Own Her

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Own Her Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing ®


  Copyright© 2015 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-218-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank the readers for their continued support. I want to say thank you to Evernight for being so great in everything they do. And last but not least, thank you to my family for being behind me in my endeavors every step of the way!


  Warriors of Hades, 3

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Mekenna sat at the foot of her Master’s bed, the sound of him fucking two Bohela alien females filling her ears. The fact that her Master, Hecktar, was not only her owner, but also her father was not uncommon in the world she lived on. She was the child of a slave and Master union, one where her humanoid alien father had raped her human mother, and Mekenna had been the product. But her mother was dead, having passed away during childbirth, and Mekenna now took the place of her Master’s servant. Thank the heavens he didn’t sexually touch her, but he did make her witness his perversions on a nightly basis, made her bathe him, serve him food and drink, and do any other kind of manual and degrading work he deemed fit. She was his lapdog, his bitch to do with as he pleased, and although freedom was her dream, her fantasy, she also knew that she most likely wouldn’t survive out there in the world alone.

  She had no money, and aside from the clothing her Master gave her daily she had nothing to her name. But even so she dreamed about not having a steel collar around her neck, of not having to be chained up at night and made to sleep on a pallet of Gellah feathers that were far too coarse and thick to be of comfort. She was a prisoner in her own body, and in her world. Not even the rare human species looked at her as someone of their kind. Her father, a Cellulion, had lightly tinted blue skin, and aside from their different colored flesh, and the bright, almost neon blue eyes, Cellulions appeared human in form.

  Mekenna stared at herself in the shiny glass reflection shield across from her. She had never seen her mother, didn’t even know what she looked like, but she thought she took after her in appearance. Aside from her faintly tinted blue skin, Mekenna didn’t look anything like her father and Master. Her hair was the color of the darkest oil in the Sheepa Lake, and her light green eyes had to be from her mother’s human genetics. But Mekenna knew that even if her mother had survived, she wouldn’t have been able to keep Mekenna as a mother did with their children. This world, Sessinea, was a planet filled with wealthy slave owners, held the largest slave and sex servant auctions in the galaxy, and did not allow paternal and maternal bonding. Any children produced on this planet were the result of Masters impregnating their slaves, hence creating more slaves.

  “Clean the sleeping platform, slave, and then leave my sight for the remainder of the night,” her Master said. He didn’t see her as his child, and he certainly didn’t treat her as though she shared the same blood. But Mekenna didn’t want to be claimed by him as a father. He disgusted her, was vile and horrible in the way he treated others. He was wealthy, and she knew the females he came in contact with desired him for his handsome good looks and strong physique. On the outside he may be attractive, but on the inside he was disgusting, ugly, and she hated everything he represented.

  After she cleaned the platform one of the guards grabbed the chain attached to her collar and started pulling her out of the bedroom.

  “Slave,” her Master said.

  She was jarred to a halt, and turned to face him.

  “You will accompany me to the auctions and tavern tomorrow evening to purchase another servant.” And then he turned his back, telling her he was finished speaking with her.

  The guard took her to her cell, activating the door, and when she was inside he chained her to the wall and closed and locked the door behind him as he left. The door was transparent, and although it looked as though she could walk right through it, the truth was if she tried she would get an electrical shock that made her unconscious. Mekenna moved over to her pallet in the corner, sat down, and pulled her legs up to her chest. She was an outcast in this world, and the only person she had was herself.

  The following morning before the suns had even risen, she stood and cleaned out her cell, was led into her Master’s chamber, and cleaned out the rest of the remnants of his sexual encounter the previous night. The room was filthy again, even though she had cleaned it spotless before she had been forced to retire to her cell. She went about her tasks of daily chores, and although there were robotic aids to help in the cooking and cleaning, her Master preferred for her to help out with the manual labor. She knew it was a punishment for the fact that she was female who shared his bloodline, and because overall he was one nasty asshole. But she kept her mouth shut and did her work.

  After she had finished cleaning, she headed to the kitchen to prepare Master’s meal. She grabbed the tray, headed into her Master’s room, and saw him seated on the chair beside his desk. The balcony doors were open, and the sight of the sky just feet from her tempted her with freedom.

  “On your knees, slave,” he said without even looking up from his information tablet. The holographic image was projected right in front of him, showing the newest Stoker Galaxy updates.

  She went to her knees, balanced the tray on her thighs, and proceeded to feed him with her fingers. For the next twenty minutes she picked up the thickest, biggest pieces of meat for him, and then went on to the juiciest and ripest pieces of fruit. He didn’t speak, didn’t even acknowledge her aside from opening his mouth when she offered him food. When he was finished with her presence he waved her off, turned his back on her, and she let herself out of his chamber.

