...” She said his name as something burst to life in the pit of her stomach. It made a quivering sensation rise at the back of her neck. He implored her with his eyes to follow this passion, as if letting her know he understood what she was experiencing even if she didn’t.

  “Tell me what you want, Swan,” he said in a deep voice while gently caressing the side of her face. “Tell me.”

  The intensity in his eyes was burning her, scorching her with the sexual hunger that was coming to life inside her. She wanted more than his erection pressing hard against the apex of her thighs. She wanted him on top of her. She wanted him to slide into her body and begin thrusting in and out. She needed to lose herself in more than just his arms.

  Suddenly, she felt emboldened to tell him just what she wanted. “I want you, David. In my bed.”

  * * *

  Flipper wanted to be in her bed as well. Lord knows he shouldn’t want it, but he did. He would have to deal with the consequences later. He felt too tight and hot to try to fight the demands his body was making. Sweeping her into his arms, he quickly walked out of the kitchen and headed toward her bedroom.

  “You think you know where you’re going, David?”

  He slowed his pace, remembering that she had no idea that he knew the layout of her home. Not only did he know where her bedroom was located, he knew the blueprint of the plumbing underneath her floor. He looked down and met her gaze, grateful she wasn’t suspicious. “I figured you would stop me if I went in the wrong direction.”

  “Yes, I would have stopped you, but you’re going the right way.”

  “Good.” When he resumed his swift pace, it didn’t take him long to reach her bedroom.

  Swan had gotten next to him in a way he hadn’t counted on happening. Seducing her had not been part of the plan and he should not have allowed things to get this far. He didn’t want to think of the major complications involved, and not just because she was the goddaughter of three top naval officers.

  But something was happening that he hadn’t counted on. His mind and body were in sync and a rare sexual aura was overtaking him. He could no more stop making love to her than he could stop being a SEAL. For him to even make such a comparison was pretty damn serious.

  Instead of placing Swan on the bed, he eased her to her feet, loving the feel of her soft body sliding down his hard one. “If you’re having second thoughts about this, Swan, now’s the time to say so.”

  She shook her head and then in a wobbly voice, she said, “No second thoughts, David.”

  Hearing her affirmation spoken with such certainty, Flipper released a low, throaty groan as he lowered his mouth to kiss her again, needing the connection of her lips to his as much as he needed to breathe. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her body closer to him as he deepened the kiss, wanting her to feel his erection, the hard evidence of his need for her.

  He had never wanted a woman with this much intensity in his life, and he had no idea why Swan was having this kind of an effect on him.

  Why she, and no other woman before her, had tempted him to cross a line during a mission. His mind didn’t function that way. He had yet to prove her innocence, so technically, she was still naval intelligence’s prime suspect, but at the moment that didn’t matter. For all he knew, he could be about to sleep with the enemy.

  But right now, that didn’t matter either because deep down, a part of him believed she was innocent.

  What was happening between them was definitely out of the realm of normal for him. He’d known he would have to get close to her, but he hadn’t counted on this—his intense desire to do inappropriate, erotic and mind-blowing things to Swan Jamison.

  But he wanted her and there would be no regrets. At least not for him, and based on what she’d just said, there would be no regrets for her either.

  The moment he ended the kiss, his hands were busy removing her skirt, followed by her blouse, and when she stood in front of him in her lacy panties and bra, he couldn’t help but growl his satisfaction. She looked sexy as hell and the rose-colored ensemble against the darkness of her skin was stunningly beautiful. She was beautiful.

  He reached up and traced a finger along the material of her boxer-cut panties. This style on a woman had never done anything for him. Until now.

  “You should have been a model,” he said in a deep, throaty voice, filled with profound need and deep appreciation. She had such a gorgeously shaped body.

  “My mother used to be a model. I was satisfied with being a model’s daughter.”

  “And a strikingly beautiful one at that,” he said, lowering to his knees to rid her of her panties. He couldn’t wait to touch her, taste her and do all those erotic things to her he had dreamed of doing over the past few nights. He breathed in deeply, getting more aroused by the second while easing her panties down a pair of long, beautiful legs.

  After tossing her panties aside, he leaned back on his haunches and gazed at her, seeing her naked from the waist down. Her small waist, her stomach, the shape of her thighs and longs legs were perfect. She was perfect.

  After looking his fill, he leaned forward and rested his forehead against her stomach, inhaling her luscious scent. He loved the way it flowed through his nostrils, opening his pores and causing his body to become even more erect.

  And then he did something he’d wanted to do since their first kiss. He used the tip of his tongue to kiss her stomach, loving the indention around her naval and tracing a path around the area. Then he shifted his mouth lower, licking his way down and enjoying the sound of her moans.

