Hard Target (All or Nothing Book 1)

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Hard Target (All or Nothing Book 1) Page 11

by Rhonda Laurel

  She was way too mature to be eighteen. “What do you mean I’ve grown?”

  “I used to turn on the sports channel when you’d get interviewed and think to myself, what is that Riley going to say today? But the last few years you’ve finessed your dialogue. You’ve gone from loud boasting to a quiet confidence that makes people respect and root for you, even if they don’t want to.”

  “I didn’t know you could see that much of a difference. Was I some kind of monster before?” He had no idea his sister saw him that way, and it bothered him more than he could say.

  “No, you were driven to make a name, and it showed. Now you give off the vibe that you have nothing to prove. You do your boasting on the field when you play great games.”

  Reining in the arrogance had done wonders for his image, not to mention his professional relationships. It was too exhausting reminding everyone he was number one all the time. He didn’t need that kind of validation anymore. Before, sleeping with beautiful women, spending tons of money on expensive toys, and partying was the ultimate high for him. Millions of anonymous faces followed him on social media, all hanging on to his every word. Now a nod from the coach and a satisfied smile from his mentor Seth felt a thousand times more fulfilling than the superficial accolades.

  “Well, I’m glad to hear my public image has had a makeover. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Because I love you just the way you are. I knew it was part of the bad boy image. It makes for good drama.”

  “Speaking of drama. How’s that guy you were dating? Ian, was it?”

  “We parted ways before break. It wasn’t working.”

  Yes! He did a fist pump. He couldn’t stand the guy, but he had to rein in his emotions so his sister wouldn’t hear. “That’s too bad. They’ll be other guys, Sis.”

  “You are so full of it, but I love you anyway. I know you hated his guts.”

  “He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  “You say that about every guy who likes me.” She sighed. “I have to go. I’m getting together with some friends. We’re celebrating your impending win.”

  “Aubrey, don’t put the cart before the horse.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I have a good feeling about this. Do you realize that in less than ten days your life will never be the same again?”

  He had been thinking about it. Having a crazed maniac after you had a way of doing that. It also had a lot to do with Parker. She was changing him. He couldn’t put his finger on how specifically, but she was becoming ingrained in his life, and that worried him.

  “It crossed my mind.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Be careful, stay alert and—”

  “—don’t take any wooden nickels from a guy named Nick Woodson,” she finished.

  “Ha ha. Let me know if you need any more help with the reservations for the family. I’ll text you that info. You should be enjoying your evening. Don’t spend your night talking about your dorky big brother.”

  “You’ve always been catnip to my friends.”

  “I’m sorry about that.”

  “We all have our crushes. You didn’t tell Seth I used to have a poster of him in my bedroom, did you?”

  He grinned. “That secret’s still in the vault.”

  “Love you, Big Bro.”

  “Love you too, Aubrey.”

  Riley went into the kitchen and browsed the fridge but didn’t see anything he liked. He continued into the theater room and leafed through the movie collection but didn’t see anything he felt like watching.

  Feeling cooped up with few options, he called Avery to see if she were up to having coffee with him. Unfortunately, she was working at the bookstore tonight. Still, it was good to hear her voice. She was worried about him, but he told her that he was fine, just climbing the walls a bit. She suggested he call Wyatt. She knew her boyfriend had the night off. He’d originally planned on asking Parker to give the autographed merchandise to Wyatt, but he could drop it off in person. Maybe it would be another step closer to peace between the two of them. If he wanted to spend more time with Avery as friends, he had to have a better relationship with Wyatt. He knew she would never do anything to make Wyatt uncomfortable. That was one of the things he admired about her. Not only was she beautiful and smart as a whip, she exhibited an infinite amount of caring and concern for the people she loved. He’d been in search of someone to care about him in that way when he’d pursued her. He’d been damned jealous of Wyatt for a long time when he’d won her heart, but he’d tried to put that in the past. So maybe a quick trip to the eighth floor would stave off his cabin fever.

