Own Her

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Own Her Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  She had lived in an ugly world for so long that she didn’t even think she would feel this kind of life inside of her, the excitement and anticipation. Viktor’s wet tongue moved along the shell of her ear, causing explosions of sensation to burst inside of her. The other two Hades brothers were so still, and aside from their harsh, almost erratic breathing they watched her like they couldn’t stop the act. Fillip now had his cock out of his pants, and to say that the Hades warriors were big was an understatement. She tore her gaze away from the way Fillip was stroking that massive, red-tinted erection, and how Savastian was rubbing himself right over his leathers, and stared at the observation window across from her. The planet she had been born on and called home, where she had been a slave for her entire life, faded in the distance. She felt the tension in her body coil tighter at the visual and physical pleasure assaulting her.

  “Don’t fight us, Mekenna.” Viktor nipped her ear lobe, and that spark of pain had her digging her nails so deeply into his skin she knew she drew blood.

  “I don’t want to fight you, any of you. I just want to feel all three of you helping to move my past far behind me.” She wanted to forget her life as a slave, as a servant for her father, and looked at nothing other than a piece of property. Three raw groans filled the room. Viktor was a madman between her thighs, moving his thumb over her clit so hard and fast she couldn’t catch her breath. When he added a second finger inside of her the pain made everything so much more fulfilling. She was stretched, bordering on tears of pleasure and agony, and couldn’t stop asking for more.

  “You’re ours, Mekenna. You’ll always be ours.” His words were garbled against her throat, and she knew they should have frightened her. But that delicious arc of desire finally broke inside of her, and she threw her head back, banging it against the wall, and cried out as she came. Shamelessly fucking herself on his hand, Mekenna thrust her hips up and down. She knew he wasn’t penetrating her as deeply as she would have liked, but it was still so damn good. Her legs were now ridiculously spread, taking whatever he gave her. Even through the haze of pleasure she stared at Savastian and Fillip.

  Savastian now had his massive erection out, and both he and Fillip stroked themselves so thoroughly that another orgasm slammed into her just from watching them. When the pleasure finally dimmed down to a still constant burn inside of her, she looked into the serious dark eyes of Viktor. His eyelids slowly dropped to half-mast, and he pulled his fingers out of her still clenching pussy. Everything stilled as she watched him bring those two glistening digits to his mouth, and suck every last drop of her arousal from them. Mouth parting, because that had to be one of the most sensual things she had seen thus far, all Mekenna could do was hold onto him and stare at the way he moved his tongue between his fingers.

  “Your pussy cream is so damn sweet, Mekenna.” He leaned in closer, and she could smell his dark scent mingling with her musk. “I want to suck that cream from your pussy, want to swallow it and have it cover my face.” And then he leaned in and dragged his tongue along her bottom lip, teasing, coaxing her. She felt her strength snap, and she melted into the rock hardness of his chest. Opening her mouth, she sucked his tongue inside. Mekenna was aware of his hands landing on the wall on either side of her head, bracing his massive weight and caging her in.

  “That’s it. Let our brother take control of you,” Savastian said in a harsh, slightly distorted voice.

  Viktor ground his dick into her, and she felt the full, thick, length of him jerk against her body. A groan spilled from his mouth, and she ate it up, loving that she had a certain power over him. Sucking on his tongue, she tasted herself on him. She wanted his hard length pushing deep inside of her, wanted his brothers watching, and then taking their turns with her as well. Never had her pussy been so swollen and wet with need. Even now, after coming twice at his hand, she felt unfulfilled. His low grunt against her mouth fueled her arousal higher. Pressing her tongue around his, he mimicked the act. It was sexual, inviting. He moved closer to her, pressing her fully against the cold, unforgiving metal wall of the spacecraft. Mekenna needed to be closer, needed more.

  He growled low and threatening, and moved his mouth away from hers and to her ear. He whispered roughly, “I won’t let you go, we won’t let you go. Once our cocks are in you, that means you are our mate for life, Mekenna.” He pulled back just an inch so he could look in her eyes. “The beasts inside of us will never let you go.” He said that like it was a brand of ownership. Taking her face between his massive hands, he cupped her head so gently that she didn’t feel like another piece of property. She felt like she was their equal.

