Robert T Bakker

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by The Dinosaur Heresies (pdf)

  the advantage of being well-enough armed to attack successfully

  even the largest plant-eater. Today's lions and hyenas are not big

  enough to kill healthy adult rhinoceroses, elephants, or water buf-

  falo. But that is not typical of the situation during the entire Age

  of Mammals. Most of the time in the past, the carnivores were

  large and strong enough to assault the biggest prey; for example,

  the giant wolf-bear Pliocyon found in Nebraska eight million years

  ago averaged five to six hundred pounds. If it hunted in packs,

  Pliocyon could have killed elephant-sized prey with ease. In gen-


  eral, the typical mammalian fauna of the past included far more

  formidable top predators than do any of today's ecosystems. Since

  fewer plant-eaters were immune to attack, the top predators would

  have been more efficient at culling them and building up the pred-

  ator-to-prey ratio. On balance, these considerations suggest a so-

  lution to the paradox presented by the difference between ancient

  and modern ratios. Warm-blooded predators could achieve ratios

  as high as 5 percent when climate was favorable, when they were

  strong enough, and when there were no humans to befoul the


  Would this general picture also have applied to the dino-

  saurs? In other words, were some of their habitats sufficiently fa-

  vorable so that as warm-blooded predators they could attain ratios

  as high as 4 or 5 percent? The habitat least favorable to predatory

  dinosaurs would certainly have been the barren sand dunes of Outer

  Mongolia during the Cretaceous Period. This environment of-

  fered little cover, water was scarce, and droughts must have been

  severe. Plant-eaters are commonly found in these red sands, but

  meat-eaters are rare and mostly of small size. The total mass of

  predators to prey was far below 1 percent. But across the North

  Pacific, the Late Cretaceous habitats in Alberta were ideal for

  predators. Forested deltas and floodplains provided ample cover

  for attacking, and the predators were very large, powerful, and

  nimble—adult tyrannosaurs grew to two tons, enough to attack the

  rhinoceros-sized duckbills and horned dinosaurs. In Alberta, the

  ratio of predator to prey averaged 4 percent, much higher than in

  Mongolia. These percentages clearly mean that tyrannosaurs were

  probably as warm-blooded as the saber-toothed cats and wolf-bears

  that took over the top predator roles many millions of years later.

  Quite interesting as a test case was the situation during the

  Late Jurassic in Wyoming. Here the conditions for predators were

  not as trying as in the barren dunes of Mongolia nor as easy as in

  the densely forested deltas of Alberta. The conditions were inter-

  mediate—Morrison Formation sediments show that these habitats

  contained more trees than the dune fields but suffered longer dry

  seasons than the Alberta deltas. Allosaurus was the most common

  predator of the Morrison, and it didn't enjoy the same advantages

  tyrannosaurs would later have. Allosaurs averaged one ton in adult

  weight, large by modern standards, but tiny compared to the twenty-


  and thirty-ton brontosaurs. Logically, then, the rules of predator

  to-prey relationships derived from warm-blooded animals predict

  that Allosaurus would not have been able to reach as high a level

  as tyrannosaurs could later because they wouldn't have been able

  to cull their prey as effectively. And this prediction is justified by

  the evidence. The predator-to-prey ratios of the allosaurs aver-

  aged 1.5 percent, lower than for tyrannosaurs.

  Orthodox paleontologists greet these arguments from preda-

  tor-to-prey ratios with incredulity. But they make ecological sense.

  Predatory dinosaurs exhibited very low ratios (1 percent or less)

  in the same sorts of difficult habitats where warm-blooded mam-

  mals obtained low ratios. And they achieved higher ratios in more

  favorable situations, exactly as did the extinct mammals. Most im-

  portant point of all was that both dinosaur predator-to-prey ratios

  and fossil and living mammal predator-to-prey ratios averaged far,

  far lower than those of certifiably cold-blooded reptiles.

  There is also important independent confirmation to be de-

  rived from the evidence from the microstructure of bones dis-

  cussed in a previous chapter. All the extinct groups whose bone

  texture indicated fast growth—dinosaurs, protomammals, and

  mammals—also had low predator-to-prey ratios. Moreover, my ar-

  guments from predator-to-prey ratios caused such controversy that

  I sought additional supports as well. In 1982, it occurred to me

  that footprints could serve as further proof.

  It seemed logical that warm-blooded animals would be forced

  to move around for food at much higher average speeds than their

  cold-blooded cousins because high metabolism demands a more

  or less continuous supply of calories, hence a more or less contin-

  uous search for them. If correct, this notion implies that fossil

  footprints would be good indicators of the number of required

  calories. Since they usually record unhurried, and not maximum,

  speeds, fossil footprints should be reliable indicators of the aver-

  age intensity of foraging.

