Robert T Bakker

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by The Dinosaur Heresies (pdf)

  cles (the temporals) pull upward and backward, their combined

  crossing action preventing stress from building up in our jaw joint.

  Every time we tackle an especially tough steak, we should harbor

  a little thought of thanks to our cynodont ancestors.

  No doubt that the Triassic protomammals were the best and

  the brightest ever produced by the protomammals. And, in sharp

  contrast to their pervasive bias against any notion of warm-blooded

  dinosaurs, orthodox paleontologists have been more than willing

  to accept the idea that advanced cynodonts were warm-blooded

  creatures. No one voiced surprise when Armand de Ricqles an-

  nounced he had found mammal-type bone texture in the Triassic

  dicynodonts and cynodonts. Orthodoxy had always maintained, after

  all, that advanced protomammals were physiologically far more

  sophisticated than the reptiles were.

  All these assumptions might lead one to believe these dog-

  faced protomammals exercised unassailable hegemony over their

  ecosystem. But that was not the case. The biggest, strongest, most

  dangerous predators of the Early Triassic were not cynodonts or

  any sort of protomammal at all. That role belonged to those crim-

  son crocodiles, the shock troops of the rival empire. They attained

  a weight of half a ton, and were armed with dinosaurlike heads

  three feet long, and saw-edged teeth.


  Orthodox paleontologists and mammal loyalists cannot es-

  cape the meaning of the ecological takeover by these crimson

  crocodiles. Before they evolved, the honors for top predator had

  gone to protomammals—the anteosaurs of the Kazanian, the gor-

  gons of the Tartarian. After the Tartarian mass extinction, the role

  of top predator lay open for the taking, for whichever group was

  best adapted to claim it. Filling that role is an ecological challenge

  like no other, because the competition is bloody and merciless.

  Top predators struggled for hunting territory and for scavenging

  rights over the biggest carcasses. Natural selection is therefore es-

  pecially unforgiving when it comes to top predators—the survi-

  vors will be the fastest, meanest, and most efficient species every


  Now, even though the cynodonts were among the fastest and

  most efficient predators available at the opening of the Triassic

  Period, there can be no doubt that the crimson crocodiles even-

  tually seized undisputed possession of the top predator niches. Not

  only did the early archosaurians fill the top predator roles, they,

  their descendants, and close relatives (as a group, formally known

  as the Thecodontia) usurped more and more of the medium and

  small predatory niches as well as the Triassic Period went on. No-

  where else does the fossil history of life display such a clear-cut

  case of evolutionary imperialism; as the archosaurs' reign ex-

  panded, the cynodonts' contracted. By the Mid Triassic, the cyn-

  odonts had retreated to small and medium-small predators and to

  herbivores. Meanwhile, the thecodonts filled the ecosystem with

  fox-sized, wolf-sized, lion-sized, and polar bear-sized carnivorous

  species, from a few pounds to half a ton as adults.

  By Late Triassic times, the erythrosuchians' descendants had

  branched out into two distinct river-and-lake groups of fish-eaters.

  The proterochampsids, with their flat heads and long snouts, pro-

  pelled themselves through the waters by means of their large hind

  legs. The heavily armored phytosaurs, on the other hand, swam by

  virtue of their crocodile-like tails. The crimson crocodiles' descen-

  dants also developed into an herbivorous group, the aetosaurs. They

  developed body armor top and bottom, with extra protection in

  some species of curved, bony spikes over the shoulders. For their

  time, the aetosaurs were the best-protected land animals that had

  evolved anywhere.

  Working on my senior thesis at Yale, I did a great deal of


  Early Triassic class warfare: A pair of dog-faced cynodonts, Cynognathus, are

  threatened by two 1,000-pound Erythrosuchus.

  meditating about the success of the erythrosuchians. Could it be

  that Erythrosuchus and all its relatives had had superior adaptive

  equipment? Had the thecodonts in fact been warm-blooded? If they

  had been, the evidence would have to come from the microtex-

  ture of their bones and their predator-to-prey relations. And both

  forms of evidence came tumbling into the laboratory during the

  1970s. Armand de Ricqles found mammal-type bone texture in

  Erythrosuchus itself and in its close kin. I counted Erythrosuchus

  specimens in museums from Cape Town to Berkeley. The case for

  high metabolism was every bit as conclusive as it was for the ad-

  vanced protomammals.

