Own Her

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Own Her Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  “My child is within you, Mekenna,” he said in a deep voice. She didn’t know, until they had told her once she was pregnant, that a Hades male could scent if the child was theirs, even before birth. She carried Savastian’s child, and once she had her baby, recovered, and enjoyed time with her men and child, she wanted to give the other two males a baby of their own. Having any child was a gift, but to think that she could have a whole cavern full of little winged warriors had her heart racing and her blood pumping with excitement.

  She stared at Viktor and Fillip as they watched her and Savastian. These small smiles were on their faces, and then they got to work on cleaning the meat for preservation. This was her life now, a sometimes scary and dangerous life, but one she would never change.


  Five years later

  Mekenna stood on the cliff of the Gebballa Mountain on Hades, watching with her heart in her throat, her hands clenched tightly in her shirt, and her breathing coming in fast pants.

  “Easy, my female. They are safe.”

  She stared at Savastian as he moved closer to her, pulled her to the hardness of his body, and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “This is going to give me an early death,” she whispered, and then gasped when her youngest little warrior, Malakai, started to plummet. But his father, Viktor, caught him, his grin wide, and they started to fly again. Fillip was with his son, Mathis, and her oldest, Gavriel, was in his father’s arms. She stared at Savastian, looked at how much her son look like his father, and reached up to take her five year old in her arms.

  Gavriel, her five-year-old little warrior, was already an experienced flyer, but Mathis and Malakai, only one and two and a half years of age, were still trying to get the hang of it.

  “Momma, can I go and show them how it’s done?” Gavriel asked, and Savastian laughed and ruffled her little boy’s dark hair.

  She kissed him on top of the head and smiled. “Yes, but be careful.” She set Gavriel on the ground, watched as his wings came out of his back, big and strong, dark and powerful. Even for only being five years of age, her little boy was very big, taking after his father and uncles. All of her sons took after their fathers, and although she did want more, and loved being a mother, right now her hands were definitely full. Savastian gave her a kiss on the lips, grinned widely, and she saw his wings sprout out of his back right before he flew with the others. They were only a few feet away from the ledge, but hundreds of feet above the rushing lava rivers below. The fire forest was close by, and her home, a cavern she shared with her warriors and sons, was deep within the ground. Although she knew that other Hades males made their homes high in the mountains of this planet, she liked the coolness the ground cavern provided. If she had been full human this heat would have bothered her, but because she was half Cellulion she could handle the heat, could handle hotter temperatures because her skin was made to withstand that. Even on Sessinea she was able to absorb the humid, and at times very intense, suns’ rays.

  “Momma, Momma, look,” Mathis said with a huge grin on his face. He was using his wings all on his own, able to stay in the air without any help from Viktor or Fillip. Malakai was still working with the males to stay in the air, and at only one he was doing a good job, but had a lot of learning to do. She could have cried at how fast her children were growing, at how much she was watching their lives take shape, and how they were coming into their skins and becoming little warriors. Their lighter red flesh and dark hair was all from their fathers, but they had her green eyes—all three of her sons did.

  Savastian flew back toward her, and before she knew what he was doing he had her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist. He dropped low, letting gravity take them down, plummeting and having this free-fall sensation fill her. Mekenna squealed as the sensation that she would fall to the ground surrounded her. Savastian chuckled deeply by her ear, and then he was flying back to the top of the mountain. Her smile covered her face, and she looked at her men and children as they flew together. Viktor and Fillip kept a hold on her two youngest as they tried and tried to stay in the air. The love she felt for these males and the children they had given her was enough to have emotion clogging her throat.

  Savastian set her back on the top of the ledge, smiled widely and flashed his straight, white teeth in amusement. She stayed there for the remainder of the day, watching her children and her males laugh and fly through the air like little acrobats. Who would have thought a slave born of a slave could be where she was, loved, a mother, and looking forward to a future? This was her home, her life, and she wouldn’t change it for anything.

  The End


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