  He retrieved the bag of autographed merchandise and posters for the Bright Star from his office. He opened his apartment door to find Carmichael and another guy standing there.

  “Carmichael, I have to make a trip to the eighth floor.” He closed the door and began walking to the elevator. He wasn’t going to stand there and watch them map out a quick trip on the elevator to remain inside the building. Carmichael was a nice enough guy, but he preferred Kendrick or Luther. He and Kendrick were friends, so they gabbed about women. Despite being an attractive guy, Kendrick had a lousy love life. He blamed it on work but Riley thought he was keeping at arm’s length from a real relationship. Luther used to be a damn good football player who played for a pro team for a year before a bad injury ended his prospects. He’d often run play ideas by him, knowing he wouldn’t blab it to anyone. He was a man of few words but he was wise and observant. Luther reminded him of a big bank vault. When something went in, it would take three kegs of dynamite to get it out of him.

  “Sure. Isn’t that the floor Parker lives on? We can use my access card.”

  “No, worries. My card allows for access on that floor.” He raised an eyebrow as he stabbed at the button. “How did you know where she lives?”

  “Luther mentioned it during the briefing when I came onboard.” He grinned. “I make sure my tie is straight when I’m patrolling that floor.”

  “Yeah. Women love straight ties.” He laughed to himself. Carmichael had the look of a schoolboy with his first major crush, not a former Marine who had seen combat.

  “You’ve spent a lot of time with Parker. Do you have any advice?”

  “Yes.” Riley’s jaw ticked. “The last guy who came on too strong, she damn near broke his nose. I think he tried to touch her hand or something.” OK, so it was the bouncer at Bliss, but he did give her a hard time about gaining entry from the underground tunnel.

  Carmichael put his hand to his nose. “Yikes.”

  The elevator doors opened. Satisfied he’d scared the living daylights out of Carmichael, he strode to Wyatt’s door and rang the doorbell. Wyatt opened up a few minutes later.

  “Riley.” Wyatt ran a hand through his hair. “Avery’s not here.”

  “I’m here to see you actually. I thought this would help the promotion at the Bright Star.” He held up the bag of merchandise.

  “Thanks. Come in.” Wyatt stepped aside to give him room.

  “I’ll be right outside, Mr. Sloane,” Carmichael said as Riley shut the door on him.

  “That guy is annoying,” Riley grumbled.

  Wyatt chuckled. “Is that because he has a thing for Parker?”

  “You see it too? He’s supposed to be some tough, ex-Special Ops wizard or something. He’s two shakes away from slipping a note in her locker.”

  “Want a beer?”


  Wyatt motioned for him to sit on the couch while he went into the kitchen and returned with a couple of beers.

  “Thanks.” He twisted the cap off and took a swig. He looked around. Wyatt had the same floor plan as his condo. It was intimate and well put together for a bachelor. He could see touches of Avery everywhere. Her medical textbooks were on his dining room table, and her favorite sweater was draped on the couch. “You have a nice place.”

  “Thanks, but I can’t take any credit. Avery worked her decorating m

  “How’s Corbett? I missed him at the last poker game.”

  He laughed. “He’s still in honeymoon mode with Anna Beth.”

  “It’s good to see him happy.” Riley picked up one of Avery’s hair barrettes off the floor and held it up. “You didn’t strike me as a butterfly kind of guy.”

  “Yeah. I have a thing for them and dragonflies.” Wyatt rolled his eyes.

  “Funny, it almost feels like she lives here.”

  Wyatt damn near spit out his beer. Riley patted him on the back.

  Riley continued. “Don’t worry man, I won’t blab to the Blakes.”

  “It’s not really a secret.” Wyatt wiped his hand with the back of his mouth.

  “It’s an obvious truth no one talks about? Because everyone knows.” He smirked.

  “Everyone except her dad.” Wyatt straightened. “I know it looks silly, but I’m doing my best to stay on her dad’s good side.”