  I tested this idea by calculating the speeds indicated by foot-

  prints made by living species. As expected, average walking speed

  today is much higher in mammals than in cold-blooded amphib-

  ians and reptiles. I then calculated walking speeds from the foot-

  prints of fossil mammals. They fell into the range of their modern,

  living relatives, confirming that extinct mammals had as high a me-


  tabolism as modern. Next, I turned to testing this idea against the

  footprints of the very primitive reptiles and the amphibians of the

  Coal Age—species more archaic in bone structure than living liz-

  ards. Once again, the hypothesis proved out. Average speed in the

  ancient Coal Age and Early Permian animals was exceptionally low,

  only one to two miles per hour. This was dramatic proof that a

  leisurely mode of foraging was in fact a concomitant of cold-


  Having established the reliability of this approach, I finally

  turned to calculating the average walking speeds for the dinosaurs

  and for their ancestors of the Triassic, the thecodonts. There was

  absolutely no ambiguity in the figures: Dinosaurs and the theco-

  donts before them moved through their Mesozoic world at aver-

  age speeds as high as those of warm-blooded mammals and much

  higher than those of the cold-bloods. Such speeds make evolu-

  tionary sense only if metabolic rates were constantly demanding

  ingestion of calories at a thoroughly warm-blooded rate.

  There are, then, three ways of accomplishing the apparently

  impossible, of counting calories in species long extinct. And the

  conclusion to be drawn from all three methods coincides pre

  cisely. The fossil animals that have low predator-to-prey ratios are

  the ones that also have bone texture indicating fast growth, and

  also had high average walking speeds. The picture of dinosaurs

  painted by these three sources of information is one where the

  metabolic levels were set on high, where the drama of growing to

  adulthood was acted out speedily, and where the cast of characters

  was in constant motion about the Mesozoic landscape, engulfing

  prodigious quantities of indispensable food.


  PART 5








  s cientific thinking often benefits from the throwing of "bombs"—

  the publication of ideas so revolutionary that one half of the

  profession is scandalized, while the other half is captivated by the

  prospect of daring new solutions to old problems. Even when the

  revolutionary idea finally proves not entirely correct, the natural

  tendency to accept orthodoxy unchallenged is beneficially shaken.

  And certainly the vigorous reexamination of facts and conclusions

  provokes the creation both of new methodologies and new ideas.

  Darwin's Origin of Species, published in 1859, was such a "bomb."

  European scientists had been excavating fossils for sixty years, and

  were anchored to the conviction that the species they were finding

  were units of the Creator, fixed and unchanging through time. Such

  a conception of species corresponded perfectly with the prevailing

  theological conviction that man was a special creation entirely apart

  from all other organic beings. Darwin's "bomb" was the first well-

  researched argument in favor of the idea that one species could

  indeed evolve into another, and then another, and so on until the

  disorganized primordial slime had been transformed into some-

  thing as complex and elegant as a Guernsey cow or an Anglican


  The intellectual upheaval that followed upon Darwin's publi-

  cation of his ideas is well known. Religion and religious thinking

  have never recovered in Western society from the vast defeat they


  Fast evolutionary turnover.

  Most dinosaur genera were

  very short-lived, lasting only

  six million years or less.

  Arrhinoceratops and

  Diceratops are two

  examples—these horned

  dinosaurs had a geological

  life-span of only four

  million years.

  suffered when they tried to resist the conclusions about nature that

  he stimulated. The contest was very like a war. And, as in most

  wars, the winners wrote the history. In the long run, Darwin won.

  The evidence for the evolutionary transmutation of one species into

  another became so strong that by 1900, nearly all scientists had

  converted to "Darwinism" of one form or another. Darwin be-

  came an heroic figure, the champion of rational thought. His op-

  ponents became stubborn obscurantists, superstitious defenders of

  organized religion despite massive amounts of scientific evidence.


  Not all of Darwin's opponents, however, were in that camp.

  Many honest, soundly trained paleontologists, hardworking schol-

  ars who weren't religious bigots at all, saw in the rocks abundant

  evidence to suggest that species were fixed and largely unchang-

  ing. Darwin himself was not a professional paleontologist. As the

  naturalist on H.M.S. Beagle, he gathered the fossil bones of giant

  ground sloths he found on the Argentine pampas, and sent them

  on to Sir Richard Owen for study, his own anatomical expertise

  being too weak. So he was open to the charge of being a mere

  amateur when it came to fossils. Perhaps he did not realize how

  good the evidence for long-lasting and unchanging species was. By

  the 1850s, paleontology was already a mature science. English,

  French, German, and Russian scientists had thoroughly studied the

  rock strata, and had gathered many thousands of fossil specimens.