  Two hours later and she was finished with her chores, and was led to her chamber by one of the guards. After she was tethered to the wall she Mekenna stared out of the open balcony entrance with the electrically charged transparent bars. She stared at the dual suns rising above the green Oppnahla Mountains, at the splendor and beauty of them, but knew she’d never experience their freedom. The buildings that covered this planet hovered high above the earth, away from the lush green forests and grounds, the bright yellow rivers and ocean, and even the animals that occupied the terrain. The air this high up used to be clearer, cleaner and crisp, but was slowly starting to become even more polluted because of the spacecrafts that came through the atmosphere. The hazy covering of blue clouds that lined the sky had her imagining that she wasn’t trapped in this lavish and expensive prison. She could imagine she wasn’t going to have to live out the rest of her life in servitude, raped when a guard thought he needed release, and didn’t care if she was willing.

  Closing her eyes she pictured herself with a husband, a male that treated her with respect because she was his equal. She wanted to be cherished and loved, and shown that just because she was deemed a weaker and inferior gender and hybrid species she was still the one that he craved the most. She wanted a child, many children in fact, wanted a life outside of these beautiful prison walls, too.

  But Mekenna knew that she was not living in a dream world. She would never have any of that, but dreaming was her escape, even if just for a moment.

  “Sleep, Sevla, because
you have more work to do.” one of the guards called out, using the derogatory term for female slave on this planet.

  Yes, this was her life, a living hell, but she was alive, and for that she was thankful.


  Viktor watched at the Duamba female as she gyrated her hips, smoothed her hands over her glowing green and yellow flesh, and stared at him and his brothers. They were at their last stop before they headed to Sessinea for the auctions. They had come into their breeding need, the desire to find a woman that was compatible with their species for procreating. As long as she could bear them strong warrior sons, her species did not matter. But it wasn’t just about having a female that would give them offspring. It was also about claiming her, marking her as theirs, and spending the rest of their lives showing her that she was the most important thing to them. Because they had no females on their world of Hades, a planet filled with lava, fire, jagged rocks, and creatures that were more hellish than most in the Stoker Galaxy, they had to travel outside of their world to find females to be with. Viktor and his brothers tended to stay in the surrounding planets that were close to Hades. They did so to release their seed in the bodies of willing women that would be considered loose, but the brothers were now ready to settle down. They needed to have a family, to create a world within their world that would carry on their lineage.

  The Duamba female went over to his youngest brother Fillip, cupped her big breasts, and ran her fingers over the two sets of nipples on each of the mounds. Her species was known for their sexual appetites, for draining men dry of their seed and using it as a rejuvenating agent. They were a voracious species, but their appeal was too much of a temptation, especially when it was known how good they could make a male feel.

  Fillip let the female straddle him, and she started to grind her pussy on his lap. Although she was of a humanoid looking species, aside from her coloring, her kind could not procreate with a Hades male. She started working herself on Fillip, and although they would be going to be procuring a female in just a week’s time, they were males and needed to relieve the desire that built inside of them. The server, a thin, Jantha female that had three arms on each side of her body, two legs, and a six inch tongue that excreted a poisonous fluid, placed three mugs of mead in front of them. She said something in her native language, one that he and his brothers were not fluent in, and then turned to leave. The tavern was old, not as technologically advanced as some of the others they had been to, but it had pussy and alcohol, and that’s what they needed right now.

  Leaning back in his seat Viktor brought his drink to his mouth, watching the holographic screen in front of him as it showed a game in a neighboring planet. The sports channel featured one of the most popular sports in the galaxy at the moment. The Krevlar Series was a species face-off, one that was a life-or-death extreme competition that had two different species going at it. The terrain alternated every ten minutes, ranging from aquatic, to the rocky terrain of the dangerous, deadly planets in their galaxy, to ones that were filled with carnivorous beasts and flora that could swallow a male whole.

  The crowd went wild as a Lanie plant decapitated one of the competitors. The blood and bones were spit out by the toothy, poisonous plant, and covered the rocky ground. But even though there was a willing female ready for his cock, alcohol, and entertainment on, Viktor couldn’t focus on anything but the auctions. He was ready for his female, to bring her back to their planet and claim her in the Hades way. It was what he had been thinking about since he went into his breeding need, and he knew his brothers were the same way.