  There was therefore nothing at all paradoxical about the suc-

  cess of the crimson crocodiles. This vigorously evolving group had

  wrested control of the predatory roles from the protomammals

  because of the erythrosuchian anatomical equipment, which had

  been equal to, or better than, the best produced by the two-

  tuskers or the dog-faces. This was an heretical conclusion indeed

  because the erythrosuchians and all the Thecodontia were uncles

  of the dinosaurs, the evolutionary cousins of the direct ancestors

  of the true Dinosauria. There was the spark of dinosaurness about

  everything the thecodonts did, and the earliest true dinosaurs, of

  all sorts, shared many of the anatomical features of the Thecodon-

  tia. Most notable of these were the extra openings in the side of

  the snout and in the lower jaw that had been the trademarks of

  Erythrosuchus and other early thecodonts. All the early dinosaurs'

  skulls were characterized by the loose, open construction directly

  modeled on the thecodonts. Without any doubt, the dinosaurs had

  inherited fundamental adaptive equipment from thecodont ances-

  tors, and they owed much of their success to the momentous de-

  velopments among the first crimson crocodiles of the Earliest


  All the many thecodont families went extinct at the end of

  the Triassic. But their end corresponded with the beginning of the

  first great Age of Dinosaurs. As the Jurassic Period began, the ter-

  restrial ecosystem was once again riddled with unfilled niches, and

  into these ecological opportunities streamed a horde of new spe-

  cies. In Late Triassic times the dinosaurs had been a minority group,

  but in the Jurassic every single large land predator and herbivore

  role was filled by their newly evolving species.


  When we place the history of the dinosaurs into its proper

  context, therefore, the high metabolic adaptations of the Dinosau-

  ria are not at all surprising. They were the inevitable results of

  evolutionary processes that had begun long before the first true

  dinosaur appeared. Dinosaurs weren't the first dynasty of warm-

d creatures. Neither were they the first to have a fast-paced

  evolutionary tempo, punctuated by sudden mass extinction. The

  world's ecosystems had been shaken out of their plodding, cold-

  blooded rhythm long before the dinosaurs made their entry into

  Two lines of the crimson-croc takeover: the armored aeotosaur Desmatosuchus

  and a big-headed rauisuchid predator. Both from the Late Triassic.

  the evolutionary race. The Kazanian protomammals were the pi-

  oneers of high metabolism, revolutionizing the rules of competi-

  tion and predation in the epochs of the Late Permian. Once high

  metabolic adaptations had been introduced onto the ecological stage,

  no group of large land vertebrates could hope to achieve domi-

  nance without such physiological equipment. So when the first di-

  nosaurs began elbowing their way into the roles of large predator

  and herbivore late in the Triassic Period, they were simply em-

  ploying the same strategy for success that had been followed by

  their predecessors of the Early Triassic, and by the Tartarian pro-

  tomammals before that, and by the Kazanians before that.

  The untenable nature of orthodox views about cold-blooded

  dinosaurs stands revealed in the context of this progression from

  the Kazanian to the Late Triassic. If dinosaurs were 100 percent

  cold-blooded, with a metabolic system no more sophisticated than

  a lizard's, then the Age of Dinosaurs amounted to an inexplicable

  Age of Throwbacks, a monumental step backward in the progres-

  sion of life on land, a return to the slow-motion conditions of the

  Coal Age. It makes no historical sense to believe the dinosaurs

  were cold-blooded. All the fabric of fossil evidence comes to-

  gether to weave a coherent story of an unbroken succession of

  warm-bloods following one another down through the ages, from

  the Late Permian, straight through the entire Mesozoic Era—the

  Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous—and finally, consistently, into our

  own Age of Mammals.





  T he mass murder that marked the end of the Cretaceous Period

  seems to attract all manner of solutions. Perfectly respectable

  scientists, who pride themselves on their caution when dealing with

  their own specialty, indulge in the wildest flights of fancy when it

  comes to cracking the mystery of the Cretaceous killer. I keep a

  file of published "solutions." Among its contents, it is suggested

  the dinosaurs died out "because the weather got too hot"; "be-

  cause the weather got too cold"; "because the weather got too dry";

  "because the weather got too wet"; "because the weather became

  too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter"; "because the

  land became too hilly"; "because new kinds of plants evolved which

  poisoned all the dinosaurs"; "because new kinds of insects evolved

  which spread deadly diseases"; "because new kinds of mammals

  evolved which competed for food"; "because new kinds of mam-

  mals ate the dinosaurs' eggs"; "because a giant meteor smashed into

  the earth"; "because a supernova exploded near the earth"; "be-

  cause cosmic rays bombarded the earth"; or, "because massive

  volcanoes exploded all around the earth."

  It has always seemed a bit strange to me that otherwise sober

  scientists should leap to conclusions about the extinction of the

  dinosaurs. Perhaps, as Zorba the Greek told us, scientists and

  nonscientists alike are seduced into believing far-fetched solutions

  because we all need a little madness. The events in question had



  Sea-monster victims of Cretaceous extinction:

  The great sea lizard Mosasaurus and the

  plesiosaur Dolichorhynchops.

  no eyewitnesses and were heroic in size, larger than life, unlike

  anything we see in our modern world. As a consequence, we are

  lured, attracted by the notion that mysteries of heroic scale re-

  quire solutions of equally heroic scale, solutions totally different

  from the mundane, day-to-day events we experience all around us.