  When he came to the very essence of her, he licked around her womanly folds before leaning in to plant a heated kiss right there. It was as if sampling her special taste was as essential to him as breathing. His hands held firm to her thighs when he slid his tongue inside of her, loving the sound of his name from her lips.

  Then he went deeper, using his tongue to taste her, claim her and brand her. The latter gave him pause but not enough to stop what he was doing. He’d never claimed a woman as his own and had never thought about doing so. But with Swan, it seemed such a thing wasn’t just desired but was required.

  And he didn’t want it any other way. She was the first woman he wanted to claim. Forcefully, he pushed to the back of his mind what it could mean to make any woman his and decided he would dwell on that aspect of things at a later time. For now, he wanted to focus on the delicious, succulent, enjoyable taste that was Swan.

  He took his time, wanting her to know just how much he loved doing this to her. He wanted her to feel the connection his tongue was making with her flesh. However, he wanted her to do more than feel it, he wanted this connection absorbed into her senses, into her mind, into every part of her body.

bsp; Moments later, Flipper knew he’d achieved his goal when he felt her fingers dig into his shoulder blades, followed by the quivering of her thighs. Tightening his hold on her hips, he knew what would be next and he was ready.

  She screamed his name when she was thrown into an orgasmic state. Her fingernails dug deeper into his skin, but he didn’t feel the pain because knowing he was giving her pleasure made him immune to it. What he felt was a desire to take things to the next level, to slide into her body and go so deep it would be impossible to detect where his body ended and hers began.

  He finally pulled his mouth away and looked up at her, saw the glazed look in her eyes. Without saying a word, he traced his fingers around the womanly mound he’d just kissed before inserting his finger inside of her. She was ultra-wet and mega-hot and he had every intention of capitalizing on both. The orgasm she’d just experienced would be small in comparison to the one he intended to give her.

  Pulling his finger from her, he licked it clean, knowing she was watching his every move. “Sweet,” he said softly, holding her gaze.

  He slowly eased to his feet and reached behind her to remove her bra. When she stood totally naked in front of him, he feasted his gaze on her. “And I’m about to show you just how sweet I think you are, Swan.”


  Swan was having difficulty breathing and the blue eyes staring at her made getting air to flow through her lungs even more difficult. Never had she felt this energized from a sexual act. And when David got to his feet and leaned in to kiss her, letting her taste herself on his lips, she felt weak in the knees. But he held her around the waist, holding her up as he kissed her more deeply, making her wish the kiss could last forever.

  She released a low disappointed groan in her throat when he pulled his mouth away.

  “Don’t worry, there’s more coming.”

  He swept her off her feet and carried her over to the bed, placed her on it and joined her there.

  “You still have clothes on,” she said, reaching out to touch his shirt.

  “I know and they will be coming off. Right now, I just want to lie here with you and hold you in my arms.”

  She smiled at him. “You’re not going to fall asleep on me, are you?”

  Chuckling, he said, “Asleep? With you lying beside me without a stitch of clothes on? Sleep is the last thing I’d be able to do, trust me.”

  He’d already pleasured her with his mouth, so she couldn’t help wondering what was next. She soon discovered his intent when he reached over and cupped her breasts.

  “You are perfect,” he said in a deep husky voice.

  The words triggered a memory of overhearing her father whisper the same compliment to her mother, after she surprised him with a special dinner after he returned home from one of his missions.

  Swan knew she was far from perfect. Those were just words David was speaking. But still, hearing them filled her with joy. Maybe she shouldn’t let them, but they did.

  Then any further thoughts dissolved from her mind when David eased a nipple between his lips. She moaned at the pleasure she felt all the way to her toes. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand anymore, he began torturing her other nipple.

  When he finally eased away, she opened her eyes to watch him undress. When he removed his shirt, she saw the tattoos covering his tanned skin on both of his upper arms—huge dolphins emerging from beautiful blue ocean waters. Another tattoo of even more dolphins was painted across his back in beautiful vivid colors. She’d never been into tattoos but she thought his were stunning.

  “I like your tattoos,” she said.

  He glanced over at her and smiled. “Thanks.”

  When he lowered his shorts, her gaze moved to the area between a pair of masculine thighs. His shaft was massive and marvelously formed. Just the thought of him easing that part of himself inside of her sent her pulse skyrocketing.

  “You okay?”

  She lifted her gaze to his. She wasn’t sure if she was okay. A thickness had settled in her throat when she saw how he was looking at her. Not only did he intend to join his body with hers, she had a feeling he planned to keep them connected for a while.

