Storm: The Empire Chronicles

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Storm: The Empire Chronicles Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Why did she run?” Levi raised an eyebrow.

  “She knew she was carrying your dad’s baby.” I blurted it out.

  “Uh, what?” Levi’s eyes bugged out. “Is that some sort of joke?”

  I cringed. “Ok, I win the idiot of the year award.”

  “Explain. Now.” Levi glared.

  I nodded, unable to do anything but explain. “Yes. Your dad and my mom. It was neither of their faults.” No reason to get him angry at the wrong person.

  “It was a witch’s doing.” Jared met Levi’s eye.

  “But magic doesn’t work on Pterons’ minds.” Levi shifted his weight from foot to foot. “My dad can be a complete ass, but he wouldn’t risk sleeping around. He could have lost the crown.”

  “She didn’t get into his mind. She blacked-him out a different way. This witch is powerful.” Jared’s eyes darkened.

  “So your sister is my half-sister? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Levi crossed his arms.

  I nodded. “Yes. I know it sounds out there, but it’s true.”

  Levi turned to Jared. “Is it?”

  Jared nodded. “Yes, but remember Robert loves Helen. This news doesn’t change that.” Jared’s voice softened.

  “That’s not my concern right now.” Levi turned to look at the house.

  “Got it.” Jared quickly dropped the subject.

  “All right, if we’re going to talk to my mom, we might as well ring the doorbell. I don’t want them calling the police if we try to break in.”

  “Should we be with you when you knock?” Jared asked.

  “Yes. I’m not the one who wants to do this, so I’m definitely not doing it alone.”

  “Your dad isn’t going to try to kill us, is he?” Levi ran a hand through his brown hair.

  I put a hand on my hip. “Are you really that worried about a bear attacking you?”

  “No, just trying to prepare myself.” He smiled.

  “Let’s do this thing.” I walked around toward the front of the house, hoping the guys would follow. At least they’d put their shirts back on. I’d like to say that my parents wouldn’t jump to conclusions if they saw me with two half-naked guys, but they would have. I had a bit of a reputation in my teens.

  I walked up the front steps with a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure the guys were with me. Once they were flanking me, I tentatively reached out and hit the doorbell. It was strange to ring the doorbell of my childhood home. I’d never been a visitor there before.

  Nothing happened at first. I wasn’t surprised since it was late enough they’d all be sleeping. I didn’t ring again. I wanted to give them some time. A moment later I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs and the door flew open.

  “Vera?” Chris’s eyes widened.

  “Hey, Dad. I’m home.” I took in his messy hair and his backwards t-shirt. He’d run downstairs in a hurry.

  “What?” He reached out a hand to me. It almost seemed like he hadn’t noticed the two 6 feet plus men standing with me. Then he abandoned my hand and pulled me against him. “It’s really you.”

  “It’s really me.” I wasn’t sure what to say or do. I knew so much now and had so many emotions running through me that I could barely think straight. I stepped back from his embrace.

  “Vera’s home?” Mom ran down the stairs with Casey on her heels.

  My eyes locked with my sister’s. Casey was there. She was ok. I sighed with relief.

  “What? You’re back?” Mom asked several questions at once as she hastily tied the belt on her pink cotton bathrobe.

  “Yeah. I'm here.” I smiled sheepishly.

  She pulled me into a near bone crunching hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Her words were mumbled against me.

  “I missed you too, Mom.” I reluctantly let go.

  "Who are they?" Casey pointed to the guys. Of course the first words she’d utter to me would be about them. She was an eighteen-year-old after all.

  "Some friends." It was the simplest explanation.

  "Please tell your friends to wait outside. We all need to talk." Mom blinked back tears.

  I shook my head. "They need to talk too."

  "Whatever it is they want to say can wait." Chris crossed his arms.

  "That one is Levi Laurent." I pointed to Levi. I hadn’t wanted to pull the royalty card, but I didn’t have another choice. Leaving the Pterons outside wasn’t going to work.