  Mekenna worked on the floor of her Master’s suite, her knees aching, her body exhausted from the long day of work, and her mind protesting the fact that she still had to attend the auctions this evening. She cleaned the blood off the ground, not knowing where it had come from, and not wanting to know. Whatever her Master did when he was with females in this room and she wasn’t, was not something Mekenna wanted to think about. Blood play, knife play, and anything else that her Master thought was taboo or exotic, especially if the female he was with at the time enjoyed those things, could be an all-night experience. She had heard the screams and moans all the way across the corridor and into her cell. They had given her nightmares, because when she had first heard the sounds, and seen the evidence of what they had done just the night before, it had left this sick feeling in her stomach. She could imagine the horrid things happening, of what her fate could very well be if her Master didn’t see her as this silent being that shared his bloodline. She sat back, stared at the ground that was now cleaned, but wet from the water. Despite how advanced as their civilization was, her knuckles and fingers bled from the manual labor she was forced to do.

  After gathering her supplies and heading out of the chamber, she passed the dining area where her Master had a female on his lap, her pink skin marked with red lines, her white hair in three intricate braids atop her head, and her forked tongue moving along the shell of his ear. The table in front of them was covered in side dishes, sweet and spicy smelling food that had Mekenna’s mouth watering and stomach clenching. She turned away before he saw her watching them, headed back to her cell, and stared out the small window. She may never have freedom, and would die a slave with a collar around her throat, but they couldn’t take away the idea of being free, and of the world she created in her mind when she closed her eyes. They could never take that away.


  The tavern was transformed into a glamorous auctions house meant to have men spend their money in abundance. Her Master tugged her along by yanking on the chain that was attached to the collar around her neck. She wore a loose pair of pants and a tunic top, all standard slave attire on this planet, but she was thankful that they required the slaves to be fully clothed. Although she had never been off of Sessinea, she knew several languages, and only had been granted that luxury because her Master required her to entertain and understand clients he brought in.

  She kept her head lowered, but didn’t miss the naked females being ushered on the stage. They would be sold like cattle, and their species ranged from a few humans to the exotically fish-like species of the Auqamanta.

  “Keep up, slave,” her Master said in a low voice. Why he insisted on bringing her to every auction he attended used to be a mystery until she realized very fast that her being at his feet was a degradation all its own. Other patrons were allowed to gawk at her, insult her, and use her to serve them in a non-sexual way. But Mekenna was used to the humiliation of being in this life, of this world, and having disgusting males poke and prod at her like she was some kind of attraction.

  “Sit,” her Master commanded, and she moved onto her knees. He took the plush looking seat at the front of the stage, placed his hand on her head as a sign of ownership, and she kept her head lowered. She would be required to stay in this position for the duration of the auction, and when her master bought his female or females she would be made to clean them for his vile sexual conquest.

  As the minutes passed she controlled her breathing, closed her eyes and focused on other things. She imagined herself in another world where she was not chained nightly, was called by her birth name, and where she wasn’t this freak of nature. The sounds around her slowly faded, but then there was this feeling on the back of her neck, one that told her of something different in the air. She didn’t dare lift her head to see what it was that caused the hairs on her arms to stand on end, but whatever it was had her entire body warming.

  Chapter Two

  Viktor walked into the auction house, his two brothers following behind. The second eldest, Savastian, was right behind him, and although he didn’t look at his brothers, he knew Savastian was scanning the establishment. Viktor scented their youngest brother’s arousal. Although Fillip was only twenty years his junior, he acted far younger. He sowed his seed in plenty of females, far more than either Viktor or Savastian ever did at his age. At one hundred and ninety-five Hades years, Viktor
was the eldest, the most brutally trained, and was the leader of Savastian and Fillip. Savastian came in at one hundred and seventy-three, and Fillip was one hundred and sixty-five. They were as close as siblings could be. But because of their ruthless and warrior-bred bloodline, Hades males, related or not, fought side-by-side as comrades and men in arms. He shared a home with his brothers in the Goomata forest on his home planet, deep within the caves that ran underground. And so they would share a female to breed with, to share and cherish.

  The buildings on this planet hovered high above the ground. Why they did not use the land given to them was a mystery to Viktor, because it seemed smart and would help their world if they utilized the flora and fauna given to them by the planet. Either there were launching docks for ships to travel to each one attached all the buildings, or there were airstrips that allowed patrons to travel through in clear pods to each business. And although they would not have stopped on the planet of Sessinea normally because it was for the wealthy, and held no desire for his kind, the auctions were here this quarter. Harems filled the large establishment, and a massive stage was erected in the center of the room. Drapes of shimmering and luxurious materials lined the stage, the walls, and covered the ground. It certainly was a place fit for royalty, and he felt a sense of displacement at being here.

  “This place is too much, brother,” Savastian said in a low, deep voice.

  “That it is, Savastian,” Viktor said, and stopped to look at Fillip. He still stood by the doors, speaking with a Franche-Yeaht species female. Her red-ripped horns and dark green flesh spoke of her reptilian ancestry, but her horns, glowing white eyes, and black claws said she was also part beast. They were here to purchase a female to be their mate, not fuck a random auction female with no end result in sight.


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