  I am firmly convinced that all the great mysteries—the Mayan


  Pyramids, Stonehenge, the stone heads on Easter Island, and the

  dinosaur extinctions—are solvable. In fact, I believe most have al-

  ready been solved long ago. But the solution is usually so obvious,

  so nonfantastic, that its very mundaneness comes as a jolt. So what

  is the obvious, mundane solution to the great mass murder of the

  Cretaceous? Let us build up the evidence piece by piece, before

  we speak the name of the murderer.

  The attempt to solve the crime of mass extinction begins by

  encountering one of the basic problems in criminology: the reli-

  ability of circumstantial evidence. Scientists have occasionally hoped

  dinosaur carcasses would yield direct evidence about the agent of

  death. In the 1920s, one paleontologist concluded the duckbills

  had all died from some ghastly poison because their skeletons were

  contorted into what looked like postures of agony. But it turned

  out those skeletons were contorted—the neck twisted upward and

  backward—because this was the normal posture for any corpse since

  the muscles and tendons of the neck contracted after death. And

  in fact, fossil skeletons seldom if ever yield a clue about the cause

  of death at the end of the Cretaceous or any other time. Thin sec-

  tions from dinosaur bones usually show no obvious signs of pa-

  thology. But even this is not conclusive since most fatal diseases

  leave no clear mark on bone.

  The only clues for finding the murderer^ then, are those re-

  siding in the circumstantial evidence—the conditions at the scene

  of the crime. The problem with such evidence, however, is the

  great difficulty in separating the relevant facts from the mass of

  irrelevant details. A very standard procedure adopted by those at-

  tempting to solve the mystery is to pore over the many details we

  know about the circumstances surrounding the final death of the

  dinosaurs in North America, with scattered bits and pieces of in-

  formation from elsewhere in the world. The hypothesis here is that

  some shift in the habitat must have doomed the dinosaurs. So in-

  vestigation must concentrate on what changed at the end of the

  Cretaceous. The crippling flaw in this method of approach is that

  habitats in the world are never really stable, they are always changing

  through time. If we look for evidence of environmental change

  anywhere in geological history, therefore, we are certain to find it.

  As an example of the problems inherent in this method of

  dealing with the circumstantial evidence, paleontologists inter-


  ested in plants have found that winters became cooler at the

  end of the Cretaceous. As a result, many geologists concluded the

  dinosaurs died from climatic chill. But such a judgment was

  premature. Perhaps the
chilling trend was only an innocent envi-

  ronmental bystander, a change in habitat that just happened to oc-

  cur at the same time the real agent of death was killing off the

  Dinosauria. It cannot be considered guilty merely because it was

  present at the scene of the crime.

  The single most important first step for judging the evidence

  about the mass extinction is unfortunately the one usually ig-

  nored: the search for a repeated pattern through time. All too often,

  the extinction of the dinosaurs is viewed as a single, isolated out-

  break of evolutionary mayhem, an ecological St. Valentine Day's

  Massacre inflicted upon the denisons of the Cretaceous plains and

  forests. If the extinction were indeed a unique, never-repeated

  event, then it would be nearly impossible to sort out the irrele-

  vant coincidences from the true trail of the killer. But if the true

  culprit was a repeat killer that struck the ecosystem again and again

  all through geological history, we would be presented with a far

  superior chance of sifting out the irrelevant evidence. Repeated

  attacks from the same agent under a variety of circumstances will

  eventually reveal a modus operandi, the characteristic pattern of the


  The first step in solving the mystery of the great Cretaceous

  mass extinction, then, is to ask, Were there any others? The an-

  swer is a resounding affirmative. Mass extinction struck at the end

  of the Permian, when the Tartarian families of gorgons disap-

  peared along with their dicynodont prey, and at the end of the

  Triassic, when the big two-tuskers on land and the long-bodied

  fish-lizards at sea died out. It also struck at the end of the Ju-

  rassic Period when many (but not all) lines of dinosaurs died out.

  Altogether the stratigraphic record indicates eight sudden mass

  extinctions among the dominant families of large, land-dwelling

  vertebrates. The most recent occurred only ten thousand years

  ago when most of the giant species of mammal—mammoths,

  mastodons, super-large camels, saber-toothed cats, and others—


  The next step is to ask whether these mass extinctions follow

  any coherent pattern. Again, the answer is affirmative—Baron Cu-



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