  "What did you say?" Mom leaned forward.

  "You heard me right. He’s heir to The Society throne." I didn’t want to be argumentative with my parents, but I had no choice.

  "The Society?" Mom made a sorry attempt at acting confused.

  "Don't bother. I know you know. I know who and what you are."

  "I am sorry for intruding at this late hour, but would it be possible for us to come in?" Levi turned on more of an accent. Did he think his southern charm was going to change anything?

  "Yes." Mom stepped away from the doorway. “Please, come in.”

  Chris grunted something, but stepped back. I guess even he wasn’t going to mess with Levi. The guys stepped inside, and Jared carefully closed the door behind them.

  I tried to alleviate the tension with Casey. "Hey sis, how are you?"

  “How am I?” She crossed her arms, holding on to each elbow with her hands. “That’s all you’re going to say to me?”

  “I wish I could say more, but I have to talk to Mom first.” I wanted to tell Casey everything. I wanted to make her understand I’d never meant to hurt her, but I couldn’t do that yet. I needed to try to get my mom to believe me first.

  My mom nodded. “Yes, we need to talk.”

  “You need to talk to me too.” Casey gritted her teeth. “You left me.”

  “I thought I was doing the right thing.” And it had been a much harder decision to make than I’d let on. Leaving Casey behind had been one of the hardest things I’d ever done.

  “You weren’t.” Her face was completely serious, and her eyes were full of hurt.

  “I know.” There was nothing else I could say yet. “And I will talk to you, but I need to talk to mom alone first.”

  “And that’s fine.” Mom nodded. “Everyone else can wait.”

  “I have every right to talk to her too.” Chris’s words sounded innocent enough, but knowing he wasn’t my biological dad gave more meaning to them. He was claiming a right to me.

  “I want to talk to you too, Dad, but I need Mom.” I didn’t feel great about excluding him from the conversation, but I couldn’t talk in front of Casey, and I knew there was no way they’d leave her alone with the guys.

  “We won’t be long.” Mom gestured for me to follow her upstairs.

  I waited until she’d closed the door to her bedroom behind her to start talking. “I don’t really know where to begin.”

  “Are you hurt?” She watched me with an unflinching stare.

  “No.” I was, but not in ways she was going to be able to fix. I’d have to take care of that myself.

  She pulled me into another hug. Tears fell from my eyes in an endless cascade. I’d just seen her, but for some reason that didn’t make this reunion any easier. If anything it made it harder, because I knew she’d end up in danger. Our trouble was only beginning. I wanted to change things, but I couldn’t. All I could do was focus on protecting Casey and trying to get rid of the veil.

  “You were right about Murphy.” That hadn’t been important to say when I saw her on Norco, but somehow it felt more important now. Maybe it was because my latest dream had been so realistic or because he’d threatened to take Casey, but she needed to know she was right. I was wrong.

  “You know what you are.”

  “I know who I am.” I wondered if she’d understand what I was saying. I was more than just an Ursus. I was the heir to Norco. The daughter of Gareth.

  “There is so much more you still need to learn.”

  “Would you believe me if I swore on my
life I’m telling you the truth?” I hoped my eyes and words conveyed how important her answer was.

  “I’d try.”

  I swallowed hard. “I’ve been to Norco.”

  Her mouth fell open. “When?”

  “It hasn’t happened yet.”

  “Why are you talking in gibberish?” She looked perplexed.

  “Because I’m kind of back in time.”


  “Jared, the guy downstairs, his mom’s a witch. Somehow he created a veil, and we’re here. It’s all messed up, but I swear it’s real. It all happened right after we left the island. You and Gareth were—”

  “Gareth? You remember your… him?” She reached out her hand as if to touch me, but then she dropped it.

  “I don’t remember him from being a child, but I know him now.”

  “There is no way you could have been there—”

  “I have been. I’ve met Gareth. I know about Daria and Madoc. I’ve had dinner at Viso. I know Norco. I know my name at birth was Astrella.”