  “I totally understand. You’re doing what you need to do to keep the woman you love happy.”

  “I bet you would have taken another approach.”

  “I’ve met her father. I would have taken the same option. Robert Reed is scary on a good day.”

  Wyatt laughed. “He is.”

  “But I know why he behaves that way. Avery’s special. It’s one of the things I like about her.”

  “Yeah. I know.” Wyatt sipped on his beer.

  “I hope you know I view Avery as a friend now, nothing more. She’s one of the few people in my life who doesn’t mind giving me some tough love when I need it. But I’ve respected your relationship ever since we talked at the stadium that day. It was clear her heart belonged to you.”

  “We’ve talked about it. She cares about you, and I trust her. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, or even be friends with you if she thought it bothered me. But I knew she liked you. It means something to her that you’re friends.”

  “Sometimes I feel like she’s my only friend.”

  “You have tons of friends.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t help feeling they all want something from me. Before, it was exciting to be the center of attention all the time. Now it makes me wonder why they’re hanging around. When I’m around Avery and the Blakes, I know it’s because of me, not because of something I have.”

  “When I first went to that ranch, I expected them all to be self-indulgent prima donnas. I was shocked when I saw them in action. You can’t get any more normal.”

  “It’s a good feeling, isn’t it? I think that’s why I go there so much.”

  “So, it’s not to push Parker’s buttons?”

  “That’s a plus.” He broke into a wide grin. “Parker and I are—” The word “complicated” popped into his head for the second time that night.

  “Two dueling tornados at first glance. But I’ve watched the two of you long enough to know that’s all an act.”

  “I don’t know, she seems pretty convincing to me.”

  “I’ve known Parker for a long time. She doesn’t exert energy on fruitless pursuits. She gets something out of fighting with you. I’d even go as far as to say she looks forward to it.”

  “I like the way her eyes shine when she’s reading me the riot act. She does this thing where she puts her hand on her hip and starts waving her index finger at me. That’s when I know I’ve pushed the right buttons.” He grinned.

  “The way your posture straightens when you’re around her. And that silly smile you get when she snatches the last ear of corn out of your hand that you knew she wanted.”


  “Carmichael may be too chicken to slip a note in her locker, but you’re too scared to ask her to prom.”

  “Parker and I are a bad idea.”

  “You have to admit, as bad ideas go, Parker would be worth it.” Wyatt winked at him.

  Riley had two more beers with Wyatt before returning to his place. The longer they talked, the more he realized they had a lot in common. And it wasn’t just Avery and the Blakes. Wyatt was a good guy with a good head on his shoulders. Just a reminder of why his friend fell in love with him. He wasn’t that kind of guy yet. But he’d been working on being a better person ever since that near miss with Avery. Bad boys were exciting, but women also viewed them as non-committal heartbreakers. Maybe now he was ready for someone who would invest the time to get to know him, not a woman who would use him to advance her fame or for his money.

  What Wyatt said about Parker being invested in their banter stuck with him long after he’d left. He looked forward to it too. Somewhere between all the animosities, they’d forged some kind of relationship. At first he’d protested about her being on his protection detail for fear their differences would drive him crazy. But the truth was, something in him felt relieved when he’d seen her that day in his kitchen. He knew he could trust her.

  Riley took a shower, returned a few text messages, and finally crawled into bed. He closed his eyes and instead of falling asleep, Parker popped into his head. He hoped Sam hadn’t been too hard on her. Worst-case scenario was that she’d quit. He wanted to open the door tomorrow and see her standing there in her workout gear, daring him to keep up with her in his gym. He had to admit he liked the chase. If she wasn’t there, he’d call Sam and beg her to bring Parker back on board.

  Riley fluffed up his pillow and turned on his side. He’d accomplished a lot today. He’d had a great talk with his sister. And got a glimpse of his personal growth from Wyatt. He was sure, with more time and some effort, they might even become friends. He’d have that dinner party after all. He wanted an intimate setting to bond with his teammates before they shifted into high gear next week. It would help morale and it would be a distraction from the stalker business. He’d just have to fight with Parker about it tomorrow.