  These experts had no trouble recognizing the same species of el-

  ephant, for example, across vast expanses of geography and through

  enormous thicknesses of strata. The same was true for dinosaurs.

  The conclusion seemed inescapable: Species were fixed units that

  did not change much through time and across space.

  In 1859, Hugh Falconer, a prominent English paleontologist

  with a wide reputation as an expert on fossil elephants, did sup-

  port Darwin. But he urged Darwin to modify his belief that most

  of evolution was a slow and continuous process. Falconer was con-

  vinced that the evolution of one species into another was a sudden

  event, and that most of the time species remained unchanged dur-

  ing the long intervals between the sudden transmutations. Unfor-

  tunately, Falconer died in 1866, before his modified view of

  Darwinism could become widely known. When science jumped

  onto the Darwinian bandwagon around 1900, all these quite legit-

  imate objections were lost sight of. Primitive reptiles, protomam-

  mals, dinosaurs, pterodactyls, mammoths, and saber-toothed cats

  were all supposed to have evolved gradually, one species imper-

  ceptibly into another, all through the History of Life. The fossil

  facts did not read that way, but everyone assumed the "missing"

  intermediates between species had existed. The fossil record was

  just too incomplete to preserve many of the transitional stages.

  Darwin had argued exactly this line to counter his critics.

  Shortly before I entered graduate school at Harvard in 1972,

  the biggest paleontological "bomb" of the century had been dropped


  by Niles Eldredge of the American Museum in New York and

  Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard. They published an article entitled

  "Punctuated Equilibria." This rather short paper produced enor-

  mous repercussions. Eldredge and Gould had rediscovered the idea

  that species might not change continuously through time. They

  combined this idea with another developed by twentieth-century

  naturalists, that new species usually form in small breeding popu-

  lations isolated from the main body of the old parent population.

  The "punctuated" part of their idea was the notion that most evo-

  lutionary change happens suddenly, like a punctuation mark in a

  sentence. The "equilibrium" part was that most of the time, most

  species are not evolving at all because conditions in large, stable

  populations do not permit changes to occur. Eldredge and Gould

  insisted that the fossil record was not nearly so poor as Darwin

  believed. The rarity of missing links between species, so bother-

  some to a century of Darwinists, was in fact a faithful representa-

  tion of evolutionary history. If most new species form suddenly,

  in isolated populations, then
only rarely would fossils preserve that

  fleeting evolutionary moment. And if typical, widespread species

  endure millions of generations without changing, then the fossil

  record will consist mostly of long-lived invariant species. It can be

  said that, in their own terms, Eldredge and Gould had rediscovered

  Hugh Falconer's position.

  Two things convinced me that punctuated equilibrium was an

  idea worth considering. First of all was Professor Bernie Kum-

  mel's endorsement. His own work on fossil armored squid made

  him enormously well informed about how fossil species changed

  through strata. And his habit of mind was extremely rigorous, very

  little given to unsound flights of speculative fancy. I expected only

  the most qualified discussion of the theory from him. I was there-

  fore all the more impressed by his unequivocal endorsement. I

  questioned Bernie one evening at a party for us students, "Is Steve

  right?" "Yup," said Bernie. He pointed out that it had been known

  all along that really good fossil strata always showed species lasting

  through millions of years. Only misguided geneticists insisted that

  species evolved all the time.

  The second thing to convince me was my own studies the fol-

  lowing summer. With Bernie Kummel's endorsement of punc-

  tuated equilibrium deeply impressed upon me, I went off to Como

  Bluff to test the idea in the field among the brontosaur habitats.


  Como Bluff and Sheep Creek nearby were nearly perfect for test-

  ing punctuated equilibrium with fossil dinosaurs. Good skeletons

  could be found from the bottom to the top of the Morrison For-

  mation, strata 250 feet thick representing approximately a million

  years. And the habitats represented in these strata clearly changed

  dramatically throughout this time—from shallow, seasonally dry

  lakes and swamps, to well-drained floodplains crossed by large,

  shifting streams, to poorly drained floodplains dotted by carbon-

  rich ponds. If orthodox genetic theory were correct, then the Como

  dinosaurs should have evolved continuously throughout this time

  to match the changing demands of their environment. If punc-

  tuated equilibrium were correct, the fossils should reveal species

  of dinosaurs that remained static, unresponsive to local conditions


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