  “Astrella.” She said the name softly.

  “Please.” I grabbed her arms. “You have to believe me. I was there. I met everyone. I went through a Petere ceremony.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened.

  “I chose Jared.”

  “Wait. You said his mom is a witch, but why is he with Leviathan?”

  “Jared’s a Pteron. And for future reference he goes by Levi not Leviathan.”

  “There is no way you would have been allowed to choose a Pteron.”

  “Gareth is fine with it. He knows Jared is strong, and I think Gareth wants him to try the Origin Crystals and—”

  “What?” Her eyes widened. “What are you talking about?” She attempted to turn her surprise into confusion, but it didn’t work on me.

  “Don’t pretend, Mom. I know all about the crystals and the cave. I think the crystals may have been part of how Jared made the veil. But it’s a long story.”

  “Why would you be back in time?”

  “We don’t know. There has to be a reason we’re here, but now he can’t get us back to reality. We’ve screwed up so much. Like me leaving Murphy, and now he’s after Casey—”

  “What?” Mom froze.

  “That’s the main reason we’re at your house.”

  “What’s the other?” She wrapped her hand around her neck.

  “I know you have talents. Maybe you can help us? Maybe you can help us understand why we’re here, and how to erase this veil and go home?”

  She ignored me. “What did Norco look like?”

  “You don’t believe me?” Her disbelief hurt more than I expected.

  “Please. I want to.”

  “You want proof?” I started out of the room.

  “Don’t leave!” She yelled after me.

  “I’m not leaving, I’m getting someone else.” I walked down to the landing of the stairs. “Jared can you come up here for a minute”

  "More secrets?" Casey glowered.

  "Trust me. You aren't ready to hear all this." It would be far too much at once.

  "I'm not a little kid anymore. Stop treating me like one.” She walked to the bottom of the stairs. "You've been gone."

  "This has nothing to do with your age."

  "Then what does it have to do with?" She took two steps up.

  "Things you'd never believe."

  "Yeah. I'm sure." She rolled her eyes.

  "You really want to know?"

  "Vera," mom warned from beside me. "She can't handle all that information at once."

  "All what information?" Chris appeared around the corner.

  "Jared, go tell my mom all about Norco."

  He nodded and started up the steps, carefully moving around Casey.

  "Norco?" Casey's forehead furrowed.

  "You're going to need to sit down for this." And even that wasn’t going to help.

  "Don't tell her without me." Mom touched my arm.

  "Why not?” I turned to her. “I found out on my own."

  "You are older."

  "Do I need to say it again?” Casey reached the landing. It was crowded with four of us now. “I'm not a baby."

  "This isn’t about your age." It had to do with experience and knowledge. Both were things she lacked right now.

  "Maybe we should show her. She might pass out, but at least she'll have to believe it." Levi decided to join our party on the stairs.

  "You should also probably tell her you are related before you take your shirt off. You don't want her having any weird feelings.” The whole situation was messed up already.

  "Uh, why would we be related?" Casey looked between Levi and me for an answer.

  "Yes, Vera. Why would they be related?" Chris started up the stairs.

  “I know everything, Dad.” I forced myself to meet his eyes. “Everything.”

  “You don’t know as much as you think you do.” His voice didn’t waver.

  “I’ve met Gareth.” I locked eyes with him again.

  He paled.

  “You’ll always be my dad. I decided that the moment I found out, but it doesn’t change who my father is.”

  “Excuse me?” Casey held onto the wall. “What the heck are you all talking about?”

  “You have a different dad. Mine.” Levi pointed to his chest. “At least that’s what they’ve told me.”

  “Uh, what?” Casey looked about ready to pass out.

  “Hence why your sister said I should warn you we’re related. They claim I’m your half-brother.” He smiled. “This is all news to me too.”

  “Someone had better explain what’s going on here.” Casey put a hand on her hip.

