Dangerous Temptations

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by Brooke Cumberland

  Dangerous Temptations

  From USA Today Bestselling Author

  Brooke Cumberland

  Copyright © 2015 Brooke Cumberland


  Dangerous Temptations

  Cover Photography by Perrywinkle Photography

  Cover Models: Chase Williams and Whitney Rae Diederich

  Cover Design by Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Literary Editor: Rogena Mitchell-Jones, Manuscript Service

  All rights reserved. No parts of the book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to another person except when loaned out per Amazon’s lending program. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.

  One night was all it took…

  One night to ruin everything I thought I knew.

  From the outside, I had the perfect lifestyle.

  Wealthy fiancé, blossoming career, amazing friends.

  I wasn’t looking to get married yet, but when William—”Manhattan’s royalty”—charmed his way into my life, I couldn’t deny the security and comfort that overcame me.

  To society, I was the girl only after his money. I was the party-goer who managed to seduce a man twice my age to have the lifestyle some could only dream of. I was every magazine’s cliché of what a gold-digging whore was.

  I wanted to prove them wrong—that our love was real and that I wasn’t that girl.

  But then everything changed.

  One wrong decision. One unfaithful night. One haunting reality.

  Perhaps they were right.

  The media didn’t see it coming…and neither did I.

  Table of Contents

  Newsletter Sign Up

  Author’s Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  About the Author

  Other books by Brooke Cumberland


  Coalition for the Homeless Info

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  “We may love the wrong person and cry for the wrong reason, but one thing is for sure, mistakes help us to find the right person.”

  -Taylor Swift

  Author’s Note

  Hi reader!

  First, thank you so much for picking up Dangerous Temptations! I really hope you love Mac’s story as much as I do. Secondly, I want to point out that this book is exactly what the title suggests: temptation. Read the blurb carefully to see if it’s something for you. Without giving anything away, I know this book isn’t going to be for everyone and that’s okay. But I hope you get it a try! Mac had a story to tell, and I simply allowed her to tell it the way it needed to be told. This is a stand alone, so rest assured you’ll be getting an ending. :-)

  Thank you again for all your support! Enjoy the ride!

  Much Love,

  Brooke xo


  I stared out of the large floor to ceiling window as the rain poured over New York City. It was a gloomy and cloudy spring day. I focused on the street walkers covering themselves up with umbrellas and oversized jackets. It was like deja vu…I felt the same feeling, that same fear. Everything around me moved in slow motion as the events from that day played out in front of me.

  Blood. So much blood.

  I felt my stomach threatening to empty the contents of my breakfast as I heard the screeching voice of my boss, Laura. “Mackenzie!” I quickly spun around to her opening the door. “I have a lunch meeting at one o’clock,” she informed me with cold eyes. “We’ll be eating in the conference room. Make sure our order is here on time,” she said firmly, emphasizing the word time. I was still learning my way around the company and calling in quick favors wasn’t easy.

  “No problem, Ms. Carmichael.” I forced a smile in her direction.

  Actually, it was a big problem.

  She didn’t tell me where she wanted me to order from and she couldn’t be bothered with inane questions. She just expected me to know.

  As soon as she walked out, I frantically searched my email for any kind of delivery confirmation the last time she hosted a lunch conference. Finally, I found the most recent one for a Mediterranean restaurant and quickly placed an order—hoping to God I was picking the correct things.

  By 12:50, the food hadn’t arrived yet, and I was starting to sweat profusely.

  Shit, shit, shit. She’s going to fire me.

  “Mackenzie!” she yelled from her office.

  “Yes?” I asked, fear and anxiety evident in my voice.

  “Mr. Lancaster eats gluten-free only. Make sure the food is up to par.”

  I nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Oh my god! She tells me this now?

  Just as I turned around to walk out and back to my desk, I ran directly into a wall.

  Except it wasn’t a wall. It was Mr. Lancaster and my ass was definitely going to be toast.

  “Whoa…” he said lightly bracing my shoulders with the palms of his hands. “You all right?”

  I tilted my head up to a tall salt-and-pepper haired man. He was all lines and angles. His body felt firm against mine, and I had to remind myself how to talk.

  “Y-yes. Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry!”

  “No worries, Miss…” He smiled, waiting for me to tell him my name.

  “Hewitt,” I filled in for him. “Mackenzie Hewitt,” I stumbled. “I’m really sorry. I should’ve been watching where I was going.”

  “Yes…you should have.” I heard Laura scolding from behind me. Here it goes…I’m so fired!