  “I want to be yours.” She looked at the brothers. “I want to be all of yours.”

  Chapter Seven

  Viktor pressed closer to his mate. He knew she had been owned her entire life, a hybrid slave to a piece of shit male that didn’t deserve to have her. But what she didn’t realize, but soon would, was that she didn’t own just him, but his brothers as well. They would kill for her, torture and maim, but in the end they would gladly get down on their knees before her and worship every inch of her body. She was their mate, but it wasn’t just about them claiming her, it was also about a partnership. He was dominant, overbearing, and could be a pain in the ass. His brothers were the same way. A Hades male never backed down and always took what they wanted, what they deserved. They fought for their females, for their mates, and the three of them would not give up until she was fully theirs.

  He took her mouth in a brutal kiss and ground his aching cock into her soft flesh. His shaft pulsed as he imagined what she would feel like beneath him, her thighs spread wide, his dick buried to the hilt in her tight little pussy. The hard bred warrior within him demanded control. Viktor felt his brothers watching as he claimed their mate, watched how her body knew whom it belonged to, and who could make it light up. Their desire was just as heady as his.

  He deepened the kiss and slid his hands through her hair. The tendrils were around his fingers. He wrapped the strands around his fist and pulled her head slightly back, succeeding in breaking the kiss. Eyes closed, mouth slightly open and swollen from his mouth, Mekenna looked like a seductress ready to be fucked, ready to scream their name as she was claimed. He took a second to stare at her features, took in the light blue luminescent color of her skin, and of the way she stared up at him with a light green gaze. Her bone structure was delicate, feminine. Possessiveness slammed into him with such force he nearly crumbled right before her. He sensed his brothers’ desires for her as well, just as strongly, and not backing down. Lifting his hand, he brushed the back of it against her cheek, pushed away the dark fall of her hair and inhaled the natural scent of her. Emotions coursed through him, feelings that made his heart pound and his blood rush.

  “I want this.” She sounded drugged, intoxicated, and so very ready for what he had to give her. “I may have been enslaved my entire life, and they may have tried to crush me.” She looked at his brothers around his arm. “But I’m not broken. I know what I want, and what I want is all three of you showing me what it is really like to fully live.”

  His brothers would watch, and when he took her as his for the first time it would be her choice to bring the other two Hades males into their bed. But he knew there would be no fight with her, because he had seen the way she looked at them, as if their very presence in this room heightened everything inside of her. Fuck, he could smell how hot she was for the three of them, so wet and needy. Her body recognized them as her mate, and that couldn’t be denied.

  Slipping his hands down her arms and then behind her, he felt the rounded mounds of her ass. As he squeezed them gently, his cock gave a mighty jerk behind his leathers. Pressing his hips forward, he ground his shaft into the softness of her belly over and over again, needing the damn thing out and buried deep inside of her tight and hot little body. Her gown would be nothing but tattered remnants of material on the ground when he was done with it. He didn’t wait for his contr
ol to level out. He gripped the collar of her gown and tore the fucking thing away. Her big, large breasts bounced free, and the sight of her darker blue shade areolas and nipples coming into view had his cock jerking even harder. Pre-cum lined the tip and started to seep into his leathers. The contrast of her flesh with his had his blood pressure rising with arousal. His brothers moaned out behind him, most likely from the sight of their female fully nude and needy for them.

  She leaned forward and took control of the kiss again, and moaned against his mouth. He deepened the kiss, fucked her mouth with his tongue, and showed her without words what he wanted to do to her. He ached to go slow with her, be gentle and easy, but he couldn’t help himself. He slowly parted the soft, full mounds of her ass, and moved his fingers closer to the center of her body. The smoothness of her skin teased his knuckles, promising all kinds of filthy things. Her breath hitched and his erection pulsed. Running his finger down the crease of her ass, and brushing along the tight ring of muscle, he ground his teeth and closed his eyes. Thoughts of what she would feel like surrounding him, milking his cock until he came so fucking hard, had him groaning out.