  “I like Vera’s idea.” Levi pulled off his shirt and stepped back downstairs to the lower level.

  “Don’t do that in here.” Chris’ warning was lost before Levi released his wings, and Casey completely passed out.



  I waited awkwardly in the living room. I’d tried to help Casey, but Vera and her mother, Taliana, had forced me away. I could tell Vera felt bad for the shock caused by her suggestion.

  Instead I stood there waiting while Chris stared both Levi and me down. Levi eventually got tired of it and walked outside. I would have joined him if not for Vera. I didn’t want her to feel like I was abandoning her.

  “Vera wasn’t lying. You’ll always be her dad. And Casey’s. That doesn’t change.” I had to say something even if Chris didn’t want to listen. He looked like a man who’d been kicked in the groin. My guess was he felt worse. He’d dedicated eighteen years to raising other men’s daughters as his own, and now the secret was out. I couldn’t stand watching him suffer.

  “Shut up.” Chris scowled.

  “They were going to find out eventually. Both of them.” And at least the first time around they’d taken it remarkably well. It’s amazing how resilient they were. Unfortunately this time was far more dramatic for Casey. Maybe it’s because it happened more naturally the first time around, at least on my end, and I wasn’t so involved. I wasn’t the one who had to show Casey that the world wasn’t as simple as she thought it was. Even though I’d been there when Vera faced her mom, it was so much harder watching it unfold in her living room.

  “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but my girls are none of your business.” Chris stepped toward me.

  “Actually they are.” Especially Vera. She was definitely my business. Of the utmost importance.

  “She’s using you. I love Vera with all my heart, but she doesn’t know what a real relationship is.” He looked up toward the landing where all the women were standing.

  “She learns.” I spoke out loud without thinking.

  “Why are you talking like that?” His forehead wrinkled.

  I walked around toward the foot of the stairs so I could check on the girls. I was feeling useless.

  Vera stood up from her spot next to Casey. “Because we’re tra
veling back in time.”

  “Vera, that’s enough,” Taliana warned.

  “It’s not enough because it’s the truth. That’s how I know about Gareth. If you call him I can assure you he has no idea who any Vera is, and he’s never met me. Yet I can tell you everything about the island.”

  “And the Pesco. That stuff is good.” I tried to lighten the mood. By the looks I got in return, it hadn’t worked.

  Chris looked at Taliana. “When did you tell them?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t.”

  I let out a deep breath. “I’m not sure I’m ready to go through this discussion again.”

  Vera grunted. “Let’s not forget you and Levi were the ones who suggested we wake up my parents. I was all about grabbing Casey and running.”

  “What?” Casey sat up.

  “And that’s what wakes her up.” I laughed. “She’s still Casey.”

  “I’m still me?” She glared. “You don’t know me.”

  “I do. Very well.” I didn’t particularly want to think or discuss how well I did. I wouldn’t call what happened between us a mistake, but my reaction afterward was. I’d treated her horribly, and I’d never fully forgive myself for it.

  “In ways we won’t discuss.” Vera jumped in. “All you need to know is Jared is with me. Your Pteron is currently getting back with his ex, who’s supposed to be with Levi. Jared and I screwed up a lot with this time veil.” She looked around at the confused expressions on her family’s faces. “I’d explain more, but well, I can’t. Anyway, we need to find Toby, that’s your guy, and Allie, that’s Levi’s mate, and fix all this. We also have to keep Murphy away from you. He’s probably on his way to find you already.”

  “Why would Murphy need to find me? Is he mad about what happened with Finn or something?” Casey watched Vera carefully.

  “What happened with Finn?” Chris’s face darkened. “What did he do to you?”

  “Did you say a time veil?” Taliana asked, wisely cutting off any discussion of Murphy’s younger brother, Finn. That wasn’t going to help matters.

  “Yes. I have no idea how, but did Vera tell you about the crystals?” I asked.

  “The crystals?” Chris’s mouth fell open. “They know about them too?”


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