  “Laura, it’s fine.” He held up his hand. “I shouldn’t have crept up on her. It’s my fault,” he responded genuinely. He looked down at me and winked. I mouthed a thank you and stepped back to allow him to walk past me.

  The food had finally arrived and I quietly brought it into their meeting without saying a word. That’s how I was trained—be seen, not heard. I was there to do a job, not make friendly chat.

  “Laura…” I heard him say with amusement. “Your assist
ant must’ve read my mind.”

  Oh, shit…Had he heard me thinking about him? Had I said something aloud? He was good looking for his age, attractive actually. I’d been thinking how sexy he was just before he spoke.

  I swallowed as I turned to face them. “I love Mediterranean.” He smiled seductively, making my body shiver in response. Was he flirting with me right in front of my boss? I didn’t know what to say. I blushed as I gave a small smile in return.

  “Yes, she’s quite the worker,” Laura praised, taking me off guard. She’d never said a nice thing to me in the past six months I’ve been slaving for her.

  I left the room without another word. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. This was not a usual encounter in my busy day-to-day schedule.

  An hour later, Mr. Lancaster exited the conference room and thanked me for his lunch.

  “You’re very welcome, Mr. Lancaster,” I responded, smiling again. I couldn’t help it. There was just something so vibrant and appealing about him.

  “Oh, please. Call me William,” he insisted, bringing a hand to his chest.

  “Have a good evening, William,” I responded, encouraging him to leave so I could finish my work. But he just continued to stand in front of my desk.

  “I’d have a much better evening if you’d accompany me to dinner tonight.” My eyes widened in surprise. Did he just ask me out on a date? “I assure you it’d be a lot more enjoyable if I weren’t eating alone.” Now that just made me sad. No one deserved to eat dinner alone. I had too many childhood memories of eating alone in alleys. There’s no way I was going to turn down a meal with him.

  “I’d love to.” He took down my address and said he’d pick me up at eight o’ clock. My body trembled as I watched him walk away. Did that just really happen? I was mentally freaking out, but I reminded myself I needed to stay calm. I still had five hours left of work to get through.

  That night, we met for dinner and he focused all of his attention on me. It was so special, more than I had even expected. Being around him filled my body with a comforting warmth. He was easy-going for holding so much power.

  After our dinner, I ended up Googling him and finding out exactly who he was. I was speechless. Shocked. Surely, he was just using me for some kind of publicity stunt. He was broadcasted all over page six in the New York Post at least twice a month. But he continued to ask me out, and I continued to say yes.

  Despite our age difference, it didn’t really seem to matter. We carried easy conversation. He cringed at my work horror stories, and I laughed at his jokes. We were two people who would’ve never been destined to meet had I not moved to the city a year ago. But something stronger pulled us together, and a year later, he proposed.

  I moved into his six-thousand square foot penthouse apartment shortly after. It was easier, made it so we could see each other more often since he worked ten to twelve hour days and then usually had business trips twice a month. His attention was limited when it came to juggling so many things at once. But we were making it work and I had never been happier.

  But then one wrong decision changed the course of my life, and I hadn’t seen it coming. I didn’t know I would continue to be haunted by the reality of one unfaithful night. But soon, I found out lines would be crossed, boundaries would be broken, and things were never as they seemed in the first place.

  Chapter One

  Six Months Later…

  Oh, god.

  My head was pounding. Or wait. Was someone at the door?

  There’s no way I was this hung over. Or was I? Shit, I didn’t know. It was pitch black, but then I realized I hadn’t opened my eyes yet, but the pounding was definitely apparent.

  I rolled over, feeling the weight shift around on the mattress. The light, fluffy comforter felt great on my hot skin. The rest of me felt like I’d been hit by a truck.

  My body jerked. Something was wrong.

  I didn’t have a light, fluffy comforter.

  I opened my eyes, blinking several times to get used to the bright light. The sun was shining in, and I silently cursed the damn window for not shielding the sunlight out.

  I sucked in a breath as I tried to remember the events of last night.

  I couldn’t. Not much after dinner anyway. I knew I went out for Brittainy’s bachelorette party. The girls and I took a limo all over the city, taking us to dinner at Eleven Madison Park, and then we ended up at Club Le Bain for dancing and drinks.

  The rest was kind of fuzzy.

  I squinted, arching my back to stretch out the kinks. Christ, it felt like my body had been folded in half and beaten all night long.

  I roamed my hands down my body, feeling for any kind of evidence. I was naked, completely naked, and I never slept naked unless…

  I brought my fingers down in between my legs. It ached, terribly. I could tell I had a full body work out last night.