  And he looked forward to it.


  Riley removed the navy blue designer dress shirt from the valet and put it on. He had about a half hour before it was time to leave for the restaurant. He wanted to get there early and have a drink with the chef, who was a friend of his, before his guests arrived. Tonight he’d decided to go dressy but didn’t want to overdo it with a tie and suit jacket. He was looking forward to getting out tonight. Everyone had confirmed they’d meet at the restaurant at eight.

  He heard rumbling around in the kitchen, which meant Parker had arrived. He stopped at the doorway when he saw her. She was simply stunning in a black, form-fitting cocktail dress and a pair of heels. Her hair was curled out and around her shoulders, and she had on makeup. It was quite the change of pace from the daily gumshoe attire.

  “Hey,” Parked said.

  “You look. Wow.” He jammed his hands into his pockets to stop himself from doing something stupid like taking her into his arms and kissing her.

  “I do occasionally look like a human when I feel like it.”

  He grinned. “You do credit to the human race.”

  “As do you.” She looked him over. “Dashing as always. Not a hair out of place. Just enough stubble on your face to give you an air of mystery. Is that a shirt from that designer you model for?”

  “Yes. It’s one of the perks. I get an unlimited supply of tailored shirts for the duration of the contract.”

  “Nice. It fits you perfectly.”

  “What’s with the grocery bags?”

  “I canceled the restaurant reservation. We’re going to have dinner here.” Parker reached into the bag and put a bunch of carrots on the table.

  “You what?”

  “I didn’t think it would be a good idea for you to be out and about right now.”

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “Look.” She walked over to him. “I may not have liked the tongue-lashing I got from Sam, but she was right. I did a hundred things wrong and you almost got poisoned.”

  “So they did get the results back?”

  “Yes. Let’s just say what they found would have turned your in
sides to soup.” She grimaced. “Vetting the workers of the restaurant would have taken too long, so I came up with this solution. I already sent a text to your guests and everyone is OK with the change of venue.”

  “This is ridiculous.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m a prisoner. I can’t go out. I can’t drive my car or hang out with my friends. All because some random asshole is fixated on me.”

  Parker put her hands on his arms. “You can still have an inspirational pre-game meal with them. It’s just going to be here. Trust me, it’s much more intimate this way.”

  Riley wanted to protest some more, but he was distracted by the way Parker’s hands were caressing his arms. She had a gentle, light touch, but he could still feel the heat coming from her. The scent she wore was light and fragrant. From the looks of the bags strewn about the kitchen, she’d gone through the trouble with a plan B after she broke the news, and for once they weren’t at odds.

  “Five ways to cook an egg is the only thing in my cooking arsenal. Remember?”

  “I called Michelle. She e-mailed a menu that’s to die for.”

  He gave her an incredulous look.

  “Forget I said that.”

  He rubbed his hands together. “Suit me up, Coach. Put me in the culinary game.”

  She removed her hands and walked over to the drawer. He missed the feel of her touch already, but was elated when she came back and positioned herself behind him. Riley froze when she gently placed the loop of the apron around his neck then fastened it around his waist.

  “That’s the spirit. Take a look at the menu, and I’ll get started.” She smiled and went back to unpacking the bags.

  They talked about football for a while, but they eventually transitioned to their families. He knew about the Blakes, but the Carsons were still a mystery to him. She still seemed a little tight-lipped about why she decided to make a big life change. She seemed to be fighting shadows after quitting the force. He knew the Blakes worried about her. She was one of their own, after all. He knew that came with great pressure; he’d seen what it had done to Avery. She wasn’t a rebel wild child, but the over-protectiveness of her family grated on her nerves. She’d resisted his charms and had done what was right for her. Truth be told, he was tired of being the go-to-guy to piss off someone’s parents or boyfriend. He was never the guy a woman wanted happily ever after with and it stung.


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