  “Mekenna,” Viktor murmured against her lips. He pressed a finger to her anus, and took his other hand and slipped it over her hip and down between her thighs in the front of her body. The heat of her pussy almost seared him. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, but he could sense her pleasure and excitement, felt the wetness of her cream covering his fingers as he touched her pussy. Gathering some of her pussy wetness, he lubed up her tight asshole. He ran his other finger back and forth, spreading her cream along her anus before slowly slipping it inside.

  She bit her bottom lip, gripped his arms, and breathed out, “It feels good.” She flicked her gaze to Savastian and Fillip that were now on either side of him, staring at them pleasuring themselves at the sight of her.

  “You like my finger in your ass, don’t you, Mekenna.” He didn’t say it like a question, because he knew she did. He pressed a finger in her cunt, loved that her body clenched around both digits now, and placed his mouth at her throat. He bit at her flesh, gently, softly. She nodded at his statement, and a wave of pleasure at her acceptance filled him. “When I’ve stretched your ass good and deep, you’ll take my brother, female.” He bit her neck harder this time. “You’ll wear our marks, be filled with our cum so it soaks your inner thighs, and every time you sit you’ll feel our dicks still inside of you. You’ll be sore, stretched, but still want more.”

  She nodded her approval, even though he hadn’t phrased it as a question. When it came down to it, if she surrendered her body to them, which she was, they were going to take all of it. Every single last fucking inch. He shoved another finger in her pussy, and a second later did the same to her ass. He fucked both of her holes like he couldn’t get enough, and the truth was he couldn’t.

  “I want this so bad.” The harsh breathing of his brothers right beside him let Viktor know that they wouldn’t last much longer in keeping their desires at bay.

  “And we’re about to give it to you.”


  Mekenna couldn’t help the way she started to rub her pussy along Viktor’s hand. He had already gotten her off, and this just seemed like torture, a very, very good kind, but torture nonetheless. As if he read her mind he removed his fingers from her, gripped her ass, and lifted her up until she was forced to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. His cock was big and hard between her legs, and she wished he’d remove his leathers. She wanted them all naked like she was. When she looked over his shoulder, she took note that Savastian and Fillip were already nude, their cocks stiff and pointing right at her. Their erections sprang forth from smooth, hard red skin. The fact they had no body hair made their bulging muscles stand out even more.

  Viktor moved them out of the module they were in and into a sleeping chamber. Seconds later a soft platform greeted her back. Savastian and Fillip were moving into the room as well, and once all four of them were inside the door materialized, closing them in together.

  This whole situation was right, felt perfect, and she wasn’t about to take that away from herself. Never taking his eyes off of her, Viktor started to unlace the ties that held his leathers together. The other two Hades brothers moved to each side of the platform, their hands on their massively huge erections, and their eyes on her. Viktor pushed his leathers down his thighs, ones that were easily as thick as the trunks of a Nekalla tree. Corded muscles greeted her when she flicked her gaze over the three naked Hades males standing before her. These were her three warriors, her mates. The look on their faces, the pulsating heat emanating from them, and the way they held nothing back and showed her exactly that she was something special them. It was then, as they breathed like they had been running for miles, that she knew they wouldn’t let her go, and that she didn’t want to be let go.

  “Spread your thighs, female.” Savastian’s voice was a rough growl, and it sent a little tingle to the tips of her fingers and toes. Placing her feet flat on the bed she parted her thighs, and when she felt the cool air move along her pussy she stopped.

  Fillip moved forward, placed one knee on the bed and put his hands on her knees. Keeping eye contact with her he slowly pulled her legs further apart until her inner muscles protested.

  “When we say spread your thighs, we mean exactly that, female.” Fillip leaned down and claimed her lips with his. “You are not to hide this from us, because we want every inch of you,” he said against her mouth. While still holding her legs apart, he smoothed his hand down her inner thigh and ran his fingers through her pussy lips. Savastian reached out and gripped the back of her hair, tugging at the strands lightly. He tilted her head back, pulling her lips from Fillip’s, and kissed her hard, possessively, and like he was intoxicated on her.