  I felt sick like I was going to throw up, but I continued to lie straight, hoping it’d pass.

  I breathed in and out, slowly. Once my stomach calmed down, I attempted to move. A firm hand grabbed around my waist, pulling me back before I had the chance to get up.

  “Don’t move,” a low, deep, gravelly voice growled in my ear. It was a voice of a man who’d just woken up. Next to me.

  Once I let it sink it, it rang a bell, but I couldn’t quite place it. He pulled my body closer to his, my back to his chest, as he grasped my hip with one of his hands. He dipped his chin onto my shoulder and whispered in my ear, “I still have the taste of you on my lips.” My eyes widened in shock. I felt his hot breath on me, the scent of alcohol evident as I inhaled against him.

  Holy shit.

  I tried to rack my brain for any memory of last night. Who the hell was this guy? What was his name? Crap, I didn’t even know his name!

  He squeezed my hip before trailing his fingers down my stomach, slowly heading down in between my thighs. My body tingled in response, my eyes fluttered shut from the touch of his hands on me.

  I quickly opened my eyes and covered his hand with mine. “Stop,” I blurted out in a panic, sucking in another breath. His hand halted, his body stilling next to me.

  “Hung over?” he questioned, amusement laced in his tone. His breath tickled my ear again, sending unwanted shivers down my spine.

  I cursed my traitorous body. It apparently remembered last night, yet nothing was coming to me.

  “Yeah, I seem to have a case of the ‘I don’t remember what the hell happened last night’,” I said honestly. He removed his hand. I felt his body shift slightly as he put space in between us.

  “Turn around,” he ordered. “Maybe you’ll remember my face.” I could hear the hopefulness in his tone, but I knew a visual wasn’t going to help. I blacked out and nothing from last night was coming to me.

  I didn’t hesitate though. I grabbed the sheet to conceal myself as I turned around to face him.

  Well, then at least I understood my body’s reaction. He was all messy hair with light stubble on his face. His eyes were a dark, chocolate brown. He was looking at me intently, waiting for me to say I remembered him. But I didn’t.

  I swallowed as I looked down the length of his body to see he was completely naked. Only a small part of the sheet covered up his cock, but everything else was exposed. I sucked in a sharp breath as I forced my eyes back up.

  “Sorry,” I choked out. “I have no memory of you.” I blushed, severely embarrassed. He looked good enough to eat and here I didn’t remember any of it.

  “That’s okay,” he finally said, his lips curving up slightly. “I’d be glad to help you remember…perhaps a fourth time would jolt your memory.”

  My eyes widened in shocked. “A…fourth time?” I clenched the sheet tighter to my chest. No wonder my body felt bruised and broken.

  “Wow…” He grinned playfully. “No memory even after three times is kind of an ego killer.” He brushed a hand through his messy locks, taking my attention away from his eyes. I imagined I wa
s to blame for his hair looking like that—as if I had raked my hands through it over and over—squeezing, pulling.

  Stay focused, Mac.

  I blinked, seriously frustrated I couldn’t remember anything.

  “I’m s-so sorry,” I rambled. “I can usually hold my liquor, but last night was a girl’s night…”

  “I know,” he cut me off. “Bachelorette party if memory serves me correct. You were out with some girlfriends.”

  “Right…oh, god, did they see me leave with you? I need to get dressed. I should leave. Where are my clothes?” I started to sit up, feeling too lightheaded to stand up. “Shit.”

  “Sit back, Mac.” It wasn’t a suggestion. He pulled me back gently until my head hit the pillow. “I’ll grab you some juice and pills.”

  “Okay. Thank you…” I lingered, still not knowing his name.

  He sat up, searching the floor for his shorts. He pulled them on and spun around with an enormous grin on his face. “Alex.”

  Holy panty dropper.

  Which explains why I’m not wearing any.

  I swallowed, taking all of him in again. He definitely had something worth staring at; not overly buff, but he had chiseled muscles in all the right places. His arms looked tone and strong, as did his torso. I blinked up at him and nodded. “Thank you, Alex.”

  “You’re welcome, Mac.” He started to walk away before he froze and quickly spun around. “That’s your name, right?” One side of his lips curved up.

  I tried not to laugh because it hurt my head, but I couldn’t help the small chuckle as it escaped my throat. “Yes, well, it’s Mackenzie. But my friends call me Mac.”

  “Hmm…” he pondered. “I like it. Mac suits you.” He grinned once again before spinning back around. He bent down quickly, giving me a full view of his perfectly-shaped ass and turned to place my dress on the bed. I narrowed my eyes. Were those scratches on his ass?


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