  “Yes, I’m okay.”

  Swan continued to check him out, thinking he had a mighty fine physique. His body was all muscle and it was obvious that he worked out regularly. A man didn’t get those kinds of abs if he didn’t.

  She watched as he pulled a condom from his wallet and sheathed himself in a way that was so erotic, she felt herself getting wetter between the legs just watching him. Then he was strolling back toward the bed. To her.

  “I’m about to make sure you feel more than okay,” he said, reaching down and easing her up to rest her chest against his. Her breasts were still sensitive from his mouth and rubbing them against his chest caused a multitude of arousing sensations to swamp her.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked in a ragged breath, barely able to get the words out.

  “Anything you can imagine,” he whispered, lowering her back on the mattress and then straddling her. He stared down at her as he gently moved her legs apart. She felt him, that part of him, lightly touch her feminine folds and then he was rubbing back and forth across them, sending even more sensations racing through her bloodstream.

  “Trying to torture me, David?”

  “No, trying to pleasure you. Ready for me?”

  The movement of his manhood against her was making it impossible for her to concentrate. “What do you think?”

  “You’re wet and hot, so I think you’re ready.” And then he entered her in one deep thrust.

  She gasped at the fullness and was glad he’d gone still for a minute. This gave her the chance to feel him fully embedded deep within her. It had been a long time for her and her inner muscles were greedily clamping on to him, tightening their hold.

  “You’re big,” she whispered.

  “You’re tight,” was his response. “But we’re making this work.”

  And he did. First he began moving again, gently sliding in and out of her. That only lasted a few seconds before he picked up the pace and began thrusting harder.

  She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. Then he lifted her hips to receive more of him. When he established a slow and deep rhythm, touching areas in her body that hadn’t been touched in a long time, or ever, she fought back a scream. She grabbed hold of his hair and pulled it, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “Rule number one, Swan. Don’t hold back.”

  Was he kidding? It wasn’t a matter of holding back. It was more like she was trying to keep her sanity. David was so powerfully male that he was pushing her over the edge with every deep stroke. Every cell within her vibrated in response to his precise thrusts.

  “Hold on, baby. Things are about to get wild.”

  * * *

  Flipper had given Swan fair warning. When he began pounding harder, making strokes he’d never attempted with another woman—going deep, pulling out and then going deep again—he felt a quivering sensation start at the base of his testicles and move toward her womb with each and every thrust. He had to hold on tight to her to keep them on the bed. He was determined to show her wild.

  Simultaneously, he leaned down to have his way with her mouth, licking it corner to corner and then inserting his tongue inside with the same rhythm he was using below.

  What he was feeling right now was more than off the charts, it was out of the atmosphere. When she finally let go and screamed his name, the sound vibrated in every part of his body, especially in her inner muscles. They clamped down on him, trying to pull everything out of him while her hands tightened even more in his hair.


  She screamed his name again. The sound drove him. He wanted more of her. Wanted to go deeper. Throwing his head back, he felt the veins in
his neck strain. There was pain but not enough to dim the pleasure.

  And he knew at that moment Swan had gotten under his skin in a way no other woman had.

  He began rocking hard into her with an intensity that made him go deeper with every thrust. Then he was the one hollering out in pleasure, saying her name as an explosion ripped through him. Then like a crazed sexual maniac, he leaned in to feast on her mouth and breasts. It was like his desire for her could not end.


  He knew she was coming again and, dammit to hell, so was he. Marveling at such a thing, he tightened his hold on her. His control had not only gotten shot to hell and back but had died an explosive death as the result of the most powerful orgasms he’d ever endured.

  This was what real lovemaking was about. No holds barred. No restrictions. Every part of him felt alive, drained, renewed. The room had the scent of sex and more sex. But that wasn’t all. Emotions he’d never felt before touched him and swelled his heart.

  He quickly forced those emotions back, refusing to go there. Knowing he couldn’t go there.

  * * *

  The husky sound of deep, even breathing made Swan open her eyes. She was still in bed with David. Their limbs were entangled and his head was resting on her chest as he slept.

  This man had been the most giving of lovers. He didn’t come until he made sure she came first. He had kissed every part of her body, some parts more than others, and he had stoked passion within her in a way that had made her reach the boiling point. No man had ever made love to her with such intensity.

  He had warned her about them getting wild. As far as she was concerned, they had gotten more than wild, they had gotten uninhibited, untamed. She hadn’t known she had so much passion within her. He had brought it out and made her do more than own it. He had made her so aware of it that she doubted she could undo what he’d done.

  David Holloway had done more than push a few of her buttons. He had turned on all the lights.


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