  Her breasts were unrestrained, hanging loosely and rising and falling from her respirations. Savastian climbed on the bed now, too, and Viktor did the same until all three brothers were with her on the sleeping platform, their big, red, muscular bodies shadowing hers. She felt feminine, small and aroused just from the sight and smell of them. Savastian moved closer to her and rubbed the side of his stubble covered cheek along her neck at the same time Fillip kissed her harder, with more tongue and power behind the action. His lips were strong, and she felt his kiss everywhere, felt all of them everywhere. Hands grabbed her breasts, but her eyes were closed, and her body so lost in the hazy sensation of pleasure she couldn’t know who was doing the touching. It didn’t matter though, not when all three of them pleasured her like an expert.

  Fillip pushed her back on the bed, broke the kiss for a moment as he stroked his cock, and then Viktor had his mouth latched onto her breasts. She could see him move on the mound, sucking at the tip, and then lifting his gaze to stare at her as he did so. Viktor moved lower, leaving a trail of fiery heat and passion in his wake as he licked at her flesh, kissed and bit at her body, and finally stopped right at her pussy. He hovered there for a second, his warm breath fanning her flesh, moistening it, heating it.

  Viktor ran his tongue along her clit, sucked at the little bud until sparks of pleasure and pain filled her, and then she felt the nudge of Savastian’s cock by her mouth. She opened her mouth, engulfed his thick erection, and moaned out when Fillip dragged his tongue through her. There were so many sensations passing through her: Viktor sucking on her pussy, Savastian making her suck his cock, pushing more deeply into her mouth, and Fillip watching everything as he pleasured himself. Viktor pulled her labia apart and started attacking her pussy with a ferocity that shocked and pleased her.

  Savastian broke away and started trailing his lips down her collarbones, and suctioned his mouth around her nipple. She glanced down at what both brothers were doing to her body. Their red skin was a startling difference to her icy blue flesh. With a firm, almost painful grip Fillip turned her head so she was looking at him.

  “While my brother eats your pussy and the other
sucks on those gorgeous tits of yours, I’m going to fuck your mouth, and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it.” He stared into her eyes. He speared his hands in her hair, tugging on the strands hard enough to have a soft cry leave her, but then massaged the sting away. He might be chronologically younger than the other two Hades males, but he was just as fierce, just as strong and dominating.

  He ran the tip of his pre-cum covered cock over her lips, smeared her mouth with the slick fluid, and then pushed all the way into the cavern awaiting him. She felt like a stranger occupied her mind and body, having her feel this intensity that she couldn’t control, couldn’t even understand. Fillip fucked her mouth like he obviously wanted to do between her thighs: faster and hard, hitting the back of her throat until tears stung her eyes, and then pulling out only enough to smear more of his seed on her lips.

  Savastian and Viktor continued to erotically torture her body, licking and sucking at her, and bringing her to the precipice of completion before backing away and starting the whole process over. Viktor gripped her thighs, dug his fingers into her flesh, and groaned deeply against her swollen clit.

  “So wet and hot, sweet and all primed for us,” Viktor groaned against her pussy. The suckling he did to her clit was so intense, so powerful, that her climax rose swiftly to the surface. As if Fillip knew she was about to get off once more he pulled his dick from her mouth, grabbed her chin, and kissed her hard. Savastian took her nipple between his teeth and pulled the flesh taut. She exploded into a million pieces. She couldn’t cry out, not with her mouth hostage and her entire body frozen as pleasure consumed her.

  “That’s it, female.” Savastian palmed the breast he currently wasn’t sucking on and teased her other one. The three brothers wrung out her orgasm until there was nothing left for her to give, until she was begging them for mercy. But they were relentless in their pursuit to drain her dry. Finally they backed off at the same time, and the air whooshed into her lungs. She stared at the polished steel ceiling of the sleeping chamber, took in the plainness of the ship’s rooms, and realized that these brothers were ruthless and brutal, and not much for decorations or lavish property. This new environment was so different from what she was used to. The wealth that was flaunted everywhere on Sessinea, meant to show the other inhabitants of the planet that they had more than the others. The slaves were kept cleaned, wore more expensive attire, but when the doors were closed to the monstrously large homes that hovered in the sky, looking down upon the world that was flourishing with flora and fauna, but was ignored, the slaves were nothing but trash to be ordered around. Even in this moment of bliss she had shared with the brothers, she was thinking about the life that was now behind her. The bruises on her body from when she had been beaten for not working fast enough or just for the hell of it had faded, but in her mind she remembered the placement of each one.


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